Conlang fluency thread

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doctor shark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

kèthá’i setsàme pjé’ájfú níne lusànbokolulé ngájhuj tsè
person-PROX-TOP new-work-SUBJ month-couple-after start-OBJ Luxembourg-country-LOC to have-FUT.DEF DECL

I will start my new job in Luxembourg in two months.
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aka vampireshark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

  • falafels (coll.), falaafil
  • some (coll.), nuut'a
  • dinner, leexan
  • delicious, namza
Yooridimya nuut'a falaafilit leexan
eat-DAT-AGT.1.S-PAT.3.P.INAN some falafels-GEN dinner
I ate some falafels for dinner.

Tagu ga namzalaa
They were delicious.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by xxx »

kèthá’i setsàme pjé’ájfú níne lusànbokolulé ngájhuj tsè
(me not knowing things acted soon by you...)
what your job will be...
Yooridimya nuut'a falaafilit leexan
(this food liked by me...)
I like it...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

Mé dámjãlmáfjácjerqãlýzyjemelre fjácjerqãqỹmaqã trávãtadeq.
1 nation-DEF-GEN-research-BEN-school-DEF-DAT research-BEN-artisan-BEN work-ACC-perform-FUT

[ˈmeː ˈdaːmʲjɐ̃ɫmaːˌfʲjaɕjeɾt͡ʃɐ̃ˌl̪iːt͡sijemel̪ɾe ˈfʲjaɕjeɾt͡ʃɐ̃ˌt͡ʃĩmat͡ʃɐ̃ ˈtɾaːʋɐ̃t̪aˌdet͡ʃ]
I'll be working as a researcher at the university.

Trjatamátlénelyc y cjékartapek, dá mémájárgel y Evrapajmázectelda fjácjerqãhamjárta Ljéksembargyc peq.
February-inside one notice-ACC-receive-PST | that 1-GEN-project-DEF one Europe-GEN-union-DEF-from research-BEN-grant-ACC Luxembourg-inside receive-FUT

[ˈtʲɾʲjatamaːt͉ˌleːneliʃ ˈi͜ ɕjeːkaɾtaˌpek | daː ˈmeːmaːˌjaːɾgel̪ ˈi͜ jeʋɾapajmʲaːˌt͡seʃtel̪da ˈfʲjaɕjeɾt͡ʃɐ̃hˌamʲjaːɾt̪a ˈʎeːksembaɾgiʃ ˈpet͡ʃ]
In February, I received word that I'll be getting a grant from the European Union to do a research project in Luxembourg.

Múmótróvõl vódomójócohukótol vódomóskjovólhukol filtótqucq.
1-GEN-work-DEF water-GEN-crystal-with-IND.PL-and water-GEN-shield-with-and fiber-DEF-ACC-IND.PL-make-FUT.INDEF

[ˈmɯːmɔːˌt̪ɾɔːʋɔ̃ɫ ˈʋɔːdomɔːˌjɔːʃɔhɯkɔːtɔɫ ˈʋɔːdomɔːsʲcɔʋɔːɫhɯkɔɫ ˈfɨɫtɔːˌt͡ʃɯʃt͡ʃ]
It'll be on making fibers with liquid crystals and liquid armor.
aka vampireshark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by xxx »

(good to have taken activity indicated by mind...)
it's good to see your projects come to fruition...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

doctor shark wrote: Wed Jun 19, 2024 2:58 amIt'll be on making fibers with liquid crystals and liquid armor.
Mi in cende a wo dis min, oba it son kul.
I don't know what that means, but it sounds cool.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

  • cool, neat, cille
Nawiqa t'a qona ma cille!
That seems neat!
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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doctor shark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

È une tașitir zeru șuito, și sèie fișto per luo comensare. Locatissir asse un domiã èo Lussemburgo... mè atande çe se slujebenu dei ressorsi omniloi me donna șe fulièsse ultime per mièin demanda d'atorite domișilor!
be.3.PRS one-M project very nice.M and be.1.PRS ready for 3.ACC begin.INF || find.1.PST also one-F home at-M Luxembourg but wait.1.PRS that DEF.M service of-M.PL resource.PL human.GEN.PL 1.ACC give.3.PRS.SBJV DEF.F.PL paper.PL final.F.PL for 1.GEN.F request of-permission residence.GEN.M

[ɛ ˈunɛ taˈʃitir ˈzeɾu ˈʃɥito ʃi səˈjɛ ˈfiʃto per luo̯ koˈmensaɾɛ || loˈkatisːir ˈasːe un doˈmjɐ̃ ø lusːemˈbuɾgo | mɛ aˈtandɛ t͡ʃɛ sɛ sluʒeˈbenu dej resːoɾsi omˈniloj me ˈdonːɐ ʃɛ ˈfuljəsːɛ ulˈtimɛ pɛɾ mjɛjn deˈmandɐ datoˈɾitɛ domiˈʃilor] (Standard)
[ˈjunᵊ taˈʃitir ˈzeɾu ˈɕitə ʃɨ sjɛ ˈfiʃtə per luo̯ kəˈmɛ̃səɾɛ || ləˈkatɨsːir ˈasːe ʊ̃n͜ dəˈmjɐ̃ jə͜ lʊsːemˈbuɾɣə | mj͜ aˈtãdɨ t͡ʃɛ͜ sɨ slʊʒɨˈbɛ̃nu zi rəˈsːoɾsj͜ ɔ̃ˈniloj mə ˈdɔ̃nɐ ʃɛ ˈfujəsː ʊlˈtʲim pɛɾ mjɛ̃n͜ deˈmɐ̃dɐ datəˈɾitɛ dəmiˈʃilor] (SE Dialect)
It's a very cool project that I'm eager to start. I've also found a place to live in Luxembourg... but I"m still waiting for the last documents from the HR to apply for my residence authorization!
aka vampireshark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

  • inspire, yokki
  • Romanian, romana
Yokkiqamila fad'aa romanata qon?
inspire-AGT.3.S.INAN-INV-Q language-ERG Romanian-GEN-ERG DIST.S.INAN
Is that inspired by Romanian?
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by xxx »

(a thing explaining words from other countries, this thing naming words from you and giving words from land of food round and red and white and green......)
google translate says it's Italian...
It's a simple touch, and I'm ready to comment on it. Locating a home in Luxembourg... I also know that all my wife's resources are for me the last requested by the authority of the home!
Last edited by xxx on Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by WeepingElf »

Travis B. wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:36 am
  • inspire, yokki
  • Romanian, romana
Yokkiqamila fad'aa romanata qon?
inspire-AGT.3.S.INAN-INV-Q language-ERG Romanian-GEN-ERG DIST.S.INAN
Is that inspired by Romanian?
Isi, minimi.
be-3SG:P.PRS think-3SG:P-1SG:A.PRS
It is, I think.
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doctor shark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

WeepingElf wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 4:16 pm
Travis B. wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:36 am
  • inspire, yokki
  • Romanian, romana
Yokkiqamila fad'aa romanata qon?
inspire-AGT.3.S.INAN-INV-Q language-ERG Romanian-GEN-ERG DIST.S.INAN
Is that inspired by Romanian?
Isi, minimi.
be-3SG:P.PRS think-3SG:P-1SG:A.PRS
It is, I think.
Oc, è une limbar ci locata lèie inspirasione dei limbai roumanir, lusitonir, françir, și italiar. Mè n'è se primo fuale çe scributaie mit se limbar-çi...
yes | be.3.PRS one.M language who find.3.PRS 3.GEN.F.PL inspiration.PL of.M.PL language.PL Romania.GEN.M Portugal.GEN.M France.GEN.M and Italy.GEN.M || but NEG-be.3.PRS the.M first.M occasion that write.1.PRS.SBJV with the language-PROX

Yes, it's inspired by Romanian, Portuguese, French, and Italian. But this isn't the first time I'm writing with this language...
aka vampireshark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by xxx »

(everything now is soiled by rain containing African soil...)
once again a rain of mud has dirtied everything...
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

doctor shark wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:52 am But this isn't the first time I'm writing with this language...
  • money (mass), fiika
Leecac'am qo fiikana.
see-LOC-AGT.1.S PROX.S.INAN money-POSS.2.S
I have seen it on your money.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Travis B.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

doctor shark wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:52 am Oc, è une limbar ci locata lèie inspirasione dei limbai roumanir, lusitonir, françir, și italiar. Mè n'è se primo fuale çe scributaie mit se limbar-çi...
Ximaaraaqayemam qoo ha yokkiqam fad'aa romanata qon.
This is what makes me think this was inspired by Romanian.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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doctor shark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by doctor shark »

Travis B. wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:47 pm Leecac'am qo fiikana.
see-LOC-AGT.1.S PROX.S.INAN money-POSS.2.S
I have seen it on your money.
Mutitai di mièii limbai baututi furãt creiduti per èle biliète și èli pizi pavare.
many.M.PL of 1.GEN.M.PL language.PL construct.PST.PART.M.PL be.3.PST create.PST.PART.M.PL for at.DEF.F.PL banknote.PL and at.DEF.M.PL coin.PL appear.INF

Many of my conlangs were made to appear on coins and banknotes.
Travis B. wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 9:16 pm Ximaaraaqayemam qoo ha yokkiqam fad'aa romanata qon.
This is what makes me think this was inspired by Romanian.
Lè sãt andae inspirasione çe vua podire entèredi mièii frasi vare. Mè, oc, fir se limbar-çi cã ave nuoçe anațe și luo ame atanteu per èt luo pendãta çinçe anațe bautare, ahè...
There are definitely other inspirations you can probably see. But, yeah, I first designed this language when I was nineteen and have liked it enough to keep working on it for 15 years, so...
aka vampireshark
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by Travis B. »

doctor shark wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:12 am Lè sãt andae inspirasione çe vua podire entèredi mièii frasi vare. Mè, oc, fir se limbar-çi cã ave nuoçe anațe și luo ame atanteu per èt luo pendãta çinçe anațe bautare, ahè...
There are definitely other inspirations you can probably see. But, yeah, I first designed this language when I was nineteen and have liked it enough to keep working on it for 15 years, so...
  • case, kas
  • genitive, jenitif
  • Romance, romanca
  • for example (adv.), kamme
Ta kamme qo fad'a romancat gaxaa kas jenitifit.
COP for_example PROX.S.INAN language Romance-GEN exist-COM case genitive-GEN
For example, it is a Romance language with a genitive case.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by masako »

taku kamyo masin tenkapua
Their brother has repaired the door frame.
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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Pwaya wik mi mek ahcip rong rong. Mi ray nasti tweet pon resis man, oba im pikop an fwonwa tweet don fah ray-wing trol, an folong mi di af dosm-dem ras resis an fah ray-wing man ansa bol an kohs. Olso, dis ya de, it co nof a dem i-mel fo-mi jop kompanyi (mi in no-nem pon Twitter, an mi nem a kway wan wan an mi de atan pon LinkedIn), an fo-mi bos in pleja.

Last week I made a grave error. I wrote a nasty tweet to a racist, but it was picked-up and retweeted by a far-right troll, and soon I got dozens of furious racist and far-right people shouting and name-calling. On top of that, today I learned that a bunch of them e-mailed the company I work for (I'm not anonymous on Twitter, and my name is quite unique and I'm present on LinkedIn), and my boss wasn't amused.

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Re: Conlang fluency thread

Post by jal »

Travis B. wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 8:34 amCOP for_example PROX.S.INAN language Romance-GEN exist-COM case genitive-GEN
Mi won "jenatif" af jenatif :D.
I like that "genitive" has a genetive :D.

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