Conlang fluency thread
Re: Conlang fluency thread
(sky not having given water and traversed by the sun warming up now...)
after the rain the sun came out...
(sky not having given water and traversed by the sun warming up now...)
after the rain the sun came out...
Re: Conlang fluency thread
[bɑˈʁɑkijɐ kɐˈɾijoʎɐ ˈiɲcʎeʃe ˈsuːçe mɛːf χulː jæd ˈcʼiːbrjɐ eˈkɑʎrjɐ rɑj fɐˈɾɑŋk]
[bɑʁɑqijæ kɑrijulæ inklisi suːhi mæjf χull jæd kʼiːbrjɑ ikɑlrjɑ rɑj fɑrɑnk/
Bagaqiye kariyule inklisi suuhi meyf xull yed k'iibrya ikalrya ray farank?
ba=ga=qi-ye kariyul-e inglis-i suuhi meyf xull yed k'iibr-ya i-kalr-ya ray farank?
SUBJ.3.S.M.INAN=3.P.F.INAN=COM-EXIST.IPFV creole-CONST English-GEN sound soft round ADE word-P.M PART-borrow.PFV-P.M ABL French
An English creole with rounded front vowels outside of loans from French?
Last edited by Travis B. on Mon Mar 17, 2025 5:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Ye. /wi/ ina Karibyan Inggles kweol-dem a mos tok [ɥi], an ina Sajiwan, dis tahn [ɥi] -> [yj] -> [yː]. Sem bo /we/ -> [ø].
Yes. /wi/ in Caribbean English Creoles is pronounced [ɥi], and in Sajiwan, this became [ɥi] -> [yj] -> [yː]. The same with /we/ -> [ø].
Re: Conlang fluency thread
[ˈbɑçɐχɐ ˈtʼɑmːe]
/bɑhæχɑ tʼɑmmi/
Bahexa t'ammi.
ba=hexa t'ammi
That makes sense.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Conlang fluency thread
[jeˈkʼɑːmnɐβɐ ˈtʼɑmːɐ kɐɾejoʎeˈjæː ˈiɲcʎeʃe kɐɾeˈβijɐɲe]
/jikʼɑːmnɑbæ tʼɑmmæ kɑrijulijæː inklisi kɑribijɑni/
Yik'aamnabe t'amme kariyuliyee inklisi karibiyani.
yi-k'aam=na=be t'amm-e kariyul-i-yee inklis-i karibiyan-i
NEG-know=SUBJ.1.S=OBJ.3.S.M.INAN MED.S.INAN-CONST creole-GEN-M.P.CONST English-GEN Caribbean-GEN
I did not know that about Caribbean English creoles.
/jikʼɑːmnɑbæ tʼɑmmæ kɑrijulijæː inklisi kɑribijɑni/
Yik'aamnabe t'amme kariyuliyee inklisi karibiyani.
yi-k'aam=na=be t'amm-e kariyul-i-yee inklis-i karibiyan-i
NEG-know=SUBJ.1.S=OBJ.3.S.M.INAN MED.S.INAN-CONST creole-GEN-M.P.CONST English-GEN Caribbean-GEN
I did not know that about Caribbean English creoles.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Conlang fluency thread
(sky black last having seen land very heard and moving under feet of me...)
last night the ground rumbled and shifted beneath my feet...
(sky black last having seen land very heard and moving under feet of me...)
last night the ground rumbled and shifted beneath my feet...
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Suʼ bsilsoŋŋun!
s-uʼ b-si-ls·oŋ·ŋun
ACC-report 1s-PFV-see
I saw the news!
Syaʼlsemun nombsilsoŋŋun Imralu tosifoŋi sera.
∅-syaʼ-lse·mun non-b-si-ls·oŋ·ŋun Imralu to-si-f·oŋ-i sera
ACC-wind-PRT·shake there.ANA-1s-PFV-see Imralu also
In the news I also saw the cyclone Imralu was in.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices
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Software: See
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Re: Conlang fluency thread
Ainun wistucun torman*) Imralu nómunatan ennun munnerun.

one-M.SG.ACC moment-SG.ACC storm-SG.ACC Imralu name-PARTC.PAST.PASS.M.SG.ACC be-INF think-PAST.INACT.1SG
For one moment I thought a cyclone had been named "Imralu".

*) There is no specific word for "cyclone" in Tautisca.
(I hope Imralu is safe?)
Re: Conlang fluency thread
[ɣɛˈjiʎɐkʼe lɐˈɾiːtjɐ eˈʒɛːjɲjɐ ˈtsʼæçe dɔː ɐmɐɾeˈkɑn]
/ʁæjjilæqʼi lɑriːtjɑ izæːjnjɑ tʼæhi dɑw ɑmærikɑn/
Geyyileq'i lariitya izeeynya t'ehi daw Amerikan.
gey=yi-leq'-i lariit-ya i-zeeyn-ya t'e=hi daw Amerika-n
Sports teams aren't named that in America.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Nos fwe ‘Alfred’.
[nos.fwe ‘Alfred’]
nos fw·e ‘Alfred’
that.ANA called ‘Alfred’
This one was called ‘Alfred’.
Noŋo sEŋes foŋ sera.*) There is no specific word for "cyclone" in Tautisca.
[no.ŋo se.ŋesˈfoŋ.se.ra]
no-ŋo s-Eŋes f·oŋ sera
something.NEG-FOC.NEG ACC-Eŋes also
Nor in Eŋes.
(The term I used earlier, syaʼlsemun, translates literally as ‘shaking wind’. It’s probably lexicalised though.)
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices
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Software: See
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Re: Conlang fluency thread
(me saying maybe wind moving rapidly in a spiral shape...)
I could say, in 3SDL, whirling wind...
(me saying maybe wind moving rapidly in a spiral shape...)
I could say, in 3SDL, whirling wind...
Re: Conlang fluency thread
[ˈmæːɾɐnɐ ɲeˈlɑkʼetse lɐˈɾiːtɐ eˈʒɛːjnɐ çi ˈʃiːklon ˈimrɐlo]
/mæːrɑnɑ nilɑqʼiti lɑriːtɑ izæːjnɑ hi siːklun imralu/
Meerana nilaq'iti lariita izeeyna hi "Cyclone Imralu".
meera=na ni=laq'-i=ti lariit-a i-zeeyn-a hi "Cyclone Imralu"
believe=SUBJ.1.S COMP=SUBJ.3.S.M.ANIM=name.PFV-PASS team-ERG PART-play.IPFV-ERG ESS "Cyclone Imralu"
I thought the sports team was named "Cyclone Imralu".
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Nai ze nembwe.hwhatting wrote: ↑Wed Mar 19, 2025 1:24 pmAinun wistucun torman*) Imralu nómunatan ennun munnerun.
one-M.SG.ACC moment-SG.ACC storm-SG.ACC Imralu name-PARTC.PAST.PASS.M.SG.ACC be-INF think-PAST.INACT.1SG
For one moment I thought a cyclone had been named "Imralu".
*) There is no specific word for "cyclone" in Tautisca.
(I hope Imralu is safe?)
1S=COP NEGᴱ endangeredᴱ
I'm safe.
Ha ze do, nai zyeu zwomba hyundwo u ngai dzedwa.
Q NEGᴱ TOP | 1S=COP cause=sit doorway balcony SIT GEN.1S=COP closedᴱ
If not, I'll close my balcony door.
Ngini dyei ngi wi wizi gwa.
storm roundᴱ=COP event SIT=COP last.week twoᴱ
The cyclone happened two weeks ago.
Zei bahe vye dyi ye bya u ndzwai cyclone gwe hurricane gwe typhoon.
NEGᴱ=COP needᴬ GEN.PLᴱ word ATTR differentᴱ SIT meaning=COP [cyclone] and [hurricane] and [typhoon]
Different words for "cyclone", "hurricane" and "typhoon" are unnecessary
Nibya dyii bava ze ne bahe.
difference word=COP utterᴱ NEGᴱ undergoᴬ needᴬ
The distinction is completely unneeded.
Dwei zu u lyui myegi bya.
3P=COP sameᴱ SIT location=COP mereᴱ differentᴱ
They're the same thing, just in different places.
Transitive "shake" or intransitive? Like, wind that shakes things, or wind that shakes (itself)? The former makes sense to me. The latter, not really. English's obsession with labile verbs annoys me sometimes.
Do nggonii ma?
then tornado=COP what
Then what would you call a tornado?
Va wanai Imralu.Travis B. wrote: ↑Thu Mar 20, 2025 6:09 pm[ˈmæːɾɐnɐ ɲeˈlɑkʼetse lɐˈɾiːtɐ eˈʒɛːjnɐ çi ˈʃiːklon ˈimrɐlo]
/mæːrɑnɑ nilɑqʼiti lɑriːtɑ izæːjnɑ hi siːklun imralu/
Meerana nilaq'iti lariita izeeyna hi "Cyclone Imralu".
meera=na ni=laq'-i=ti lariit-a i-zeeyn-a hi "Cyclone Imralu"
believe=SUBJ.1.S COMP=SUBJ.3.S.M.ANIM=name.PFV-PASS team-ERG PART-play.IPFV-ERG ESS "Cyclone Imralu"
I thought the sports team was named "Cyclone Imralu".
allᴱ 1P.INC=COP [Imralu]
We are all Imralu.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = (non-)specific, ᴬ/ₐ = agent, ᴱ/ₑ = entity (person, animal, thing).
Re: Conlang fluency thread
mun is intransitive. Transitive would be wamun, but that’s even less appropriate since syaʼlsewamun could only mean ‘wind which is shaken’. Eŋes doesn’t really have active participles — I’ll have to come up with a better word…
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Re: Conlang fluency thread
(me not knowing and not having seen this two...)
I don't know the difference between the two, I've never seen one...
cĀô=ìëK Y=R[[^=S․JJdìë\wSÚ
(my position now traversed by a wind running through seventy five movement of foot and heard by one beat of heart...)
the wind is now blowing at 80 km/h...
- /nɒtɛndəduːd/
- Posts: 48
- Joined: Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:47 pm
- Location: not here
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Mizid, té váng ‘añ hëríkän’ u ‘añ sáikëlon’ u ‘añ táifun’ gúozhye śov̇ëv ĉaih o omëráxxx wrote: ↑Fri Mar 21, 2025 12:11 pmc·zêòJ^êòI]Q
(me not knowing and not having seen this two...)
I don't know the difference between the two, I've never seen one...
cĀô=ìëK Y=R[[^=S․dìë\wSÚ
(my position now traversed by a wind running through seventy five movement of foot heard by one beat of heart...)
the wind is now blowing at 80 km/h...
(apparently, titled ‘hurricanes’ or ‘cyclones’ or ‘typhoons’ because location of earth)
Apparently, they’re called hurricanes, cyclones, or typhoons based on where in the world they came from
So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. Genesis 11: 8-9a (NIV)
So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. Genesis 11: 8-9a (NIV)
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Ngoi mwe vwe mbya vavu nggoni.
person=COP ableᴱ seeᴬ GEN.oneᴱ entireᴱ tornado
A person can see an entire tornado.
Bulwo davyo u zywei a li u lu go dini mita gwe bi u lu go giwe kilamita.
range wide SIT GEN.3P=COP CNJ beginᴬ SIT LOCᴱ similarᴱ tenᴱ metre and ceaseᴬ SIT LOCᴱ similarᴱ a.few kilometre
Their diameters range from about 10 metres to a few kilometres.
Bo vwe vavu ngini dyei he zozwi lyuze.
wantᴬ seeᴬ entireᴱ storm roundᴱ=COP JUSᴱ go.upᴬ
Someone who wants to see an entire cyclone/typhoon/hurricane would need to go to space.
Dwei ba da u gii bumbara.
3P=COP extremeᴱ largeᴱ SIT mildᴱ=COP city
They're bigger than cities.
Ngini dyei mwe nemi ngini ngga.
storm roundᴱ=COP ableᴱ containᴬ storm noise
A tropical cyclone can contain thunderstorms.
Ngini nggai mwe nemi nggoni.
storm noise=COP ableᴱ containᴬ tornado
Thunderstorms can contain tornadoes.
Dozye ngini dyei mwe nemi nggoni, mye nggonii ze mwe nemi ngini dye.
thus storm roundᴱ=COP ableᴱ containᴬ tornado | but tornado=COP NEGᴱ ableᴱ containᴬ storm round
Therefore, a tropical cyclone can contain tornadoes, but a tornado cannot contain tropical cyclones.
He mbo ze nembwe!
JUSᴱ remainᴬ NEGᴱ endangeredᴱ
Stay safe!
Bislama: bigwin "big wind".
Fijian: cagilaba [ˌða.ŋi.ˈ] "murder wind", from cagi "wind" and laba "murder".
Quechua: hatun pillunkuy "big vortex".
Ndwa u byoi ngini dye, mye nggonii bya./nɒtɛndəduːd/ wrote: ↑Fri Mar 21, 2025 1:38 pmMizid, té váng ‘añ hëríkän’ u ‘añ sáikëlon’ u ‘añ táifun’ gúozhye śov̇ëv ĉaih o omërá
(apparently, titled ‘hurricanes’ or ‘cyclones’ or ‘typhoons’ because location of earth)
Apparently, they’re called hurricanes, cyclones, or typhoons based on where in the world they came from
Yes, for tropical cyclones, but tornadoes are a different thing.
Glossing Abbreviations: COMP = comparative, C = complementiser, ACS / ICS = accessible / inaccessible, GDV = gerundive, SPEC / NSPC = (non-)specific, ᴬ/ₐ = agent, ᴱ/ₑ = entity (person, animal, thing).
Re: Conlang fluency thread
Thank you!
Where do you find these, by the way? Often I just look them up on Wiktionary, but at least cagilaba doesn’t seem to be there.
(Also, you do know that Unicode ⟨ᵐ⟩ exists, right?)
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Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices
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Software: See
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