jal wrote: ↑Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:48 pmTo begin with, from the Vrkhazhian's perspective, cases are divided into two categories: syntactic cases and adnominal cases.
You mean from the perspective of your con-people? Because "syntactic cases" doesn't make sense linguistically. And "adnominal case" just means "noun case".
Yes, it says "from the Vrkhazhian's perspective", so it's an emic analysis not an etic one. However, the concept of "syntactic case" is also a (cross)linguistic concept, they are literally cases that mark the syntactic elements/roles of a clause. Nominative, Accusative, and Dative mark the role of a noun in the syntax of the language. Also "syntactic case" as a concept is often contrasted with "lexical cases" like Locatives and Ablatives which often serve as adverbial phrases.
Also, no, adnominal doesn't mean "noun case", it literally means "attached to or modifying a noun"
Cases like the Nominative (and Vocative, which I consider a subcase of Nominative), Accusative, Ergative, and Instrumental cases would be syntactic cases as they can exist independently
Again, this reads like word salad. What does "exist independently" mean?
Adnominal cases would include the Genitive, Equative, Ablative, Locative, Comitative, Ornative (possessing X), and Privative (lacking X) cases, because they do not exist independently and instead serve as modifiers of other nouns and verbs.
Cases that "serve as modifiers of (...) nouns and verbs" - again, word salad.
Independently in that they stand alone and do not modify/qualify/attach to other nouns. It's not word salad, it's just very bad reading comprehension of my previous paragraph.
and contribute to the structure of the sentence.
In what way? Syntactic structure had nothing to do with
semantic structure, which seems what you're after here.
I'm referring to syntactic structure to begin with, not semantic structure.
Could say they're adjectivized/adverbialized nouns.
How can a case be an "adjectivized" noun? Or, reading between the lines, do you mean that a noun with a genitive a kind of adjective, like "John's book" is the same type of sentence as "the blue book" (where noth "John's" and "blue" modify "book")? If that's the case (no pun intended), how do these other cases you mention operate? How is "The book is table-LOC", the same type of construction? Or do you have something like "the on-the-table book is blue" in mind? If so, I still think you have a class of adjectivizers instead of noun cases.
Well, "the book COP table-LOC" would not be an example of table-LOC being used adnominally, unless one can analyze table-LOC as behaving adverbially and qualifying the copula.
But, with respect to the conlang, there is no distinction between "woman-NOM at home-GEN" and "woman-NOM home-LOC" or "men-NOM from Rome-GEN" and "men-NOM Rome-ABL" and no distinction between those and something like "woman-NOM tall-NOM". They are all modifying/qualifying a noun and do not denote a syntactic role with respect to the verb.
to include the Instrumental (main purpose is to indicate the theme/secondary object of a ditransitive verb),
That would simply not be called an "instrumentive", unless you want to be purposely contrarian. The instrumental specifies the
instrument (what's in a name), and in no semantic analysis is the typical indirect object an instrument.
No, absolutely false. Greenlandic is a secundative alignment language and the theme of a ditransitive is marked with the instrumental case, the same case it uses to mark instruments. It does not have an instrumentive case. Think "he supplied the caravan
with goods" where in a secundative language like Greenlandic "goods" would be marked with an instrumental case just like how in an indirective alignment language "goods" would be marked accusative while "caravan" would be marked dative.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secundati ... uage#Usage
Anyways, I also have an applicative voice, which promotes oblique arguments to core arguments. So it always feels weird to mark the promoted oblique with accusative while the original core object is seemingly "demoted" from accusative marked to instrumental marked.
In my understanding, when an applicative voice is used to promote oblique arguments to core arguments, the are marked as would be fit for the position they're promoted too. The "original" argument is then moved out of the core, or just omitted, and typically marked with a preposition or the like. It shouldn't (as in, what is common) marked with another core argument noun case.
Absolutely false, the applicative voice is commonly and often (if not always) a valency
increasing operation, that means it
adds core arguments. See, for example, Swahili. And this is especially the case in my conlang that applicatives always add core arguments, not take them away.
the indirect object (marked or not with a dative) is a core argument, not an oblique. So an oblique isn't marked with the dative, but rather with an oblique case or a preposition.
I'm clearly talking about the
promoted oblique, obviously it's not an oblique anymore, but I'm referring to it in the sense of "the object-formerly-an-oblique-argument-now-a-core-argument".
Applicatives decrease valency, I don't see what an "applicative voice-marked ditransitive" would be. (And causatives are a whole other ballpark.)
Again, absolutely false. Applicatives do not and
never decrease valency. They either preserve the number or arguments (by adding one and demoting another) or, and is much more common, they simply add core arguments. Again, see Swahili.
There's literally a
feature map thing on WALS about whether a given language adds applicative markers to intransitive bases only, transitive bases only, or both. Why the ever loving fuck would there ever be such a language that marks applicatives on intransitive bases only if an applicative is a valency decreasing operation. It's clearly a valency increasing (or preserving) operation, like causatives. And there's even papers talking about Swahili's syncretism between the causative marker and the instrumental applicative marker.
This whole comment of yours should be embarrassing with the levels of poor reading comprehension and confidently incorrect going on.