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Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:02 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
  • Palatalisation: [t d s z k g l n] > [ts dz ɕ ʑ cɕ ɟʑ ʎ ɲ] before [i], [k g] > [cɕ ɟʑ] also before [e]; [t d] > [cɕ ɟʑ ɲ] before [y]; [t] > [ts] before [u];
  • [sk] > [ʃ]
  • [u e i] > [ɔ a ɛ] before coda nasals
  • Loss of coda nasals with lengthening and nasalisation of preceding vowels;
  • Short vowels take on lax pronunciation [i e u a o] > [ɪ ɛ ʉ ɐ ɔ]; unstressed [ɔ] further unrounds and merges with [ɐ]; this is blocked by following [s];
  • Epinthesis of [ɛ] in many contexts; loss of terminal [d s] and intervocalic [h]; [ɪ] tenses to [i] before insertion of epinthetic [j]
  • Some orthographic confusion begins to set in, but words also retain historical silent letters, especially δ, and ς, which denotes tense short final vowels;
['paː.tɛ.rɛ ɔ̃ː'seː.rɐ eː.ɲɪ c͡ɕɛ'meː.ɲyː]
[iː.kɛ'naː 'noː.mɔ̃ː 't͡siː.nɔ̃ː]
[gwɛ'myː 'riː.ɟ͡ʑiɔ̃ː 't͡siː.nɔ̃ː]
[ɔ.r'c͡ɕyː 'oː.ʎi.jɐ 'tsiː.no kwɐ eː.ɲɪ c͡ɕɛ'meː.ɲyː swe: aː.nɐ 'ɛr.taː]
['kɫoː.wɔ̃ː ɔ̃ː'seː.rɔ̃ː sãː'd͡ziː.nɔ̃ː 'xɛwɐ 'ɔ̃ː.se 'c͡ɕiː.jɐ 'θɔjɐ]
['eː.t͡sɪ ɐ'pɪɛ.dɐ 'ɔ̃ː.se 'tɔ.dɛ ʃʉ'ɫoː.ne 'ɕiː.mɐ swɐ 'iː.sɛ ɐ.pɛ.lɛ'doː.mɐ ʃʉ'ʎɛ̃ː.mɪs ɔ̃ː.sɛ'ryː.mɪs]
['neː.kwɐ ʉ'rãː.cɕyː.sɛ ɔ̃ː.sɛ eː.ɲɪ 'pryːs.tãː]
['aː.gɐ ɫuː'ɕiː.jɐ ɔ̃ː.sɛ 'ɐ.pɐ u'weː.lyː]
['t͡siː.nɔ̃ː e.t͡si 'riːɟʑiɔ̃ː 'mɔk.t͡sɪs 'wɔɫ.t͡sʉs.kwɐ eː.ɲi aː'wɔ̃ː]

Παιτερε ονσηρα ηνι κεμηνοι, Pâtere onsêre êni cemênŷ,
Εικεναιδ νωμυν τεινον. Îkenâ nômon tsînon.
Γυεμοιδ ρειγιον τεινον Guemŷ reigion tsînon
Ορτοιδ ωλια τεινος κυα ηνι κεμηνοι συη αινα ερται, Orcŷ ôlia tsînó qua êni cemênŷ suê âna ertâ
Κλωον ονσηρον σενδεινον χευε ονσες κια θοια, Clôuon onsêron sandînon heua onsé cîa thoia
Ητι απιεδε ονσες τοδε σκυλωνες σειμα συα εισε απελεδωμα σκυλεμμις ονσεροιμις, Êti apiede onsé tode sculôné scîma sua îse apeledôma sculemmis onserŷmis
Νηκυα υρανκοισɛ ονσε ηνι προισταν, Nêqua urancŷse ênii prŷstan
Αιγα λουσεια υνσε απα υυηλοι, Âga lûsîa onse apa uuêlŷ
Τεινον εστι ρειγιον μοκτις υολτυσκυα ηνι αιυονς. Tsînon esti rîgion moctis uoltusqua êni âuons.

Para-Germanic begins to take its own route!

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:03 pm
by Otto Kretschmer
A type - in 4th line it's 'ti:no not 'ri:no

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:09 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
It should be fixed now.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:12 pm
by Otto Kretschmer
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:09 pm It should be fixed now
What about replacing pater with a reflex of the PGMc word *atta ? Would be cool and more similar to Gothic

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:16 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
I'm not going to go back and change what I did this round, but I suppose the rules of the game would be one of the next transformations could do that; I think, however, in a prayer, they might prefer forms similar to Latin. Depending on whether or not the people end up Catholic or Orthodox, there should probably be an influx of some quantity of Greek or Latin loanwords in the not-too-distant future.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:42 pm
by Otto Kretschmer
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:16 pm I'm not going to go back and change what I did this round, but I suppose the rules of the game would be one of the next transformations could do that; I think, however, in a prayer, they might prefer forms similar to Latin. Depending on whether or not the people end up Catholic or Orthodox, there should probably be an influx of some quantity of Greek or Latin loanwords in the not-too-distant future.
The use The Greek alfabet so they are Orthodox.

What do you think is the estimated year of the text above? The original one was ca. 1000 BC

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:48 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
I was thinking c. 800-1000, yes; and also, using the Greek Alphabet does not mean they are Orthodox, it means they use the Greek Alphabet.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:50 pm
by Otto Kretschmer
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:48 pm I was thinking c. 800-1000, yes; and also, using the Greek Alphabet does not mean they are Orthodox, it means they use the Greek Alphabet.
IMO they should be Orthodox unless someone else wants them to be Catholic (we do not have Orthodox (para) Germanics)

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:37 pm
by Otto Kretschmer
AD 1200
1. Final nasal vowels denasalize
2. final -s drops
['paː.tɛ.rɛ ɔ̃ː'seː.rɐ eː.ɲɪ c͡ɕɛ'meː.ɲyː]
[iː.kɛ'naː 'noː.moː 't͡siː.noː]
[gwɛ'myː 'riː.ɟ͡ʑioː 't͡siː.noː]
[ɔ.r'c͡ɕyː 'oː.ʎi.jɐ 'tsiː.no kwɐ eː.ɲɪ c͡ɕɛ'meː.ɲyː swe: aː.nɐ 'ɛr.taː]
['kɫoː.woː ɔ̃ː'seː.roː sãː'd͡ziː.noː 'xɛwɐ 'ɔ̃ː.se 'c͡ɕiː.jɐ 'θɔjɐ]
['eː.t͡sɪ ɐ'pɪɛ.dɐ 'ɔ̃ː.se 'tɔ.dɛ ʃʉ'ɫoː.ne 'ɕiː.mɐ swɐ 'iː.sɛ ɐ.pɛ.lɛ'doː.mɐ ʃʉ'ʎɛ̃ː.mɪ ɔ̃ː.sɛ'ryː.mɪ]
['neː.kwɐ ʉ'rãː.cɕyː.sɛ ɔ̃ː.sɛ eː.ɲɪ 'pryːs.taː]
['aː.gɐ ɫuː'ɕiː.jɐ ɔ̃ː.sɛ 'ɐ.pɐ u'weː.lyː]
['t͡siː.noː e.t͡si 'riːɟʑioː 'mɔk.t͡sɪ 'wɔɫ.t͡sɪ.kwɐ eː.ɲi aː'woː]

Παιτερε ονσηρα ηνι κεμηνοι, Pâtere onsêre êni cemênŷ,
Εικεναιδ νωμυν τεινον. Îkenâ nômon tsînon.
Γυεμοιδ ρειγιον τεινον Guemŷ reigion tsînon
Ορτοιδ ωλια τεινος κυα ηνι κεμηνοι συη αινα ερται, Orcŷ ôlia tsînó qua êni cemênŷ suê âna ertâ
Κλωον ονσηρον σενδεινον χευε ονσες κια θοια, Clôuon onsêron sandînon heua onsé cîa thoia
Ητι απιεδε ονσες τοδε σκυλωνες σειμα συα εισε απελεδωμα σκυλεμμις ονσεροιμις, Êti apiede onsé tode sculôné scîma sua îse apeledôma sculemmis onserŷmis
Νηκυα υρανκοισɛ ονσε ηνι προισταν, Nêqua urancŷse ênii prŷstan
Αιγα λουσεια υνσε απα υυηλοι, Âga lûsîa onse apa uuêlŷ
Τεινον εστι ρειγιον μοκτις υολτυσκυα ηνι αιυονς. Tsînon esti rîgion moctis uoltusqua êni âuons.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 10:44 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
To approx. CE 1550:
  • Palatals become postalveolars before vowels other than [i y];
  • Intervocalic voiced consonants become fricatives, intervocalic voiceless stops and [s] become voiced;
  • [k] > [x] before consonants;
  • Loss of intertonic vowels except where illegal clusters would be created, loss of unstressed short vowels from the ends of function words;
  • [s z ts dz] > [ʃ ʒ s z], except terminal [s] is unaffected;
  • Loss of labialisation of velars, though spelling does not reflect this;
  • Laxing of remaining short tense vowels;
  • A few orthographic changes occur, and some silent letters are lost;
  • A vogue for Greek words, and the purification of the church and return to its true classical form, results in the importation of Classical Hellenic vocabulary; most such words are given reading pronunciations, however — Greek literacy is not bad, but the liturgical language mostly follows the rules of the spoken vernacular; note that thelêmâ is borrowed specifically to refer to the will of God, and ôlia remains to mean "will" of a human being; it is also mistaken for a feminine, and declined as such; likewise caciâ is borrowed to mean "moral evil, sin", as opposed to uuel- (full stem unattested), meaning "malady, problem, unwanted thing". More words are making inroads, but haven't been absorbed into official sources yet.
['paː.drɛ ɔ̃ː'ʒeː.rɐ eːɲ tʃɛ'meː.ɲyː]
[ɐ.'ɟ͡ʑioː 'noː.moː 'siː.noː]
[gɛ'myː 'riː.ɟ͡ʑioː 'siː.noː]
[ɔr'c͡ɕyː θɛ.ɫeː.maː siː.naː kɐ eːɲ c͡ɕɛ'meː.ɲyː ʃwe: aːn 'ɛr.taː]
['kɫoː.woː ɔ̃ː'ʒeː.roː ʃãː'ziː.noː 'xɛwɐ 'ɔ̃ː.ʒɛ 'c͡ɕiː.jɐ 'θɔjɐ]
['eːs ɐ'bɪɛ.ðɐ 'ɔ̃ː.ʒɛ 'tɔ.ðɛ ʃʉ'ɫoː.nɛ 'ɕiː.mɐ ʃwɐ 'iː.ʒɛ ɐ.bɛ.lɛ'ðoː.mɐ ʃʉ'ʎɛ̃ː.mɪ ɔ̃ːz'ryːm]
['neː.xɐ ʉ'rãː.cɕyː.ʒɛ ɔ̃ː.zɛ eː.ɲɪ 'pryːs.taː]
['aː.xɐ ɫuː'ɕiː.jɐ ɔ̃ː.ʒɛ 'ɐ.bɐ kɐ.c͡ɕyː]
['siː.noː eːs 'riːɟʑioː 'mɔx.sɪ 'wɔɫs.kwɐ eːɲ aː'woː]

Παιτρε ονζηρα ηιν κεμηνοι, Pâdre onsgêre êin cemênŷ,
Αγιον νωμυν τεινον. Agion nômon sînon.
Γυεμοι ρειγιον τεινον Guemŷ reigion sînon.
Ορτοι θελημαν τειναν κυα ηιν κεμηνοι σζυη αιν ερται, Orcŷ thelêman sînan qua êin cemênŷ scuê ân ertâ
Κλωον ονζηρον σανδεινον χευα ονζε κια θοια, Clôuon onsgêron scandînon heua onsge cîa thoia,
Ης απιεδα ονζε τοδε σζυλωνε σειμα σζυα ειζε απελεδωμα σζυλεμμι ονσεροιμ, Ês apieda onsge tode sculône scîma scua îsge apeledôma sculemmi onserŷm
Νηκυα υρανκοιζɛ ονζε ηνι προισταν, Nêqua urancŷsge onsge êini prŷstan
Αιχα λουσεια υνζε απα κακιοι, Âcha lûsîa onsge apa caciŷ
Τεινον ης ρειγιον μοχτι υολσκυα ηιν αιυω.. Sînon ês rîgion mochtis uoltusqua êin âuô.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:26 am
by Karch
to approx. 1800?

1. cɕ ɟʑ > ʧ ʤ
2. o: y: > u: i:, CiV > CjV
3. unstressed long vowels shorten if there's a long vowel in the previous syllable, ʉ > ʊ
4. nasal vowels denasalize
5. ʎ > j
6. ʃ ʒ ʧ ʤ > ɕ ʑ ʨ ʥ / _i, _j
7. ɪɛ > e:

['paː.drɛ ɔː'ʒeː.rɐ eːɲ ʧɛ'meː.ɲɪ]
[ɐ.'ʥjuː 'nuː.mʊ 'siː.nʊ]
[gɛ'miː 'riː.ʥjʊ 'siː.nʊ]
[ɔr'ʧiː θɛ.ɫeː.mɐ siː.nɐ kɐ eːɲ ʧɛ'meː.ɲɪ ʃwe: aːn 'ɛr.taː]
['kɫuː.wʊ ɔː'ʒeː.rʊ ʃaː'ziː.nʊ 'xɛwɐ 'ɔː.ʒɛ 'ʨiː.jɐ 'θɔjɐ]
['eːs ɐ'beː.ðɐ 'ɔː.ʒɛ 'tɔ.ðɛ ʃʊ'ɫuː.nɛ 'ɕiː.mɐ ʃwɐ 'iː.ʒɛ ɐ.bɛ.lɛ'ðuː.mɐ ʃʊ'jɛː.mɪ ɔːz'riːm]
['neː.xɐ ʊ'raː.ʨɪ.ʒɛ ɔː.zɛ eː.ɲɪ 'priːs.tɐ]
['aː.xɐ ɫuː'ɕiː.jɐ ɔː.ʒɛ 'ɐ.bɐ kɐ.ʨiː]
['siː.nʊ eːs 'riːʥjʊ 'mɔx.sɪ 'wɔɫs.kwɐ eːɲ aː'wuː]

Παιτρε ονζηρα ηιν κεμηνοι, Pâdre onsgêre êin cemênŷ,
Αγιον νωμυν τεινον. Agion nômon sînon.
Γυεμοι ρειγιον τεινον Guemŷ reigion sînon.
Ορτοι θελημαν τειναν κυα ηιν κεμηνοι σζυη αιν ερται, Orcŷ thelêman sînan qua êin cemênŷ scuê ân ertâ
Κλωον ονζηρον σανδεινον χευα ονζε κια θοια, Clôuon onsgêron scandînon heua onsge cîa thoia,
Ης απιεδα ονζε τοδε σζυλωνε σειμα σζυα ειζε απελεδωμα σζυλεμμι ονσεροιμ, Ês apieda onsge tode sculône scîma scua îsge apeledôma sculemmi onserŷm
Νηκυα υρανκοιζɛ ονζε ηνι προισταν, Nêqua urancŷsge onsge êini prŷstan
Αιχα λουσεια υνζε απα κακιοι, Âcha lûsîa onsge apa caciŷ
Τεινον ης ρειγιον μοχτι υολσκυα ηιν αιυω.. Sînon ês rîgion mochtis uoltusqua êin âuô.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:35 am
by Otto Kretschmer
Ok. We have a cool Para Germanic Lord's Prayer :) Guys, do one more round and we get something new.

My proposals
- something Turkic
- Manchu
- Mongol
- some conlang

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:18 am
by bradrn
  1. r x → ʁ χ
  2. ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ → ʌ ə ə ʌ
  3. ɫ → w
  4. Stress shift to first non-reduced syllable
  5. CV̆₁#V₂ → C‿V₂
  6. (C)V(C)ˈCV → ˈ(C)(C)CV
  7. Onset cluster simplification: Cm → Cw̃ (with voiced stop nasalisation), ʁC → Cj, kʨ lð → ʨ ð
[ˈpaː.dʁ‿ˈɔːʒeː.ʁ‿eːɲ ˈʧw̃eː.ɲə]
[ˈʥjuː ˈnuː.mʊ ˈsiː.nʊ]
[ˈŋw̃iː ˈʁiː.ʥjʊ ˈsiː.nʊ]
[ˈʧjiː ˈθweː.mʌ ˈsiː.nʌ k‿ˈeːɲ ˈʧw̃eː.ɲə ʃweː aːn ˈtjaː]
[ˈkwuː.w‿ˈɔː.ʒeː.ʁʊ ˈʃaː.ziː.nʊ ˈχwʌ ˈɔː.ʒə ˈʨiː.jʌ ˈθʌjʌ]
[ˈeːs ˈbeː.ð‿ˈɔː.ʒə ˈtʌ.ðə ˈʃʊ.wuː.nə ˈɕiː.mʌ ʃw‿ˈiː.ʒ‿ʌ.bəˈðuː.mʌ ˈʃʊ.jɛː.m‿ˈɔːz.ʁiːm]
[ˈneː.χ‿ˈʊ.ʁaː.ʨə.ʒ‿ˈɔː.z‿ˈeː.ɲə ˈpʁiːs.tʌ]
[ˈaː.χʌ ˈwuː.ɕiː.j‿ˈɔː.ʒ‿ˈbʌ ˈʨiː]
[ˈsiː.n‿eːs ˈʁiːʥjʊ ˈmʌχ.sə ˈwʌ‿eːɲ ˈaː.wuː]

Παιτρε ονζηρα ηιν κμηνοι, Pâdre onsgêre êin cmênŷ,
Γιον νωμυν τεινον. Gion nômon sînon.
Γυμοι ρειγιον τεινον Gumŷ reigion sînon.
Ρτοι θλημαν τειναν κυα ηιν κμηνοι σζυη αιν ρται, Rcŷ thlêman sînan qua êin cmênŷ scuê ân rtâ
Κλωον ονζηρον σανδεινον χευα ονζε κια θοια, Clôuon onsgêron scandînon heua onsge cîa thoia,
Ης πιεδα ονζε τοδε σζυλωνε σειμα σζυα ειζε απελδωμα σζυλεμμι ονσεροιμ, Ês pieda onsge tode sculône scîma scua îsge apeldôma sculemmi onserŷm
Νηκυα υρανκοιζɛ ονζε ηνι προισταν, Nêqua urancŷsge onsge êini prŷstan
Αιχα λουσεια υνζε απα κακιοι, Âcha lûsîa onsge apa caciŷ
Τεινον ης ρειγιον μοχτι υολσκυα ηιν αιυω. Sînon ês rîgion mochtis uoltusqua êin âuô.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:32 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
To approx CE 1950
  • Vowels undergo a chain shift
    • [ɐ] > [æ], [aː] > [æː] > [ɛː], except not terminally;
    • [ʊ uː] > [ʏ yː]; [j] is lost before [ʏ yː] except initially, where it becomes prothetic;
    • [ɔ ɔː] > [ɐ ɑː], but not before resonants or [x]; terminal [aː] backs to [ɑː]
    • [wɐ weː wʏ wɔ] > [ɔ øː ø ɔ]
    • [ɔr ɔɫ x] > [ɔː]
  • Vowels shorten and lower before nasal stops, then the nasal coda is lost, producing new long nasal vowels;
  • Elision of intervocalic voiced fricatives and [x w]; voiced stops often also elide after long vowels;
  • Contraction and quantitative metathesis of new vowel clusters:
  • A massive orthographic reform is implemented to carry the Para-Germanics into the modern age.
    • [yːø] > [ɥøː]
    • [ɛːuː] > [øːy]
    • [ɛyː] > [øːy]
    • [ɛː.ɐ] > [jɑː]
    • [ɛɔ] > [jɔː]
    • [ɐɛ] > [ɛ]
    • [eɐ] > [jɑː]
  • [ɔː] > [oː]
['pɛː.rɛ ɑː'ʒeː.rɐ ãː ʧɛ'meː.ɲɪ]
Πέρε άζηρα αν Κεμηνι
Pére ájêra an Cemêni,

[æ.'ʥyː 'nyː.mʏ 'siː.nʏ]
Αγιύ νύμυ τίνυ.
Ægiý nýmy síny.

[gɛ'miː 'riː.ʥjʏ 'siː.nʏ]
Γυεμί ρίγιυ τίνυ
Guemí rígiy síny

[oː'cɕiː θɛ.ɫeː.mɐ siː.nɐ kɐ eːɲ ʧɛ'meː.ɲɪ ʃøː ãː 'eː.tɑː]
Ωρκί θελημα τίνα κυα αν Κεμηνι σκευ αν Ηρτά,
Órcí thelêma sína qua an Cemêni sceu an Értá.

['kɫɥøː ɑː'ʒeː.rʏ ʃɛː'ziː.nʏ 'çjoː 'ɑː.ʒɛ 'ʨiː.jɐ 'θɐjɐ]
Κλυευ άζηρυ σέδíνυ χεω άζε κíα θοια.
Clyeu ájêry scézíny hió áje cía thaia.

['eːs æ'bjɑː 'ɑː.ʒɛ 'tɐɛ ɕʏ'ɫyː.nɛ 'ɕiː.mɐ ʃɔ 'iː.ʒɛ æ.bɛ.'løːy.mɐ ʃɐ'jɛː.mɪ ɑːz'rɛ̃ː]
Ης απɛα άζε τέ σκυλύνε σίμα σκυω ίζε απεληυμα σκυιέμι άσρεν,
Ês æbiá áje té scylýne scíma sco íje abeléuma scuiémi ásren.

['njɑː ʏ'rɛː.ʨɪ.ʒɛ ɑː.zɛ eː.ɲɪ 'priːs.tɐ]
Νηα υρέκιζɛ άζε αν πρίστα,
Niá yrécije áje an prísta,

['jɑː ɫyː'ɕiː.jɐ ɑː.ʒɛ 'æ.bɐ kæ'ʨiː]
Ηα λύσíα άζε απα κακí,
Iá lýscía áje aba cací

['siː.nʏ eːs 'riːʥʏ 'moː.sɪ 'ɔːs.kɔ ãː øːuː]
Τíνυ ης ρíγιυ, μωχτι ωλσκω αν ηυ.
Síny ês rígiy, mósi, ósco an éu.

Oh, looks like Paragermanic split into two.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:38 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
Otto Kretschmer wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:35 am - some conlang
Give me a bit and I can translate something into a stage of my (morphologically convoluted) Japonic one, if people would want to play with that.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:54 am
by bradrn
If we’re doing conlangs, I’d be interested to see what people can do with this text — lots of scope for syntactic and morphological changes there!

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:00 am
by Otto Kretschmer
bradrn wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:54 am If we’re doing conlangs, I’d be interested to see what people can do with this text — lots of scope for syntactic and morphological changes there!
A good choice

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:07 am
by bradrn
Otto Kretschmer wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 9:00 am
bradrn wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 8:54 am If we’re doing conlangs, I’d be interested to see what people can do with this text — lots of scope for syntactic and morphological changes there!
A good choice
OK, if you approve then let me write it out properly:

[ˈsasat ˈtʰaŋmu ˈt͡ɬaʔufli ˈʔalit tʰaŋ ˈwaʔli ˈɣilut ˈfawət͡ɬli | ˈnaʔəŋ ˈkʰajiʔənəbəj t͡sʰaːl ˈpawtiʔ ‖ ˈʔaŋətʰiᵑɡa ˈsiwit͡si ˈlamaʔ ˈjusajət͡si ‖ ŋiːˈjusajə ˈwiːlət͡si ˈfawət͡ɬi t͡sah ˈnaːʔa waʔ ˈʔaŋətʰ tʰaŋ ˈsiːfa ˈlamaʔ ˈʔulu | ŋaj niː ˈkʰajiʔ]

Sasat thaŋmu tlaqufli Qalit thaŋ waqli gilut fawetlli, ‘naqeŋ khayiqenebey tshaal pawtiq?’, qaŋethinga siwitsi lamaq yusayetsi. Ŋiiyusaye wiiletsi fawetli tsah naaqa waq qaŋeth thaŋ siifa lamaq qulu, ŋay nii khayiq.




For grammatical details, see the original thread. For phonological details, see — the only changes I’ve made since then are to add /h/, and marginal /uː/ in ideophones.

I do have some changes I’ve already planned out, but I won’t apply them since I’m interested to see what everyone else can come up with.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:39 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
Well, then, let's see how the opposites collide!
  • Initial glottal stops fortify to [k], elsewhere, they disappear; terminally, a disappearing glottal stop results in a long vowel, and generally drags the word stress to that syllable; medially, a pre-existing long vowel on either side instead triggers fortification;
  • Coda [ŋ] vocalises to [u]; [au~aw] merge;
  • [aj əj aː] > [ɛ ɛ ɛː];
  • Collapse of vowel-resonant-vowel sequences and triphthongs [awə aəu ajiə ajə iwi ajiː] > [au ou ɛi ɛi iy ɛi]
  • [t͡ɬ ts tsʰ] > [tʃ tʃ tʃʰ]
Circa +450

[ˈsasat ˈtʰaumu ˈt͡ʃaufli ˈkalit tʰau ˈwɛː.li ˈɣilut ˈfaut͡ʃli | ˈnou ˈkʰɛinəbɛ t͡ʃʰɛːl pau'tiː ‖ ˈkaŋətʰiᵑɡa ˈsiyt͡ʃi la'mɛː ˈjusɛit͡ʃi ‖ ŋiːˈjusɛi ˈwiːlət͡ʃi ˈfaut͡ʃi t͡ʃah ˈnɛːka wɛ: ˈkaŋətʰ tʰau ˈsiːfa la'mɛ: ˈkulu | ŋɛ niː kʰɛi]
Sasat thaumu chaufli kalit thau wêli ghilut fauchli, nou kheinèbe chhhêl pautî. Kangèthingga siuchi lamê yuseichi. Ngi yusei wîlèchi fauchi chah nêka wê kangèth thau sîfa lamê kulu, nge nî khei.




The grammar remains fairly intact, but the sound of the language has shifted quite a bit. Diphthongs occupy the same amount of acoustic space as long vowels, and the articulation of schwa is probably now weaker than other short vowels, but still present.

Re: Phrase evolution game

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 1:45 pm
by Karch
1. schwa disappears, nasals assimilate to the POA of the following consonant
2. ɛi iy ou au > e: i: o: ɔ:
3. syllables before Ci or Cu sequences get the corresponding off-glide
4. short vowels are deleted word-finally, unless they'd leave a word-final consonant cluster

[ˈsasat ˈtʰɔːm ˈt͡ʃɔːfli ˈkailit tʰɔː ˈwɛːil ˈɣiulut ˈfɔːt͡ʃli | ˈnoː ˈkʰeːmb t͡ʃʰɛːl pɔːi'tiː ‖ ˈkantʰiᵑɡ ˈsiːt͡ʃ la'mɛː ˈjuseːit͡ʃ ‖ ŋiːˈjuseː ˈwiːlt͡ʃi ˈfɔːit͡ʃ t͡ʃah ˈnɛːk wɛ: ˈkantʰ tʰɔː ˈsiːf la'mɛː ˈkul | ŋɛ niː kʰeː]
<Sasat thoom coofli kailit thoo weeil ghiulut foocli, nou kheimb cheel pooitii. Kanthingg siic lamee yusei'ich, ngiiyusei wiilci fooic cah neek wee kanth thoo siif lamee kul, nge nii khei.>