Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

Mongsen Ao of Mangmetong

/p t ʦ ʧ k ʔ/ <b d z j g v>
/pʰ tʰ ʦʰ ʧʰ kʰ/ <p t c q k>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>
/m̥ n̥ ŋ̊/ <hm hn hng>
/s z h/ <s ss h>
/w ɹ l j/ <w r l y>
/w̥ ɹ̥ l̥ j̊/ <hw hr hl hy>

/i u ə a a̰/ <i u e a aa>
/á ā à/ <af a ax>

/wàzàʔ tə̀luʔ la tsəpàʔ məsəm wa || təɹ | kʰə̀liŋlì, təɹ wàzàʔ təniŋ à li || təɹ kʰə̀liŋlìla tʃu, tsəpàʔ məsəməkə ìnti pʰitʰùŋtʃùku, pa mə̀ɹàlà || tə̀pànə wàzàʔ tə̀luʔ səntəpəɹ | pa tələm ku tsə̀pànə tələm tʃu apaktʃuk || təɹ pa tsəpàʔ ku atsə mə̀tʃəməjùʔ || təɹ pa tsəɹ̥ə̀tʰùŋku tsə́ŋí tʃakə "tsə́ŋí tsə́ŋí" tə̀ asaɹə̀ | atʃu ku pa nə ásátʰùŋku, tsəŋi ɹàɹə̀ || təɹ tsəŋi ɹàpàʔ táŋ tʃu | pa səŋàwà aɹa ku kə̀tpàʔ táŋ tʃəmlítʃəmlíʔ waɹuʔ || tə̀ atʃu táŋúʔ || j̊utsə tʃa atʃu/
/wa̰samali | tʰuku táŋ kəməɹ lili | anukàʔ wà̰sasili | tʰuku táŋ kəməɹ lili tə̀tʃʰaɹ.../

Waxssavx dexluv la zebavx mesem wa. Der, kexlinglix, der waxssavx dening ax li. der kexlinglixla ju, zebavx mesemege inxdi pitungxjuxgu, pa mexraxlax. Dexbaxne waxssavx dexluv sendeber, ba delem gu zexbaxne delem ju abagjug. Der ba zebavx gu aze mexjemeyuvx. Der ba zehrextungxgu zefngif jage "zefngif zefngif" dex asarex, aju gu ba ne afsaftungxgu, zengi raxrex. Der zengi raxbavx dangf ju, ba sengaxwax ara gu gedxbavx jemlifjemlivf waruv. Dex aju dafnguvf. Hyuze ja aju. Waasamali, tugu tangf gemer lili, anugavx waaxsasili, tugu dangf gemer lili dexqar...

Mongsen Ao of Waromung

/ʉ/ <ii>

/ípáʔ jutʃi lùŋkʰə̀m kʰa nukɹaŋ jim nə̀t uŋtəpa jutʃi/
/təɹ | pa ʉpʉ ənsə̀t/
/nàŋ na ə̀n na aju à saʉəɹ || nàŋ na tʃə̀pʉ̀ mətʃə̀pʉ̀/
/nì na atʃʰən kʰitʃʰaŋ ánʉ́tìla si tʃʰəna waukù/
Ifpavf yuji lungxkemx ka nugrang yim nedx ungdeba yuji. Der, ba iibii ensedx. Nangx na enx na ayu ax saiier. Nangx na jexbiix mejexbiix. Nix na aqen kiqang afniiftixla si qena waugux.


/p t tʃ k q ʔ/ <p t ti c ch h-/C> (double consonants except resonants and x)
/d dʒ~ʒ/ <d z>
/(ɸ) s ʃ (x) h/ <f s si jh j>
/ɣ ʁ/ <g rr>
/m n ɲ/ <m n ni>
/l ʎ/ <l ll>
/r w j/ <r u/v i>

/a e i o/ <a e i o>
/aː eː iː oː/ <ā ē ī ō>

ʔwoʔ ka naʔɢaʔa ka ʔalo riʔλiwi ke aka leʔya. nata neʔya na moqoyt leʔya waɢayaq. kaʔ leʔya ka yale yawo:take retaɢayaʔpeʔ ka ʔalo. qam yawoːntakoʔ ka ʔalo. qam ka yale renataɢantakoʔ, lakyoʔ ka ʔmaɢare retaɢayapegeʔ ʔaloʔλiʔ. qam ka ʔalo naqayažin ka yale. na:koʔ maʔlepe wi:čiroʔ qam lasom lai sowe:taʔñoʔ, wi:čiroʔ setaɢayaɢatoʔ ke lasom lasom ñiyaʔaʔ. kaʔ ka yale peʔe:toʔ ʔkeoʔ.
Huoh ca nahrraha ca halo rihllivi ce aca lehia. Nata nehia na mochoit lehia warraiach. Cah lehia ca iale iavōtace retarraiappeh ka halo. Cham iavōntakoh ka halo. Cham ca iale renatarrantacoh, lacioh ca hmarrare retarraiapegeh halohllih. Cham ca halo nachaiazin ca iale. Nācoh mahlepe vītïroh cham lasom lai sovētahnioh, vītïroh setarraiarratoh ce lasom lasom nïahah. Cah ca iale pehētoh hceoh.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Qwynegold »

Mongsen Ao of Mangmetong
/p t ʦ ʧ k ʔ/ <b d z j g h>
/pʰ tʰ ʦʰ ʧʰ kʰ/ <p t c ch k>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>
/m̥ n̥ ŋ̊/ <mh nh ngh>
/s z h/ <x s h>
/w ɹ l j/ <w r l y>
/w̥ ɹ̥ l̥ j̊/ <wh rh lh yh>
/i u ə a a̰/ <i o e a a'>

/wàzàʔ tə̀luʔ la tsəpàʔ məsəm wa || təɹ | kʰə̀liŋlì, təɹ wàzàʔ təniŋ à li || təɹ kʰə̀liŋlìla tʃu, tsəpàʔ məsəməkə ìnti pʰitʰùŋtʃùku, pa mə̀ɹàlà || tə̀pànə wàzàʔ tə̀luʔ səntəpəɹ | pa tələm ku tsə̀pànə tələm tʃu apaktʃuk || təɹ pa tsəpàʔ ku atsə mə̀tʃəməjùʔ || təɹ pa tsəɹ̥ə̀tʰùŋku tsə́ŋí tʃakə "tsə́ŋí tsə́ŋí" tə̀ asaɹə̀ | atʃu ku pa nə ásátʰùŋku, tsəŋi ɹàɹə̀ || təɹ tsəŋi ɹàpàʔ táŋ tʃu | pa səŋàwà aɹa ku kə̀tpàʔ táŋ tʃəmlítʃəmlíʔ waɹuʔ || tə̀ atʃu táŋúʔ || j̊utsə tʃa atʃu/
/wa̰samali | tʰuku táŋ kəməɹ lili | anukàʔ wà̰sasili | tʰuku táŋ kəməɹ lili tə̀tʃʰaɹ.../
Wạsạh dẹloh la zebạh mexem wa. Der kẹlinglị, der wạsạh tening ạ li. Der kẹlinglịla jo, zebạh mesemege ịndi pitọngjọgo, ba mẹrạlạ. Dẹbạne wạsạh dẹloh xendeber ba delem go zẹbạne delem jo abagjog. Der ba zebạh go aze mẹjemeyọh. Der ba zerhẹtọnggo zéngí jage "zéngí zéngí" dẹ asarẹ ajo go ba ne áxátọngko, zengi rạrẹ. Der zengi rạbạh dáng jo ba xengạwạ ara go gẹdbạh dáng jemlíjemlíh waroh. Dẹ ajo dángóh. Yhoze ja ajo.
Wa'xamali togo dáng gemer lili anogạh wạ'xaxili togo dáng gemer lili dèchar...

Mongsen Ao of Waromung
Consonants are the same as in the previous
/i ʉ u ə a a̰/ <i u o e a a'>

/ípáʔ jutʃi lùŋkʰə̀m kʰa nukɹaŋ jim nə̀t uŋtəpa jutʃi/
/təɹ | pa ʉpʉ ənsə̀t/
/nàŋ na ə̀n na aju à saʉəɹ || nàŋ na tʃə̀pʉ̀ mətʃə̀pʉ̀/
/nì na atʃʰən kʰitʃʰaŋ ánʉ́tìla si tʃʰəna waukù/
Íbáh yoji lọngkẹm ka nograng yim nẹd ongdeba yoji.
Der ba ubu enxẹd.
Nạng na ẹn na ayo ạ xauer. Nạng na jẹbụ mejẹbụ.
Nị na achen kichang ánúdịla xi chena waogọ.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Nortaneous mentioned Showu rGyalrong in a recent post as a language with a phonology which can only be described as, well, interesting


/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/
/m n ɲ ŋ/
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/
/r (ɬ) l w/


Plain: /ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/
Velarised (yes, really): /a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/

When accent is on the final syllable of a word, it distinguishes level and falling tones /V V̂/. Otherwise accent will fall on another syllable /V́/.

Syllable structure (C)(C)(C)(C)V(v,t,m,n,χ,ɣ,ŋ,r,l,s)

Sample text None, but here’s some sample sentences:

/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/

And some random words to demonstrate some of the more unusual features of this language:
/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/

(Bonus points for anyone who figures out a romanisation which doesn’t make this look like a conlang.)
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by quinterbeck »

Showu rGyalrong

/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/ <p t ts tṣ tš c k q>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/ <ph th tsh tṣh tšh ch kh qh>
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/ <ṅp ṅt ṅts ṅtṣ ṅtš ṅc ṅk ṅq>
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/ <b d (dẓ) dž ǰ g>
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/ <ṅb ṅd ṅdz ṅdẓ ṅdž ṅǰ ṅg ṅǧ>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ň ŋ>
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/ <(f) s (ṣ) š x x̌ (hh)>
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/ <v z ž j ḥ ǧ>
/r (ɬ) l w/ <r lh l w>

Not marked for accent:
Plain: /ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/ <a e ʌ o ə i u>
Velarised: /a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/ <ạ ẹ ʌ̣ ọ ə̣ ị ụ>

Marked for accent:
Plain: <á é ʌ́ ó ə́ í ú>
Velarised: <â ê ʌ̂ ô ə̂ î û>
(It might have been a bit lazy to keep <ʌ ə> but I didn't want to overcrowd them with diacritics)

When a word has no accent marking, accent is on the final syllable with level tone.
Otherwise, accent is on the marked syllable, and if final, with falling tone.

Sample sentences
/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/ <nə́ncheŋ tšá kʌṅdze macháŋ>
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/ <lhʌsé ǧnílʌ tarətŋ>
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/ <lʌqʌlŋʌx̌ tšox̌tsí vətâx̌ rạmdzú>
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/ <pə́skho aphéňi əse təkwe nurkwéṅdžə>
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/ <ptṣʌší vatshə rətshaŋ>

/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/
<ṅbə̣t ḥldʌ́ tvạmə̣t alǰwe lqhox̌ šánrkhu>
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/ <p t ts tr c ky k q>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/ <ph th ths thr ch khy kh qh>
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/ <mp nt nts ntr nc nky nk nq>
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/ <b d dr j gy g>
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/ <mb nd ndz ndr nj ngg n'>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/ <f s rh sh xh x h>
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/ <v z zh y ǥ ǥh>
/r (ɬ) l w/ <r lh l w>

/ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/ <a e à o ù i u>
/a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/ <a̱ e̱ à̱ o̱ ù̱ i̱ u̱>

/ā â/ <á aa>
/á/ <á>

/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/

Nûnkhyeng caa kàndzé makhyaang.
Lhàsee ǥhnílà tarûng.
Làqàlngâx coxtsii vàta̱a̱x ra̱mdzuu.
Pûskho aphényi ùsé tùkwé nurkwénjù.
Ptràshí vathsû rùthsáng.

/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/

mbû̱t, ǥldàà, tvamû̱t, algywé, lqhóx, shánrkhu

I don't think there's a way to not make it look like a conlang without underdifferentiating. If I didn't write tone, velarization, didn't distinguish uvulars from velars, wrote ʌ as <a> and ə as <ü> and didn't distinguish the voiced velar/uvular fricatives from the corresponding stops, the text would look like this:

Nünkhyeng cha kandze makhyang. Lhase gnila tarüng. Lakalngax choxtsi vütax ramdzu. Püskho aphenyi üse tükwe nurkwenjü. Ptrashi vathsü rüthsang.

Now it looks like a weird Naga language, but at least it doesn't look like a conlang anymore.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Using bits and pieces from the other responses, here’s what I eventually came up with:

/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/ ⟨p t ts tr c ky k q⟩
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/ ⟨ph th tsh trh ch khy kh qh⟩
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/ ⟨mp nt nts ntr nc nky nk nq⟩
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/ ⟨b d (dr) j gy g⟩
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/ ⟨mb nd ndz ndr nj ngy ng nǧ⟩
/m n ɲ ŋ/ ⟨m n ny ŋ⟩
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/ ⟨(f) s (rh) sh xh x (h)⟩
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/ ⟨v z zh y ǧh ǧ⟩
/r (ɬ) l w/ ⟨r (lh) l w⟩

Plain: /ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/ ⟨ae e a o ü i u⟩
Velarised: /a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/ ⟨ä ew aw ow üw iw uw⟩

For ⟨a e i o u⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-a -ah -á-⟩
For ⟨aw ew iw ow uw⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-aw -ahw -áw-⟩
For ⟨ae⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-ae -aeh -áe-⟩
For ⟨aew⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-aew -aehw -áew-⟩
For ⟨ä ü⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-ä -äh -â-⟩
For ⟨üw⟩: /V V̂ V́/ ⟨-üw -ühw -ûw-⟩

/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/

Nûnkhyeŋ caeh kandze maekhyaehŋ. Lhaseh ǧníla taerütŋ. Laqalŋax coxtsih vütâwx ramdzuh. Pûskho aephényi üse tükwe nurkwenjü. Ptrashi vaetshü rütshaeŋ.

/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/
mbüwt ǧhldah tvamüwt aelgywe lqhox sháenrkhu

I leave it to everyone else to decide how conlangy this looks.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

applying standard conventions

/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/ <b d z zh j jh g gv>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/ <p t c ch q qh k kv>
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/ <mp nt nz nzh nq nqh nk nkv>
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/ <bb dd rh jj jjh gg>
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/ <mb nd nz nzh nj njh mg mgv>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/ <f s sh x h v hv>
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/ <ff ss ssh y hh vv>
/r (ɬ) l w/ <r lh l w>


Plain: /ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/ <a ai ea o e i u>
Velarised (yes, really): /a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/ <ag aig eg og eig ig ug>

When accent is on the final syllable of a word, it distinguishes level and falling tones /V V̂/. Otherwise accent will fall on another syllable /V́/.

/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/

Nénqhaing jâ keanzai maqhâng. Lheasâi vvnílea dareng. Leagvealngeav jovzî ffedâgv ragmzzû. Bésko apáinyi esai degwai nurgwainje. Bzheaxi fface recang.

/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/
mbegd hhldêa dffagmegd aljjhwai lkvov xánrku
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Echobeats »

Hi everyone, I've been away/lurking for a few years but I missed Romanisation challenges enough to come back and look for a good one. Showu rGyalrong is one of the best I've seen!

Showu rGyalrong


/p t ts tʂ tʃ c k q/ <p t ts rts ch ki k q>
/pʰ tʰ tsʰ tʂʰ tʃʰ cʰ kʰ qʰ/ <ph th tsh rtsh chh khi kh qh>
/ⁿpʰ ⁿtʰ ⁿtsʰ ⁿtʂʰ ⁿtʃʰ ⁿcʰ ⁿkʰ ⁿqʰ/ <mp nt nts rnts nch nki nk nq>
/b d (dʐ) dʒ ɟ ɡ/ <b d rdz j gi g>
/ⁿb ⁿd ⁿdz ⁿdʐ ⁿdʒ ⁿɟ ⁿg ⁿɢ/ <mb nd ndz rndz nj nggi ngg ngq>
/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ni ng>
/(f) s (ʂ) ʃ x χ (h)/ <f s rs sch x cq h>
/v z ʒ j ɣ ʁ/ <v z zh i gh cg>
/r (ɬ) l w/ <r hl l w>

Apostrophes to break up unsightly/ambiguous consonant clusters.


Plain: /ɐ e ʌ o ə i u/ <a e u o y i w>
Velarised: /a~ɑ eˠ ʌˠ oˠ əˠ iˠ uˠ/ <ah eh uh oh yh ih wh>

final, level tone = a <i>etc.</i>
final, falling tone = à <i>etc.</i>
nonfinal = á <i>etc.</i>

/nə́ncʰeŋ tʃɐ̂ kʌⁿdzē mɐcʰɐ̂ŋ/ <nýnkhieng chà kundze makhiàng>
/ɬʌsê ʁnílʌ tɐrə̄tŋ/ <Hlusè cgnílu tarytng>
/lʌqʌlŋʌ̄χ tʃoχtsî vətâχ ramdzû/<luqulngucq chocqtsì vytàcq ramdzẁ>
/pə́skʰo ɐpʰéɲi əsē təkwē nurkwēⁿdʒə/ <pýskho aphénii yse tykwe nwrkwénjy>
/ptʂʌʃī vɐtsʰə̄ rətsʰɐ̄ŋ/ <p'rtshuschi vatshy rytshang>

/ⁿbə̄ˠt ɣldʌ̂ tvamə̄ˠt ɐlɟwē lqʰōχ ʃɐ́nrkʰu/
mbyht ghldù tvamyht algi'we lqhox schánr'khw

Some more example sentences from the paper:

/tʰɐfkénaŋ qawə kɐpə tʰɐki/ <thafkénang qáwy kapy thak'i>
/zdʌ́ʁɐr pʌntʃen ŋəχpɐ̂r ɐlɟoχ/ <zducgar Punchen ngycqpàr algiocq>

Alternatively if you want <u> for /u/ you could have <v> for /ʌ/ and <f> for /v/, since /f/ is rare/non-native. <fh> for /f/ if you need it.

My next-level idea was not to have a separate letter for /ə/ but to use <ä ë ï ö ü ẅ> depending on the ablaut pair. So e.g. /və, vi/ "to come" would be <vï, vi> (or fï, fi) whereas "to arrive" /zvet, zvət/ would be <zvet, zvët> and "to be present" /smo, smət/ would be <smo, smöt>. Schwa in other words would be spelled per etymology or ad lib. Trouble was, I couldn't do the example sentences without a gloss and dictionary...
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

a phonetic reconstruction of Tangut

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/
/s ɬ ʃ h/
/v l z ʒ ɣ/
/m n ŋ/


/a e ø ə o i y u/ + (uvularized, epiglottalized) + (creaky, breathy) + (nasal) + (rhotacized), but there are some distributional restrictions - there are very few nasal vowels, rhotacized vowels are never creaky, /y/ only appears plain, /ø/ can only appear plain or creaky, etc. More detail:
More: show
- Plain series:
/a e ø ə o i y u/
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/

- Rhotacized series:
/aʴ eʴ øʴ əʴ oʴ iʴ uʴ/
/aʶʴ eʶʴ øʶʴ əʶʴ oʶʴ iʶʴ uʶʴ/
/aʢʴ eʢʴ əʢʴ oʢʴ iʢʴ/

- Creaky series:
/a̰ ḛ ə̰ o̰ ḭ ṵ/
/a̰ʶ ə̰ʶ o̰ʶ ḭʶ ṵʶ/

- Breathy series:
/a̤ e̤ ø̤ ə̤ i̤ ṳ/
/a̤ʶ e̤ʶ ø̤ʶ ə̤ʶ i̤ʶ ṳʶ/

- Breathy rhotacized series:
/a̤ʴ e̤ʴ ə̤ʴ o̤ʴ/
/a̤ʶʴ ə̤ʶʴ o̤ʶʴ i̤ʶʴ/

- Nasal series:
/ã ẽ õ ĩ/
/ãʶ ẽʶ õʶ ĩʶ ũʶ/
ʢʢ õʢ ĩʢ/

- Nasal rhotacized series:

- Nasal creaky series:

- Nasal breathy series:
/˧ ˩˥/

ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

a phonetic reconstruction of Tangut

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ ⟨ph p b th t d ch c j čh č jh kh k g⟩
/s ɬ ʃ h/ ⟨s lh š h⟩
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ ⟨v l z ž ǧ⟩
/r/ ⟨r⟩
/m n ŋ/ ⟨m n ŋ⟩

(There also seems to be initial /ʔ/, which I have transcribed with ⟨q-⟩.)

/w/ ⟨-w-⟩

Vowel qualities: /a e ø ə o i y u/ ⟨a e oe eo o i y u⟩

And the various series:
/a aʶ aʢ/ ⟨a aw aħ⟩
/aʴ aʶʴ aʢʴ/ ⟨ar awr aħr⟩
/a̰ a̰ʶ ḛʢ/ ⟨aq awq eħq⟩
/a̤ a̤ʶ a̤ʢ/ ⟨ah awh aħh⟩
/a̤ʴ a̤ʶʴ/ ⟨arh awrh⟩
/ã ãʶ ãʢ/ ⟨an awn aħn⟩
/õʴ õʶʴ/ ⟨orn owrn⟩
/ḛ̃ ḛ̃ʢ/ ⟨enq eħnq⟩
/õ̤ õ̤ʢ/ ⟨onh oħnh⟩

So /(uvularized, epiglottalized) rhotacized nasal (creaky, breathy)/ are ⟨(-w, -ħ) -r -n (-q, -h)⟩ in that order.

Tonesː /˧ ˩˥/ ⟨V V́⟩

Sample text:
/ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧/

Bu dá phíŋóewr ahlíǧáwšwo oħ úw jéh ta mive tha suw beobé qáhr réwrráwr kuw rar kweowr cheow šeoħnéo qejáwčéq. Lhoewmér dévír tha keo zóewrh lhoew kówn súlaqčhu kuw noħnh rér óħq khaw vénórnvi.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by willm »

I ignored /ʔ/, but it could be written as <x>. An apostrophe marks ambiguous syllable boundaries. Diacritics are only written on the first in a series of vowels.

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ <ph p b th t d ch c dz qh q j kh k g>
/s ɬ ʃ h/ <s lh sh h>
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ <v l z zh gh>
/r/ <r>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>

/w/ <w>

- Plain series in level tone:
/a e ø ə o i y u/ <a e oe y o i ue u>
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/ <à è òe ỳ ò ì ù>
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/ <á é óe ý ó í ú>

Plain series in rising tone:
/a e ø ə o i y u/ <ā ē ōe ȳ ō ī ūe ū>
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/ <ǎ ě ǒe y̌ ǒ ǐ ǔ>
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/ <â ê ôe ŷ ô î û>

Rhotacized: <ar>
Creaky: <aa>
Breathy: <ah>
Breathy Rhoticized: <ahr>
Nasal: <an>
Nasal Rhoticized: <arn>
Nasal Creaky: <aan>
Nasal Breathy: <ahn>

/ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧/

Bu dā phī’ngǒer alhīighǎshwo ó ǔ jēh ta mive tha sù bybē āhr rěrrǎr kù rar kwỳr chỳ shýnȳ edzǎqēe. Lhòemēr dēvīr tha ky zòeh lhòe kǒn sūlaaqhu kù nóhn rēr óo khà vēnōrnvi.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

glottal stop is identical to zero initial - it shouldn't be there but I forgot to take it out
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Echobeats »

Nortaneous wrote: Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:43 pm a phonetic reconstruction of Tangut
/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ ph p b th t d c ch dz qh q j kh k g
/s ɬ ʃ h/ s hl x h
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ v l z zh gh
/r/ r
/m n ŋ/ m n ng

/w/ w


Uvuluarisation: mid-dot
Epiglottalisation: colon

Plain series:
/a e ø ə o i y u/ a e œ y o i ü u
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/ a· e· œ· y· o· i· u·
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/ a: e: œ: y: o: i: u:

- Rhotacized series: -r
/aʴ eʴ øʴ əʴ oʴ iʴ uʴ/ ar er œr yr or ir ur
/aʶʴ eʶʴ øʶʴ əʶʴ oʶʴ iʶʴ uʶʴ/ a·r e·r œ·r y·r o·r i·r u·r
/aʢʴ eʢʴ əʢʴ oʢʴ iʢʴ/ a:r e:r y:r o:r i:r u:r

- Creaky series: ogonek
/a̰ ḛ ə̰ o̰ ḭ ṵ/ ą ę y̨ ǫ į ų
/a̰ʶ ə̰ʶ o̰ʶ ḭʶ ṵʶ/ ą· y̨· ǫ· į· ų·
/ḛʢʢʢ/ ę: ǫ: į:

- Breathy series: ring below
/a̤ e̤ ø̤ ə̤ i̤ ṳ/ ḁ e̥ œ̥ y̥ i̥ u̥
/a̤ʶ e̤ʶ ø̤ʶ ə̤ʶ i̤ʶ ṳʶ/ ḁ· e̥· œ̥· y̥· i̥· u̥·
/a̤ʢʢʢʢʢ/ ḁ: e̥: o̥: i̥: u̥:

- Breathy rhotacized series:
/a̤ʴ e̤ʴ ə̤ʴ o̤ʴ/ ḁr e̥r y̥r o̥r
/a̤ʶʴ ə̤ʶʴ o̤ʶʴ i̤ʶʴ/ ḁ·r y̥·r o̥r· i̥r·

- Nasal series: tilde
/ã ẽ õ ĩ/ ã ẽ õ ĩ
/ãʶ ẽʶ õʶ ĩʶ ũʶ/ ã· ẽ· õ· ĩ· ũ·
ʢʢ õʢ ĩʢ/ ã: ẽ: õ: ĩ:

- Nasal rhotacized series:
/õʴ/ õr
/õʶʴ/ õ·r

- Nasal creaky series:
/ḛ̃/ ę̃
/ḛ̃ʢ/ ę̃:

- Nasal breathy series:
/õ̤/ õ̥
/õ̤ʢ/ õ̥r

/˧ ˩˥/ a á

ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧

Bu dá phíngœ́·r ahlį́gha·xwo o: ú· jé̥ ta mive tha su· bybé ḁ́r ré·rrá· ku· rar kwy·r chy· xy:ný edzá·qę́.

Hlœ·mér dévír tha ky zœ́· hlœ· kṍ· súląqhu ku· nõ̥: rér ǫ: kha· vénṍrvi.

Readers of this language need to have very good eyesight.
Last edited by Echobeats on Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ <p b mb t d nd c dz ndz ch j nj k q nq>
/s ɬ ʃ h/ <s lh sh h>
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ <v l z zh g>
/r/ <r>
/m n ŋ/ <m n ng>

/w/ <w>

/a e ø ə o i y u/ <a ei oe e o i ui u> + (uvularized <ag>, epiglottalized <aq>) + (creaky <a'>, breathy <ah>) + (nasal <an>) + (rhotacized <ar>), but there are some distributional restrictions - there are very few nasal vowels, rhotacized vowels are never creaky, /y/ only appears plain, /ø/ can only appear plain or creaky, etc.

/˧ ˩˥/ <a a:>

ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧

Mbu nda: pi:ngoerg: ali':gag:shwo oq ug: njeh: da mivei ta sug mbembei: 'arh reirg:rarg: qug rar qwerg tser sheqne: 'endzag:je':. Lhogmer: nde:vir: ta qe zoegh: lhog qong: su:la'chu qug nonqh rer: oq' khag ve:norn:vi.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by dhok »

I started off with the initials trying to do Pinyin, but then ran into the voiced fricatives. I hate apostrophes, so <ng> is /ᵑg/ and <ñ> is /ŋ/, the latter usage attested in Crimean Tatar and Nauruan. <x xh> for /z ʒ/ is semi-influenced by Albanian. The vowels are influenced by the standard(ish) transcription of Cantonese.

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ p b mb t d nd c z nz q j nj k g ng
/s ɬ ʃ h/ s lh sh h
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ v l x xh gh
/r/ r
/m n ŋ/ m n ñ

/w/ w.


Tone will be collapsed together with register and written with diacritics:

/a˧ a˩˥/ a á
/a̰˧ a̰˩˥/ā ǎ
/a̤˧ a̤˩˥/ à â

This should reduce us to:

- Plain series:
/a e ø ə o i y u/ a ei oe e o i yu u (with diacritics, éi óe yú)
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/ ah eih oeh eh oh ih uh
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/ aq eq oeq eq oq iq uq

- Nasal series:
/ã ẽ õ ĩ/ an en on in
/ãʶ ẽʶ õʶ ĩʶ ũʶ/ anh enh onh inh unh
/ãʢ ẽʢ õʢ ĩʢ/ anq enq onq inq

Rhotacism can be treated with a medial -r- after the initial, but before any medial /w/. If there's no initial onset, this is written <rh>.

ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧

mbu ndá píñróeh alhǐgháhwo oq úh njêi da mivei ta suh mbembéi rhâ rréhrráh guh rra grweh ceh sheqné einzáhjěi
lhoehmréi ndéivrí ta ge xôeh lhoeh gónh súlāqu guh nònq rréi ōq kah véinónhvi
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Zju »

Tangut really calls for a featural writing system, with different vowel features and components contributing different elements to the symbol, a la abugida or maybe Hangeul, but anyway... Doing multigraphs only since I haven't resetup my combining keys.

/pʰ p ⁿb tʰ t ⁿd tsʰ ts ⁿdz tʃʰ tʃ ⁿdʒ kʰ k ⁿg/ <ph p b th t d ch c dz cxh cx j kh k g>
/s ɬ ʃ h/ <s lh x h>
/v l z ʒ ɣ/ <v l z jh gh>
/r/ <r>
/m n ŋ/ <m n gn>
/w/ <w>

/a e ø ə o i y u/ <a e oy ə o i y u>
/aʶ eʶ øʶ əʶ oʶ iʶ uʶ/ <aq eq oyq əq oq iq yq uq>
/aʢ eʢ øʢ əʢ oʢ iʢ uʢ/ <a' e' oy' ə' o' i' y' u'>

Rhotacism:/aʴ eʴ øʴ əʴ oʴ iʴ uʴ/ <ar er oyr ər or ir yr ur>
Creakyness:/a̰ ḛ ə̰ o̰ ḭ ṵ/ <af ef əf of if uf>
Breathiness:/a̤ e̤ ø̤ ə̤ i̤ ṳ/ <ah eh oyh əh ih uh>
Nasality:/ã ẽ õ ĩ/ <an en on in>
Tonesː /a˧ a˩˥/ <a aa>

ⁿbu˧ ⁿda˩˦ pʰi˩˦ŋøʶʴ˩˦ a˧ɬḭ˩˥ɣaʶ˩˥ʃwo˧ oʢ˧ uʶ˩˥ ⁿdʒe̤˩˦ ta˧ mi˧ve˧ tʰa˧ suʶ˧ ⁿbə˧ⁿbe˩˦ ʔa̤ʴ˩˥ reʶʴ˩˦raʶʴ˩˦ kuʶ˧ raʴ˧ kwəʶʴ˧ tsʰəʶ˧ ʃəʢ˧nə˩˦ ʔe˧ⁿdzaʶ˩˦tʃḛ˩˥ || ɬøʶ˧meʴ˩˥ ⁿde˩˥viʴ˩˥ tʰa˧ kə˧ zø̤ʶ˩˥ ɬøʶ˧ kõʶ˩˥ su˩˥la̰˧tʃʰu˧ kuʶ˧ nõ̤ʢ reʴ˩˥ o̰ʢ˧ kʰaʶ˧ ve˩˥nõʴ˩˥vi˧

Bu daa phiignooyqr alhiifghaaqxwo o' uuq jeeh ta mive tha suq bəbee 'aahr reeqrraaqr kuq rar kwəqr chəq xə'nəə 'edzaaqcxeef. Lhoyqmeer deeviir tha kə zooyhq lhoyq koonq suulafcxhu kuq nonh' reer of' khar veenoonrvi.

Apparently the sample text includes a phoneme not included in the list above.
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Echobeats »

Montana Salish (aka Flathead)

/a e i o u (ə)/

/ə/ is epenthetic: /ʔ/ and the sonorants /l, m, n, w, j, ʕ, ʕʷ/ and their glottalised counterparts may not follow obstruents in a cluster, so /ə/ is inserted.

/p t (k) kʷ q qʷ ʔ/ (/k/ only occurs in two or three loanwords)
/p’ t’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’/
/ʦ ʧ/ (NB these contrast with /t.s t.ʃ/
/ʦ’ ʧ’ tɬ’/
/s ʃ ɬ xʷ χ χʷ h/
/m n/
/ˀm ˀn/
/j w l ʕ ʕʷ/
/ˀj ˀw ˀl ˀʕ ˀʕʷ/

Tone/accent: a high tone is placed on stressed syllables. Unfortunately the example sentences I was able to find don't have the accent marked.

Sample text:

/jetɬ’xʷasq’t qe ˀjamnʦut u qe es wiʧstm ɬu nxʷlxʷiltn ta es hoj qe ʦxʷiʦ’ɬlt ɬu qeqɬ nxʷlxʷiltn iqs ʃiʔmnwexʷ l es yaʔ ɬu l es xʷlxʷilt put u yetɬ’xʷasq’t ɬu qe nkʷ’ɬaxmintn nkʷ’uʔ wilʃ ɬu ne qe es lmntmnwexʷ u qe es ʦuti lemlmt.ʃ ʧ’ es yaʔ sqlqelixʷ χʷˀl qe sqelixʷ/

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Today we have gathered and we see that the cycles of life continue. We have been given the duty to live in balance and harmony with each other and all living things. So now, we bring our minds together as one as we give greetings and thanks to each other as People.

/imʃe kʷ χest m ʃe putʔentxʷ ɬu a snkʷsqelixʷ/

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Be good and respectful to your fellow people.

A real romanisation exists but to make it interesting, avoid looking it up.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Echobeats wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:37 pm A real romanisation exists
No, it doesn’t really; the ‘romanization’ for most Salish languages is just a standardised form of Americanist phonetic notation, which actually works pretty well. But if you insist on a different romanization:

/a e i o u/ ⟨a e i o u⟩ + unwritten [ə]

/p t (k) kʷ q qʷ ʔ/ ⟨p t (k) kw q qw ʼ⟩
/p’ t’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’/ ⟨pp tt kkw qq qqw⟩
/ʦ ʧ/ ⟨c ch⟩
/ʦ’ ʧ’ tɬ’/ ⟨cc cch tl⟩
/s ʃ ɬ xʷ χ χʷ h/ ⟨s sh lh x xh xw h⟩
/m n/ ⟨m n⟩
/ˀm ˀn/ ⟨mm nn⟩
/j w l ʕ ʕʷ/ ⟨y w l g gw⟩
/ˀj ˀw ˀl ˀʕ ˀʕʷ/ ⟨yy ww ll gg ggw⟩

Sample text:

/jetɬ’xʷasq’t qe ˀjamnʦut u qe es wiʧstm ɬu nxʷlxʷiltn ta es hoj qe ʦxʷiʦ’ɬlt ɬu qeqɬ nxʷlxʷiltn iqs ʃiʔmnwexʷ l es yaʔ ɬu l es xʷlxʷilt put u yetɬ’xʷasq’t ɬu qe nkʷ’ɬaxmintn nkʷ’uʔ wilʃ ɬu ne qe es lmntmnwexʷ u qe es ʦuti lemlmt.ʃ ʧ’ es yaʔ sqlqelixʷ χʷˀl qe sqelixʷ/

Yetlxasqqt qe yyamncut u qe es wichstm lhu nxlxiltn ta es hoy qe cxicclhlt lhu qeqlh nxlxiltn iqs shiʼmnwex l es yaʼ lhu l es xlxilt put u yetlxasqqt lhu qe nkkwlhaxmintn nkkwuʼ wilsh lhu ne qe es lmntmnwex u qe es cuti lemlmtsh cch es yaʼsqlqelix xwll qe sqelix.

/imʃe kʷ χest m ʃe putʔentxʷ ɬu a snkʷsqelixʷ/

Imshe kw xhest m she putʼentx lhu a snkwsqelixw.

Compare the standard orthography, which if I remember correctly gives:
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Yeƛ̓xwasq̓t qe y̓amncut u qe es wičstm łu nxwlxwiltn ta es hoy qe cxwic̓iltn iqs šiʔmnwexw l es yaʔ łu l es xwlxwilt put u yeƛ̓xwasq̓t łu qe nk̓właxmintn nk̓wuʔ wilš łu ne qe es lmntmnwexw u qe es cuti lemlmtš č̓ es yaʔ sqlqelixw x̌wl̓ qe sqelixw.

Imše kw xest m še putʔentxw łu a snkwsqelixw.
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Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/a e i o u (ə)/ <a e i o u (y)>

/p t (k) kʷ q qʷ ʔ/ <p t cc/cqu cu/cü c/qu co/cö (acute/grave)>
/p’ t’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’/ <b d gü g/gu gö/go>
/ʦ ʧ/ <c ch>
/ʦ’ ʧ’ tɬ’/ <c ch> + acute/grave
/s ʃ ɬ xʷ χ χʷ h/ <z s r hü/hu j jö/jo h>
/m n/ <m n>
/ˀm ˀn/ <m n> + acute/grave
/j w l ʕ ʕʷ/ <y ö l ä äu>
/ˀj ˀw ˀl ˀʕ ˀʕʷ/ <y...> + acute/grave

Diacritic vowels are written before vowels when possible, in the position of schwa where possible except when reduplication looks likely, and never word-finally.

/jetɬ’xʷasq’t qe ˀjamnʦut u qe es wiʧstm ɬu nxʷlxʷiltn ta es hoj qe ʦxʷiʦ’ɬlt ɬu qeqɬ nxʷlxʷiltn iqs ʃiʔmnwexʷ l es yaʔ ɬu l es xʷlxʷilt put u yetɬ’xʷasq’t ɬu qe nkʷ’ɬaxmintn nkʷ’uʔ wilʃ ɬu ne qe es lmntmnwexʷ u qe es ʦuti lemlmt.ʃ ʧ’ es yaʔ sqlqelixʷ χʷˀl qe sqelixʷ/

Yétlhuázct que yàmncut u que ez öichztm ru nhölhoiltn ta ez hoy que chöízrlt ru quecr nhölhoiltn icz símnoeoh l ez yá ru l ez hölhoilt put u yétlhuázct ru que nügrahmintn ngüu öils ru ne que ez lmntmnoeoh u que ez cuti lemlmts chỳ ez yá zclquelioh jöýl que zquelioh.

/imʃe kʷ χest m ʃe putʔentxʷ ɬu a snkʷsqelixʷ/

Imse cü jezt m se putèntöh ru a snücsquelioh.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/a e i o u (ə)/ <a e i o u>

/p t (k) kʷ q qʷ ʔ/ <b d ḳ v k kw 'h>
/p’ t’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’/ <p dh vh kh khw>
/ʦ ʧ/ <t x>
/ʦ’ ʧ’ tɬ’/ <th xh lh>
/s ʃ ɬ xʷ χ χʷ h/ <s c r f q qw '>
/m n/ <m n>
/ˀm ˀn/ <mh nh>
/j w l ʕ ʕʷ/ <y w l g gw>
/ˀj ˀw ˀl ˀʕ ˀʕʷ/ <yh wh lh gh ghw>

A high tone is placed on stressed syllables and is marked with an acute accent.

/jetɬ’xʷasq’t qe ˀjamnʦut u qe es wiʧstm ɬu nxʷlxʷiltn ta es hoj qe ʦxʷiʦ’ɬlt ɬu qeqɬ nxʷlxʷiltn iqs ʃiʔmnwexʷ l es yaʔ ɬu l es xʷlxʷilt put u yetɬ’xʷasq’t ɬu qe nkʷ’ɬaxmintn nkʷ’uʔ wilʃ ɬu ne qe es lmntmnwexʷ u qe es ʦuti lemlmt.ʃ ʧ’ es yaʔ sqlqelixʷ χʷˀl qe sqelixʷ/
/imʃe kʷ χest m ʃe putʔentxʷ ɬu a snkʷsqelixʷ/

Yelhfaskhd ke yhamntud u ke es wixsdm ru nflfildn da es 'oy ke tfithrld ru kekr nflfildn iks ci'hmnwef l es ya'h ru l es flfild bud u yelhfaskhd ru ke nvhraqmindn nvhu'h wilc ru ne ke es lmndmnwef u qe es tudi lemlmdc xh es ya'h sklkelif qwlh ke skelif.
Imce v qesd m ce bud'hendf ru a snvskelif.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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