I'm sure you've heard the truism that dystopia is where what's already happening to POC happens to white people. Detained Canadian Jasmine Mooney made exactly that point in her recent piece for the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/202 ... ine-mooney. (Like your mom, she was also in the US on a longstanding work visa, so I'm afraid your fears are grounded.)
I have a white friend who's a biologist at the University of Toronto. He's on sabbatical now and was planning to spend it in the States. Not any more. Several other white friends of mine, from Spain to Australia, have made similar decisions or are currently wavering. (I get it: pre-purchased travel is often a sunk cost if you don't pay extra for refundable tickets.) I support their decisions, even though I'll miss not seeing them. Plus it's going to be a big blow to Chicago's economy, which depends heavily on tourism, particularly from Canada. But I really can't recommend that anyone visit the USA right now.
Overall, the economic cost of these policies has been estimated at $64 billion, with one major analyst firm revising their forecast from a 5% increase in tourism to a 9% drop. If it really is true that what it takes to change opinion is to hit people in the pocketbook, one can only hope that the slump in visitors to places like Florida will cause some folks to reevalute the consequences of xenophobia.