United States Politics Thread 46

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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by zompist »

Moose-tache wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:32 pm The idea that "we understand the other side's mind but they don't understand ours" seems pretty universal.
I agree. In the contemporary US, each side generally understands what the other side is doing, and completely dismisses what the other side says it's thinking. At the same time each side concentrates on its ideals-- i.e. what it's thinking-- and just kind of assumes that it's congruent with what it's doing.

And if we have to choose, it's better to concentrate on what people are doing. Everyone's philosophy is benign and has no problems, in their head.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nortaneous »

Raphael wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:22 am Meanwhile, Republican Congressman Madison Cawthorn, in comments complaining about modern culture wanting to "demasculate" men, explicitly told parents: "If you are raising a young man, please raise them to be a monster."

Now, I've long thought that the kind of men many right-wingers want all men to be like are monsters, but I didn't expect them to say it so explicitly.

(Really, folks, even if I would agree with the Right on everything else, and disagree with the Left on everything else, which I don't, the right-wing views on how men and women are supposed to be like would still be enough to keep me from becoming a right-winger.)
I don't like the standard right-wing views on sex and gender either, but (not having seen the context) that's not the connection I drew - I parse it instead as being about dominance displays. How do you stop schoolyard bullies? Do you ask them to be nice, complain to the teacher, or stomp the shit out of one and get away with it? I've heard the last option works better than either of the others, but I don't think anyone wants things to get to that point in the first place - so if you have kids, what advice can you give them to not get bullied?

Ideally your kids wouldn't be targeted by bullies in the first place, but how do you manage that? The kids have to be nice and friendly, but they also have to not be constantly losing dominance displays.

This doesn't even have to be physical. When I drive, I play loud techno music so people think I'm a shithead kid who drives badly and give me space. I recently tried not doing this, and the people around me drived noticeably worse - and more rudely. I got rear-ended in a hit-and-run and had two near misses in the space of two days of commute. (When I got hit, it was because there was traffic and I had to brake; when I didn't, it was because I had room to floor it and change lanes a few times.)

This is known as the fringe right-wing theory of "microaggressions", which imo is in some abstract sense correct.
Nachtswalbe wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:00 am Is there a communitarian (community centered) right in Western countries anymore? You have the “Asian values” crowd, but that’s an East Asian/Sinosphere thing
The word "communitarianism" as a buzzword in political philosophy was taken by a correspondence circle centered around some guy named Amitai Etzioni who I still haven't gotten around to reading and probably won't - although since he's an Israeli Jew who was born in Germany in 1929 (and after getting out ran away to join the Haganah!) I'd imagine he'd have some things to say about some things
Travis B. wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:35 pm The right is basically reactionary in nature.
The right is basically authoritarian in nature, and when it claims to be "libertarian", it is merely for replacing the authority of the state with the authority of the capitalist.
The right is for dividing the public, turning it against itself, and exploiting this division, using false consciousness to accomplish this.
The right is for the interests of heterosexual cisgender white male Christians alone, and feels justified in trampling over the interests of everyone else.
The right is for deceiving the general public, and especially the working class, into believing that their interests are aligned with the rich while actually acting against their actual economic interests.
The right is for no limits being imposed on the rich, while squashing the actual interests of the working class.
And so on...
I disagree with the word "the" - those guys exist but I don't like them, and I'm apparently a rightist
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Moose-tache »

Travis B. wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 12:35 pm Let me see, this is how I see the right:

The right is basically reactionary in nature.
The right is basically authoritarian in nature, and when it claims to be "libertarian", it is merely for replacing the authority of the state with the authority of the capitalist.
The right is for dividing the public, turning it against itself, and exploiting this division, using false consciousness to accomplish this.
The right is for the interests of heterosexual cisgender white male Christians alone, and feels justified in trampling over the interests of everyone else.
The right is for deceiving the general public, and especially the working class, into believing that their interests are aligned with the rich while actually acting against their actual economic interests.
The right is for no limits being imposed on the rich, while squashing the actual interests of the working class.
And so on...
I have two quibbles with this list. The first is that things like seeking to divide the public and deceive the working class are deliberate only for a small number of media influencers and Machiavellian evil-doers. The rank and file conservative voters certainly don't condone or, to their mind at least, participate in active deception. So I think this is more of an organizational feature of elite right-wing media outlets and political theorists, and less of an inherent feature of conservatism. You might as well say that promising imnorities equality with no intention of making it happen is an inherent feature of left wing thought, just because Democratic politicians do it on a regular basis.

The second issue I have with this list is the stuff about authority of capitalists vs government, limits on the rich, etc., because it skips over an important assumption. Filthy Pinkos like you and me like to use a lot of the same language when talking about government and economic factors, even going so far as to rebrand socialism as "economic democracy." Conservatives balk at this stuff and maintain a distinction between the authority that a government wields by sending cops to your house and the influence that rich people have by owning the means of production. Classical Liberalism, the Ur-font of all mainstream American politics for centuries, sought to decrease the amount by which individuals were controlled by or beholden to formal authority structures. Those structures in the 18th century were very clear: the church and the crown. "Owning things" was not seen as a formalized authority structure. So from their perspective, the conservatives are not going out of their way to split economic power off into some privileged class of "good authoritarianism" in contrast to the "bad authoritarianism" practiced by governments. From their perspective, they are simply sticking to the original purpose of Liberalism, and we're the weirdos who want to re-write what authority means.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nortaneous »

Moose-tache wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:33 pm The second issue I have with this list is the stuff about authority of capitalists vs government, limits on the rich, etc., because it skips over an important assumption. Filthy Pinkos like you and me like to use a lot of the same language when talking about government and economic factors, even going so far as to rebrand socialism as "economic democracy." Conservatives balk at this stuff and maintain a distinction between the authority that a government wields by sending cops to your house and the influence that rich people have by owning the means of production. Classical Liberalism, the Ur-font of all mainstream American politics for centuries, sought to decrease the amount by which individuals were controlled by or beholden to formal authority structures. Those structures in the 18th century were very clear: the church and the crown. "Owning things" was not seen as a formalized authority structure. So from their perspective, the conservatives are not going out of their way to split economic power off into some privileged class of "good authoritarianism" in contrast to the "bad authoritarianism" practiced by governments. From their perspective, they are simply sticking to the original purpose of Liberalism, and we're the weirdos who want to re-write what authority means.
This was arguably true until a few years ago, but conservatives now object to at least the idea that private companies should be able to exert arbitrary and unaccountable power over the communications infrastructure they profit from maintaining.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by zompist »

Moose-tache wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:33 pm The second issue I have with this list is the stuff about authority of capitalists vs government, limits on the rich, etc., because it skips over an important assumption. Filthy Pinkos like you and me like to use a lot of the same language when talking about government and economic factors, even going so far as to rebrand socialism as "economic democracy." Conservatives balk at this stuff and maintain a distinction between the authority that a government wields by sending cops to your house and the influence that rich people have by owning the means of production. Classical Liberalism, the Ur-font of all mainstream American politics for centuries, sought to decrease the amount by which individuals were controlled by or beholden to formal authority structures. Those structures in the 18th century were very clear: the church and the crown. "Owning things" was not seen as a formalized authority structure.
This is more or less why I don't think examining ideology or "principles" is very helpful. The thing is, the moment conservatives get power, they increase state power, increase state intrusiveness, increase the number and power of cops sent to your house. E.g. US conservatives are now pursuing laws such as these:

* prohibiting teaching conservatives don't like, especially on racial matters
* eliminating tenure so professors can be fired for outraging conservatives
* eliminating access to abortion
* evading judicial review on the above by rewarding vigilante action, without any overview for the vigilantes
* making it more difficult to vote, down to the level of making it illegal to give water to people standing in voting lines
* criminalizing trans people, interfering with medical care for trans youth, even making it illegal for people to use the "wrong pronouns"

The cops sent to your house in the US, by the way, are increasingly militarized, increasingly right-wing, and resist all attempts at reform or oversight-- even if their civil rights excesses end up costing the cities millions due to lawsuits.

It would be more accurate (though not entirely so) to say that the first thought of left-wingers about some social problem is a publicity campaign, and the first thought of right-wingers is to make it illegal.

Edit: to be clear, I don't think individual conservatives obsess over these things, or your idea of classical liberalism, or Travis's list of Evil Things. One of the advantages of having an ideology, for many people, is not having to think about politics: they decided their side long ago and it's rare that something comes up that will change that. (Nor is that irrational; it's a heuristic.) At the same time, it's kind of a dodge when a party does all these things and people don't care what it really does and vote for it anyway. Apathy is human and understandable, but it's not a get-out-of-moral-responsibility card.)
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Travis B. »

Stuff like that is why I tend to believe the only "good" conservatives are those that either A) are ignorant or B) do not actually believe in conservative goals (e.g. I know a self-described conservative in Australia who aside from being pro-gun, anti-woke, and pro-Trump has views that many Americans would consider left-wing).
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nachtswalbe »

Speaking of politics, can people with Aspergers be trained more effectively than neurotypicals into becoming soldiers because of their relatively lower levels of empathy and autistic focus? There's got to be a person with Aspergers out there who at least is into hunting, if not actual combat?

EDIT: They are formally disqualified.

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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nortaneous »

zompist wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:12 am This is more or less why I don't think examining ideology or "principles" is very helpful. The thing is, the moment conservatives get power, they increase state power, increase state intrusiveness, increase the number and power of cops sent to your house. E.g. US conservatives are now pursuing laws such as these:

* prohibiting teaching conservatives don't like, especially on racial matters
What's wrong with that, at least for public schools? Should the government not be subject to public oversight?
* eliminating tenure so professors can be fired for outraging conservatives
What's wrong with that, at least for schools that receive funding from the government? Should the government not be subject to public oversight?
* eliminating access to abortion
OK, that's a state power thing.
* evading judicial review on the above by rewarding vigilante action, without any overview for the vigilantes
This is about the Texas reporting thing? The Texas thing is dumb (although I assume the reason it's happening now is that the Texans want the Californians to fuck off) but that's... certainly a rhetorical framing.
* making it more difficult to vote, down to the level of making it illegal to give water to people standing in voting lines
Manipulating procedural outcomes is by no means exclusive to conservatives.
* criminalizing trans people, interfering with medical care for trans youth, even making it illegal for people to use the "wrong pronouns"
In addition to being cartoonishly evil, it's monumentally stupid of them to hitch their entire national brand to nonsense that no reasonable person would ever endorse in response to total non-issues, especially after the 2016 election when they ran a moderate who didn't even go in for the bathroom bill thing the apparatchiks were pushing, although unfortunately once Trump was in office he appointed the same repulsive insects voters were hoping he'd obliterate.

I really can't be polite about this. The last five years have been about existential issues, and the GOP ate shit on a world-historical scale and show no sign of stopping. Whichever idiots were responsible for these narrative rebrands will end up in the same paragraph of the history books as Dermot MacMurrough and Massasoit. It's not even a good electoral strategy - a lot of people in this country have actual problems, and the last party that tried appealing to managerial-class soccer moms lost to some guy from pro wrestling.

And it's all coming from Northern Virginia, where any reasonable candidate could win in a landslide by pledging to put a fucking shoulder lane on I-66. I've been there - they had the worst roads I've ever seen before the current responsible parties dropped untold amounts of money on road work that did nothing (but I assume their cousins own the construction companies, or something), and now the interstate that every single person who lives there takes to work has, I cannot stress this enough, and I swear I am not making this up, no shoulder and effectively two lanes.

(There are technically four lanes, but the left lane is HOV and the right lane is six inches from a concrete barrier - and lanes in Northern Virginia are so narrow that there's really no margin for error. The right lane is for passing.)

All of this is shit that Trump's election was supposed to prevent, but polite society decreed that Trump was impermissible in ways that termites like Reagan and Bush weren't, in part because he tried to win on the issues, and now none of it has been prevented - but hey, at least instead of a referendum on existential questions with obvious answers (should we have a country? yes. should the country be strip-mined for the financial benefit of a hundred financiers and a hundred thousand McMansion owners looking for the cheapest lawn service? no.) we get an election cycle's worth of fearmongering that'll only end when the cartels sack the cities and appoint their drug lords khans and the people all shrug and figure they're better than the alternative.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Pabappa »


Trump expected to launch new social media platform, TMTG, freeing conservatives from the need to use Twttr, Parler, Gab, etc
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Vardelm »

Pabappa wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 6:33 am https://twitter.com/i/events/1450987166843035650

Trump expected to launch new social media platform, TMTG, freeing conservatives from the need to use Twttr, Parler, Gab, etc
Ooh! Now conservatives will have a place to celebrate their mutual persecution and martyrdom without liberals getting in the way.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nachtswalbe »

You can’t stop people from self-destructing thrmselves if they really want to, and the same applies for countries
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Pabappa »

i still want to reply to this, though its perhaps a good thing i waited two days and that the conversation has mostly moved on ,............
Linguoboy wrote:
Pabappa wrote: Tue Oct 19, 2021 11:27 amSo many leftists seem to, at best, view conservatives as no more than miseducated leftists, as if our interests are the same as yours but we just can't see it ............and at worst, as an evil group with no legitimate interests, and wholly undeserving of compassion, let alone debate. Read upthread if you don't see what I mean, and it's certainly not just confined to this community. I've never seen this sort of thing from the Right.
Never? Seriously? I don't see how anyone can claim that unless it's being undergirded by some sort of No True Scotsman fallacy. Libertarians are the kings of the "you'd believe exactly what I do if you were only smart enough and educated yourself" stance and finding right-wingers who demonise and dehumanise liberals is easier than finding COVID carriers at a motorcycle rally.
yes, I stand by what I said here. to respond,
1) Libertarians are libertarians, not conservatives, so this criticism is irrelevant to me. if you really see libertarians and conservatives as some sort of two-headed hydra then it just underscores my original point that the Left does not and forever will not understand the Right.
2) well, an anecdote is worth an anecdote, i guess, and I imagine that neither of us believes the other.
3) I didnt bring this up in my original post, but the Left has a clear stronghold on this sort of sly conversation style where insults are baked into every parapgraph, and that underscores my point even more.
Raphael wrote: You've never seen this sort of thing from the Right? What Right are you talking about? Frankly, I rarely ever see anything else than this sort of thing from the Right. Ok, can you name a single prominent, well-known contemporary right-wing commentator who, when they talk about leftists, don't describe them basically as "at best, no more than miseducated right-wingers, as if their interests are the same as yours but they just can't see it ............and at worst, as an evil group with no legitimate interests, and wholly undeserving of compassion, let alone debate"?
i am comparing this community to the other social media communities I belong to, not to television personalities. I never see this sort of thing on the RIght.

a hypothetical counterexample would be a discussion group consisting entirely of conservatives, sitting around and asking each other "well, what is with these LIBERALS? are they voting left because theyre emasculated and terrified of guns, or are they all Muslim fundamentalists hiding behind pasteboard masks until the time is right for the jihad?" and then talk for hours amongst themselves.

this kind of false spectrum of "are you X or are you X-prime?" opinions requires a conversation, not just one person , so i wouldnt expect it to come up on a talk show run by one person, and therefore i think Ive answered your question.

but I've never seen this type of situation within a conservative discussion group, either, whether the group is formal or informal, adults or teenagers, educated or uneducated, debate-oriented or game-oriented, etc... i would say that it never happens because conservatives understand leftist positions very well, and that this is because the Right recognizes the Left as a group with its own legitimate interests, which happen to be opposed to our own.

are there discussion groups with leftists who acknowledge that conservatives, too, have legitimate interests? well, i've found some, as I hinted at in a post more than a year ago, but they seem pretty rare.
Travis B. wrote:
Thing is, they often conflate people who are anything but socialist with the evil bogeyman of "Communist!", as if anything which is not on the right is equivalent to big-C Communism.
Again, I havent seen this. Communism is a spent force, .... the USSR fell thirty years ago, and even the Left admits that prsent-day China is communist only in name. Expecting the conservatves to be terrified of communism just doesnt make sense. Since quite a few people here said more or less this same thing, IM a bit puzzled, to be honest.

obviously, the Right does oppose Communism, but the only time I've seen a leftist party falsely described as Communist in recent memory was when Austria's socialist party, SPO, was described as communist by an SPO supporter who I assume was engaging in wishful thinking. elsewhere it seems to be a byword for authoritarianism (someone told me i was a communist because i enforced a decision handed down by a staff team that i believe he expected me to ignore), or used literally for the few actual communist parties still in power.

if i were a strategist with lots of money, i suppose i would seize on this opportunity to promote the idea that conservatives are just cowards living 25 yrs in the past, worried that anything to the left of the party line means a slippery slope into CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCOMMUNISM, while the actual conservatives will devote their attention to the real issues, mostly social issues these days, but also opposing the Democrats' economic policies for what they actually are.

that brings me to my last point.
nortaneous wrote:In addition to being cartoonishly evil, it's monumentally stupid of them to hitch their entire national brand to nonsense that no reasonable person would ever endorse in response to total non-issues, especially after the 2016 election when they ran a moderate who didn't even go in for the bathroom bill thing the apparatchiks were pushing, although unfortunately once Trump was in office he appointed the same repulsive insects voters were hoping he'd obliterate.
Nort, while I agree that Trump was a moderate on social issues and probably still is in his heart, the fact is that Trump could not have won the election without social conservatives. He really, really needed Mike Pence on the ticket and it would have sunk his campaign if he had chosen Pence and then gone on to flatly contradict Pence's own positions on topics such as abortion and LGBT issues. I think that remains true today, and that the Republican party cannot win elections by simply conceding defeat to the Left on social issues ... what exactly would there be left to stand for ?
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Nachtswalbe »

If SCP was real, how would politicians respond?
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Linguoboy »

Pabappa wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 11:42 amyes, I stand by what I said here. to respond,
1) Libertarians are libertarians, not conservatives, so this criticism is irrelevant to me. if you really see libertarians and conservatives as some sort of two-headed hydra then it just underscores my original point that the Left does not and forever will not understand the Right.
I don't see them as a "two-headed hydra"; after all, there are reactionaries and fascists on the right as well. But, yeah, you've basically confirmed my suspicion that a No True Scotsman fallacy was at play here. Yes, technically left-libertarians exist, but they more typically identify with some other label such as "Marxist" or "anarchist". Just as "liberal" in the current US political climate has acquired a meeting rather different from its original usage, so has "libertarian" come to be identified primarily with a right-wing political philosophy summarised as "socially liberal, fiscally conservative". Practically speaking, though, most self-identified libertarians I've known seem to understand "socially liberal" as "gimme my weed and abortions, but I'm not sure about all this stuff about 'equality' for people who aren't straight white cis-males". To exclude them is essentially to equate "conservatism" with only a particular sort of social conservatism.

But you don't want to do this either, since it means including all those TV preachers and freshmen in Congress who froth about "liberals" being baby-eating demons, so then you clarify that "i am comparing this community to the other social media communities I belong to, not to television personalities." So now you don't have to deal with any counterexamples from (checks notes) the entire world of politics, religion, celebrity, and USAmerican public life in general. In fact, for the purposes of argument, you've effectively reduced the definition of "conservatives" to a few dozen (score?) individuals on particular social media communities. Moreover, these are social media communities that people who disagree with you likely don't even know about let alone belong to, thus making your assertions here essentially unfalsifiable.

But tell me more about the "slyness" of the Left in political debates.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Travis B. »

Linguoboy wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:03 pm Yes, technically left-libertarians exist, but they more typically identify with some other label such as "Marxist" or "anarchist". Just as "liberal" in the current US political climate has acquired a meeting rather different from its original usage, so has "libertarian" come to be identified primarily with a right-wing political philosophy summarised as "socially liberal, fiscally conservative".
Actually, libertarian originally referred to anarchism, and its cognates still do in other languages such as French (where libertaire means anarchist); the modern meaning of "libertarian" in English is thanks to right-wingers hijacking the term, in the 1970's IIRC. Anarchists, along with libertarian Marxists such as council communists and left communists, still consider themselves libertarian socialists.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Pabappa »

I think youre being just as unfair to libertarians here as you are to conservatives. Please note that up above I never agreed with your claim that, as you say, libertarians are the kings of the "you'd believe exactly what I do if you were only smart enough and educated yourself" stance. Ive had plenty of fruitful debates with libertarians, perhaps because as a minority position they're eager to find someone who can relate to them on their level. One of the people I learned the most from was an anarcho-capitalist, in fact. But Im not a libertarian, and libertarians don't need people like me to defend them.
In fact, for the purposes of argument, you've effectively reduced the definition of "conservatives" to a few dozen (score?) individuals on particular social media communities. Moreover, these are social media communities that people who disagree with you likely don't even know about let alone belong to, thus making your assertions here essentially unfalsifiable.
I felt it was plain that I was comparing like to like even in my original post .... since the example I gave was of a multi-party conversation, therefore requiring a community to take place in. I was never thinking of a TV show.

I cropped out your insults because I don't see the need to repeat them, but you go and prove my point time and time again with posts like these .... if there were an oral debate between the right and the left, and I didnt speak a word of English, Im sure I could tell which side was which was just by their tone of voice.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Linguoboy »

Pabappa wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:46 pmI cropped out your insults because I don't see the need to repeat them
Do me a favour; repeat them. Because I suspect that you and are using quite different definitions of the word "insult". I don't see a single "insult" in my latest reply to you and if you do, I think it says a lot about the filter through which you read posts from those you consider "liberals".
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Linguoboy »

Travis B. wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:12 pmActually, libertarian originally referred to anarchism, and its cognates still do in other languages such as French (where libertaire means anarchist); the modern meaning of "libertarian" in English is thanks to right-wingers hijacking the term, in the 1970's IIRC. Anarchists, along with libertarian Marxists such as council communists and left communists, still consider themselves libertarian socialists.
For funsies, I googled "Libertarian Socialist Party" to see if such a beast existed in the USA. It does. Their Facebook page has 16 likes.

Then I went to the Facebook page of the Libertarian Party (United States). It has over 760,000 likes.

So I stand by my statement that, in the USA, ""libertarian" [has] come to be identified primarily with a right-wing political philosophy".
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Travis B. »

Linguoboy wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:19 pm
Travis B. wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:12 pmActually, libertarian originally referred to anarchism, and its cognates still do in other languages such as French (where libertaire means anarchist); the modern meaning of "libertarian" in English is thanks to right-wingers hijacking the term, in the 1970's IIRC. Anarchists, along with libertarian Marxists such as council communists and left communists, still consider themselves libertarian socialists.
For funsies, I googled "Libertarian Socialist Party" to see if such a beast existed in the USA. It does. Their Facebook page has 16 likes.

Then I went to the Facebook page of the Libertarian Party (United States). It has over 760,000 likes.

So I stand by my statement that, in the USA, ""libertarian" [has] come to be identified primarily with a right-wing political philosophy".
Oh, certainly, in the Anglosphere "Libertarian" has come to mean a right-wing political philosophy. The thing about your little google search, though, is that libertarian socialists don't normally form parties.
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Re: United States Politics Thread 46

Post by Moose-tache »

linguoboy: you didn't insult Pabappa, but you know that a smarmy argument in the second person is going to come across as hostile. You certainly didn't violate any board rules, but you would talk to your nan that way either. Or maybe you would, if she's a total bitch.

Pabappa: I would love to see you actually respond to linguoboy's argument. How are we to know that bad behavior is limited to "the Left," if we are not allowed to call the shouty men on TV/Congress "the Right?"
I did it. I made the world's worst book review blog.
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