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Re: The Computer And General Tech Thread - Software, Hardware, Questions, etc.

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:27 pm
by Travis B.
Well, has been nuked. Apparently a ton of websites use(d) it to provide, well, polyfills, but unbeknownst to most it was hijacked by what seems to be some Chinese company and used to deliver malware earlier this year. When this was originally discovered Cloudflare rewrote references to in hosted free sites to refer to a backed-up good copy of the original site. Now, though, its DNS provider has taken down the whole domain, much to my relief. However, I am now paranoid about what has happened between the time this originally started and now.

Thing is, there are a whole lot of paranoid people on Hacker News and like who are ranting about how it's bad that Cloudflare redirected to to a known-good copy. Do they wish that Cloudflare hadn't done that? Would that be better somehow? Sure, you can have your paranoid ravings about how Cloudflare will change the "truth" and whatnot, but isn't things like this what people use Cloudflare for in the first place?