I think I got all sound changes from Proto-Laqar to Old Laqar to Classical Laqar right. I tested them on the vocabulary and some cells of the verbal conjugation. Behold, the
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# The * feature value is the default value
Feature type (*cons, vowel)
# Vowel Features
Feature height (open, nearOpen, openMid, mid, closeMid, close)
Feature frontness (front, central, back)
Feature rounded
Feature +stress
Feature +long
Feature +nasalized
# Consonant Features
Feature voiced
Feature place (bilabial, alveolar, alveolopalatal, palatal, retroflex, velar, labiovelar, uvular, glottal)
Feature manner (plosive, nasal, tap, affricate, fricative, approximant, liquid)
Feature +lateral
Feature +labialized, +ejective, +aspirate
#Features for stress and syncope assignment
Feature +coda
Feature +delete
# Diacritics
# "Floating" diacritics are ignored in rules by default
Diacritic ́ (floating) [+stress]
Diacritic ː [+long]
Diacritic ̃ [+nasalized]
Diacritic ʷ [+labialized]
Diacritic ʼ [+ejective]
Diacritic ʰ [+aspirate]
# Vowel Symbols
Symbol i [vowel front -rounded close]
Symbol y [vowel front +rounded close]
Symbol u [vowel back +rounded close]
Symbol e [vowel front -rounded closeMid]
Symbol ø [vowel front +rounded closeMid]
Symbol o [vowel back +rounded closeMid]
Symbol ə [vowel central mid]
Symbol ɛ [vowel front -rounded openMid]
Symbol œ [vowel front +rounded openMid]
Symbol ɞ̞ [vowel central +rounded mid]
Symbol ɔ [vowel back +rounded openMid]
Symbol æ [vowel front -rounded open]
Symbol ɐ [vowel central nearOpen]
Symbol a [vowel central -rounded open]
Symbol ɑ [vowel back -rounded open]
Symbol ɒ [vowel back +rounded open]
# Consonant Symbols
Symbol m [bilabial nasal]
Symbol n [alveolar nasal]
Symbol ɳ [retroflex nasal]
Symbol ɲ [palatal nasal]
Symbol ŋ [velar nasal]
Symbol ɴ [uvular nasal]
Symbol p [-voiced bilabial plosive]
Symbol b [+voiced bilabial plosive]
Symbol t [-voiced alveolar plosive]
Symbol d [+voiced alveolar plosive]
Symbol k [-voiced velar plosive]
Symbol ɡ [+voiced velar plosive]
Symbol q [-voiced uvular plosive]
Symbol ʔ [-voiced glottal plosive]
Symbol t͡s [-voiced alveolar affricate]
Symbol d͡z [+voiced alveolar affricate]
Symbol t͡ɕ [-voiced alveolopalatal affricate]
Symbol d͡ʑ [+voiced alveolopalatal affricate]
Symbol ʈ͡ʂ [-voiced retroflex affricate]
Symbol ɖ͡ʐ [+voiced retroflex affricate]
Symbol s [-voiced alveolar fricative]
Symbol z [+voiced alveolar fricative]
Symbol ʂ [-voiced retroflex fricative]
Symbol ʐ [+voiced retroflex fricative]
Symbol ɕ [-voiced alveolopalatal fricative]
Symbol ʑ [+voiced alveolopalatal fricative]
Symbol ç [-voiced palatal fricative]
Symbol ʝ [+voiced palatal fricative]
Symbol x [-voiced velar fricative]
Symbol ɣ [+voiced velar fricative]
Symbol χ [-voiced uvular fricative]
Symbol ʁ [+voiced uvular fricative]
Symbol h [glottal fricative]
Symbol j [palatal approximant]
Symbol ɾ [alveolar tap]
Symbol t͡ɬ [-voiced alveolar affricate +lateral]
Symbol ɬ [-voiced alveolar +lateral fricative]
Symbol l [alveolar +lateral approximant]
Symbol w [labiovelar approximant]
Diacritic . (floating) [+coda]
Diacritic ^ (floating) [+delete]
#Use of classes for romanization
Class stressed {í, é, è, ú, ó, ò, á, à, ű, ő, ẽ, õ, ã}
Class unstressed {i, e, ê, u, o, ô, a, â, ü, ö, ę, ǫ, ą}
#Adding the tie bar to the affricates
[plosive alveolar] [fricative alveolar] => * [affricate]
[plosive alveolar] [fricative alveolopalatal] => * [affricate]
#Removing hyphens
\- => *
[cons] => [+coda] / _ {[cons], $}
[vowel] => [+coda] / _ {[cons] [vowel], $}
stress-assignment [vowel]:
[+long -coda] => [+stress] / _ []? []? $
{[-coda], [+long +coda]} => [+stress] / _ []? []? $ // _ []? [+long -coda]
[] => [+stress] / _ [-long +coda] [-long +coda] $
[] => [+stress] / $ _ [-long +coda] $
[] => [+stress] / $ _ $
Then: [+stress] => [-stress] / [+stress] []? _
ʔ => * / [vowel] _ [vowel]
* => j / [vowel] _ [front]
* => w / [vowel] _ [back]
{{æː j, ɒː j}, {æː w, ɒː w}, iː w, uː j} => {eː j, oː w, yː w, yː j} / _ {[cons -coda], $}
{{æ j., ɒ j.}, {æ w., ɒ w.}, {i w., u j.}} => {eː. *, oː. *, yː. *}
{i, u, æ, ɒ}&[-stress] => {e, o, ɐ, ɞ̞}
{[close], æ, æː, ɐ, ɞ̞} => {[closeMid], ɑ, ɑː, ɑ, ɒ} / {[uvular] _, _ [uvular]}
Then: ɞ̞ => ɐ
deletable [vowel] propagate:
[-long -stress +coda] => [+delete] / {[+stress +coda] _ [], [] _ [+stress +coda]}
[-long -stress +coda] => [+delete] / {[+delete] [] _, _ [] [+delete]}
vowel-syncope [vowel]:
[+delete] => * // {{$, [-coda]} _, _ $}
Then: [+delete] => [-delete]
[+coda] => [-coda]
Then: [cons] => [+coda] / _ {[cons], $}
[vowel] => [+coda] / _ {[cons] [vowel], $}
{i j., iː j., u w., uː w.} => {iː. *, iː. *, uː. *, uː. *}
[+long] => [-long]
{i j i} => i * *
{u w u} => u * *
ɒ => ɔ
[velar plosive] => [alveolopalatal affricate] / {{i, y, j} _, _ {i, y, j}}
{[fricative], [affricate]}&[+lateral] => [alveolopalatal -lateral] / {{i, y, j} _, _ {i, y, j}}
[uvular] => [velar]
[+labialized] => [-labialized]
{[affricate], [fricative]}&[+lateral] => [-lateral]
[+aspirate] => [-aspirate]
[+ejective] * => [-ejective] '
Then: {d͡z, d͡ʑ, t͡s, t͡ɕ, ɕ, ʑ, ɣ} => {j, ǰ, c, č, š, ž, ġ}
{j, ɾ, ʔ} => {y, r, *}
{y, ø, æ, ɐ, ɔ, ɑ}&[-stress] => {ü, ö, a, ə, ô, â}
{i, e, u, o, ɔ, æ, y, ø, ɑ}&[+stress] => {í, é, ú, ó, ò, á, ű, ő, à}
Then: [+stress] => [-stress]
Then: @stressed => @unstressed / $ [cons]? _ {[cons], y}? $
Then: [+coda] => [-coda]
#Classical Laqar
ɐ => ə
[velar]&{!g} => [uvular] / {{ɑ, ɔ} _, _ {ɑ, ɔ}}
#Couldnt use the simpler copy rule because of the coda feature
[cons]$1 j => [] $1
#[cons $place $manner $voiced $ejective $aspirate] j => [] [$place $manner $voiced $ejective $aspirate]!
[velar fricative] => [palatal]
[alveolopalatal] => [retroflex]
[vowel] => [+nasalized] / _ [nasal +coda]
{u j., i w.} => {y j, y w}
{æ, ɑ, ɔ} j. => ɛ. *
{ə, e, o} j. => e. *
{æ, ɑ} w. => ɔ. *
{ɔ, ə, e, o} w. => o. *
[front +rounded] {w., j.} => [+coda] *
[front +rounded] => [-rounded]
{æ, ɑ, ɔ} => ɛ / _ j
{æ̃, ɑ̃, ɔ̃} => ɛ̃ / _ j
[open] => [central open]
{[palatal], [uvular]}&[fricative] => h / [cons] _
[palatal fricative] => [alveolopalatal]
[+voiced !fricative] => [-voiced +aspirate] / _ [+aspirate]
[+voiced !fricative] => [-voiced +aspirate] / {h _, _ h}
[vowel] [cons] {w, h} => [+coda] [-coda] *
Then: [vowel] [nasal +coda] => [+coda] *
nasal-lowering [+nasalized]:
[close] => [closeMid]
Then: [closeMid] => [openMid]
[mid] => [open]
[+aspirate] => [-aspirate]
[+ejective] * => [-ejective] '
Then: {d͡z, ɖ͡ʐ, t͡s, ʈ͡ʂ, ɕ, ʑ, ʂ, ʐ, ʁ, χ} => {j, ǰ, c, č, ś, ź, š, ž, ġ, x}
{j, ɾ, ʔ} => {y, r, *}
{i, e, ɛ, u, o, ɔ, a}&[+stress] => {í, é, è, ú, ó, ò, á}
{ɛ, ɔ}&[-stress] => {ê, ô}
{ɛ̃, ɔ̃, ã}&[+stress] => {ẽ, õ, ã}
{ɛ̃, ɔ̃, ã}&[-stress] => {ę, ǫ, ą}
Then: [+stress] => [-stress]
Then: @stressed => @unstressed / $ [cons]? _ {[cons], y}? $
Then: [+coda] => [-coda]
feature I implemented to assign stress automatically based on weight. Still, it's improvable!
If you would like to apply analogy at the Old Laqar stage, I could make two files for each stage.
All lines under the same rule heading are applied simultaneously to the word, unless preceded by
. The name of the rules should be transparent.
rule. What did I miss?
All in all, that was a fun experiment.