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Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:34 am
by Pabappa
This time I was in a Chinese restaurant and my friend reminded me that I had for some reason given the owner (the same woman from a few dreams ago) access to my bank account, although she didnt know the PIN number. Still, this was a problem because my mother was just then arriving at the restaurant, and my mother had a grudge against the owner because she believed the woman had stolen her jack-o-lantern designs during the previous year and would likely do it again. I remembered seeing them side by side and realizing that the Chinese woman's designs were simpler, but did indeed look similar to my mom's. So my friend advised me to not let my mother in, and I believe that I didnt. It was dark and raining out. At some point I had to go to the bathroom and maybe decided to let my mother in after all, but I dont remember any more of the dream.

Later, during final exam day, I had to go to the bathroom again, but I think my main reason for leaving the classroom was that I hadnt done any studying and wasnt really ready for the test. Still, I walked the halls of the four-floor school building even though I didnt know where everything was. I saw an unpaired woman's bathroom and stopped for a minute, but then kept on going. A minute later I found the men's room, which turned out to be an enormous outdoor library with books, computers on tables, and lots of soft chairs to lounge on. And of course, plenty of places to pee. What made it a bathroom with a library rather than a library with a bathroom was that the many urinals were out in the open rather than being behind a second wall, and I believe the toilets were also open. There was also a second classroom, .... not sure if I went there before or after the one with the final exam .... where I said goodbye to the teacher and said that he was the best teacher I'd ever had even though privately I'd have ranked him only as second best. He was probably about 90 years old in the dream because he had been teaching for so long, and I had in fact had him as my teacher in 5th grade.

I typed this on a separate post because these dreams were quite different from the ones I've been having lately. There was also this, which I posted over there because I felt it was a particularly weird dream, even by my standards.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:44 am
by Vijay
Pabappa wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:34 amThis time I was in a Chinese restaurant and my friend reminded me that I had for some reason given the owner
At first, I skimmed over the beginning of this and read it as "...hadn't for some reason given The Answer," as if THE ANSWER was some kind of mysterious statement and you'd forgotten after you woke up what the question corresponding to it was. :P

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2019 9:56 am
by Pabappa
Ive typed up all dreams, including the few that were at the end of this thread, onto my website at http://раbарра.com/etc/dreams3.php (but change the URL to Roman letters). I was embarrassed at being the only one posting here and at how my dream personality seems to be utterly unlovable .... last night for the first time in more than 5 years I actually did something nice in a dream ... I got a bottle of water for a young boy that had passed out from the heat. When I woke up I realized how rare that dream was.

edit: changed URL, and having issues with web design

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:54 am
by Risla
I had quite a vivid dream last night where I was back in university and one of my professors had committed a terrible offense. This offense was not quite bad enough to go to the police about, but bad enough that the university had to take action. The department staff came together to hold a trial and decided that, as punishment, this errant professor would be sentenced to be eaten by bears.

He grudgingly agreed that this was a fair punishment, and after several weeks, the day arrived that the punishment was to be carried out. We all arrived at the large classroom where the sentence was to be carried out, where we found that the department had mustered up all of the teddy bears they could find and stacked them in a pile in the middle of the room. The professor entered the pile and stood there waist-deep in teddy bears, and then the department head entered the pile herself and pushed him down into it, in a manner reminiscent of a baptism. Everyone stood in a circle around the pile for some minutes, and when he tried to crawl out we would kick him back in. Eventually, we all tired of this and decided to consider the punishment complete. Discussing it after, we agreed among ourselves that the real punishment was the nights of sleeplessness he had had beforehand.

Several years later, I told other students about this happening in the dream, and woke up during this explanation. I told my friend about this dream, including the fact that I couldn't remember what the actual offense was, and then went back to sleep. I then dreamed that I told my friend that I had found out his crime: he had torn down a "linguistically important building" on campus and established a KFC in its place.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:00 am
by Pabappa
Very nice. Your dreams have always been my favorites.

As I said, I've stopped posting here because I have so many dreams that it would just be me posting over and over. I've had thirteen dreams since New Year's, including five just last night ... and I remember waking up after a dream and wanting to write it down, but I told myself that sleep is more important than dreams and thus went back to sleep. I dont know if that dream was one of the five I remember or if I actually had six dreams all in one night. At this rate, even if I only posted one in ten of my dreams, I would still be dominating this thread.

I apparently deleted the link to when I deleted my last few dreams ... Ive joined, and I plan to post there, but I wont be posting everything there, because the EULA bothers me a bit, as it seems that they not only own the text I submit, but reserve the right to resell it, whatever that means.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2020 10:27 am
by Pabappa
The Dream Journal site never activated my account .... I dont know if theyre having technical difficulties or if they didnt think "" was a real address, but ... surely those things are done by bot now? Anyway:

The Helping Hand
My parents were using the computer and were running Adobe Photoshop. I think my mother was seated. But when she went to minimize the program, the computer didn't respond. I think she got up from the chair and may have asked me what was wrong.

After a few seconds, an oversized hand with huge, round, neatly trimmed fingers appeared on the screen and appeared to tap in the general area of where she had clicked the mouse. But the fingers were so much bigger than the taskbar that it was impossible to see what, if anything, had been pressed. For almost a full minute, the computer was unresponsive, but various things happened very slowly during this time. Several times, the entire interface "simplified" and shook, which is something that I think used to happen in older versions of Windows when the system was under severe strain.

Finally the oversized hand disappeared slowly off the bottom of the screen, and revealed (though it was obvious by now) that we had a virus, seemingly one that was meant to simulate all the frustration of a mobile UI. To drive the point home, the virus then tunneled through the bottom of the screen and burned out the user's genitals, leaving them neutered and utterly helpless. (But by this time, none of us was sitting in the chair.)

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 2:27 pm
by Ryusenshi
I enrolled into a military school for some 3-year degree. Among the students, a guy and a girl were dating: they started to have sex in a walled garden... only to find that, behind a curtain, all the teachers were waiting to do a welcoming party. Oops.

Then a few students, me included, went in a car for a trip. We ended up on a highway in Los Angeles, blasting some Guns'n'Roses on the car stereo. I remembered I had superpowers (??), so I got out of the car (while it was still running) and followed it, running at high speeds. Then I saw the bad guy's car, and decided to follow it: I considered using my super strength to kick the car, but I didn't want to hurt the hostages. I didn't manage to catch up with the car: I followed it across a bridge, into an island. But when I finally saw the car, the bad guy had been shot by his bosses, and the hostages had vanished.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:59 pm
by Ryusenshi
Uh oh, that was weird. Unusually, this dream was almost entirely in third person: I was watching a character acting, not acting myself. In fact, at one point I was watching the thing happening on TV, then realized it was very late and I should use headphones to stop bothering the neighbours (though most of the time I was too intimately connected to the main character for it to be an anime).

Anyway, the whole dream was based on the manga Nana by Ai Yazawa. This manga tells the story of country girl Nana Komatsu as she moves to Tokyo, and meets would-be punk singer Nana Osaki on the train. The two girls become close friends, and their friendship is... a liiiiiitle bit ambiguous at times (though ultimately both are straight and have love stories with guys). Since they have the same first name, Nana Komatsu is usually called "Hachi" by their common friends (nana means "seven" and hachi means "eight"), and that's the name I will use.

So, my dream follows Hachi as she's trapped in a Groundhog Day-like loop (though over several weeks). Hachi wants to meet Nana again, but she keeps failing: she misses the train, or Nana misses it, or the train is cancelled... at one point, she takes a bike to go to the next station, sees Nana on the stairs, but misses the train by a few seconds. Once, she does manage to board the train, meets Nana, and they bond over the music they listen to (it's mostly present-day bands, so the story apparently takes place now, not in the early 2000s); now Hachi has to figure out how to take the next step. Because in my dream, Hachi has finally realized she's in love with Nana, and of course wants a relationship. In fact, at one point she decides to wear a badge with a ♀️♥️♀️ symbol (woman-loving-woman).

Things take a turn for the worse, as Hachi is stalked by a pervert. One evening, the store where Hachi works makes a company event: the stalker shows up and tries to grope Hachi, who defends herself by knocking a shelf over. But, a few days later, she comes to her apartment and sees it's on fire: obviously the stalker did it as retaliation. And that's when I wake up.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 3:44 pm
by Raphael
Last night I dreamed that I was reading something that purported to be a history textbook, but it turned out that it claimed the battles it described involved zombie-like half-dead creatures of some kind, and while I read about those battles, I experienced them, and it was all in South America for some reason.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:10 pm
by Pabappa
Chinese Romance
I had enrolled in a class learning the Chinese alphabet (hanzi). I was speaking a Romance language, but it used the Chinese alphabet, and I was illiterate. The other students in the class were Japanese-speaking children who were also illiterate. We all had individual desks. I remember the boy seated to the right of me but I don't remember if he was Japanese by birth or if he merely spoke the language. I understood that learning the hanzi would enable us to communicate with each other, as though it was making Japanese and my Romance language "compatible".

The coursework seemed difficult, so I paid close attention to the woman teaching the class and didn't let other things distract me. Even so, I think I was learning for fun and that I was fully literate in English. The kids around me may have also been learning for fun, and I suspect they may have all learned Japanese as a second language just the way I had learned my Romance language. (I dont remember what they looked like.) Even so, I remember feeling isolated not because I was the only adult, but because I was the only student whose working language was not Japanese. I don't remember what language the teacher spoke, but she may have been switching between English and Japanese.

I'm not sure if my language presented an extra barrier for me on top of the difficulty of the course itself, but I know that I didn't have the same "Well, this is easy!" attitude that I've had in earlier dreams where I was enrolled in classes with young children.

Also, I just had the longest dream I've had since 2016, at least by word count ... it's possible that my writeup of it is more wordy than it needed to be, though, and it may include one scene that actually happened in a different dream. Even so, that scene was a short one.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:53 pm
by Pabappa
Gas mask dystopia
February 20, 2020

This dream took place aboard a bus. It involved time travel. Near the beginning of the dream, there were many people outside wearing gas masks, and it was clear that we were living in a dystopia. The gas masks were due to pollution, not a war.

Russia had been involved in the founding of America, and one Russian man in particular was known as the founder of America. Time travelers had removed him, and I think that their doing so may have caused America to turn into the gas-mask dystopia world. But time travel continued, and people had volunteered to try to set things right again. There was also a man somewhere distant whose voice was broadcast into the bus as he explained to us what was happening; I thought of him as a narrator.

Through the efforts of the time travelers, the Russian founder of America was restored to his place in our timeline, and he then announced that he would show up in the present day. By this time, everything outside was looking good. This had happened step by step, as time travelers had needed to change things one by one in order to restore America to its ideal state; merely bringing the founder back to the timeline was not sufficient. I think time travelers were fighting other time travelers, but that the ones active now were the good ones, the ones who wanted to fix America.

Soon the founder showed up on the bus with us. All I remember of his name was that it was long and started with V. Talking to an American official seated near him, he may have called himself "the returnity of the very original founder of the United States", but perhaps he just said "returnee". This other person may have had some connection to Russia as well, and it's possible that he too had been restored only by the efforts of the time travelers. The official then asked the founder if there would be a long parade to celebrate the founder's return to life, but the founder said (to my surprise) that he would not hold such a parade. People were celebrating by buying balloons but the founder seemed uninterested in attracting much positive attention.

Someone asked the man if he spoke English, and the man said, in English, "No, we don't speak English. We don't peek at the tourists. Peru is where you get English from?" The other person then just said, "No, England" as if the Russian man's response had been entirely normal.

Then a man boarded our bus wearing a gas mask. Nobody said anything. I looked outside to my left and saw the green lively scene around me getting grayer, colder, and dustier. The wind began to howl. I said out loud, "It's coming" ... I was expecting an explanation from our outside helper for what had happened — what had caused America to suddenly revert to the gas-mask dystopia just as everything good seemed to be coming together. I think my parents were just to the left of me. I waited a few seconds and said "It's coming" again. But no explanation ever came.

This dream is almost a month old now, but I was reminded of it by seeing people wearing gas masks on the street today. The gas masks in the dream were definitely due to severe environmental pollution and not a disease. I only got my first coronavirus dream about a week ago:

Corona I
March 11, 2020

I was in the middle seat of the front row in a classroom like my old physics classroom from college. A female student ("Rihanna") entered the room and announced that she had the coronavirus. One other student in the class also had the virus and was still attending class even so, so this did not provoke any expression of alarm. But then the girl sat down just to the right of me, and I was worried that I would catch the virus almost immediately just from being near her. I wanted to get up and move to a different seat but worried it would be impolite. But she said that moving to a different seat was just what she expected me to do, so I did.

Rihanna is a code name, as I always do when I post the names of real people. This is what we sometimes called her. Also, in real life she was a coworker, not a classmate.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:39 am
by Linguoboy
Had my first explaining-to-my-dead-brother-he's-dead dream, five months after his death. It was accompanied by this aching regret that I hadn't kept some of the DnD adventures he'd saved since our childhood. The dream was all about adventures we'd never gotten around to playing through.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:56 pm
by Raphael
This is weird: last night, before I went to bed, I spent some time browsing Netflix unsuccessfully looking for something that might interest me. Then, while asleep, I had dreams that, while I don't remember them well, definitely involved browsing a Netflix-like website.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 12:05 am
by zyxw59
A couple nights ago, I had a dream in which there was a real place and/or people called Catan (like the board game), and their wikipedia article linked to another article, about their language. The native name for the language started with the phoneme /ʰd͜b/‍ — a pre-aspirated voiced alveolo-labial stop (altho in the dream I misidentified it as velar-labial). Then, I realized that the entire article was probably entirely made up as a joke, since it didn't cite any sources, and all the footnotes were just nonsense. Then, I realized that it all had to be made up, since I hadn't actually looked at the page with my eyes open, so my brain had to have been filling in all the information.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:33 am
by Linguoboy
Over the course of my dream, I tried several times to unlock my phone but my PIN wasn’t working and I began to wonder if I had the wrong one. When I woke up, I realised it was wrong and two of the digits were each off by one. But I was anxious to unlock my phone just to make sure I was now remembering correctly.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 4:33 am
by Ryusenshi
I dreamed I was reading some linguistic paper. The author was arguing against Chomsky's "language instinct" hypothesis. Near the end, the author described an experiment when he presented some made-up idioms to people, they read it, and griksitt the meaning immediately. I laughed out loud.
More: show
The word "griksitt" was supposed to be a made-up irregular past tense to the verb "to grok".

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:34 am
by Raphael
In the time before completely waking up today, I had something of which I wasn't sure for a while whether it was a dream or I was just thinking very vividly about the topic in question while half-asleep. On balance, I think it was a dream.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:44 am
by Pabappa
My dreaming has slowed down lately .... I seem to dream in waves where sometimes I get six dreams in one night and sometimes I go six nights without a dream. Recently I had a dream of which I remember just a fragment ... I had decided that in Gold (or maybe Leaper, which is a daughter language of Gold), that the accusative case of nouns must take a person marker whenever the agent of the clause is 1st or 2nd person. so e.g. using the word paus "hook", the normal accusative, used when the agent is 3rd person, would be pahʷuḳ. the new idea would make it pahʷuḳuk with a 1st person agent and pahʷuḳus with a 2nd person agent.

This idea doesnt seem all that brilliant, to be honest, since it always requires a redundant vowel before the person markers /-k -s/. I do something similar in Poswa, but Poswa's person markers are vowels, so there is no need for an insertion and thus no repetition.

It seems that when the quantity of my dreams declines, so too does the quality, but I still enjoy dreaming. I know Ive had a few highly abstract dreams lately, such that I couldnt even come up with a single word to describe them, because as I was getting into my bed last night i had a brief memory of a pleasant dream I had had the night before but didnt write down. I just dont know how to describe it.

May 18, 2020
I havent updated my dream diary in more than a month. Im still writing down some of them, but others Im just letting pass. Still I had another conlang related dream last night, where words with medial /m/ shifted it to /Ø/ to mark feminine gender. This could work because in the parent language of all of my major conlangs, there was a shift /m/ > /mʰ/ when the next consonant in the word was a labial. Any word like /mi/ or /ma/ could be postposed after a noun to mark feminine gender, though usually the languages use prefixes. This /mʰ/ then shifted to /f/ in the largest branch of the family, from which it went on to /h/ in many daughter languages, and this could in turn conceivably shift to hiatus.

But in the dream I got the diachronics wrong ... I confused it with a different /mʰ/, arising about a thousand years later, that marks the genitive, and which shifted mostly to /mp/ and did not disappear in any language. This shift happened only after the earlier /mʰ/ had shifted to /f/, so there was no overlap.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:05 am
by Pabappa
May 21, 2020

I wanted a separate post for this wonderful dream. As I pointed out here, I remember only the last part of it, which means it must have been a very long dream indeed, or perhaps two long dreams in quick succession.

I was with my parents and we were going to see a movie that night. My dad wasnt interested, so he said something about needing to have more time, but in the end he must have agreed to go because he showed up in the later parts of the dream. This movie theater was in a shopping mall, and in fact, it was just one of many movie theaters within that shopping mall, all of which cooperated with each other instead of competing. That is, if one theater sold out, they would send customers to the next one, and so on. And when we got there we learned that our movie was in fact sold out, but instead of sending us to another theater, they offered us "seats" in unusual locations, and mine was right next to the person manning the projector. We agreed to take those seats and went into the theater.

The person at the entrance to the theater was a man we called Romney. This shoppinh mall was very large, at least six stories tall, and the theater we entered had a theater on both sides of it and I think one above it as well. Partway through the movie, I lost interest in it, and exited to go talk to Romney. I learned that our movie was only 70 minutes long, and realized it would be ending soon. After a few minutes chatting, I decided to go back inside to finish the movie. But at that very moment, the movie ended, and the crowd rushed all around me and I was forced to leave as well without saying goodbye to Romney.

Outside the mall, I noticed a short boy with wavy blonde hair standing on the sidewalk talking to some other boys. I was only barely within earshot, and may have been already sitting in the back seat of my parents' car, though if so, my parents had somehow not arrived yet. I grew interested in him as I realized he was performing a comedy routine, and his jokes seemed too advanced for his age, so I figured either he was copying them from someone else or he was very smart. I remember they were "clean" jokes as one might find in a children's book, but yet that I hadn't heard them before.

Some time passed and more children gathered around the boy. Then a woman with a uniform arrived and they formed into a line. By this time I had realized that they were all 2nd graders, and were quiz show champions from the town of Hamilton. Thus I reasoned that perhaps the boy was very smart for his age and was indeed writing all his own material. Then the children began to walk away.

At about the same time, my parents arrived and we began our drive back to our house. I told her that there was a quiz show with 2nd graders as contestants and that we could watch it on TV or online. The sun was high in the sky even though it had been around 7PM when we entered the movie theater. I noticed that something was interfering with the sunshine, though, because things looked blurry, and the whole atmosphere looked as if someone had put smeared glass around us. I may have said something like "the sun is weird". Then, on the left, we saw a tall building with lights on all its windows, pulsing rapidly up and down as if spelling a message letter by letter, but none of the shapes it formed were letters. Further down the road, also on the left, was an even larger building which was able to project a rectangular logo into the air, as a hologram. We passed both of these buildings and then found a third building, much smaller, similar to a house, but which was also a business like the other three and had a sign out front. All three of these businesses were possible explanations for why the atmosphere looked weird, and we stopped at the third one.

The third business was some sort of vacation rental service, though I remember noticing cottages and wondering if the vacations they offered involved simply staying on that small property. The property was on the ocean. His sign was blue, like the last one, and had previously been higher in the sky, but it was now just a foot off the ground. My mother offered to help him fix it, and my dad wondered if she would get a reward. I remember saying out loud that the reward might be $1000 off of a $10000 cruise, but then I stopped talking because I didnt want to offend the man we were helping.


All of this was just the latter part of an even longer dream or possibly dream sequence. I remember writing down the earlier parts, but I woke up to find out that my writing was itself part of the dream, meaning that this was either a two-layered dream or two long dreams back to back.

At some point in this dream, I remember being squished into a car with six people I didnt know. I was in the 2nd row on the left, manspreading with my right foot sticking between the drivers and passengers seats, and for some reason I was being forced to sit like that to make more room for the others. I dont know if this was part of the theater dream sequence or was a fragment of the earlier parts that I have otherwise forgot. It cant be part of the scene with the children's comedy routine because I distinctly remember being alone in the car and on the passenger side.

Re: Dream sharing thread

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 1:23 am
by Raphael
Had a dream last night that somehow involved mysterious archeological artifacts of apparently Buddhist origin in a hidden cave that could only be reached by diving through water-filled passages somewhere in the Indian part of the Himalayas. I woke up before I could figure out what the deal with those artifacts was.