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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:40 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
/p t ts~tʃʲ k/ < p t ts k >
/b~mⁿ dz~dʒʲ d~ɾ g~ŋⁿ/ < b~m z d g >
/l~nⁿ/ < l n >
/v s~ʃʲ x ɣ/ | < v s h gh >
/j w/ < y w >

[ɯ u i y] : < u ou i iu >
[ʌ o e œ] : < eo o e eu >
[a r] : < a r >

Nasalisation is represented with a coda "n", except vowels before "m" are always nasalised, accent is marked with an acute, but diacritics are otherwise avoided. Vowels in hiatus (if this even happens) may be marked with an apostrophe between them.

(Note that "r" is only used when the sound is behaving vocalically, otherwise "d" is used.)

[d͡ʒyʃuɾájyʃ] : < Ziusoudáyius >
/woɾʷ-ɾ/ → [ud], but /ʌ-woɾʷ-ɾ/ → [owod] : < oud > , < owod >
/jɯɾ/ → [ir], but /ʌ-jɯɾ/ → [ʌjɯɾ] : < ir > , < eoyur >
/mjakaⁿ/ → /mĩkã/ : < minkan >

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:04 pm
by Nortaneous
/p t ts~tʃʲ k/ <p t ç k>
/b~mⁿ dz~dʒʲ d~ɾ g~ŋⁿ/ <b~m c d~r g~ñ>
/l~nⁿ/ <l~n>
/v s~ʃʲ x ɣ/ | <v s~ş h ğ>
/j w/ <y w>

[ɯ u i y] : <ı u~w i~y ü>
[ʌ o e œ] : <ə o e ö>
[a r] : <a r>

[d͡ʒyʃuɾájyʃ] : <Cüşudayüş>
/woɾʷ-ɾ/ <wr>, /ʌ-woɾʷ-ɾ/ <əwor>
/jɯɾ/ <yr>, /ʌ-jɯɾ/ <əyır>
/mjakaⁿ/ <mikan>

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:22 pm
by Karch

/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/
/s z ʃ h/
/m n r l j w/

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/

Aspirate and non-aspirate stops only contrast prevocalically. /ts tsʰ/ are rare and mostly occur after nasals. /a/ is rare and often pronounced with schwa onglide.

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:28 pm
by Karch
/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/ <p p t t ts ts k k ∅>
/s z ʃ h/ <s~ss s sh h>
/m n r l j w/ <m n r l i u>

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/ <i u ie uo é e o a ea a>

Elided reduced vowels are written (probably rather inaccurately).

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/

Pitieta kitesheti ninkut suopsotnikun kisasiuhi kisanissik "kitepir pu ut kieksuo pinkamesh nuotueshkusi unukuokrohesi hakatu" kisani. Pireshkuouhi kinkan kumsirnessik tiesoinikun pinrehit kimieknessik kan huknikut nénkat kihureakni.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 9:30 pm
by Nortaneous
/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/ <b p d t dz ts g k '>
/s z ʃ h/ <s z j h>
/m n r l j w/ <m n r l y w>

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/ <i u ie uo e v o ae aa a>

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/
Bitiedv gdvj'vti ningud suobsodnigun ksasyuhi ksaenisig. Gdvbir bu ud kiegsuo bingamvj nuotwvjkuzi un'ukuogrohvzi hgadu ksaeni. Brvjkuowhi kinkan kumsirnvsig tiezoynigun binrvhid kmiegnvsig gaen hugnikud nenkad kihragni.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 10:51 pm
by bradrn

/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/ ⟨p p(h) t t(h) c c(h) k k(h) q⟩
/s z ʃ h/ ⟨s z x h⟩
/m n r l j w/ ⟨m n r l y w⟩

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/ ⟨i u ie uo ë e o ä a ö⟩

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/

Pithiete ktexqethi ninkut suopsotnikun ksösyuhi ksänisik, ktepir pu ut khieksuo pinkömex nuotwekhuci unqukhuokrohezi hkötu ksäni. Prexkhuowhi khinkhön khumsirnesik thiezoynikun pinrehit kmieknesik kän huknikhut nënkhöt khihrakni.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 1:41 am
by Darren
/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/ ⟨b p d t x c g k q
/s z ʃ h/ ⟨s z y h
/m n r l j w/ ⟨m n r l i u

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/ ⟨i u e f a v o j ea w

Where aspiration doesn't contrast, ⟨p t c k⟩ are used.

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/

Bitedv kdvyqvti ningut sfpsotnigun kswsiuhi ksjnisik, kdvbir bu ut keksf bingwmvy nftuvykuzi unqukfkrohvzi hgwdu ksjni. Prvykfuhi kinkwn kumsirnvsik tezoinigun binrvhit kmeknvsik gjn huknikut nankwt kihreakni.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 1:46 pm
by Zju
Karch wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 6:22 pm Srugthod

/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/
/s z ʃ h/
/m n r l j w/

/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/

Aspirate and non-aspirate stops only contrast prevocalically. /ts tsʰ/ are rare and mostly occur after nasals. /a/ is rare and often pronounced with schwa onglide.

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/
I know it's the *Romanisation* challenge thread, buuut...

/p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ k kʰ ʔ/ <б п д т ѕ ц г к ӏ>
/s z ʃ h/ <с з ш х>
/m n r l j w/ <м н р л й в>
/i u ie uo e ə o æ a ɑ/ <и у ѥ ю е ъ о е ѣ ѧ а>

/pitʰietə ktəʃʔətʰi ninkut suopsotnikun ksɑsjuhi ksænisik | ktəpir pu ut kʰieksuo pinkɑməʃ nuotʰwəʃkʰuzi unʔukʰuokrohəzi hkɑtu ksæni || prəʃkʰuowhi kʰinkʰɑn kʰumsirnəsik tʰiezojnikun pinrəhit kmieknəsik kæn huknikʰut nenkʰɑt kʰihrakni/

Битѥдъ гдъшӏъти нингуд сюбсоднигун гсасйухи гсѣнисиг, гдъбир бу уд кѥгсю бингамъш нютвъшкузи унӏукюгрохъзи хгаду гсѣни. Бръшкювхи кинкан кумсирнъсиг тѥзойнигун бинръхид гмѥгнъсиг гѣн хугникуд ненкад кихрѧгни.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 9:47 pm
by Travis B.
This is for my unnamed language:

It has the following vowel phonemes:

/a aː ə ɨ/

Yes, that's it. As you would expect, this implies an elaborate consonant system, which goes as follows:

/ m n ɲ ŋʷ ŋ/
/ b d dzʷ dz ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/
/pʷʰpʲʰ tʷʰtsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ kʷʰqʷʰ qʰ/
/pʷʼpʲʼ tʷʼtsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ kʷʼqʷʼ qʼ/
/ɸʷ ɸ s ɕ ç x χʷ χ/
/βʷ β z ʑ ʝ ɣʷ ɣ ʁʷ ʁ/
/ r ɫ l ʎ/
/j w/

Blue consonants are fronting/palatalizing consonants. Red consonants are backing/rounding consonants.

Their effect on the vowels above is pretty simple. When a fronting/palatalizing consonant is next to a vowel, it gives it a fronted realization. When a backing/rounding consonant is next to a vowel, it gives it a backed and rounded realization, unless it is also next to a fronting/palatalizing consonant, it then has a fronted and rounded realization (aside from /a/, where then the two neutralize each other, resulting in [a]). Uvular consonants have the added effect of backing adjacent vowels, even if they are adjacent to a fronting/palatalizing consonant, without any effect on rounding (they may still be rounded if adjacent to a backing/rounding consonant). The exception is /aː/, which is not affected by adjacent consonants. This gives the allophones [i y ɨ ɯ u] for /ɨ/, [e ø ə ɤ o] for /ə/, [æ a ɑ ɒ] for /a/, and just [aː] for /aː/.

The underlying phonotactics are simple, (C)V(C). However, consonant clusters are frequently reduced after they have their effect on adjacent vowels. For instance, nasals are lost before egressive plosives, deaspirating them and voicing them.

Similarly, non-sibilant voiced fricatives along with /ɸʷ ɸ fʲ/ are lost both before and after any kind of nasal or plosive. Also, ejectives are elided adjacent to egressive plosives, with the effect of lengthening the egressive plosive.

Supersegmentally there is a phonemic pitch accent on one of the syllables of a root; if the root contains at least one instance of /aː/, phonemic pitch accent will be on one of these. Pitch accent consists of a downstep after the accented syllable; if the accented syllable is the last syllable of a word, this will apply to the next word. Otherwise there is an upward drift of pitch within an utterance.

Here are some examples:

[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/

[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/

[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/

[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/

[ɟaꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:04 pm
by bradrn
Operating on the assumption that the consonant suprasegmentals can be entirely reconstructed given the vowel qualities, here’s what I’ve come up with:

/ m n ɲ ŋʷ ŋ/ ⟨m m m n n n̄ n̄ n̄⟩
/ b d dzʷ dz ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/ ⟨b b b d d j j j g g g⟩
/pʷʰpʲʰ tʷʰtsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ kʷʰqʷʰ qʰ/ ⟨p p p t t c c c k k k q q⟩
/pʷʼpʲʼ tʷʼtsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ kʷʼqʷʼ qʼ/ ⟨pʼ pʼ pʼ tʼ tʼ cʼ cʼ cʼ kʼ kʼ kʼ qʼ qʼ⟩
/ɸʷ ɸ s ɕ ç x χʷ χ/ ⟨f f f s s s h h h x x⟩
/βʷ β z ʑ ʝ ɣʷ ɣ ʁʷ ʁ/ ⟨v v v z z z ḡ ḡ ḡ r̄ r̄⟩
/ r ɫ l ʎ/ ⟨r r r l l l⟩
/j w/ ⟨y w⟩

[i y ɨ ɯ u] ⟨i ī ū ū u⟩
[e ø ə ɤ o] ⟨e ē ō ō o⟩
[æ a ɑ ɒ] ⟨ä a ā o̧⟩
[aː] ⟨aa⟩

Pitch accent is left unwritten.

[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/

Orko̧wo ḡaatūtʼana elfamōva r̄ūnäyevo̧rux.

[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/

Ce yaano̧xūväna laūrkʼōthaadäfäm.

[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Ce ḡo̧jo̧xā ḡo̧jäsinwo n̄ihōxuwo soxōväna lavuḡēmigi.

[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/

Fa yäḡtō ōvuḡosäye.

[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Ce okʼo̧m ōpaaxso̧ soxōväna lavuḡēmigi.

[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/

Ce haarcaana zaalūxūha lavuḡēn̄egizi.

[ɟaꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/

Gana ceri miyēwo jūr̄xū mimineyōmu.

If you want, I suppose you could use digraphs: Ce yaanoxuevaena lauerk'oethaadaefaem, Ce ghoayoaxao ghoyaesinwo nnihoexuwo soxoevaena lavugheomigi etc. But I prefer diacritics.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:46 pm
by Travis B.
For the above, I am not going to even concern myself with phonemic vowels

/a aː ə ɨ/

Also, I am going to substantially reduce the set of represented consonants to:
⟨m⟩ for /mʷ m mʲ/, ⟨n⟩ for /nʷ n ɲ/, and ⟨ng⟩ for /ŋʷ ŋ/
⟨b⟩ for /bʷ b bʲ/, ⟨d⟩ for /dʷ d/, ⟨dz⟩ for /dzʷ dz dʑ/, and ⟨g⟩ for /ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/
⟨p⟩ for /pʷʰ pʰ pʲʰ/, ⟨t⟩ for /tʷʰ tʰ/, ⟨ts⟩ for /tsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ/, ⟨k⟩ for /cʰ kʷʰ kʰ/, and ⟨q⟩ for /qʷʰ qʰ/
⟨p'⟩ for /pʷʼ pʼ pʲʼ/, ⟨t'⟩ for /tʷʼ tʼ/, ⟨ts'⟩ for /tsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ/, ⟨k'⟩ for /cʼ kʷʼ kʼ/, and ⟨q'⟩ for /qʷʼ qʼ/
⟨f⟩ for /ɸʷ ɸ fʲ/, ⟨s⟩ for /sʷ s ɕ/, ⟨kh⟩ for /ç xʷ xʷ/, and ⟨qh⟩ for /χʷ χ/
⟨v⟩ for /βʷ β vʲ/, ⟨z⟩ for /zʷ z ʑ/, ⟨gh⟩ for /ʝ ɣʷ ɣ/, and ⟨rh⟩ for /ʁʷ ʁ/
⟨r⟩ for /rʷ r rʲ/, and ⟨l⟩ for /ɫ l ʎ/
⟨j⟩ for /j/, and ⟨w⟩ for /w/

At the same time, I am going to represent vowels phonetically, not phonemically, as the following when unaccented:

⟨i ü î ï u⟩ for [i y ɨ ɯ u]
⟨e ö ê ë o⟩ for [e ø ə ɤ o]
⟨ä a à å⟩ for [æ a ɑ ɒ]
⟨á⟩ for [aː]

Normally pitch accent is unmarked, but when marked it is marked by underlining the accented syllables.

The orthography is oftentimes ambiguous with regard to consonant palatalization and/or backness/roundness.

[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/
Orkåwo ghátît'ana elfamêva rhïjevåruqh.

[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/
Tse nåqhïväna laîrk'êtxádäfäm.

[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ghådzåqhà ghådzäsinwo nixëqhuwo soqhëväna lavughömigi.

[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/
Fa jäghtê êvughosäje.

[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ok'åm êpáxsoqhëväna lavughömigi.

[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/
Tse khártsána lïqhïkha lavughönegizi.

[ɟæꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/
na tseri miwo dzërhqhë miminejömu.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:49 pm
by Travis B.
bradrn wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:04 pm Operating on the assumption that the consonant suprasegmentals can be entirely reconstructed given the vowel qualities, here’s what I’ve come up with:

When I was working on my deliberately-substandard orthography, it was clear that in many cases consonant suprasegments cannot be reconstructed from vowel qualities - however, I specifically chose to leave them ambiguous. My orthography is inspired by substandard conventional orthographies for language like Marshallese.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:01 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
My instincts tell me to rearrange it more like Brandrinn did:

/a/: [ʲæ a ɑ wa] « ya a oa wa »
/aː/: [aː] « â »
/ə/: [ʲe wʲø ə ɤ wo] « ye yeo e eo wo »
/ɨ/: [ʲi wʲy ɨ ɯ wu] « yi yu i u wu »

/mʷ m mʲ nʷ n ɲ ŋʷ ŋ/ « m m m n n n ng ng »
/bʷ b bʲ dʷ d dzʷ dz dʑ ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/ « b b b d d dz j g g g »
/pʷʰ pʰ pʲʰ tʷʰ tʰ tsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ cʰ kʷʰ kʰ qʷʰ qʰ/ « p p p t t ts ts ch k k k q q »
/pʷʼ pʼ pʲʼ tʷʼ tʼ tsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ cʼ kʷʼ kʼ qʷʼ qʼ/ « p' p' p' t' t' ts' ch' k' k' q' q' »
/ɸʷ ɸ fʲ sʷ s ɕ ç xʷ x χʷ χ/ « f f f s s sh h h h qh qh »
/βʷ β vʲ zʷ z ʑ ʝ ɣʷ ɣ ʁʷ ʁ/ « v v v z z zh gh gh rh rh »
/rʷ r rʲ ɫ l ʎ/ ⟨r r r l l l⟩
/j w/ ⟨y w⟩

If labialisation or palatalisation occursa after the vowel, and no onglide is present, semivowel "y" or "w" is written after the vowel rather than before. Write it after the consonant if there is a sequence of two consonants, and the vowel in contact with it is not affected. Spell [ɟ] as « gy' » if it precedes a vowel it does not mutate.

Owrkawo ghwâ tit'ana eylfameva rhunayevawruqh.
[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/

Chey yânwaqhuvyana lairk'etkhâdafyam.
[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/

Chey ghadzwaqha ghadzwashinwo nyikheoqhuwo swoqheovyana lavughweomyigyi
[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Fa yaghwte evughwoswaye
[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/

Chey ok'wam ephâkhswa swoqheovyana lavughweomyigyi
[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Chey khârytsâna zwâ lurhukha lavughweonyegyizhyi
[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/

gy'ana chey ryi myiyeowo dzurhqhu mimyineyeomwu
[ɟaꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:57 am
by bradrn
Travis B. wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:49 pm
bradrn wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:04 pm Operating on the assumption that the consonant suprasegmentals can be entirely reconstructed given the vowel qualities, here’s what I’ve come up with:

When I was working on my deliberately-substandard orthography, it was clear that in many cases consonant suprasegments cannot be reconstructed from vowel qualities - however, I specifically chose to leave them ambiguous. My orthography is inspired by substandard conventional orthographies for language like Marshallese.
Yes, mine was very deliberately Marshallese-ish. (Which orthography incidentally represents the language perfectly; it is ‘substandard’ only in that it uses weird unusable characters.) In fact, it looks very much like you and me both came up with exactly the same orthography, just with different letters.
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:01 pm My instincts tell me to rearrange it more like Brandrinn did:
Again with the misspellings of my name! Perhaps I should change it to ‘John Smith’ or something so that everyone can agree on how to spell it.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 7:08 am
by Rounin Ryuuji
bradrn wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:57 am
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 11:01 pm My instincts tell me to rearrange it more like Brandrinn did:
Again with the misspellings of my name! Perhaps I should change it to ‘John Smith’ or something so that everyone can agree on how to spell it.
That one was facetious.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:39 am
by Travis B.
bradrn wrote: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:57 am
Travis B. wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:49 pm
bradrn wrote: Sun Nov 14, 2021 10:04 pm Operating on the assumption that the consonant suprasegmentals can be entirely reconstructed given the vowel qualities, here’s what I’ve come up with:

When I was working on my deliberately-substandard orthography, it was clear that in many cases consonant suprasegments cannot be reconstructed from vowel qualities - however, I specifically chose to leave them ambiguous. My orthography is inspired by substandard conventional orthographies for language like Marshallese.
Yes, mine was very deliberately Marshallese-ish. (Which orthography incidentally represents the language perfectly; it is ‘substandard’ only in that it uses weird unusable characters.) In fact, it looks very much like you and me both came up with exactly the same orthography, just with different letters.
Actually, there are cases in this language where consonant quality is not predictable from vowel quality - my orthography does not represent these cases, hence "substandard".

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:26 pm
by Karch
/a aː ə ɨ/ <a aa e i>

/mʷ m mʲ nʷ n ɲ ŋʷ ŋ/ <mu m my nu n ny ngu ng>
/bʷ b bʲ dʷ d dzʷ dz dʑ ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/ <bu b by du d zu z zy gy gu g>
/pʷʰ pʰ pʲʰ tʷʰ tʰ tsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ cʰ kʷʰ kʰ qʷʰ qʰ/ <pu p py tu t cu c cy ky ku qu q>
/pʷʼ pʼ pʲʼ tʷʼ tʼ tsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ cʼ kʷʼ kʼ qʷʼ qʼ/ <p'u p p'y t'u t' c'u c' c'y k'y k'u k' q'u q'>
/ɸʷ ɸ fʲ sʷ s ɕ ç xʷ x χʷ χ/ <fu f fy su s sy xy xu x hu h>
/βʷ β vʲ zʷ z ʑ ʝ ɣʷ ɣ ʁʷ ʁ/ <vu v vy ẕu ẕ ẕy wy wu w ẅu ẅ>
/rʷ r rʲ ɫ l ʎ/ <ru r ry ł l ly>
/j w/ <y o>

[ꜜa] <à>, unless predictable
labialized and palatalized consonants are spelled <uC> and <yC> in syllable coda
/Cʷə/ and /əCʷ$/ are spelled <Co> and <oC>

Orkà-uo wuaatit'ana eylfameva ẅinayèvaruih.
Cye yàanuahivyana lairk'etxaandafyam.
Cye wàzuahà wazuasyìnuo nyixexiuo sohèvyana lavuwomyigyi.
Fa yàuwte evuwosuaye.
Cye èk'uam epaaxsua sohèvyana lavuwomyigyi.
Cye xàayrcaana ẕuaalihixa lavuwonyegyiẕyi.
Gyanà cheryì miyeuò ziẅhi mimyineyèmwu.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:12 pm
by Travis B.
This is a second revision of my orthography for my unnamed conlang, with some relatively minor changes:

⟨m⟩ for /mʷ m mʲ/, ⟨n⟩ for /nʷ n ɲ/, and ⟨ng⟩ for /ŋʷ ŋ/
⟨b⟩ for /bʷ b bʲ/, ⟨d⟩ for /dʷ d/, ⟨dz⟩ for /dzʷ dz dʑ/, and ⟨g⟩ for /ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/
⟨p⟩ for /pʷʰ pʰ pʲʰ/, ⟨t⟩ for /tʷʰ tʰ/, ⟨ts⟩ for /tsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ/, ⟨k⟩ for /cʰ kʷʰ kʰ/, and ⟨q⟩ for /qʷʰ qʰ/
⟨p'⟩ for /pʷʼ pʼ pʲʼ/, ⟨t'⟩ for /tʷʼ tʼ/, ⟨ts'⟩ for /tsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ/, ⟨k'⟩ for /cʼ kʷʼ kʼ/, and ⟨q'⟩ for /qʷʼ qʼ/
⟨f⟩ for /ɸʷ ɸ fʲ/, ⟨s⟩ for /sʷ s ɕ/, ⟨kh⟩ for /ç xʷ xʷ/, and ⟨qh⟩ for /χʷ χ/
⟨v⟩ for /βʷ β vʲ/, ⟨z⟩ for /zʷ z ʑ/, ⟨gh⟩ for /ʝ ɣʷ ɣ/, and ⟨rh⟩ for /ʁʷ ʁ/
⟨r⟩ for /rʷ r rʲ/, and ⟨l⟩ for /ɫ l ʎ/
⟨j⟩ for /j/, and ⟨w⟩ for /w/

⟨i ü y û u⟩ for [i y ɨ ɯ u]
⟨e ö ë ô o⟩ for [e ø ə ɤ o]
⟨ä a â å⟩ for [æ a ɑ ɒ]
⟨á⟩ for [aː]

Normally pitch accent is unmarked, but when marked it is marked by underlining the accented syllables.

The orthography is oftentimes ambiguous with regard to consonant palatalization and/or backness/roundness.

[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/
Orkåwo ghátyt'ana elfamëva rhûjevåruqh.

[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/
Tse nåqhûväna layrk'ëtxádäfäm.

[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ghådzåqhâ ghådzäsinwo nixôqhuwo soqhôväna lavughömigi.

[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/
Fa jäghtë ëvughosäje.

[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ok'åm ëpáxsoqhôväna lavughömigi.

[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/
Tse khártsána lûqhûkha lavughönegizi.

[ɟæꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/
na tseri miwo dzûrhqhû miminejömu.

An extended version of this orthography, inspired by Irish orthography, which is meant to eliminate the ambiguity is as follows:

⟨i⟩ between a consonant and a vowel indicates that the consonant is palatalized when it would not be clear from the vowel.
⟨u⟩ between a consonant and a vowel indicates that the consonant is labialized when it would not be clear from the vowel.
⟨a⟩ between a consonant and a vowel indicates that the consonant is not palatalized or labialized when it would otherwise not be clear.

This gives:

[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/
Orkaåwo ghuátyt'ana elfamëva rhûnaäjevåruqh.

[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/
Tse nuåqhûväna layrk'ëtxádäfäm.

[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ghaådzåqhâ ghaådzäsinwo nixôqhuwo soqhôväna lavughömigi.

[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/
Fa jäughtë ëvughousäje.

[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/
Tse ok'åam ëpáxsoqhôväna lavughömigi.

[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/
Tse kháirtsána zuálûqhûkha lavughönegizi.

[ɟæꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/
na tseri maiwo dzûrhqhû maiminejömu.

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 9:53 pm
by Rounin Ryuuji
A second attempt:

/mʷ m mʲ/ : m
/nʷ n ɲ/ : n
/bʷ b bʲ/ : b
/dʷ d/ : d
/dzʷ dz dʑ/ : dz
/ɟ ɡʷ ɡ/ : g
/pʷʰ pʰ pʲʰ/ : p
/tʷʰ tʰ/: t
/tsʷʰ tsʰ tɕʰ/ : ts
/cʰ kʷʰ kʰ/ : k
/qʷʰ qʰ/ : q
/pʷʼ pʼ pʲʼ/ : p'
/tʷʼ tʼ/ : t'
/tsʷʼ tsʼ tɕʼ/ : ts'
/cʼ kʷʼ kʼ/ : k'
/qʷʼ qʼ/ : q'
/ɸʷ ɸ fʲ/ : f
/sʷ s ɕ/ : s
/ç xʷ xʷ/ : kh
/χʷ χ/ : h
/βʷ β vʲ/ : v
/zʷ z ʑ/ : z
/ʝ ɣʷ ɣ/ : gh
/ʁʷ ʁ/ : rh
/j/ : j
/w/ : w

[i y ɨ ɯ u] : i ui y u ou
[e ø ə ɤ o] : ei eu e eo o
[æ a ɑ ɒ] : ae a oa ao
[aː] : â (high pitch), ā (low pitch)

Accented syllables receive an acute accent; if the vowel is digraphic, the first element receives the acute.
Palatalisation is represented by graphical "j" following the consonant, labialisation by "w" following it.

Órwkaowo ghwâ tyt'ana eljfameva rhunáejevaorwouh.
[orʷꜜkʰɒwo ɣʷaːꜜtʰɨtʼana eʎɸaməβa ʁɯnæꜜjeβɒrʷuχ]
/ə́rʷkʰa=wə ɣʷáːtʰɨ=tʼa=na əʎɸa=mə=βa ʁɨná-jə-βa-rʷɨχ/

Tsjéi jânwaohuvjaena layrk'etkhādaefjaem.
[tɕʰeꜜ jaːꜜnʷɒχɯvʲæna laɨrkʼətʰxaːdæfʲæm]
/tɕʰə́ jáːnʷa-χɨ=vʲa=na la-ɨrkʼətʰ-xaːn-da-fʲam/

Tsjéi ghaodzwáoha ghaodzwáesjinwo njikheohuwou swóheovjaena laboughweumjigji.
[tɕʰeꜜ ɣɒdzʷɒꜜχɑ ɣɒdzʷæꜜɕinwo ɲixɤχuwo sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ɣadzʷá-χa ɣadzʷá-ɕɨn=wə ɲɨxə-χɨ=wə sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Fá yaeghwte evoughwoswaeje.
[ɸaꜜ jæɣʷtʰə əβuɣʷosʷæje]
/ɸá jaɣʷ=tʰə ə-βɨɣʷə-sʷa-jə/

Tsjéi okwaom epâkhswao swóheovjaena lavoughweumjigji.
[tɕʰeꜜ okʷʼɒm əpʰaːxꜜsʷɒ sʷoꜜχɤvʲæna laβuɣʷømʲiɟi]
/tɕʰə́ ə-kʷʼam ə-pʰáːx-sʷa sʷə́χə=vʲa=na la-βɨɣʷə-mʲɨ-ɟɨ/

Tsjéi khârjtsāna zwâ luhukha lavoughweunjeigjizji.
[tɕʰeꜜ xaːrʲꜜtsʰaːna zʷaːꜜlɯχɯxa laβuɣʷøɲeɟiʑi]
/tɕʰə́ xáːrʲ-tsʰaː=na zʷáːlɨ-χɨ=xa la-βɨɣʷə-ɲə-ɟɨ-ʑɨ/

Gjáena tsjéirji mijéuwo dzurhhu mimjinéjeumwou.
[ɟæꜜna tɕʰeꜜrʲi mijøꜜwo dzɯʁχɯ mimʲineꜜjømʷu]
/ɟá-na tɕʰə́=rʲɨ mɨ-jə́wə dzɨʁ-χɨ mɨ-mʲɨnə́-jə-mʷɨ/

Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:13 pm
by Travis B.
I think I'm going to use my third version as the "official" orthography for my own use, because it sufficiently insane yet unambiguous and at the same time more succinct than orthographies that separately mark both vowel and consonant quality consistently.