Buffiopi šupebi.
shop-1P-ACC-1P.past complete-TR-1P.past
I'm done shopping.
Džuppi sažios.
roll-1P.past today-GEN
I had an appointment today.
Pempevwopi, wap uppam bebažovi.
cross.bridge-1P<caus>-ACC-1P.past and-Ø cargo.ship-LOC run.under-TR-PASS-1P-GEN-see-1P.past
So I crossed the bridge and watched a big ship go underneath me.
Wapeži, pombi wapwubembi supupažas feppebi.
help-TR-PASS-1P.past, but-1P.past tall.window-LOC-PASS-1P.past glass-ESS-GEN bump.into-TR-1P.past
It went well, but on the way out I smacked into a glass screen.
My English translations tend to be longer than the originals when I write in Poswa first, Ive noticed .... and especially so when I pick Poswa words with almost as many morphemes as phonemes, as
bebažovi "I watched something go underneath me" which breaks down as
beba-a-ž-o-s-v-i run.under-TR-PASS-1P-GEN-see-1P.past. ("see" can be analyzed as an evidential, but I just consider it a compound verb since it can also occur with 2nd person.)
The semantic shift that led me to use "roll" for "go to an appointment" is from rolling being a type of travel that has a definite endpoint, since balls roll until they reach the lowest point. I intend the word to be used mostly for hunting meetups in Poswob culture.