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How did *human* Irreanism get so weird?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:18 pm
by Raphael
The Almeopedia article on Irreanism says:
Irreanism also suits a cultured minority of humans, though among men the religion acquires a faint tincture of aristocracy and disdain. Human Irreanists are a bit like Marcus Aurelius or Jean-Paul Sartre, lamenting the evils of human existence as if they were helpless spectators and not, on the whole, leisured and influential.
Why? How did a religion that seems to be basically based on stressing the importance of actively working towards what the religion considers to be Good end up taking such a form? And are there any options for Almean human who want to convert to Irreanism as practised by the Flaids themselves?

Re: How did *human* Irreanism get so weird?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 7:23 pm
by zompist
Raphael wrote: Tue Jan 04, 2022 5:18 pm Why? How did a religion that seems to be basically based on stressing the importance of actively working towards what the religion considers to be Good end up taking such a form?
Well, look at humans on our planet who adopt foreign religions. It's generally someone who doesn't care much for the conventions of their own society; often someone who wants to appear cultured and different. And there's a long tradition of well-off people who shop around for spiritual options.

(Not that everyone who adopts an unusual religion is like that. But note that humans can't convert to Irreanism because they're marrying a flaid or moving to Flora; also that the flaids don't proselytize to humans.)

The lack of rites and services and the emphasis on study also change meaning. When everyone's an Irreanist (i.e. in Flora), there's nothing special about being one, and there's plenty to do at the temple, if that's your thing. Among humans, there is an implied contrast with other religions, and an appeal to people who don't like the human religions, and who are prone to over-intellectuality.
And are there any options for Almean human who want to convert to Irreanism as practised by the Flaids themselves?
Sure... do things on your own, or look for temples that emphasize community rather than doctrine. Or move to the Neziora, where humans can live alongside flaids.