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Analysis Swap: Amarin

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 1:10 am
by foxcatdog
Context: You have been recently adopted into a clan in the capital city of the amarin nation because the patriarch of the clan was curious about raising a human. So you were taken from your formally unexciting life as a young human of 20 to live amongst an Amarin clan. You have arrived at the city and been given a translator to help ease your transition and have just spoken to an older woman who has introduced you to a few young adults of the clan.

A young man says bearing the typical size (you come around to his thighs) and deep masculine voice of a Chienna. He then flicks and relaxes his tail towards a female Catkin who is about as tall as you.
“amamewitujakaawinamandenanemapasatanaaśińitasisi amemasarpatukawakimee”
She says before continuing
“awamanimaismanimaistuanimaanimakusisua amakesuatuaninakorra”
Suddenly the young man interjects

You then check your translator for the first time which is a orb with a touchscreen for scrolling to find out what they said.
“Good morning my name is Clear Sky, son of Wolfstory”
“Dawn has passed and my name is Sparkletail, daughter of this clan’s matriarch”
“We’ll be showing you around, Did you have a good sleep?”
“We’ll take you to a coffeehouse”
“That’s the kind of place us youths usually hang out”