A naturalistic path to a language without nominals
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 7:30 pm
I've mused a number of times before that, upon a little thought, I can see a relatively naturalistic and straightforward path by which a language could eliminate its class of nominals entirely, and end up with only verbs. As far as I know, this is not (unambiguously, uncontroversially) attested. The last time I posed my thoughts on this, and mused on how it could arise, dhok said to me that he would be tempted to simply re-analyze various bits of the "verbal" morphology as case marking, and thus claim the language does have nominals after all. What I have set out to do here is therefore as follows: I want to sketch in more detail this verb-only language and the diachronic path by which it could arise, and I want to put to the board (including dhok, if he is so inclined) the challenge of producing a synchronic analysis of the resulting language in which, indeed, there are nominals after all and the various bits of morphology I am positing as verbal are in fact merely case marking. I am curious if such an analysis can be made, or if the resulting language is genuinely structurally verb-only in a way that cannot be reduced or explained away. If so, I think the question "why has this never arisen naturally?" is a somewhat interesting one.
Diachronic Development
Right, we start with a language that has polypersonal agreement and converbs. This is probably means the language is head final. Let's say word order is SOV, and the basic verb template is SUBJ.AGR—OBJ.AGR—ROOT—CONVERB. Obviously there could and probably would be more complexity here, perhaps TAM marking or so on, but it's not needed to illustrate the point. The language also makes a proximate/obviate distinction, where the obviate or "4th person" is used to mark a backgrounded or less discourse-central 3rd person argument. Let's say the agreement affixes are as follows:
This is excessively regular, and you'd probably expect to see some kind of number marking too, but again those things aren't necessary to illustrate the point. You can image these are the singular forms, and I've just left out the plurals, if you want. Third person arguments being zero-marked is not essential here, but I believe it makes the diachronic shifts that I'm going to posit more believable by making certain nominal and verbal forms look more similar to each other. One way or another, zero-marking of 3rd persons is quite common crosslinguistically.
Alignment here is nominative-accusative, and intransitive verbs simply take the subject agreement prefixes.
Finally, let's say that the converbial or conjunctive suffix is -i. Main verbs simply leave the converb slot in the verb template empty.
So you might have sentences like
All pretty natural so far. This is basically just Japanese if it had prefixed argument indexing.
Right, now suppose that there is no copula, and that nouns can simply be conjugated like verbs for an equative sense. This is also variously attested in the languages of the world; Nahuatl comes to mind.
Now here is where something interesting can happen. Using the converbial suffix, you can get various types of appositional and related senses out of nouns:
Again, I am told that Nahuatl does this.
Among languages with noun incorporation, there is a tendency to use free nominals to introduce new information, and to use incorporated nominals to refer back to topical or old information. In a similar vein, I can imagine a language like this introducing new information with a free nominal, and then referring back to it with a verbalized nominal in the converbial form. This is a key step in the diachronics here, but it seems to me an fairly natural one.
Ok, everything is now set up to fully eliminate subject nominals. Topic constructions often seem to be generalized into default or unmarked constructions, since we so often find ourselves talking about things that are topical. The quantum leap here is to reinterpret the converbial constructions as in (2) as the least marked form of clause, with free nominals as rap in (1) reinterpreted as 3rd person verbs merely adjunct to the clause. Free nominals as adjuncts is already a preferred analysis of many polysynthetic languages, so maybe you already have that for free. One way or another, in doing this, you eliminate nominals as subjects. This is the crucial step. This is also where I believe 3rd person arguments being zero-marked on the verb makes things "easier", since the resulting construction looks almost like a nominal here anyway. But you could imagine the same system, maybe, with explicitly cross-referenced third person arguments. In that scenario, I believe it becomes even harder to synchronically analyze the final product as in fact having nominals-in-disguise, but we'll get there when we get there.
Right, so, we have successfully eliminated subject nominals. But object nominals are still a necessity. A sentence like
does not mean "a man goes and buys eggs", but rather "a man goes and is an egg and buys (something)". You still need independent nominals in object position to get the desired meaning:
But! This is where the proximate/obviate distinction comes in! You can say
And perhaps, although this is less precedented in natlangs I believe, we can imagine that this construction would be preferred when the eggs are old information. And, if this gets used enough, the same reanalysis could take place, with this construction interpreted as the default and free nominals falling out of use.
What we end up with, then, is a language where
1. there is no morphologically distinct class of nominals,
2. argument cross referencing and clausal conjunction interact in complex ways that I believe cannot easily be analyzed simply as a system of case marking.
The Final Result
The final result is a language with the following features:
We have the same set of verbal agreement markers as before:
And the same converbial suffix, -i. This suffix can be used to conjoin clauses, and to indicate sequential actions. It also obligatorily appears on (transitive or intransitive) subjects and objects. 3rd person objects take the prefix ka-, which is the same as the verbal obviate subject agreement prefix. Transitive verbs with explicit third person objects correspondingly take the obviate object prefix ku-. Transitive verbs without an independent "nominal" object argument take instead the 3rd or 4th person object prefix on the basis of semantics. In equative clauses, the first element takes the CNV suffix and the second element is unmarked.
This is already kind of weird and hard to analyze. Now imagine we had run this whole process the same, but 3rd person arguments were explicitly indexed on the verb from the get-go. We would end with something like:
Where, now: the suffix -i conjoins clauses, and indicates sequential actions. It also obligatorily appears on (transitive or intransitive) subjects and objects. 3rd person subjects take the prefix sa- and 3rd person objects take the prefix ka-, which are the same as the verbal proximate and obviate subject agreement prefixes respectively. Transitive verbs with explicit third person objects take the obviate object prefix ku-. Transitive verbs without an independent "nominal" object argument take instead the 3rd or 4th person object prefix on the basis of semantics. In equative clauses, the first element takes the 3rd person subject prefix and CNV suffix, and takes just the 3rd person subject prefix.
The sentences from above would read:
This version of the language seems less plausible to me, but even more difficult to analyze as anything other than a purely verbal language.
The Challenge
Ok, now comes the reason I am posting this. I want to challenge people to see if they actually can make a reasonable analysis of this language, compatible with the data above (and any more example sentences you ask me to supply) that revives the presence of nominals and challenges my assessment that this is a necessarily all-verb language by its structure. This goes for both the marked-3rd-person and unmarked-3rd-person versions, which may permit different analyses. In particular, since this was all sparked by a comment of dhok's, I am curious if he as such an analysis. In any case this has been an interesting exercise, and I'm glad I went through it, so hopefully it furnishes some conlanging inspiration for others as well.
Diachronic Development
Right, we start with a language that has polypersonal agreement and converbs. This is probably means the language is head final. Let's say word order is SOV, and the basic verb template is SUBJ.AGR—OBJ.AGR—ROOT—CONVERB. Obviously there could and probably would be more complexity here, perhaps TAM marking or so on, but it's not needed to illustrate the point. The language also makes a proximate/obviate distinction, where the obviate or "4th person" is used to mark a backgrounded or less discourse-central 3rd person argument. Let's say the agreement affixes are as follows:
Code: Select all
Subject Object
1 na- nu-
2 ta- tu
3 ∅- ∅-
4 ka- ku-
Alignment here is nominative-accusative, and intransitive verbs simply take the subject agreement prefixes.
Finally, let's say that the converbial or conjunctive suffix is -i. Main verbs simply leave the converb slot in the verb template empty.
So you might have sentences like
Code: Select all
tap tu na-∅-kip-i sak na-∅-fan
store LOC 1A-3P-go-CNV fish 1A-3P-buy
"I go to the store and buy the fish"
Right, now suppose that there is no copula, and that nouns can simply be conjugated like verbs for an equative sense. This is also variously attested in the languages of the world; Nahuatl comes to mind.
Code: Select all
sak na-∅-fan
fish 1-3-buy
"I buy a fish"
"I am a fish"
Code: Select all
na-sak-i wat na-tun
1-fish-CNV water 1-like
"As a fish, I like water" (lit. "Me being a fish, I like water")
rap ∅-nang-i bam ∅-tob
raven 3-bird-CNV away 3-fly
"the raven, being a bird, flies away"
Among languages with noun incorporation, there is a tendency to use free nominals to introduce new information, and to use incorporated nominals to refer back to topical or old information. In a similar vein, I can imagine a language like this introducing new information with a free nominal, and then referring back to it with a verbalized nominal in the converbial form. This is a key step in the diachronics here, but it seems to me an fairly natural one.
Code: Select all
(1) rap, wol sa ∅-man-i, kang tu ∅-tob
raven fox from 3-flee-CNV sky LOC 3-fly
"Raven, fleeing from Fox, flew into the sky"
(2) ya ∅-rap-i samfam ∅-dup
and 3-raven-CNV north.star 3-become
"and Raven became the north star" (lit. and he, Raven, became the north star)
Right, so, we have successfully eliminated subject nominals. But object nominals are still a necessity. A sentence like
Code: Select all
∅-log-i ∅-kip-i ∅-geg-i ∅-∅-fan
∅-man-CNV 1-go-CNV 3-egg-CNV 3A-3P-buy
Code: Select all
∅-log-i ∅-kip-i geg ∅-∅-fan
∅-man-CNV 1-go-CNV egg 3A-3P-buy
"A man goes and buys eggs"
Code: Select all
∅-log-i ∅-kip-i ka-geg-i ∅-ku-fan
∅-man-CNV 1-go-CNV 4-egg-CNV 3A-4P-buy
"A man goes and buys eggs" (lit. He, a man, goes and they.OBV are eggs and he buys them.OBV)
What we end up with, then, is a language where
1. there is no morphologically distinct class of nominals,
2. argument cross referencing and clausal conjunction interact in complex ways that I believe cannot easily be analyzed simply as a system of case marking.
The Final Result
The final result is a language with the following features:
We have the same set of verbal agreement markers as before:
Code: Select all
Subject Object
1 na- nu-
2 ta- tu
3 ∅- ∅-
4 ka- ku-
More: show
This is already kind of weird and hard to analyze. Now imagine we had run this whole process the same, but 3rd person arguments were explicitly indexed on the verb from the get-go. We would end with something like:
Code: Select all
Subject Object
1 na- nu-
2 ta- tu
3 sa- su-
4 ka- ku-
The sentences from above would read:
More: show
This version of the language seems less plausible to me, but even more difficult to analyze as anything other than a purely verbal language.
The Challenge
Ok, now comes the reason I am posting this. I want to challenge people to see if they actually can make a reasonable analysis of this language, compatible with the data above (and any more example sentences you ask me to supply) that revives the presence of nominals and challenges my assessment that this is a necessarily all-verb language by its structure. This goes for both the marked-3rd-person and unmarked-3rd-person versions, which may permit different analyses. In particular, since this was all sparked by a comment of dhok's, I am curious if he as such an analysis. In any case this has been an interesting exercise, and I'm glad I went through it, so hopefully it furnishes some conlanging inspiration for others as well.