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Some tools for Conplanets

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:23 pm
by k1234567890y
I have found some online tools for calculating data for conplanets. You might find them useful in determinig data for your conworlds: ... s/hz.shtml - Calculation of Habitable Zones, it shows the range of habitable zones for a star, and you need to provide the luminosity and the surface temperature for your star. - Planet Temperature Calculator, it shows the surface temperature for your conplanets by providing the mass of the star and the distance between the star and the planet. You can look at the Wikipedia to calculate the luminosity of a star from its mass, and vice versa: - Habitable Zones in Multiple Star Systems, This may help you determine if your multiple star systems woud have habitable planets. - Kepler's Third Law Calculator, you can calculate how many days your conplanets would have by using this.

Re: Some tools for Conplanets

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:44 am
by Xwtek
I'm less interested in astronomy and more interested with climatology. Is there any tool for that? My planet and star is basically like Sun and Earth.

Re: Some tools for Conplanets

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 12:55 am
by k1234567890y
uncertain, I have not looked at tools for alien climates yet...