Japanese translation check

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Japanese translation check

Post by linguistcat »

A friend of a friend knows I speak some Japanese and wanted me to read some short phrases for their podcast. I was given the English and asked to translate them. One is fairly simple, being just "Welcome to [podcast]." So "[podcast] e youkoso" obviously suffices there. No issue.

The other longer statement is what I'm having issue with, because I want it to sound natural in Japanese but also want to keep as close to what he gave me as I can:

"This episode of [podcast] may contain spoilers and explicit language. Listener discretion is advised."

My quick attempt at translating:

"この [podcast]のエピソードはネタベレと汚い言葉があります。リスナーの裁量を勧めします。"

I could probably get rid of "episode' and "listener" and still be understood, and or make it more casual since it is a casual podcast.But is there anything that stands out as actually being wrong, or that could be phrased better? For example, is there a set phrase similar to "discretion is advised" that I should use instead? Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
A cat and a linguist.
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