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Planets of the Incatena

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:31 am
by Civil War Bugle
I see a new blurb has been added since I last looked at the 'Click the Incatena' page, describing Nymondo. I assume from the name of the planet that its conlang is probably broadly similar to the early twentieth century auxlangs but am curious whether you had any specific ideas in mind for it.

Also, are there plans for more descriptions of other planets which are named on the star map but lack blurbs on the page? I am especially interested in Allah Akbar/Micifuza and Feminia. Ngembe might be interesting too.

Re: Planets of the Incatena

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 10:19 pm
by zompist
Plans, yes, but I've been working on Almea stuff, as well as my Middle East book.

I don't have specific ideas for Nymondo, but ideally it'd be based on languages 500+ years in the future. The next novel (if I can get back to it) is set in the Alpha Centauri system, so I should get the German and Russian bits.

It's fun to do pastiches of various Earth regions, so e.g. Ngembe is pan-African. Not very realistic though!