On the fitness of abjads
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 11:36 am
tl;dr: believe it or not, I argue that the Arabic script fits Classical Latin a lot better than Classical/Standard Arabic.
I've never quite understood why people here sometimes say abjads fit the Semitic languages well. As if an abjad goes together well with a triconsonantal language or something like that. Shouldn't it be otherwise, since wouldn't a language whose morphology involves vowels a lot more than it's usual instead of using affixes more (which often have extra consonants) then need to express those vowels more clearly than other kinds of languages?
I think I can clarify what I mean by using Standard Arabic as an example. Let's start by having a look at the how the inflection of verbs in the suffix conjugation is spelled. Don't worry, I'll be using a fairly close transliteration since I imagine many of you don't know how to read the Arabic script.
(Note about the transliteration used in this post: 2alif without a hamza is <a>, 2alif with any hamza is <2>, taa2 marbuuTa is <ẗ>.)
## Verb inflection (suffix conjugation) ##
word: kataba 'to write'
Active Voice --- Passive Voice
katabtu <ktbt> --- kutibtu <ktbt>
katabta <ktbt> --- kutibta <ktbt>
katabti <ktbt> --- kutibti <ktbt>
kataba <ktb> --- kutiba <ktb>
katabat <ktbt> --- kutibat <ktbt>
katabtumaa <ktbtma> --- kutibtumaa <ktbtma>
katabaa <ktba> --- kutibaa <ktba>
katabataa <ktbta> --- kutibataa <ktbta>
katabnaa <ktbna> --- kutibnaa <ktbna>
katabtum <ktbtm> --- kutibtum <ktbtm>
katabtunna <ktbtn> -- kutibtunna <ktbtn>
katabuu <ktbwa> --- kutibuu <ktbwa>
katabna <ktbn> --- kutibna <ktbn>
Read the forms vertically and horizontally. All the passive forms are spelled the same as their corresponding active voice forms. No wonder Arabic speakers often, but by no means consistently, add a disambiguating "u" vowel mark on the first consonant, in this case <k>. On the other hand, even if we stay within a single voice (and we shouldn't because they aren't always distinguished in writing), you can see that there are four inflections with potentially a different sound, katabtu, katabta, katabti and katabat, that are all spelled the same, <ktbt>. I'm saying "potentially" because in practice people often pronounce both katabtu and katabta as "katabt" (and kutibtu and kutibta as "kutibt"), but even this would still leave us with three (really six) forms that are regularly written the same, <ktbt>.
It gets much, much worse in the prefix conjugations.
## Verb inflection (prefix conjugations) ##
word: kataba 'to write'
Active indicative --- Passive indicative --- Active subjunctive --- Passive subjunctive --- Active jussive --- Passive jussive
2aktubu <2ktb> --- 2uktibu <2ktb> --- 2aktuba <2ktb> --- 2uktiba <2ktb> --- 2aktub <2ktb> --- 2uktib <2ktb>
taktubu <tktb> --- tuktibu <tktb> --- taktuba <tktb> --- tuktiba <tktb> --- taktub <tktb> --- tuktib <tktb>
taktubiina <tktbyn> --- tuktibiina <tktbyn> --- taktubii <tktby> --- tuktibii <tktby> --- taktubii <tktby> --- tuktibiii <tktby>
yaktubu <yktb> --- yuktibu <yktb> --- yaktuba <yktb> --- yuktiba <yktb> --- yaktub <yktb> --- yuktib <yktb>
taktubaani <tktban> --- tuktibaani <tktban> --- taktubaa <tktba> --- tuktibaa <tktba> --- taktubaa <tktba> --- tuktibaa <tktba>
yaktubaani <yktban> --- yuktibaani <yktban> --- yaktubaa <yktba> --- yuktibaa <yktba> --- yaktubaa <yktba> --- yuktibaa <yktba>
naktubu <nktb> --- nuktibu <nktb> --- naktuba <nktb> --- nuktiba <nktb> --- naktub <nktb> --- nuktib <nktb>
taktubuuna <tktbwn> --- tuktibuuna <tktbwn> --- taktubuu <tktbwa> --- tuktibuu <tktbwa> --- taktubuu <tktbwa> --- tuktibuu <tktbwa>
taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn> --- taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn> --- taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn>
yaktubuuna <yktbwn> --- yuktibuuna <yktbwn> --- yaktubuu <yktbwa> --- yuktibuu <yktbwa> --- yaktubuu <yktbwa> --- yuktibuu <yktbwa>
yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn> --- yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn> --- yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn>
Read the forms horizontally. As you can see in the first row, every one of the six forms has a different sound, but they're all spelled the same, <2ktb>. As with the suffix conjugation, Arabic speakers often, but by no means consistently, add a "u" vowel mark on top of the first consonant to indicate it's passive, reducing the ambiguity. But it is not normal to distinguish the three moods.
Nominal inflection isn't that much better.
## Noun inflection (triptote declension) ##
word: wajh 'face (singular)'
Indefinite --------- Definite --------- Construct
wajhun <wajh> --- al-wajhu <alwjh> --- wajhu <wjh>
wajhan <wajha> --- al-wajha <alwjh> --- wajha <wjh>
wajhin <wajh> --- al-wajhi <alwjh> --- wajhi <wjh>
The triptote declension is the most common declension for nouns in Arabic, and none of the cases are distinguished in writing in this declension except for the indefinite accusative wajhan <wjha>! Neither are the indefinite and construct distinguished most of the time. In practice, this doesn't bother modern Arabic speakers that much because they don't make case distinctions anymore anyway, nor the indefinite-construct distinction except for a few (common) endings, but if the Arabic script was designed for Classical Arabic, how can we really say the script "fits" it when all these forms have different sounds but the same spelling?
I'm not going to talk about derivational morphology in Standard Arabic because that does usually involve consonantal affixes, often with a long vowel, so there's not much a problem there. It is regrettable that the derivational prefixes mi- (which derives tools), ma- (which derives places) and mu- (which derives agent nouns and participles) are spelled the same though, <m> before the triconsonantal root. This gives results such as maktab 'desk', mukattib 'write.CAUS.AGT.PTCP' and mukattab 'write.CAUS.PASS.PTCP' being spelled the same, <mktb>.
Now I was thinking what would be a language that the Arabic script would fit better, hypothetically speaking. Probably a language that uses consonants often even for word inflection, and otherwise often long vowels so that they could be written out with a mater lectionis consonant. Latin. I think Latin might do.
## Verb inflection (-āre conjugation) ##
word: amāre <2mar> 'to love'
Present indicative --- Present subjunctive
amō <2mw> --- amem <2mm>
amās <2mas> --- amēs <2mys>
amat <2mt> --- amet <2mt>
amāmus <2mams> --- amēmus <2myms>
amātis <2mats> --- amētis <2myts>
amant <2mnt> --- ament <2mnt>
Here I'm comparing two of the more similar tenses of the most common conjugation or verb group. We do get a merge in 3rd person forms across mood (amat and amet become <2mt>), but this *is* doing a better job than the verb inflection in Arabic so far.
Latin does have something like the similar-sounding prefix conjugations of Arabic, and they're called the imperfect subjunctive, the future perfect and the perfect subjunctive put together.
Imperfect subj. (active) --- Future perfect --- Perfect subj.
amārem <2marm> --- amā(ve)rō <2ma(w)rw> --- amā(ve)rim <2ma(w)rm>
amārēs <2marys> --- amā(ve)ris <2ma(w)rs> --- amā(ve)rīs <2ma(w)rys>
amāret <2mart> --- amā(ve)rit <2ma(w)rt> --- amā(ve)rit <2ma(w)rt>
amārēmus <2maryms> --- amā(ve)rimus <2ma(w)rms> --- amā(ve)rīmus <2ma(w)ryms>
amārētis <2maryts> --- amā(ve)ritis <2ma(w)rts> --- amā(ve)rītis <2ma(w)ryts>
amārent <2marnt> --- amā(ve)runt <2ma(w)rnt> --- amā(ve)rint <2ma(w)rnt>
The imperfect subjunctive has passive forms, but they're distinct enough thanks to their consonantal endings that I decided not to include them. The future perfect and perfect subjunctive have no pesky passive forms.
Latin at its worst gives us a much better situation than what we get in Arabic at its worst! There is some merging of moods as well, especially noticeable in the third person short forms, amāret amārit amārit <2mart>, and amārent amārunt amārint <2marnt>, but overall this is far milder.
Now let's look at the most essential of Latin's famous nominal declensions.
## Noun inflection (1st declension) ##
word: lingua 'tongue'
lingua <lngwẗ> --- linguae <lngwy>
linguae <lngwy> --- linguārum <lngwarm>
linguae <lngwy> --- linguīs <lngwys>
linguam <lngm> --- linguās <lngwas>
linguā <lngwa> --- linguīs <lngwys>
## Noun inflection (2nd declension) ##
word: digitus 'finger'
Singular --------- Plural
digitus <dgts> --- digitī <dgty>
digitī <dgty> --- digitōrum <dgtwrm>
digitō <dgtw> --- digitīs <dgtys>
digitum <dgtm> --- digitōs <dgtws>
digitō <dgtw> --- digitīs <dgtys>
digite <dgt> --- digitī <dgty>
## Noun inflection (3rd declension) ##
word: rex 'king'
Singular --------- Plural
rēx <ryks> --- rēgēs <rygys>
rēgis <rygs> --- rēgum <rygm>
rēgī <rygy> --- rēgibus <rygbs>
rēgem <rygm> --- rēgēs <rygys>
rēge <ryg> --- rēgibus <rygbs>
This is amazingly fitting, actually! The one thing that gets lost is -em vs. -um in the 3rd declension. When applying this in practice we would have some merges across the declensions (not within them), notably the loss of gender distinction in amīcum amīcam <2mykm> and amīcī and amīcae <2myky>, but I think a naturalistic application of the Arabic script would probably maintain the distinction by spelling the two feminine forms with an <a>: amīcam <2mykam>, amīcae <2mykay>. The latter would even be naturally justifiable as influence of the poetic amīcāī!
Interestingly, we would gain distinctions that are not made in Classical Latin's own native script. For example, on the side of verbs the future perfect and perfect subjunctive canonical forms would be more clearly distinguished. On the side of nouns, there would be a distinction between e.g. palus <pls> 'stick' and palūs <plws> 'marsh', both of which were spelled PALVS in the ancient tongue of the Romans. This would especially affect the less common 4th declension. Let's look at it.
## Noun inflection (4th declension) ##
word: manus 'hand'
Singular --------- Plural
manus <mns> --- manūs <mnws>
manūs <manws> --- manuum <mn2m>
manuī <man2y> --- manibus <mnbs>
manum <mnm> --- manūs <mnws>
manū <mnw> --- manibus <mnbs>
Although it's true that on the other hand, the distinction between 3rd declension artibus 'for the arts' and 4th declension artubus 'with the limbs' would be lost, <2rtbs>.
Also, we could consider grabbing <p> from the Persians. That'd be a good idea.
I hope I have entertained you today. I also hope at least one of you feels like writing a little Latin in the Arabic script now.
Here's a couple sentences in Latin. Let's see if any of you who know a non-trivial amount of Latin can have a crack at what they say.
I've never quite understood why people here sometimes say abjads fit the Semitic languages well. As if an abjad goes together well with a triconsonantal language or something like that. Shouldn't it be otherwise, since wouldn't a language whose morphology involves vowels a lot more than it's usual instead of using affixes more (which often have extra consonants) then need to express those vowels more clearly than other kinds of languages?
I think I can clarify what I mean by using Standard Arabic as an example. Let's start by having a look at the how the inflection of verbs in the suffix conjugation is spelled. Don't worry, I'll be using a fairly close transliteration since I imagine many of you don't know how to read the Arabic script.
(Note about the transliteration used in this post: 2alif without a hamza is <a>, 2alif with any hamza is <2>, taa2 marbuuTa is <ẗ>.)
## Verb inflection (suffix conjugation) ##
word: kataba 'to write'
Active Voice --- Passive Voice
katabtu <ktbt> --- kutibtu <ktbt>
katabta <ktbt> --- kutibta <ktbt>
katabti <ktbt> --- kutibti <ktbt>
kataba <ktb> --- kutiba <ktb>
katabat <ktbt> --- kutibat <ktbt>
katabtumaa <ktbtma> --- kutibtumaa <ktbtma>
katabaa <ktba> --- kutibaa <ktba>
katabataa <ktbta> --- kutibataa <ktbta>
katabnaa <ktbna> --- kutibnaa <ktbna>
katabtum <ktbtm> --- kutibtum <ktbtm>
katabtunna <ktbtn> -- kutibtunna <ktbtn>
katabuu <ktbwa> --- kutibuu <ktbwa>
katabna <ktbn> --- kutibna <ktbn>
Read the forms vertically and horizontally. All the passive forms are spelled the same as their corresponding active voice forms. No wonder Arabic speakers often, but by no means consistently, add a disambiguating "u" vowel mark on the first consonant, in this case <k>. On the other hand, even if we stay within a single voice (and we shouldn't because they aren't always distinguished in writing), you can see that there are four inflections with potentially a different sound, katabtu, katabta, katabti and katabat, that are all spelled the same, <ktbt>. I'm saying "potentially" because in practice people often pronounce both katabtu and katabta as "katabt" (and kutibtu and kutibta as "kutibt"), but even this would still leave us with three (really six) forms that are regularly written the same, <ktbt>.
It gets much, much worse in the prefix conjugations.
## Verb inflection (prefix conjugations) ##
word: kataba 'to write'
Active indicative --- Passive indicative --- Active subjunctive --- Passive subjunctive --- Active jussive --- Passive jussive
2aktubu <2ktb> --- 2uktibu <2ktb> --- 2aktuba <2ktb> --- 2uktiba <2ktb> --- 2aktub <2ktb> --- 2uktib <2ktb>
taktubu <tktb> --- tuktibu <tktb> --- taktuba <tktb> --- tuktiba <tktb> --- taktub <tktb> --- tuktib <tktb>
taktubiina <tktbyn> --- tuktibiina <tktbyn> --- taktubii <tktby> --- tuktibii <tktby> --- taktubii <tktby> --- tuktibiii <tktby>
yaktubu <yktb> --- yuktibu <yktb> --- yaktuba <yktb> --- yuktiba <yktb> --- yaktub <yktb> --- yuktib <yktb>
taktubaani <tktban> --- tuktibaani <tktban> --- taktubaa <tktba> --- tuktibaa <tktba> --- taktubaa <tktba> --- tuktibaa <tktba>
yaktubaani <yktban> --- yuktibaani <yktban> --- yaktubaa <yktba> --- yuktibaa <yktba> --- yaktubaa <yktba> --- yuktibaa <yktba>
naktubu <nktb> --- nuktibu <nktb> --- naktuba <nktb> --- nuktiba <nktb> --- naktub <nktb> --- nuktib <nktb>
taktubuuna <tktbwn> --- tuktibuuna <tktbwn> --- taktubuu <tktbwa> --- tuktibuu <tktbwa> --- taktubuu <tktbwa> --- tuktibuu <tktbwa>
taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn> --- taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn> --- taktubna <tktbn> --- tuktibna <tktbn>
yaktubuuna <yktbwn> --- yuktibuuna <yktbwn> --- yaktubuu <yktbwa> --- yuktibuu <yktbwa> --- yaktubuu <yktbwa> --- yuktibuu <yktbwa>
yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn> --- yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn> --- yaktubna <yktbn> --- yuktibna <yktbn>
Read the forms horizontally. As you can see in the first row, every one of the six forms has a different sound, but they're all spelled the same, <2ktb>. As with the suffix conjugation, Arabic speakers often, but by no means consistently, add a "u" vowel mark on top of the first consonant to indicate it's passive, reducing the ambiguity. But it is not normal to distinguish the three moods.
Nominal inflection isn't that much better.
## Noun inflection (triptote declension) ##
word: wajh 'face (singular)'
Indefinite --------- Definite --------- Construct
wajhun <wajh> --- al-wajhu <alwjh> --- wajhu <wjh>
wajhan <wajha> --- al-wajha <alwjh> --- wajha <wjh>
wajhin <wajh> --- al-wajhi <alwjh> --- wajhi <wjh>
The triptote declension is the most common declension for nouns in Arabic, and none of the cases are distinguished in writing in this declension except for the indefinite accusative wajhan <wjha>! Neither are the indefinite and construct distinguished most of the time. In practice, this doesn't bother modern Arabic speakers that much because they don't make case distinctions anymore anyway, nor the indefinite-construct distinction except for a few (common) endings, but if the Arabic script was designed for Classical Arabic, how can we really say the script "fits" it when all these forms have different sounds but the same spelling?
I'm not going to talk about derivational morphology in Standard Arabic because that does usually involve consonantal affixes, often with a long vowel, so there's not much a problem there. It is regrettable that the derivational prefixes mi- (which derives tools), ma- (which derives places) and mu- (which derives agent nouns and participles) are spelled the same though, <m> before the triconsonantal root. This gives results such as maktab 'desk', mukattib 'write.CAUS.AGT.PTCP' and mukattab 'write.CAUS.PASS.PTCP' being spelled the same, <mktb>.
Now I was thinking what would be a language that the Arabic script would fit better, hypothetically speaking. Probably a language that uses consonants often even for word inflection, and otherwise often long vowels so that they could be written out with a mater lectionis consonant. Latin. I think Latin might do.
## Verb inflection (-āre conjugation) ##
word: amāre <2mar> 'to love'
Present indicative --- Present subjunctive
amō <2mw> --- amem <2mm>
amās <2mas> --- amēs <2mys>
amat <2mt> --- amet <2mt>
amāmus <2mams> --- amēmus <2myms>
amātis <2mats> --- amētis <2myts>
amant <2mnt> --- ament <2mnt>
Here I'm comparing two of the more similar tenses of the most common conjugation or verb group. We do get a merge in 3rd person forms across mood (amat and amet become <2mt>), but this *is* doing a better job than the verb inflection in Arabic so far.
Latin does have something like the similar-sounding prefix conjugations of Arabic, and they're called the imperfect subjunctive, the future perfect and the perfect subjunctive put together.
Imperfect subj. (active) --- Future perfect --- Perfect subj.
amārem <2marm> --- amā(ve)rō <2ma(w)rw> --- amā(ve)rim <2ma(w)rm>
amārēs <2marys> --- amā(ve)ris <2ma(w)rs> --- amā(ve)rīs <2ma(w)rys>
amāret <2mart> --- amā(ve)rit <2ma(w)rt> --- amā(ve)rit <2ma(w)rt>
amārēmus <2maryms> --- amā(ve)rimus <2ma(w)rms> --- amā(ve)rīmus <2ma(w)ryms>
amārētis <2maryts> --- amā(ve)ritis <2ma(w)rts> --- amā(ve)rītis <2ma(w)ryts>
amārent <2marnt> --- amā(ve)runt <2ma(w)rnt> --- amā(ve)rint <2ma(w)rnt>
The imperfect subjunctive has passive forms, but they're distinct enough thanks to their consonantal endings that I decided not to include them. The future perfect and perfect subjunctive have no pesky passive forms.
Latin at its worst gives us a much better situation than what we get in Arabic at its worst! There is some merging of moods as well, especially noticeable in the third person short forms, amāret amārit amārit <2mart>, and amārent amārunt amārint <2marnt>, but overall this is far milder.
Now let's look at the most essential of Latin's famous nominal declensions.
## Noun inflection (1st declension) ##
word: lingua 'tongue'
lingua <lngwẗ> --- linguae <lngwy>
linguae <lngwy> --- linguārum <lngwarm>
linguae <lngwy> --- linguīs <lngwys>
linguam <lngm> --- linguās <lngwas>
linguā <lngwa> --- linguīs <lngwys>
## Noun inflection (2nd declension) ##
word: digitus 'finger'
Singular --------- Plural
digitus <dgts> --- digitī <dgty>
digitī <dgty> --- digitōrum <dgtwrm>
digitō <dgtw> --- digitīs <dgtys>
digitum <dgtm> --- digitōs <dgtws>
digitō <dgtw> --- digitīs <dgtys>
digite <dgt> --- digitī <dgty>
## Noun inflection (3rd declension) ##
word: rex 'king'
Singular --------- Plural
rēx <ryks> --- rēgēs <rygys>
rēgis <rygs> --- rēgum <rygm>
rēgī <rygy> --- rēgibus <rygbs>
rēgem <rygm> --- rēgēs <rygys>
rēge <ryg> --- rēgibus <rygbs>
This is amazingly fitting, actually! The one thing that gets lost is -em vs. -um in the 3rd declension. When applying this in practice we would have some merges across the declensions (not within them), notably the loss of gender distinction in amīcum amīcam <2mykm> and amīcī and amīcae <2myky>, but I think a naturalistic application of the Arabic script would probably maintain the distinction by spelling the two feminine forms with an <a>: amīcam <2mykam>, amīcae <2mykay>. The latter would even be naturally justifiable as influence of the poetic amīcāī!
Interestingly, we would gain distinctions that are not made in Classical Latin's own native script. For example, on the side of verbs the future perfect and perfect subjunctive canonical forms would be more clearly distinguished. On the side of nouns, there would be a distinction between e.g. palus <pls> 'stick' and palūs <plws> 'marsh', both of which were spelled PALVS in the ancient tongue of the Romans. This would especially affect the less common 4th declension. Let's look at it.
## Noun inflection (4th declension) ##
word: manus 'hand'
Singular --------- Plural
manus <mns> --- manūs <mnws>
manūs <manws> --- manuum <mn2m>
manuī <man2y> --- manibus <mnbs>
manum <mnm> --- manūs <mnws>
manū <mnw> --- manibus <mnbs>
Although it's true that on the other hand, the distinction between 3rd declension artibus 'for the arts' and 4th declension artubus 'with the limbs' would be lost, <2rtbs>.
Also, we could consider grabbing <p> from the Persians. That'd be a good idea.
I hope I have entertained you today. I also hope at least one of you feels like writing a little Latin in the Arabic script now.

Here's a couple sentences in Latin. Let's see if any of you who know a non-trivial amount of Latin can have a crack at what they say.
سكيتسن، پإري، كوس فإرت تتس پمپونإس أتكس؟ كرنيلإس نپوس ديكت تم بن لكوريتر إت جريكي إت لتيني أت، كم پإيمات لجرت، سپرا نهل پست أدي
<skytsn, p2ry, kws f2rt tts pmpwn2s 2tks? krnyl2s npws dykt tm bn lkwrytr 2t gryky 2t ltyny 2t, km p2ymat lgrt, spra nhl pst 2dy.>