Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

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Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Since some time in late 2022 i have been writing a good deal of Speculative fiction. I can't say i write at the same rate as other writers but i don't have any other obligations or even work so it is easy. Below is the first chapter of a work (i initially wrote much of it as the first part of a 1 hour writing challenge i proposed but that never took off). I don't have to much vocabulary and i've found works with it to be alienating to me. I will post later chapters some time in the future. I think this chapter could use one last rewrite so its here mainly for preservation purposes. I have to begin every story with some kind of dramatic statement preferably to get attention. I also think i write very compactly which would probably mean i would make a terrible writer for someone like myself because i tend to read very sparsely.
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The Clocks weren’t working.

The thought run through your head. And without them there would be no water and of course no way to beat the midday heat. Oricima was a cruel mistress your mother thought to tell your father and now you were about to encounter it.

So you hurried around taking all your things of value: gold, herbs, iron, hides and Mini-Clocks and took them to your riding-bird placing them upon her back sack and in less than 30 minutes you were headed out of the desert you called home.

You had lived here ever since your parents had taken you out of the city fearing persecution for being a psychic and now you had to return. Sometimes it had been hard nights with no sleep and visions of Daemons and Shadows hunting you. Psychics lived dangerous lives due to their mental energies your parents told you and you felt it. But it had been years since the visions tormented you but then again you hadn’t used your powers in that time. Better to get on with just a rifle and your instincts than rely on headspace.

It was less than 2 hours not far for the small satellite when you arrived at the Cool Zones extending off the city where the foreigners dwelt. You suddenly remember you had forgotten your Clock so there would be nothing to repair only to sell. A casual mistake and your bird could hold more. You would never return to the hut where you were raised and felt a sudden hollowness. You were going from where your parents had raised you never to return. You would set out from this world you thought as it was inhospitable for your kin and you wanted to continue as a hidehunter. Alendria this planet's moon was waiting you thought and had rich forests filled with valuable creatures.

“Chicken you did good” you said to your bird

You did not know what the word meant only that it was a word from long ago. You found yourself staring into the face of a native who seemed to be enjoying the coolness. Even their Kin didn’t like the heat of this Satellite. You thought you would be heading to the Moon this world orbited soon, maybe in a few days or a week since you probably couldn’t return to the desert. You hopped off Chicken and asked them if they had anything to sell but they declined. Back to the city it was even deeper in the Cool Zones where it would be cooler and the faint blue glow of the Light would be stronger. Your parents had regularly come to the city to barter items for gold and now you found yourself a prostitute to its whims desperate for the cash to get off this world where your blood could not survive. The moon Alendria was fertile and would not be a far trip. A land perfect for you now that your System-Clock was slowly frying in the heat.

After around 30 minutes walk you spotted a market where you could sell your excess goods . You now remembered you had forgot to take food so you would be lighter on what you could keep. Hours passed and gradually you selled of each of your items until you were only left with your worn but your’s rifle, a communicator, a hidden psygem and your friendly riding bird. You headed into the city with some rations into the entertainment district your parents avoided and when you spotted a lounge which you thought would provide good entertainment you headed in. It was nearly dusk, the perfect hour for it even. You booked your tickets even for an overnight stay.

The atmosphere in-room was lively, they were announcing they had entertainment in a minute and you noticed the entertainers hop on stage. Outside you could make out “Tonight: The Prince performing” so you assumed this was the act and you immediately noticed a shirtless entertainer of your people beginning to dance. When music entered the stage he began to sing his melody sweet and entertaining. You hopped off to order a drink, you would get what your father and mother got: The Buzz wafting in heavy smoke from another patron.

After that taste you thought you would like to get some too.

You ordered your Buzz and heard his song.

“Oh the desert world belongs to the brave, the vast ocean”
“The moons of Aria the Lamp are all barren except for the peoples”
“You like the cities, the Cool Zones and the natives like them too”
“Come and enjoy the Moons of Aria, the Lamp is to close for good”
“Confined to a small sunspin, you can’t beat the heat”
“Oh the deserts of dear Aria she is my Devi my Devi”
“My Devi she is bright with light and the clocks are the only thing that keeps us safe”
“My Devi, Oh my Devi”
“She shines with glare and the glow of the Clocks”

For hours this continued, you gradually getting intoxicated on more drinks and smoke, drifting into the haze that your father oh so favoured. Drink and smoke dulled your mind as you were enchanted by the dancer, a pretty blonde boy who was as young as you. You gazed fondly into his orange eyes and admired the locks of his yellow hair which was roughly shaped. He was in shape with decent musculature under his fur and he moved with however careless motions which could be considered unbecoming not that you ever thought that due to your intoxication. After a while you stopped drinking and started smoking more heavily even taking some Shimmer-Substances that a young girl offered you. She asked you to come to her room but you declined as you were too Hazed to do anything. The music and the Substances lulled you into a sleep, not that you could know the time in your state.

“Mistress” was the last word that you heard.

You dreamt of the music melding into the deserts and lush jungles described as you felt even more enchanted by your entertainer. He wasn’t backed by anyone this time but you felt like he was as he sang about now icy tundra.
You awoke in the middle of the night and found yourself next to a foreign girl not of your Kin. She hanged over you with her tall body with her snout just touching your forehead.

“Can we be a bit more discreet? Is this much to ask?”

So she huddled you off to a corner and zapped you with a Zap-Clock injecting sparks into your system.

“This is a Dehazer it cures all soughts of substance induced effects”
“Now you are a Psychic right?”

You didn’t speak, afraid to answer.

“I am too, now did your parents leave you to the desert and you have now returned due to a broken Clock which you cannot repair?”

You had just noticed how soft and quiet her voice was as she stared into you with her blue eyes set in her face like the creatures you saw in documentaries.

“Yes” you answered

But your parents had died you thought

“Good enough”

She lured you into your room where you noticed the still shirtless figure of the singer now relaxing on the bed. He was expecting you, you thought.

“Hello friend, nice to meet you”

You stared into his eyes bright like the stars just like yours.

“He is really a prince of course, not that it matters much more besides for the prophecy”
“A fallen price, a young refugee and a witch that is the team of legends”
“You believe in prophecy?” he spoke
“You believe in prophecy?” you rhetoricalised
“Well regardless it’s our best chance at stopping the empire with a psychic like you” she said
“Your parents were rebels against the empire right?” she further queried
“I don’t know and they died a few years ago leaving me on my own to hunt for hides and gather herbs”
“Good enough for me” he replied
“Good enough” she chimed
“We will be heading for Alendria tomorrow and given your situation you will be following us” she said
“After staying their and training your psychic powers for an amount of time we will be heading to the Head-Moon and Gateworld of this system, Rhenia to get out of the system”
“Then we will head of to a life of adventure in fulfillment of the prophecy of my people”
“And what if I don’t agree to this?”
“You will”
”You will” she responded
“Or otherwise you aren’t the person the prophecy described and i hope you are” he answered
“Now to sleep” the strange girl ushered

You were asleep within minutes.

You dreamt of the sweet country of Alendria which your parents only dreamed about its fertile forests surrounding you. Hunting for Hides was your action and you felt the trust of your rifle by your hand. It was so vivid to be real. You trekked in silent step along a river when you heard a Deerkin move. You gazed until your eyes followed and in one shot you took it down and were prepared to harvest its liver. You did not know why. As you cleaned out its liver and other valuables you felt the acid touch of its meat which you presumed poisonous or knew so possibly. As you stared into the glowing eyes along the liver they suddenly transformed into the eyes of the stranger girl you had met this night and were taken aback. You felt yourself in a delirium as she beckoned you into a new world.

“Follow me” she spoke and you obliged.
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You awoke to the pre-dawn of the desert, the girl rubbing on your shoulders. She was brisk in her step and speech despite her lack of sleep unlike how you felt. She urged you into wakedness and gave you what you thought was a waking tablet given your condition. You rised to notice the prince now clothed in a shirt waiting for you next to a rifle of his own.

“My name is Aia by the way” he spoke
“And my name is Nami” she chorused

You headed out to grab your things and head to the spaceport feeling the Substance invigorate your veins with alertness you felt to be supernatural: it was clearly more than a waking tablet. The light of the city was mixing with the glow of its night-lamps and you could see Alendria in the distance rising above your satellite with its fertile glow.

“How does a Satellite so close to such a fertile world get so barren anyways?”
“Poor soil for growth, and lack of water” she answered
“You have a riding bird a biological creature engineered to be perfect for all environments by our forerunners, you will do good with it”

Nami was knowledgeable you thought as she and her companion hopped onto their own riding birds.

“Can I take chicken on our trip?”
“Of course, that’s also a wonderful name” Aia replied
“Now come on” he said
“You don’t wanna be late”

You headed across the empty streets of the city but noticed the Shine of some dens were still on and the entrances still open. This is why your parents never let you stay here for long you thought. Your entertainment had seemed vibrant but now it just seemed seedy here. Along you headed further and further across the city until you arrived at the spaceport. There Nami beckoned you to a large ship which was currently being attended by another fox girl, face stern and sharp and her eyes glasslike, before moving to life with her motions.

“You’re here already sister and i thought you would be days” she spoke with sharpness and strength to her voice which you felt unbecoming
“Time is essential here and we don’t want to perform Psyching on this planet” Nami responded
“But finding one who fulfills the prophecy oh so quickly” the pilot replied
“Things happen” he answered
“Our prince wanted to experience a desert world”
“Amen to that and i liked performing in the bar”
“The newcomer is hopefully eager to fly” the pilot teased

You had never been in a spaceship before. It slightly freaked you out.

“I’m sure he will be cool with it” the prince responded
“Don’t be judgemental through he will have to do a lot of flying” Nami chirped
“This things finest class with three System-Clocks instead of two” the fox assured
“Hopefully i can get another pilot so i don’t have to fly so much”
“It can even take of from any place and land anywhere”
“And it’s got combat effectiveness with Shields, Phasers and Cloaks”
“I feel protected” you stumbled in speech
“Now hop on newbie” the pilot assured
“My name is Retoki by the way”

She opened the ship's doors and you accepted heading into the warm atmosphere of the ship. You could feel the dim glow of the Light embrace you even accept you with its heat. Your group headed into another room trailing behind Retoki so you followed. The boxes clued you into this place being meant for storage. The next room was smaller than the first but more filled. Nami ushered your birds back into storage and she greeted you with gestures.

“This is the lounge where you will be staying” Retoki greeted before heading of into another room which was to near to be the pilots
“So how is it going?” Nami invited

You noticed just now how pleasant her voice was you thought it previously to be a result of your Haze. She ringed with the birds they kept in cages in the city and when speaking loudly she chimed like music. You stared into her eyes for a moment seeing the Spark within her and in that moment knew she was a terrible sorceress, a witch as she called herself of knowledge and power.

“Now it’s about time i informed you” she spoke
“This galaxy runs on Stardust, it’s rare in this system but common on the Gateworld which i have spoken about to you before”
“It cures illness, powers fabled technology and even enhances experience and psychic powers”
“The Empire runs a stranglehold on the most Stardust rich systems in the previous Confederacy and it is from their they have grown”
“First they promised power to the peoples of the world and then enslaved them”
“They now seek dominion over the galaxy or at least the former Confederate worlds”
“If the prophecy is correct your parents fled after fighting them on their homeworld”
“And you do look the part”
“You have the catlike features of the Necoma race just like him through your hair is a bit darker and your eyes blue instead of orange”
“You will do well to accompany me” the prince spoke
“I am not as skilled in Psychics as our friend here but i am skilled of word, sword and sorcery” he said in his bright tone
“He is so very eager, now i can’t promise you Stardust on this world that we are going to but i can promise you we will have some when we get out of this system” she spoke
“All good in here?” Retoki queried, she had just returned
“All good” Nami responded
“We will be taking off soon, you know this ship even has two engines for backup?”
“Now i will leave you three to your conversation”
“You’re a dear sister” Aia responded
She left and you filled Nami ringing to fill the void “I don’t say this would be easy”
“I have no choice” you replied
“Or i do but i’m not sure”
“I would have been off this Satellite later today heading to Alendria anyways had you not gotten messed up in my business”
“But i wouldn’t have used my powers i do not trust them”
“I would have just hunted for Hides in the woods of that world”
“It’s okay if you have doubts” she said
“Doubts are in fact normal” he chimed
“But if you are the exile of prophecy i do have quite the future in store for myself”
“Another prophecy says the companion of a hero will become ruler of the Confederacy”
“And i am determined to reclaim my lineage”
“Now i’m headed off you two can play a game here”

He unpacked a set of Ciari from a shelf and placed it on a table in front of you before heading off. You had played the game before with both your father and mother and had found it inviting. You were certainly not obsessed with it however and wondered if she was.

“To a good game” she said as she placed her pieces

You placed yours when you felt the ship begin takeoff. Within minutes and with a few more pieces placed you were heading off the world. You were finally departing.
Last edited by foxcatdog on Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Speculative Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chapter 2
This one has more exposition and a lot more songs and also deals with our protagonists doubts about his destiny.
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You were in space now and already you had lost a game, that had been quick you thought but you would not fall for her strategy again. Next game was longer and you still lost. By third game you thought you would never beat her but it did have some high points. By fourth game you had accepted the fact. So you headed into the room where Aia was waiting.

He was undressed and you noticed his naked body staring gently at the ceiling with glamour. He seemed rather calm but had clearly noticed you.

“I guess you don’t knock?”
“The door was open”
“You can still knock”

He however didn’t get dressed and you gazed away to avoid looking at his penis which was rather larger than yours even when unerect. He rolled over to fidget with a Clock which you presumed was his entertainment but it turned out to be an alarm. Suddenly it began its ringing noise and he got up and began to get dressed humming a tune as he did. His movements were deft and with grace as he placed on pants and before long a shirt bright green which contrasted with his white bottoms. You thought it was rather strange of him to wear only that but in quick motions he put on a cloak which was palely brown with pastel colour. He beckoned you to go outside and you obliged.

“You’re a tease” he said heading out

You didn’t have anything to say and he greeted Nami duly on his way out.

“I wanna check on the birds, to see Tukutu” he said
He paused for a second and then continued “You are welcome to join me”
“Are we?” Nami questioned

He sobbed for a bit clearly hurt but continued on as usual

When he was away you turned to Nami and said “You know I saw him naked?”
“He’s like that”
“A charmer” you provoked
“A charmer” she responded

You headed out to find Tukutu, Chicken and the other Bird resting in the den. Your bird chirped upon seeing you while Aia moved closer to his Tukutu. He stroked the bird affectionately for minutes on end caressing the bird's feathers and its great vestigial wings. After that moment he began to nudge you before speaking in graver tones.

“He’s middle aged now I got him from my cousin”
“So he is a bit weaker i will be replacing him when i get to the allied system since he will not be as suitable for our dangerous mission”

You had never felt danger mentioned before and there were no terrors of the desert to fear. You felt a grip of doubt from real danger for the first time in your life. You didn’t want to be seen as scared by your companions.

“I sense your concern” the witch spoke in her voice

It was deeper: her tone and filled with Seance.

“You’re only a youngling, younger than me and Aia”
“I sense his troubles too”

Chicken cooed in her bird tone not easing but lifting your troubles.

“I do confess i feel doubts, about this mission”
“And i don’t believe in destiny so i fear for my safety”
“But i have no one to run home to and no one who will miss me”
“So i will do as i must”
“Cast the die and act as fate dictates” she spoke in gentler rhythms
“The journey will be long i can promise you that but you have us by your side”

He turned around a stroked Nami’s bird before speaking in indirectness “I do confess i have only seen battle once and her twice”
“We are not seasoned veterans”
“But our pilot is one through her bones do weaken as she is no longer young”
“We have been on this mission ever since we were of age”
“Our Big Sister coursed from stars to stars, moons to moons, satellites to satellites in search of bounties always staying one step ahead of the Empire”
“Though she did confess to accidentally co-operating with them once and gave them a valuable artifact”
“The jewel isn’t the most important however and i feel we can seek better ones”
“The Crown of Heavens is of course ultimately what we seek”
“It lies on the world of Avarath former Irea and it only offers its power to those who are worthy of ruling great parts of the galaxy”
“They pretend to have control over it but are spies have confirmed it lies where it was last placed in the Rift of the Galaxy since it finds the empire unworthy”
“They cannot seize it not without fundamentally altering the nature of the Crown”
“Attempts have been made by us to seize it but it is to heavily guarded so it will not work without an all out invasion which the Nariye are hesitant to do without stock of prophecy”
“Personally i believe in prophecy because it suits me”

He did strike you as careless. A free spirit but you hoped he had more concern and sense.

“Aia here was struck out of a comfortable life when his older brother and sister were killed by the Empire and his parents fled with him and their younger ones”
“He wasn’t destined to inherit but he is now prince in exile and his other two brothers refuse to travel the galaxy with any Sorceresses like me”

“You did not wish ill on your older siblings?” you queried
“Of course not but now that the opportunity has presented itself i will seize it”
“Oh i forgot to tell you this if you don’t already know due to the lack of a thin veil of consciousness Psyching doesn’t work in outer space except on very large ships or when you an encounter a Wanderer” Nami interrupted
“It also usually doesn’t affect Bots which the Empire makes extensive use of the other key to their success”
“What’s a Wanderer?”
“You will see them when you can see the Immaterial”
“They wander between areas of low Psychic activity which is caused by any conscious race or even just lesser animals and sometimes even plants”
“Psychics like us just make use of these energies to help us accomplish our goals”
“You will find them useful when the time comes but be careful Psyching can damage ships”
“So it is helpful that you cannot normally Psych in space”
“Psyching is like an art and Psychics like artists” Aia chimed
“Oh and also if you get rare breeds of riding birds they can also enhance your Psyching”
“Like Nami’s of course, his name is Ama”
“And Retoki’s is named Ori, she is a very fierce girl”

She beckoned you back into the room and hours passed without event or even much speech.
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You had lost your sixth match of Ciari against Aia by the time the ship stopped. You were not at Alendria yet and wondered why it had stopped until Nami informed you that you were at a Spaceport which provided resting points for traveling ships captains. You headed inside into the small port which carried extensive beds as well as an entertainment district. You were eager to drink and smoke again but Nami stopped you saying it was better to get to Alendria as soon as possible so you headed off to bed. You stayed waking for a while thinking about your former life and your parents and thought you would have one last opportunity to become a simple hidehunter. Visions of your continued life as a hidehunter and herbgatherer flashed before your eyes and continued into your dreams. You felt at peace and in the arms of safety no grips of stagnation and uselessness except in a faint ring around your tongue and in slivers and shadows. Eventually you sank into your ways before the dream dissipated and you confronted your current life as Aia woke you.

“We will be back in space in 10 minutes so get out”
“And I don't understand why we couldn’t just sleep in the ship, policy of the station or something.
“I dreamt of Shadows again”
“You are preparing to use your Psychic powers, that happens when you are becoming ready”
“You have great potential, Nami sees it in you”
“And i see it for me”

You headed back up to your ship and as predicted by the harlequin you were off. Retoki seemed herself as usual when you saw her and even called you Brother in her affectionate tone. Back to the doldrums of traveling it seemed and you confessed you had never traveled so long in your life only to and from your hut and into the city. It already felt like an adventure and you were excited for what was next. You headed into Aia’s room where you found him once again predictably naked.

You were happy to see him.

“I do enjoy this” he said

You were mesmerised by his tone. The harlequinan speech act. You felt like staying even and stared into his eyes like Lamps sparkling with his gaze.

“You know i could put on a performance”
“Just for you two”

He got up and got dressed as usual this time wearing a cloak of deep argentine blue. He had a thing for plain colours you thought. And dull ones which attracted attention but didn’t stand out. After placing his cloak he put on a pair of dull brown pants in odd order. He showed off his bits one last time and you averted your gaze.

You were not sure if this was intentional or not.

You and him then headed out into the room where Nami greeted you with gesture. She seemed prepared for something which was hinted at next by her speech.

“You are going to perform for us I see”
“Yes darling” he spoke

He got into the center of the room and began to shake his body in alluring rhythms to an unknown beat. In chorus and response he began his singing.

“This galaxy belongs to the brave”
“And the straight, and the powerful”
“Heroes and Rogues move with motion”
“This duel is destiny, this fate is ours”
“And we watch or participate”
“Each of our whims and ways”
“It all falls into place, in motion”
“Oh the motion never ends”
“So we triumph or lament”
“The way of the Warrior”
“The way of the Scoundrel”
“It is our destiny, this duel of fates”

He paused and did a spin unfurling his cloak as he did.

“It all falls into place, in weave”
“The fabric is in motion”
“Destiny, oh dance of fates”
“This galaxy is for outlaws”
“And princes, fallen princes”
“And princesses too”
“We each dance according to motion”
“In ways we move, to our whims”
“And fate is always there”
“Destiny behind us”
“And in front the goal”
“Triumph or defeat”

He did another twirl and kissed his lips at Nami, blowing it with his hands.

“This galaxy belongs to the brave”
“And the straight, and the powerful”
“Heroes and Rogues move with motion”
“This duel is destiny, this fate is ours”
“And we watch or participate”
“Each of our whims and ways”
“It all falls into place, in motion”
“Oh the motion never ends”
“So we triumph or lament”
“The way of the Warrior”
“The way of the Scoundrel”
“It is our destiny, this duel of fates”
“And oh do we dance”
“And oh do the motions fall”

He got down and in silence put back on his cloak before standing back up and quoting anew.

“The original line was And Princes, Rogue Princes”
“It is a folk song of my people which i specialise in”
“It was said to be created in the last period of chaos even further back than a millennium”
“From that period the First Empire rose to power in tyranny”
“This short ballad was composed by a princess in exile who hoped to defeat it”

“I’m without lover, no one to touch my hand”
“I need a hero, a dashing hero”
“Rogue of seven starseas, pilot of a ship”
“Master of the sword and the word”
“Moves in motion, in fate he falls into place”
“I need oh great, oh so greatness”
“I need the silver quickness”
“The golden strength”
“I need someone to take me by the hand”
“Pilot my ship, there will of course be no other man”
“I need a hero”
“And that hero is me”

“She of course defeated the First Empire or did her part at least. She found a Diadem of great power the kind that could rival whole planets and used it quite successfully against that Empire”
“Before the period of chaos of course we know little of my peoples history”
“All records from before that period were lost except for some long forgotten planets and even then only in fragments”
“We know of the rise of great empires of my people and Nami’s as well as of a dozen other races”
“And off the forerunners who left us the architecture of the galaxy and of course the now lost Passages of the Immaterial but also of the Gates between systems which were repaired long ago”
“They were said to be the first to make a dent on the Immaterial creating it from ashes”
“They are also believed to be connected to the Daemons as fragments of it mention it being clean except for ones own doubts”
“Perhaps they were lost to us by the Daemons”
“They were too intimately connected too it it seems and they no longer exist except in some rumoured apelike relicits who are not as sensitive to the ways of the Immaterial they created”
“Now to more song and dance”

He took off his cloak with his hands and began to shake his lower body in earthly rhythms.

“So we move with the fates of people”
“Our minds of many minds”
“We dance in motion, in our consciousness”
“It seeps into us, your energies”
“We are the Witches of the world”
“With blade attuned to Immaterial”
“With our minds we make things”
“And destroy, we can destroy”
“We wield the Immaterial”
“Fear us, oh fear us, our Immaterial”
“In essence we fall right into place”
“Our work is essential”
“We gather the dust of the great space”
“We are the Witches of the world”
“Sorcerers and Sorceresses”
“Binders and Weavers”
“Sing song into bone, oh bone”
“Our ancestors we cherish them”
“And preserve them in our homes”
“Death does not come to us because of our work”
“We make and we take, oh we do”
“We go as we must, stay as we please”
“It is by our hand and heart”
“By hand and heart”
“That we live as we sense”
“Ancestral preserve”
“And dust gathered”
“Oh witches”

“That is only the first part and if you couldn’t guess by the foreign terminology is a translated song of Arie two of which currently inhabit this ship”
“They of course make a Psychically conductive material known as Spiritbone which conducts the Immaterial’s energies”
“There ancestors are also stored in items most commonly Soulgems for a hundred to a thousand years depending on how much they want to linger”
“Those of the Amari are stored forever it seems since we have some preserved from the oldest memories of their people”

He then continued onto another song. The rest of the trip being spent in merriment and Aia and Nami even kissed. As friends he told you it was customary of both their peoples to.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Speculative Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

This one is a short excercept i wrote for a later chapter probably in the first book (or perhaps the third).
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“These people believe all reality is illusion and as such see themselves as masters of it”
“And money is the greatest illusion especially when you convert it to more money”
“Wasn’t it in the manual that the Immaterial is the only real reality?” you queried
“You can touch this world and you can touch the Immaterial some times” she replied coyly”
“Their highest god is named Kulta remover of illusions”
“But among lesser deities you encounter the god of merchants and moneys”
“They have many somewhat free merchants here but they are kept submissive to ruling classes in Avarda proper”
“Theoretically they cannot stray much from their rulers and harsh rule is of course another former of illusion”
“You speak much of illusion is it important to your people” you replied
“Not really we like to think of ourselves as more grounded”
“Of course all maintain the fiction of Fish here” Retoki replied
“The Empire has its own currency and it's not easy to trade between them”
“Some are rich in the Empire mainly those of great loyalty”
“Here rich people do a lot of stuff”
“The Empire has inherited some despisement of Craftspeople”
“Illusionists the lot but the Empire are powerful Illusionists unlike the Avarda”
“They remained on friendly terms with Ioa but the Serenya despise them”
“Nenarie is of course much influenced by Serenya unlike the Ioans who had some degree of opposition”
“So a few of these illusionists fell in favour with the Empire”
“Nenarie, current seat of the Confederacy”
“It has done us little good, Serenya is less amiable but more decisive” Retoki spoke
“And many who have had grievances with the Confederacy have refused to take arms up against the Empire”
“Not that many in the west could”
“Serenya of course demands Serenyan manners but also light rule so only Serenyans can be Bounty Hunters like me”
“Nariye and Serenya were united once of course we come from the same species but the split between us probably only occurred in the Age of Rebels based on linguistics” Nami continued
“Atare and Eteri for young”
“Ina and Enu for foxhound or pet”
“Nano and Menu for clock”
“Nira and Seri for person”
“Sanice and Tesici for sun”
“Nari and Seri for Moon” Retoki offered
“Una and Onu for mother”
“Sata and Teti for father”
“Nawe and Rei for star”
“And Na Kye and No Sii for stardust”
“About illusion don’t you lot put stock in prophecy and magic” you questioned
“Prophecy and illusion are different, prophecy at least has some grounding in the symbolism of reality” Nami replied
“My people put much stock in warleaders” Retoki said
“And we have better relations with our Witch friends than any Nekoma like you”
“Diplomacy never helps against some people”
“You’ll find that not all who have taken to the stars have achieved equality in manners”
“My clan mother once told me the same thing” Nami said
“So don’t trade lightly” Retoki sterned
“Trade with Retoki by your side okay” Nami continued
“Okay” you replied
“Now i’ll be heading off to see if i can talk to any Witches, maybe i can find them here” she said
“And meet me back here when you are done”
“She’s a witch and a very busy one”
“You have some Psychic powers right the manual told me all Arie and Amari have them?”
“My hunting sense” she replied
“I have the ability to see outside my vision range”
“And i have extrasensory capabilities”
“And you’re a crack shot both in hunting and war she tells me” you said
“The prophecy needs it” she replied
“And it suits me”
“About this prophecy i have never heard the full of it”
“I can’t remember the exact wordings just the meanings”
“You will perhaps here it when you see the Nariye it’s a closely guarded secret”
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Re: Foxcatdog's Speculative Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chapter 3
This one is shorter than the others and focuses on Senia's Psychic experiences as well as his interactions with his crew. I think it could be beefed up a bit.
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“We are here” she announced

You had gone into the pilots room in anticipation of landing which was done in a grassy field near a cabin. You had circled the Moon’s atmosphere for what you thought longer than usual when you ended up in the field which Nami told you had a house in it.

When you hopped out you saw it which Nami told you was an hour from a town where you could stock supplies. You had rented this cabin by Communicator when you approached this world's atmosphere from one of the city's seven nation states known as Camelia. This one was supposedly centered around one great city or lesser in the context of the whole Confederacy. Smaller worlds were like that you were told and the Satellite you lived on only had 3 cities which were probably about as large as the towns of this world. Your mind liked Nami’s information.

You stretched your arms and Aia did in kind with Nami being her usual huddled self. Aia stretched his arms again and yawned which Nami scolded him for when Retoki came out.

“The cabin is kinda small so us girls will sleep together” she spoke
“And you boys will sleep together too”

Your mind tingled at the thought.

“But of course we have to unpack first don’t head out yet” Nami interjected

You did so in around 15 minutes as most of your stuff was left in the ship. You then headed to the city to get more suitable food as well as drinks and smoke as well as a cart for them. The trip cost you about 5 hours and it was into the night when you returned. You had street food to eat so felt satisfied upon return but Nami forbid you from drinking or smoking.

“Now of course we will have to instruct Senia in the art of Psychics”
“You Retoki do not need to watch as you know none of the art”

She headed you into a clearing a good deal away from your cabin with twelve balls and a vial of a Substance she had gotten from the ship.

She gave you a sip of the Substance and as it dripped down your throat you felt it blend into your mind. Your eyes opened and you felt yourself brimming with power when you noticed the balls set around the circle floating with your power. Out of the corner of your eye you could see the shadows now and you began to feel a numbness in the back of your neck and along your tongue.

“What have you done to me?”

You felt like the words came from her but you felt your mouth move. Suddenly you could see her thoughts.

“I hope this goes well”
“The shadows in my mind aren’t in the forefront”
“I do not have anything to fear from them”
“At least not for this moment”

You could feel her shadows slipping into view.

The balls raised higher with a staggering, pulsating motion. You felt your numbness fade into more numbness: an icy cloak over your body. Her mind screamed and you felt a sudden connection with her as her eyes flickered with the spark you had only seen in mirrors. Your fingers numb and you felt her trail of thought again.

“What is this?”
“I see these shadows clearly out of the corner of my eye”
“I can feel them haunting me”
“Moving closer yet i don’t see them get closer”
“Will i be okay”

You felt for her but were quite distant from the matter. Your fingers numbed as they filled with power you noticed you didn’t move while she paced looking aside to gain a glimpse of your eyes.

“I see the spark and i feel the minds meld”
“She feels distant and constantly rummaging looking for a fact”

You felt the shadows close in and suddenly you could see them in your front. Terrified you let out a shock, spasm even of terror and in an instant they were vanished and all was well: the balls no longer floating.

Quickly you noticed Nami startled barely getting back up and the new distance between you and the balls one of which had even hit a tree.

And the distance was great.

“You may not have been told this but Psyching works with your unconscious mind to work with the energies that underlie the universe”
“I have never been told this” you answered in your own voice

Suddenly you realised you had been hearing your own thoughts.

“Shadows can’t hurt you only distract you it’s the daemons you gotta fear since they can burst forth into the material realm”
“After all they are just manifestations of your doubts while the daemons prowl the Immaterial”
“I can teach you to see the Immaterial and also not retreat into your own mind but rather feel it guide along your consciousness”
“You have great power, which fits the prophecy. Now let’s get these balls cleaned up” she said as she lifted the balls with her powers.

You had only taken two back while she took back the rest.

“About the experience Nami, i had felt my own thoughts as yours”
“Psyching creates a degree of interconnectedness that’s why i could read your feelings on the ship”
“Psyching of course works off the energy of many minds which is why nearby Psyching will tend to cancel out the effects of each other or in other cases overwhelm”
“It’s also why it doesn’t work in space or on worlds without life”
“I didn’t know this”
“You don’t know you just do, but knowing helps” she said

You headed off to bed, with Aia of course who felt like a hurricane of emotions and affect. He pierced into your unconsciousness as you laid down and kissed you goodnight.

“Tonight will be the first night you spend on another world”
“The rhythms of each world feel different and you get used to them as a traveler”

You left the waking world and drifted into dreaminess. You dreamt of your homesatellite and your mother who embraced you in your arms and cooked you an omelette followed by pancakes. You hadn’t had pancakes since she departed and you longed for her sweet embrace once again. Pancakes with desertnuts you tasted around your tongue and you felt the warmth of her embrace as you drifted off into the ether.
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“Are you awake” he spoke

You awoke and found yourself embracing him with curious closeness. He was warm but not Bright as a perfect companion. Riding birds were also warm but he felt of soft fur under his clothes which you guessed to be brightly coloured but events could of course mean they were duller. You awoke to midmorning almost midday light and saw he was dressed as before in dull greens and yellows garbed around his shapely body. He felt iron due to his musculature which compared superiorly to your own. He gradually unspun from your grasp and stepped into the light displaying in curiosity inducing glamour. Harlequin then stepped out of the room which was small even so as your cabin in the spaceship. You lingered on his beauty for a moment before heading into the world of things and problems yourself. That was what you thought as sleep presented you no troubles which could not be solved by at most waking or at least a wave of a moment.

Nami or Redoki had cooked breakfast which sat with what you deduced to be no linger of the heat of its cooking. You ate the omelettes and salmon and seasoned and Stirred vegetables until content and done. You were greeted by a much more woken Nami who introduced you to the events she wished to weave into reality today.

“We will be hunting, you without rifle and relying on your unused skills as a Psychic”
“Of course to be fair to me” spoke Retoki

So you headed into the woods and found them inadequate; the art of silent movement and sneaking up on prey was not in their motions. They found a large deerlike being however which proved to be an easy kill with rifle from Retoki who moved with more care you noticed. You had not produced any Psyching when you got back from your trip where you sold the Hides of the being you had killed as well as much meat. You bought nothing as you had much at home and you continued into afternoon tea which you were cooking with Aia.

You confessed to being not much of a cook and produced an omelette as you had for breakfast with Shimmering mushrooms and sour greens which tasted like they should have been bitter. You wished for a better meal but noted your breakfast also wasn’t that good due to unfamiliar ingredients.

“So you are not getting any drugs tonight” Nami spoke
“But hopefully these Shimmersubstances induce certain eluciations from you”
“Hopefully but for now dance and song”

He got up to perform upon finishing the last of the meal he granted his magic too.

“Mama’s kitchen makes the best food”
“And brings back the best memories”
“A mistress of the curious arts”
“Oh it makes me submit to family”
“But now she is gone”
“I no longer long for more”
“I only long for her”
“Her arms could have held me in one more embrace”
“But now i look for other tastes”
“Other food without her warm arms”
“I long for her magic”
“A domestic ritual, turned to nothing”
“And now she is left”
“And no more magic comes from her kitchen”

He undressed, fully this time for his next one.

“The girls of this moon are vixens”
“Fox cheeked, the masters of my man”
“My strength, oh they massage me”
“And they offer Substances”
“Drink me into a slumber”
“And tease me untill ready”
“These girls are the mistresses”
“Masters of their charms”
“The girls of this moon are vixens”
“Shaped like a woman, oh woman”
“And i am unbecoming into hazes”
“They tease me into readiness”
“And i am seduced by their offers”
“They make a man out of a boy”
“They make a man out of me”
“The girls of this moon are vixens”

He wasn’t a girl you thought but he moved in imitation of one. You thought him akin to an imaginary sister or brother as he continued his motions, his act. More songs would follow and he danced and sung into the night when you would finally rest once again next to his body.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Speculative Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

And here's all i wrote of a new series. (I start a lot of series).
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You hoped she was nice at least.

She couldn’t be mean you hoped but the thought hung in the back of your mind and filled you with unusual dread.

Introducing yourself of course you were the second son of the king of Senia, the central nation of the lush farmlands which lay along the rivers of a desert which otherwise had little going on. Your eldest, your only sister had taken to diplomacy and the arts of charisma but as your brother noted was unusually direct which he said was a product of her charm and way of organising thoughts. Your elder brother had shown the makings of a wizard when he was about your current age and had been whisked off to the nations of the southern snows to begin training. When he had written back to you (through means of the communication wells) that he had said he attracted the attention of a powerful sorcerer due more to lineage than anything. You thought wizards were more scrupulous about who they took interest in until that moment but supposed everyone needed either connections or spontaneity. His study made him inaccessible to your father who had placed the burden of heirship on you. You supposed he was more serious but in a watching sort of way and he possessed the artistic sense of your sister. Both of these people had taken after the Naálhi and now possess their distinctive sharp snouted faces and bushy tails and could generate illusions or appear with great beauty or terror to all but the clearest of minds or strongest of wills. They however still possessed your peoples blue eyes even after taking on the sandy furs of the desert dwelling Canie. Their professions required Magna or command over the mind and great weight to their words as well as a force of will that was most keenly possessed by their race. You wondered why you had never been born one like your mother who was of dainty health (perhaps that was the reason) through much of her life and now falling into bedriddenness. You had all been born humans, the children of Azura after your father as well as the race of your people; perhaps fate did not dictate a Naálhi ruled over Senia. Your next youngest brother was 3 years your younger and was most alike to you. He alone retained his humanity and bronze skin and was rather immature as was his age but had a more masculine sense to him. He was more militaristic of sense and admired the works of armour and weaponry in the house but perhaps this was an effect of his age and gender since it had been an interest of both you and your brother when they were his age. Your youngest through obscure heritage had already taken the form of the Chienna of the more eastern continent. Children of the sun your brother told you they most keenly represented in males the purity of Iloun and in females the orderliness of his mother Nahtanani and in both the light of the sun goddess herself Marasa who begetted their race. He was of youthful splendour and was already as tall as you such was the size of his race. You did not know much of yourself and thought yourself of singular mind. The nature of humans was to be uninhibited by convention and rules but you felt you were in a certain sense bound to your duties rather than acting on natural will like your elder or younger siblings. Perhaps you would find your younger siblings took after you in the sense they were to be trapped by obligation but doubted that as your heritage had been firmly placed on you.

But on to the girl who would ever so soon haunt your presence. She had been picked out by your sister and was a princess of the so called three trading nations more specifically the one of the fertile plains just north of the desert. She apparently possessed the charm of a woman as well as the shapeliness of one and would be a key ally in forming a bond between yours and the richer northern kingdom. Your sister had taken an apparent liking to her and you perhaps hoped she was suitable for you.

Your daze of thoughts ended and you turned to reality, getting out of bed and heading out of your room and into the world and its things. You already had breakfast and would be greeting her at lunch so perhaps you could linger. But you fell into the peculiarities of wakedness and were now going to talk to your father.

You arrived to find him discussing beside an advisor a strange Chienna who was too large to be anything but a female one. She sat next to him and a younger human girl who seemed to be here with her. You wondered what she was doing as she wasn’t chatting with your father who seemed to be ignorant of your presence. You felt the Chienna must be her master or just an accompaniment.

“Hello boy” the girl spoke
“Our you here on official business or just a servant who happens to bear remarkable likeness to the king”
“I am his son” you spoke
“Oh so my prince”
“I have to get my father” and as she spoke she disappeared not with the quickness of a weasel or a fox but the humanity of just going into the other room.

“And my son, I hope you like her because it would be much amiss if we didn’t engage in this particular diplomacy” your father spoke with his standard eloquence.
“And I see much in you, more than seemly” the woman spoke with a sternness possessed of the most cold of her kind.

Appearance could be deceiving but you were not sure what she meant or whether she was of her senses. Regardless she seemed serious and that kind of thing could steer your kingdom in new directions. You waited in silence; lingering in thought for a few moments when the princess returned with what was presumably her father. He was of great weight, the kind which only filled you with sadness about his condition and you felt the dismay of the woman at his size as he presented himself.

“Our lady sees to it that my daughter is more involved in the events of this world” he spoke with tone which was strained by exasperation as if he struggled with his own body
“So she shall have a good prince”
“Forgive my father for he is exhausted by the trip here” the princess spoke
“He is of ill health and my remedies can only do so much” the woman spoke

Was she an advisor or a healer you wondered she seemed like she could be both. You wondered if she could heal your mother. You wondered how long she had been by his side. She did not seem the type to wander from her duties but in strange sense you felt like she was omnipresent and had duties all over the kingdoms surrounding your nation. She seemed youthful yet aged and wise and perhaps you felt she had a mastery over the peculiar things which your mind could not comprehend.

“Of course this is all much amiss and we now have our prince” the woman spoke
“Now all that is to see is whether he is suitable for my chosen princess” she continued
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Re: Foxcatdog's Speculative Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chapter 4
This one is long and deals a lot with the Immaterial as well as more exposition on the world.
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You dreamt of your companions and their manners. The feel of Aia, the shape of Nami and the charm of Retoki. It felt all so perfect as you moved into places in motion. You danced to music and heard the singing of Aia who’s voice felt like it warped you into a dream in this dream. Unreality became reality as you woke into more dreams as you danced to new tunes. And battle, oh opera beset you as you felt the fire of laser rifles and saw unfamiliar roboticisms. You would encounter this all you thought in the few moments in which you gazed over the worlds you created after waking.

You became proper to no Aia beside you, he had already risen from his dreamworld. You should have noticed his absence before you thought but no matter. You headed into the room of light and found them perched on a chair.

Your eyes lingered over to Nami who stood waiting in the dull light. She stared into your eyes as she noticed you. She beckoned with her spark and you felt at ease in that moment. She then turned to Retoki and began her speaking.

“He does not cook well and i want his participation”
“He’ll need to pull his weight”

You remembered cooking with your mother and remembered how she guided you. You hoped to make one of her recipes one of these days rather than the simple fare you had been living on.

“If you have garlic i can make garlic roasted earthfowl” you asked
“Can you make it alone or will you need the help of others?” she queried
“The help of others” you answered your tone was slightly embarrassed
“It does sound good” Retoki interjected
“My grandmother cooked that too” Aia sang excitedly
“Fine we will be having it tonight”
“Now for a performance” Aia chirped

You could remember some of the lyrics of the song he performed. Stuff about heroes and rogues and the dance of fates. After that he pulled up a pose and danced to unknown rhythms as he had done with his music.

“Let’s put some music on” Retoki said
“We don’t have a Music-Clock except in the ship” Nami said
“Okay” Retoki replied

So she got up and began to dance.

You on the other hand were mesmerised. You had never seen a woman dance before and she moved with unspoken charm. As she twirled she smiled and as she shaked her body she smiled more. You liked her motion when she leaned in inviting you to the party. As you refused she grabbed you and twirled you around in familiar motions. You felt your body shake as you settled into the unheard rhythms. Each step a peculiar art and each shake a graceful excess. She suddenly kissed you on the cheek and your cheeks heightened with excitement. You felt her touch and caress as she passed you over to Aia who embraced you before twirling you around.

“You’re moving like her already and she’s been dancing like that for years”
“I can see she never learned the art” you blushed
“And i am certain i do not move like her yet” you continued
“I was only teasing”

The unheard music stopped and you felt a sudden clumsiness as you stopped your vigour. You got back to a chair and sat back down. You noticed the others began to converse so you headed back into your room. You waited for an hour passing the time daydreaming to visions of hunting. When you got out they were making breakfast, something with rice presumably as you had leftovers from last night's dinner.

“You good?” Retoki asked
“Yeah i was just resting”
“Now come over and help stir this rice” she replied

You obliged, you knew how to stir things from making mixes of vegetables and meat. There was however a lot of rice in the pan and you had for the most part only cooked for yourself. You felt like you got the hang of it quickly and before long you were also conversing.

“I see this is made with garlicbulb and earthfowl as well as some green thing i am not familiar with”
“Shallots” Nami answered
“We made the sauce with saltsauce and chili like Retoki likes it” Aia replied
“And a lot of garlic proper don’t forget” Retoki chimed
“You do like the taste of garlic; Aia” Nami said
“And i would prefer more chili but he made it so he gets his way” Retoki continued
“Should have made it yourself”
“And Nami our dear doesn’t like to much garlic”
“I am not dear”
“Sister you better start acting like yourself” Retoki replied
“She’s always like this” Aia replied
“But you better not turn down positive compliments” Retoki continued

“It’ll be ready now but Retoki likes it burnt”
“And i don’t” Nami said
“Precious isn’t she” Retoki replied

You turned off the heat while Aia added a dash of thinseed oil to the pan.

“I hope you like my creation” Aia chanted in his bright tone
“We usually do like your fried rice” Nami replied with sarcasm

Aia began dividing up the dish amongst the bowls; white and blue and marked with strange patterns. The rice itself was yellow and probably rich with flavour you wondered. Speculation would be cast aside in a minute you thought and you felt its earthy, salty and fiery flavours complimented by the protein of the chicken and the bite of the shallots. It was also rather plain you thought; you were not sure if that was normal for the dish.

“We forgot the eggs” Nami quivered
“Fried rice is always more delicious with eggs” Aia responded
“Oh well and to bad” Retoki continued
“Better not forget it next time” Nami retorted
“This is still good” Aia smiled in his peculiar way
“I do enjoy this” you stummered
“Well get ready for it to get better” Retoki chimed in
“The egg adds a certain richness to it” she continued

You ate a lot and were on a full stomach as you went outside with Nami quickly behind you. She took your hand and guided you into the forest where you would perform for today.

“You should learn levitation today, it is basic and comes in handy” she murmured
“Just focus on lifting the items i get for you up, maybe even multiple at a time”
“Levitation has offensive and defensive usages but it mostly just serves as the earliest vehicle of practice”

She then threw a can at you.

It hit you unfortunately but you were ill prepared.

“Just focus on levitating this for now, and keep in mind enemies can throw levitated items at you”
“I didn’t levitate it with Psyching because you would have been unable to stop it due to my trace” she exclaimed
“Now just focus on levitating it”

Within seconds you were done so she threw another one at you which you caught.

The first one however fell and you stummered as you lost it, losing them both in your exasperation. You then focused and once again you were floating them; this time in unison. You focused and as your thoughts bled into reality they did not stay in place but flew higher. Intensity of thought led to greater action you thought.

“If you focus they do go higher because they would be drawn to the ground otherwise” she said before pulling them down with her own force

You felt her great tug intensely like it even gripped your body. You then laid your eyes on the forest around you taking in its straight trees and noticing the beauty of the non magical world. This then faded into a sea of bright lights and chaos and you felt the beckon and call of Nami as force emanated from her. She stood awash in orange contrast to the white and light azure of this world and you felt like you were in a dream or some unusual headspace.

She waved her hand and from it you felt the grip of her iron energies and the colour of orange washed around you as you felt some intangible part of you pulled closer to her.

“Can you hear me?” she questioned in her usual tone bright as the morning calls of birds
“I can hear you very well”

She moved in closer and with each approach you saw her energy get more intense in colours you had never seen in the material world. She then stood beside you and began to shake on your body and you passed out into blackness.
More: show
“He is okay right?” you heard a voice mumber
“He has only been passed out for hours” you heard a now distinctly masculine voice resound
“He has seemed to have glimpsed the Immaterial” you heard from a voice which you inferred to be Nami’s

Your mind raised into reality and you felt the tugging of a fox girl on your body as they woke you into reality. You opened your eyes and stared into the eyes of Retoki who glamoured you into a sense of welcomeness and okayness.

“He’s okay” she spoke and as she did you felt a sense of confirmation as if you actually became okay
“He’s certainly adjusting” you felt Aia speak
“When you see the Immaterial for the first time it is often overwhelming” Nami began

You collected your thoughts, about the encounter and about your situation and as you felt a certain clarity you spoke.

“I saw you as a great orange figure with orange light surrounding you which grew more intense as you grew closer”
“The actual Immaterial was white and seemed to move with energy and vigour”
“It seemed like a dreamworld and i was barely lucid in that realm”
“You will certainly have to see it with more clarity if you are to make use of it” your mentor spoke
“But for now i will inform you that people rarely die upon seeing the Immaterial without a Daemon encounter”
“Rarely?” you and Retoki both spoke
“Caused by other factors such as exhaustion and fear in all cases” Nami answered
“The Immaterial is a vast sea of power in any world with abundant life especially sapient” she continued
“Did you not notice your indigo trace around you?”
“I could not see it”
“But i could see my orange trace so it will just mean you have more to get used to”
“I could always see my trace and was never informed why some could not”
“I hope i don’t seem lacking to you” you spoke
“I suppose i can’t see you any other way not knowing the reason”
“Mine’s pink by the way” Aia torted as his eyes glowed with his spark, pink as promised
You lingered on his spark before responding “Pretty”

He glowed with springing vitality as he lured you into his world with his eyes. He held you in mesmer for a moment and you felt content to watch him.

“You’ll find Psyching has many uses” he continued
“I can foresee danger with it”
“And also heal wounds; mental and physical”
“Psyching is notable for its many uses” Nami spoke
“And healing of wounds is a specialty of my people but these witch arts are foreign to me”
“You’ll find dinner has already been made you woke up to late”
“But we did make roast Earthfowl, with garlic but i cannot say it is your mothers recipe”

You were clumsy in the kitchen so perhaps it was best you didn’t cook.

“Now why don’t you have your dinner?” Retoki ordered

You ate your Earthfowl in silence as the others had moved into the living room. You remembered your mothers being better but perhaps that was your preference as it still tasted delicious. When you were done you headed into the living room and were invited by the song from the ship's radio pulsating sweet electronic notes. It had just started, you thought as you would have heard it from the kitchen.

“I like this song” Retoki chimed
“Have you never heard it played before?” Nami queried
“Neither have i”
“It’s good you enjoy my music” Aia responded
“Upbeat bubblegum funk usually isn’t my style” Retoki nodded

She turned to face you and greeted you with a motion. The others took stock and welcomed you also with gesture.

The music got more upbeat and you felt its intensity awash over your mind.

“Sweet like heaven” the voice spoke in feminine tone
“The track is named after it’s only line just so you know” Aia chimmered in
“Fitting” Retoki creaked
“I like it, the voice sounds divine”
“You like any voice sweeter than yours” Retoki retorted
“Amen” Aia chimed in

The song continued its sugary beat and lyrics for a few more moments before switching to a dance-like chorus full of echoing spacious beats. The music then recycled its themes and was back as it started.

“Now to get more serious” Nami spoke
“You are gradually improving your abilities, Senia” she spoke calling out your name
“I do not think we require much haste”
“But still people fight the Empire every day and some die”
“So i want you on your best behaviour”
“Hopefully i can show you some tricks” Aia replied
“I am a bit more loose than Nami so maybe that will help you”
“Brother is certainly more at ease” Retoki spoke
“Very much” Nami chorused

The music continued its familiar notes, chorus and sweetness and in that moment it filled the silence of the room.

“But more seriously you seem lacking in direction” Nami broke silence
“Nami has always got something on her mind” Aia agree
“So Aia will take you hunting, just the two of you this time” Nami continued
“And i will talk about how i Psych”
“Can’t you be there if he is leading with his description” you asked
“I’m not sure but perhaps it would be best if we all went”
“No guns except for me” Retoki replied
“Best to make bounty on the rich game here” she continued
“I should read up on the parts of the beasts of this place and their value” Nami spoke
“It’s much better than selling low value whole animals for others to process” Retoki eased
“I do know how to spin an animal” you replied

The song faded into something more electric and bouncy and you felt the quickly made words of “spark” and “alive” repeating in odd tempo.

“But now to dance” Aia enchanted

You danced until the songs ended, there were only 6 songs on the record and each pulsed with bubblegum energy. You spun around each of the members of your party and felt their unique rhythms before heading off to bed once again sleeping beside your friend. Aia was warm to the the feel of your back and he felt as a beckon into sleeping states.
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You rose to him still beside you. He felt familiar and as you turned around he greeted you with a smile.

“You are now risen” he had said before
“And now you are ready for the waking world”
“I can see you in the Immaterial now, i can see that place with some effort”
“For an experienced Psychic it is easy”

You had much to learn. And to practice.

“And by the way we will be alone i have already discussed it with Nami”
“Before you woke of course”

Images of him getting up early to wake a sleeping Nami flooded your mind or perhaps she had woken him up. You wondered and for a while were left unanswered.

You got up in clarity, headed outside into the kitchen and began to make small talk with Nami and Retoki in the wooden walls of the hut.

“So why do you think we should go alone” you queried
“I am going to study the uses of each animal in town” Nami answered
“And Retoki can go alone she’s a sharp shot and can stalk on prey better without Aia and especially with his muttering”

You had just realised you had never done the same activity on consecutive days.

“She woke me up to tell me about us hunting separately” Aia said
“And she is just finding some books on the Hidehunting arts here” Retoki replied
“I do like the variety” you said
“It helps ease you into the art” Nami replied
“I have done this stuff before but not with such expert guides” you chorused
“But not for a while and it’s good to have teachers; were you parents Psychics: no?”
“They were not but they had books on the art around”
“I have learned from the Witch guilds of Nariye” she replied
“And me from my grandmother and my own peoples Psychics” Aia chorused
“I hope to learn much from you both”
“Maybe i can learn the art too, but my minds dull as a rock when it comes to it” Retoki unisioned
“And sharp as a minted sword when it comes to hunting, fighting and piloting” Nami replied

You headed out into the cold air and somewhat bright light of morning when Nami stopped you saying we had forgotten breakfast. So you enjoyed a meal of friend Earthfowl drumstick complete with egg and vegetables before heading out into the altogether brighter light of the middays. You felt relieved again as you had when you had stepped into the cooler air and thusly headed deeper into the forests splitting up with Retoki to go alongside Aia as Nami headed into town.

The forest spoke to you with peculiar charm and you remembered your time as a Hidehunter on Oricima. Now you were an acolyte of a new Moon and you felt its strange ways mesmer you into a focus unlike that of the deserts.

When you spotted a deerthing you moved in hushed tones before startling it with unexpected voice. It had seemed to come from your eagerness to Psych but you failed to produce a quiver of Psychic energy. The deer would have escaped because of the noise but Aia quickly took it down with a quick blow of Psychic energy.

You were disappointed and it was only midday so you would have to drag that thing into the cabin. You however would have to oblige and Aia even encouraged saying you only had to drag it back to the cabin and not into town. You still felt disappointed in yourself.

“You’re only learning” Aia said
“I guess so”
“But you said people die every day fighting the Empire”
“So i sort of feel guilty”

And your laters hunts were unsuccessful too and you didn’t even have any lunch.

“Tomorrow will be better, i promise” Aia encouraged
“Better to do tomorrow what could have been done today” you replied
“A tease” he said
“You’re a tease, you promise what you cannot guarantee”
“I promise you will do better”

When you got back you levitated a can and found Retoki with 2 deerlikes waiting for you. She was holding her gun at an angle and looked somewhat amused.

“According to sister this will fetch mighty price if we can just find someone to buy the liver”
“We of course do have a lot of funds but it always helps to make our own money”
“Now how about we fetch ourselves some dinner, roast bulldeer would be the ideal thing to have”
“Or maybe bulldeer rice bowl i think the cut we have is right for it” Aia eloquated
“You’re a fine brother”
“And perhaps this is best for our guest”
“Guest?” you asked
“We don’t need anyone else out here” Retoki said
“Certainly not but i do miss homeworld” Aia replied
“There are more people to talk too there”
“Nenarie is a good world but don’t you miss Ioa?” Retoki questioned
“The great fields and sprawling white citadel cities”
“Oh and don’t forget the Emmerfarms and Glowforests”
“I’ve never been to a Glowforest” he replied
“And i have little memory of Ioa”
“Do you miss Serenya?”
“I have little ill will with the nation even though it does with me” she replied
“I don’t miss my homeworld now that my parents are gone” you said
“Good and bad for you” Retoki spoke

You headed into the living room to find Nami waiting for you propped up on her chair which was wooden and straight made with some unknown almond colour. She gazed into your eyes welcoming you with her spark as her sharp face contorted into a smile. Around you were other chairs and an Image-Clock which you had never watched and might not even be working. You stared into the entrance for the kitchen which was shadowed by the lack of light in the room.

“So we are making good fish tomorrow as Retoki probably informed you” Nami alighted
“Fish? we have none” you queried
“Cash” Retoki spoke
“This Deerkin I caught has valuable livers as well as blood”
“I’ve already drained the blood but i will have to get out the livers tomorrow”
“Tonight for dinner is Bulldeer rice bowl” she spoke
“Ooh; but weren’t we having roast?” Nami responded
“Change of plans” Retoki smiled

You headed into the kitchen and began the preparation of the ingredients, chopping the bulldeer and shallots, cooking the rice and preparing the sauce. You noticed the rice was brown which was unusual compared to what your mother made but then again it wasn’t rice but some other grain. The rice was cooked in a lovely Earthfowl stock which Nami said she bought to make Earthfowl soup along with a bunch of vegetables, roots and others. But tonight you found yourself preparing longroot and chopping shallots as the workings of a kitchen unfolded around you.

When it was done you enjoyed its flavour but noted it was a little sweet for your liking. The sentiment was shared by the others who cooked the recipe and Aia got Retoki to apologise over it but with much contention from her as it was his recipe.

When you were done you decided to see if the Image-Clock was working and you were delighted when it turned on bright with the images of people on some strange Moon. You had sold all your documentaries so would have to make content with watching the channels of this Image-Clock and you tuned in to one talking about the capital of Ioa.

“The city of Nari is a bustling metropolie filled with people and in density between the more sparse cities of the Serenya confederacy and the dense city of Nariye Sia or Prime on the prominent Witch-Moon of the same name”
“Due to its central location and large population with the Confederate Worlds it serves as the seat of the council of our great Confederacy”
“It is currently ruled by the house of Aionie and its queen…”

The document then cut to the kindred face of a Nekoma woman wearing little clothing which displayed her rather erotic body in a beautiful manner. She was blonde in fur mottled with orange around her chests and breasts and posed in a dignified manner befitting of royalty.

“She was my great grandmother” Aia said
“Of course now this world is lost”
“And it’s rich system under thrall of our enemies”
“You miss her?” you asked tentatively
“I do but more as a long forgotten memory”
“She only held me once in my memory and was killed in the invasion”

He fell silent and you continued watching the documentary. It was currently displaying pictures of a bottled bright substance.

“This world is rich in Stardust blown away from its Star Memi and regularly falling on its beautiful surface”
“The capital is home to the chief refinery where Starmilk is made which serves as a delicious drink but also as fuel for several devastating Psychic weapons”
“It and many others are the specialty of this system due to the peculiar properties of its Stardust”

“Mother informs me Starmilk isn’t made by the Empire” Aia interrupted
“The secrets of its production are very well guarded” you heard Nami cut in

The film then cut to images of soldiers with weaponry arranged in a formation you assumed to be tactical. They were armoured with paddings which looked akin to normal clothing and wore helmets for extra protection.

“Ioa’s military command is concentrated in Lemie but Nari still has significant military bases”
“The nation proper is proud of its military history through its alignment with the Confederacy has reduced it somewhat”
“The city of Nari itself was one of the founding cities of the Confederacy which sought to expand through piece but has sometimes turned to war to stop hostile threats”
“It is of course now the capital of the Confederacy but has only been so for four hundred years”
“Before that it was Navi for two hundred and before that it was a succession of cities each lasting around 50 years”
“Time around the Confederacy is still kept in the time of a year on the original capital Ornis which is relatively long compared to other Moons.
“Now back to the military achievements of this nation”
“Of course it has participated in many wars of expansion against hostile nations like the Krun who are the most notable of these hostile species”
“The empire also participated in the civil war on the losing side in deciding what to do about hostile nations”
“The more militaristic Serenya confederacy won and in its victory it destroyed the Jericha who had previously traded with the empire but had several monopolies”
“Diplomacy however won in the matter of the Coluo nation who still maintain a small nation over 5 systems in valuable Blue Stardust territory”
“They of course refused to participate in the Spice Wars which was undertaken against several hostile systems who controlled a rare type of Stardust only found in these systems which was fermented underground by the planets Starlike cores”
“Throughout are times Nari has served to a counterbalance to the Serenya Confederacy which has considered war and fights most of the outlaws of the Confederacy and now in recent times the Empire”
“Despite its historical peacefulness it has taken a strong stance on the Empire which has allayed its relationship with Serenya which was traditionally mediated by Nariye”
“These 3 nations along with Nenarie and Airia form part of the Rebellion Cycle which are the most important nations in the Rebellion against the Empire”
“The Rebellion has fractured the Confederacy which has seen many worlds leave or become neutral in the fight against the Empire to take advantage of trade or simply through propaganda”

“Keep in mind not all worlds fear the Empire as they should” Nami said
“But hopefully we can get you on world's only friendly to us”

“Some also see the Confederacy as growing weak or no longer being necessary”
“And on multiple occasions the Confederacy has been unable to counter the Empires armies backed by deadly robots manufactured on the worlds it controls”
“But Nari and the Ioa Princedom still hold a key part in opposing such a hostile nation”

“This was before the Empire conquered most of the nation as well as part of Airia” Nami spoke
“It’s in suzerain power now and holds control over most of the Confederacy’s eastern Portion”
“And of course much of the West, North and South has fallen into neutral status or even abandoned the rebellion”
“Things aren’t looking up but my people have placed firm faith in the prophecy”
“The question of course is whether you can fufill it?”
“Do you believe in Destiny, Senia?” Aia spoke
“I do”
“I do” spoke Retoki
“And i do” spoke Nami
“I don’t” you spoke
“Well i guess you are a little unsure” Aia chattered
“And you are not our only hope” Nami said
“But i will try” you said

The documentary continued for another half an hour and it was in low lights by the time you returned the stars and the moon as well as the light of your living room being the only thing which lit the night as you stepped outside. You had stepped outside to follow Nami who had once again wanted to put you on the Psychic Substance you had had the first time you came to this Moon. You were not eager but unburdened by the thought as you stepped into the clearing. The others accompanied you and would be taking a more intimate part in this experience.

“Here” Nami gave you the Substance in her outstretched hand

When you took it you fell into the Immaterial as it went down your throat.

You saw the Orange aura of Nami jeweled with her blue eyes which shined lidded in her aura. Retoki was dull but still visible and her green eyes faintly glowed. She became more apparent as she moved closer and began to glow with a pale blue. She headed towards you and touched your forehead with her tongue then got beside Nami standing taller than her as she normally did. Aia was beside her and about Nami’s height and his pink aura welled with life as if in a constant dance due to his unbound nature. He jovially spoke in strange words and chattered in no tongue you knew as he moved in a strange dance.

“I’m of course just walking” you felt his voice sing distorted by the realm Immaterial
“This world just shows how people truly feel”
“He is free like the foxes in spring” Nami clammered in cacophonous tones you didn’t know how you could tell the voice was hers
“When spoken to in this realm in such an acute state you can tell much about a person just by their voice” she continued
“But you know everything you need to know about our character already”

You thought for a moment. Aia was of course carefree and a bit of a charmer and you felt his eagerness now anew in this realm but new to you was his ambition which you had felt was not as serious. Nami was calm but had a bit of a bite to her when disappointed and she was of course knowledgeable and skilled and possessing keen intelligence. Retoki was wild but coolheaded and a master of the arts of battle and of course her signature piloting. You on the other hand did not know much about yourself and just felt singular as if a being of action rather than character who does as is needed at the moment.

You slipped deeper into Immaterial unconsciousness and felt the auras of your companions distort into blurs but you felt Aia dancing now truly and he began to sing a song whose words were distorted by a state of dreaming as you sank deeper into unkind realm.








Suddenly you felt serene as if unaccompanied and unburdened. You woke up into emptiness just the roil of whiteness of the constant realm. Like the others have left you.

A tug on your shoulder brought you back into reality but not the real world and you noted one of them was in front of you as if they had never left. Pink was their aura.

“You like the look of me huh?” she spoke
“I came over to you because you felt like you had snapped out of the upper layers of reality”

You felt her get closer while she picked you up and placed you on the field next to a multitude of shimmering figures and orbs. You danced with her in the fields and she lured you into illusion; mesmer; ecstasy. She was beautiful; you recognised her charm, you thought. For a while you felt entrapped by her as she led you into her realm; her charm. A sweet spirit of summer and spring; an enchantment. She spoke in her tones and tongues and you heard every word.

“This is an illusion”
“But it feels like reality”
“A mesmer you are in”
“You are shaped by these thoughts”
“And you are seduced by me”
“I remind you of someone you know, don't i?”
“Now you like me? Don’t you?”

“Now say my name”

“I don’t know” you replied

In that moment you felt a crash and unreality became more mixed and you once again saw the orange, pink and light blue figures of your companions. They rushed in towards you and as they began to hold you you didn’t slip back into reality but fell further into unawakening. You slept and dreamt and it felt oh so quiet.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chapter 5
This one is just one long blurb and we learn more about Retoki in it as well as encounter someone new.
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“You’re awake now?” Aia ushered
“Slipped into sleep after you caused what you did” he spoke
“Now come see it”

Your eyes had opened and you were laying in your bed in the light of morning. Aia was there but the others were of course not and he was very demanding you felt. He touched you to pick you up and you felt his urgency.

“You need to see this”

He led you out of your room and into first the kitchen and then into the living room and finally outside. He was somber but excited in his movements and when you got to the woods just ahead you knew why.

You had toppled all the trees around you in your Psychic dream. They lay on the ground displaced by the blast you had produced last night.

“This is why we did it out in a clearing” you felt Nami speak
“You of course have the potential of prophecy” she spoke
“And i am definitely interested in our partnership” Aia said

“I felt your authoritarian personality in the Immaterial” you spoke
“I am no authoritarian” he said
“But you seem ambitious” you spoke
“I am rather light handed” he stated
“And not too serious” Nami continued
“He will make a fine ruler” Retoki said
“At least if the prophecies are true” she laughed
“You” Aia spoke
“Brother is embarrassed” Retoki chimed
“You are a tease” Aia replied

You felt like you had fully taken in what you had done so you headed back noticing it was too late to be morning as you strolled back to the house which sat waiting for you. You were reluctant to destroy it and you hoped you wouldn’t in one of your bursts of Psychic powers. You had never felt such ability before you thought; heading back but you were much younger when you last Psyched.

The cabin was warm and inviting like a home when you headed back in. Your companions soon followed you and began to lie around the place, sitting on chairs while you stood.

“So i think we should have that Earthfowl soup i was thinking of making” Nami spoke
“Agreed” Aia said heading into the kitchen

You could not help but follow and found yourself standing beside the fridge and Aia unpacked the ingredients.

“I got this recipe from a place which had closed down because the owners were getting old” Aia chattered
“Now go chop this whiteroot and greenstalk” he said

You obliged and as you chopped them you felt a certain rhythm to your motions as if your hands were guided along by spirits. He poured them into the stock as you were done along with more vegetables Nami chopped as well as chicken and a bouquet of herbs.

“This will have to simmer for four hours” Aia said as he turned on the timer
“So do you want anything light before then?”
“Do you have any cured meats?” you asked
“Salted Farmboar is in the fridge” he chimed
“You’ll like it the flavour is quite meaty”

It was…… Delicious.

“You like? and i see you have some for me” he exclammered
“Well you certainly won’t eat it all now” Nami said before reaching into the fridge to get an Commonfruit
“Here’s half” you said giving him some of it
“You’re a good boy” Nami said taking a bite of her Commonfruit
“Do you feel any indignation over what happened last night?” she queried
“I suppose” you answered in quiet tone
“I couldn’t do that without a lot of practice and even then it would be difficult” Aia said
“Seems he found a locus” Nami said
“I did see a pink girl in my visions” you replied
“She asked for her name and i didn’t know it”
“Pink?” Aia queried
“It happens” Nami answered
“Seems you are rather immature in your fondness” Aia said

Nami then took hold of him and took him into another room. You didn’t follow and wondered whether Pink indicated general immaturity. If so, why was Aia chosen for such a mission when his Aura was coloured pink.

After what seemed like 30 minutes Nami came out and uttered a single phrase.

“You’ll be sleeping with Retoki from now on”

She then headed off into the living room. Aia was presumably still lying in what was now his bed so you went in to see him.

“Hi” he muttered as you entered his tone was bright as the city bird calls
“Hello” you replied
“About that we are no longer sleeping together” he said
“Nami wants you free of my influence”
“I’m quite fond of her so i agreed”
“You are still welcome to come in here”
“Maybe that will clear your head up”
“Do you think i like you” you asked
“Certainly” he answered
“And your spirit wasn’t pink for no reason”
“Hopefully you can meet someone else like that”
“I’ve never met someone like you” you replied

You had met very few people you thought. Many days on your Satellite were spent with just your parents learning the art of Hidehunting. Prey was scarce on Oricima and you had to be skilled in the art of tracking to find it.

“You will do good to sleep with Retoki she is very warm” Aia continued

For a moment he gazed at you with his orange eyes. He then glimmered them with his spark and you felt invited into his realm. He then casually stretched his arms before getting up, breaking your invitation.

“You will do well to practice your abilities but i cannot say we will elucidate the same response without the drug”
“We are going hunting and now Nami will once again be in the town to do some errands”
“It is a medium sized town so she told me it is better for her purposes than a smaller one, she has probably already left”
“You just go with the flow don’t you?”
“I try to stay up to date with the world and its things” you replied
“You do need a lot of explaining to do” he turned
“About this galaxy and its peoples”

He then kissed you. On the cheek. It felt delicate and well balanced like it was tempered by supreme affect. He then touched you on your cheekbone and squeezed nudging you with his signature care. You felt like you were getting your own private dance.

“Now i will leave you and Retoki to get more comfortable” he said

He then promptly left and in a few minutes Retoki was in your room looking ready to relax. She was dressed in her usual garb and looked altogether charming with her lazy affect. You noticed her perky breasts and hips as she lied down and invited you to bed.

The bed itself could hold even more people, something you just took note of. This cabin could house a whole party and Nami even said there was an extra bedroom in the basement. It was however tightly packed but you noted there was a second fridge you didn’t make use of. Perfect for some people you thought. It probably would be nice to get outside in the fresh air for once and it wasn’t too far away from the town either.

“Come here” Retoki beckoned with gesture as well as word

You didn’t think she held the charisma of Aia. But she was more suitable all though she was getting on in her years. She looked like an old fox with certain charm, wild, temptress, free. She touched your hand holding it with cusped fingers and rubbing it with gentle but firm motion. She then pecked your forehead with her mouth’s touch.

“I can’t do much for you as my heart was already stolen by another”
“What was he like?” you asked
“He was brave, strong and a rogue like me”
“He has passed from this world free to reincarnate”
“But if he was still here i wouldn’t be here”
“We would have settled down had another child and maybe gone back to rogueing in our later life”
“Now i am the Exile of Serenya and i am not supposed to return until i have fulfilled my destiny”
“So that’s why i sought the Nariye who got me up to this business”
“You of course, in you i see redemption”
“But i don’t think i have committed any sin”
“But a great journey needs a strong woman”
“And i am skilled in sword and rifle and can pilot a starship to great effectiveness”
“Of course i seek a co-pilot as our last one left us”
“He wasn’t fit for the journey”
“I can pilot the ships by myself but it's nice to rest”
“You loved him dearly right?” you spoke
“As much as i could” she answered
“And i love you three as much as i can knowing not to disappoint him”

You were unsure what she meant. Did she hold back to reserve her great love for him or did she mean she loved you even more under his influence.

“Nami is of course smarter than i in ways of books and information, i suppose she is a bit mistrustful of the Interclock saying you can’t get some things there but she does use it from time to time”
“Aia is a free spirit not wild like me but suited to the ways of people, he is an entertainer first and foremost and i and Nami are unsure about his greater destiny within this world”
“And you are single minded and quite childlike, you need good raising of which much i cannot provide”
“I never nursed my child to adulthood”
“And i am no Psychic”
“You are a vision of maturity” you tenated
“I am old”
“I suppose you are”
“I do not know if i’ll end up like you one day”
“Regardless you have much to learn”

After that you spent time in silence waiting for your soup. You thought you could have spent it polishing your Psychic powers but then you would have to tell Aia. You imagined him altogether distant, probably under duress of Nami as he had continued to be warm with you. Retoki could have been your future based on your interactions with her and you wondered whether she was alike to you when younger. She seemed more jovial now and you were unsure if people became more talkative when they became older. You continued your daydream about imagined companions when you were raised in thought by the call of Aia.

“Hello Senia”
“You seem to have taken rather kindly to Retoki”

You were lying with her in silent conversion, she was warm like a woman and you felt her smell ever so soft but pungent; light musk like you supposed again a woman. You of course didn’t know whether it was of a woman or her species but it did smell inviting. Your mother smelled different like fresh grass and the undercover of the forests here. But you were not sure if that was because she was your mother.

“Do you like her?” he asked
“Sure, i’ve always liked her she has a lot of sense to her” you replied
“Sense? I suppose” she chimed with a distinct ring
“You’re like an aged oak” he rang
“Distinctly mature?” she questioned
“Very” he replied
“Our lunch is getting on it’s nearly one” he stated with silver tongue
“That’s still an hour away from completion” you stammered
“I suppose” he replied

He then hopped onto the bed making full use of the space available. He lied relaxing as Retoki huddled next to you. It was distinctly uneasy but you found a certain comfort in your position and you gradually fell into positions of splendidness. He outstretched his arms and yawned before falling down into positions.

“What are you doing” Retoki clamoured
“Napping” he said with sleeping sound

You felt like sleeping too. Perhaps you would be more awake when you went out to hunt. You dazed into illusory dreams and felt floating images enchant your mind. You reveled in the vividness of it all as if you were leaping in a field but without any motion on your part. Gradually you drifted into illusion and felt once again the touch of your pink spirit in her graces. You didn’t understand why you had to depart from Aia now but it renewed your interest in your spirit like a kindred connection. She once again asked you what she had not told you.

You awoke to the ring of the kitchen alarm. Aia was already headed off to stop the soup's cooking, leaving you with his absence in huddled shapes on the sheets. Retoki was aroused too and began heading out herself passing you on her way off the bed. It was probably best to head out yourself now but you lingered in now lonely sheets. You eventually decided your indolences were unjustified; without reason or any sense but you felt like waiting. But eventually you stirred into motion heading into the kitchen where your soup was being served in bright shinewhite bowls.

The actual soup was homely but distinctly unlike anything you were ever served at home. The flavour was rich but delicate and you felt the of course earthen scent of the fowl and roots and tubers used in it. Aia clearly enjoyed his soup and was akin to a beast in the way he gobbled down his broth and he was predictably done before you. He got up to get some more as you sipped on your broth and Retoki ate it in fine dining motion.

“For an outlaw you sure have a lot of class” you ringed
“A girl can’t miss her refinements” she chimed
“Or manners certainly” Aia interrupted

You felt a distinct contentment to both of their tones as if satisfied by the diner’s recipe.

The rest of the soup was easily finished on your part and you felt ready to go out. Aia was one step behind you but he felt the need to place his bowl in the sink.

“You look done and you aren’t even cleaning up” he affirmed, firm in manner
“I suppose i should” you said hurrying to the sink
“I never commented on it before but i suppose i need to get you into proper shape”
“He does seem a little indolent” Retoki commented placing her bowl into the dishwasher

After all the dishes were placed and some soup was stored in the fridge for Nami you headed out. The day was bright and inviting but you quickly found and eventually slowly found nothing could be found in the forest you headed into. You thought you had scared away all the Deerkin but Aia never commented so perhaps he just thought you weren’t out for long enough. You stumbled onto some tracks when he told you it was time to head back and you felt the endeavour to be rather pointless.

You returned into your lodging to find Nami with another girl large and snouted more broadly than her or Retoki. She was Pale yellow in colour and rather large but her stance betrayed her delicateness. She moved timidly as you greeted her with motion and began to speak in a quiet but melodic tone.

“Hello, your name is Senia right?”
“You are correct” you answered
“And i’m Aia”

She shuddered meekly and beckoned you closer. Nami was eager for you to have her so she pushed you in. Right to her face you found yourself as you felt the gentle touch of her snout.

“She’s eager” she whispered
“I don’t know why she is like this” you answered
“I trust you will be getting along” Nami spoke
“Hard not to with you beaming down us” you replied

For a few moments you sat in awkward stillness where no one spoke. Then you turned away from her and began speaking to Nami once again.

“And why did you propose this invitation”
“You seem to be in need of it” she replied
“She is named Ine as you have not cared to ask and she is native to this Moon”
“I cannot say she will be traveling with us but i hope she serves her purpose”
“She is supple and new, i do hope you like her”
“And she of course is also rather short for her race if you haven’t noticed already”

You were not too eager to ask questions after that. She probably couldn’t compete to your dreams and your dreams would last longer than the stay on this Moon. But she was solid and incomparable. You didn’t know much about her but you inferred that she was fairly modest in her manners; or terribly shy. Hopefully she wasn’t too shy. You noticed Nami beckoned you to leave showing you the way into what had been her room eager to get rid of you. The room was like the other and you felt a certain symmetry was possessed by the house with no adornments or anything on either side. You felt awkward and strung up about your position as she exited into the kitchen hopefully to prepare dinner as you noticed something had been cooking on your way inside.

You then stared at her for a few moments and feeling as if you should; kissed her in sweet lovelock. You had kissed a girl before and the second time didn’t feel special or the charm compared to when you were younger and less ready. Your lips continued their lock of hers for a few more moments before you backed away feeling it was not time to continue.

Then you spent the next few moments in silence which continued unexpectedly until you were both lying on the bed in a slumber.

“I don’t know what to say” she finally spoke
“Neither do i”

You gradually drifted into a daydream; relaxing thoughts; mesmer. You were however discontent.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Prologue which i think i will have to rewrite if i plan to include it
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“Hurry, we are almost there” she whispered
“Many stars we must travel and without any gates for the longest time” you said

Your homeworld was lost, taken by the grips of a hostile force.

And you were some of its most passioned resistors.

After all of this you felt fire burning within you. But you quelled it with water and continued in one last trek towards the hidden ship which would carry you off this world. Nava’s core held great power and as such the whole planet would be devoured to make use of it, to turn it into a power source you thought which would charge the Silica of ships as well as power the making of great weapons. You could also not head to Ioa in the next system either as it would soon fall.

“We will go somewhere far, change our names” she spoke
“A satellite even”

As you headed into the ship she gave you one last kiss and you rubbed her cheek.

“I love you” she said
“I love you too”

She got into the cockpit and fired up the engines. You were about to take off leaving behind your great moon for the last time.

You longed for release.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chapter 6 dealing more with Senia's interactions with his new "girlfriend" and more tidbits between the gang also warning some of the first part is NSFW
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You awoke from your dispel to the sound of Nami’s ringing tones. She was probably inviting you for dinner and as you snapped into clarity your thoughts were confirmed.

“Dinner is served, Redfruit soup made from some of the Earthfowl broth”
“And don’t worry about the sweetness the ingredients are actually savoury”
“I know about that fruit i saw it in some of my parents documentaries” you toned
“Did you do anything” she questioned
“Kissed” Ine said in light answer
“You can be boyfriend and girlfriend for now” Nami ordered lightly
“Now off to the waking world” she invited with her usual tone
“Off to the waking world” you replied
“I do hope you enjoy this dinner” she said with sternness

You headed out after hopping off your bed and enjoyed your meal. There was little conversation other than agreement over the meal's flavour which as AIa pointed out “contained the bold undertones of the soup mixed with Redfruit richness” Finally when you were done Nami invited you to enjoy some smoke and drink.

You huffed in a puff of smoke taking in the flavour and the Substance. You were relaxed and into easing states now as you enjoyed what you had first enjoyed not too long ago. You felt like it had been around two weeks since you last enjoyed this feeling but counting the days it had probably been less. You took a sip of a fine sweet spirit before you saw Aia perform a twirl: to entertain obviously rather than out of carefree abandonment.

“Enjoying your night, it’s only young” Aia said huffing in some smoke
“The night is young and i am primed” Retoki said you noticed she only had alcohol
“And how are you sweet Ine?” Retoki looked into her with curious eyes
“I don’t drink or smoke” she replied
“You can only try” Retoki backed
“No thank you”

As the Substance kicked in more you felt new ease so it surprised you what you did.

You went up and kissed her, passionately and it felt like you mowed over her face.

“You’re a whirlwind” Retoki chimed

The encounter didn’t last until the end of her sentence as she had already pulled away. She was perhaps indignified by your actions but she didn’t seem to visibly object.

“Can we go back into the room?” she questioned
You huffed some more smoke and took another sip before replying “okay”

You felt like you entered the dreaming world as you entered the other room. It was as usual plainly dressed with only a white painting to take away from the aquamarine coloured walls. You hazed in and felt her touch on your forehead.

“I only got you in here so you wouldn’t imbibe any more substances” she sterned
“I have already drunk, but as you wish i will not take in any more” you chimed
“Good now get to bed”
“I do not feel like i am in quite the haze”
“Now can I ask of you something?” you chanted
“What is it?”
“Can I eat your pussy?”
“Anythings better than alcohol” she said rudely you noticed she was much less shy than before

She hopped up onto the bed “i await you” she said gazing into your eyes with her own pink lamps
“As dutiful as i can be” you replied

She got undressed and you hopped up onto the bed and nestled in between her presenting legs. You licked her stirring vulva and laid down your tongue onto her jewel. She mimmered in faint pleasure as you drove your tongue deeper into her body, licking the top of her canal. You felt her hand stroke your head and in reply you lightly kissed her clit.

“Hmmm” she whispered “You do good”

You felt enchanted taking in her thick musk as you dined on her beauty as she continued her moans of pleasure. She recoiled and you felt her dripping vagina drip even more. She let out an “Aaaaaah” in distinct cry and in that moment you felt like you had completed your task so you stopped.

“Have you done this before? you know all the motions of a lady”
“First time”
“Aaah i see a natural” she said returning to her usually meek voice
“You do well dear putt-putt” she chimed in
“I’m not cat” you replied in mellow voice
“You look like one”
“Do not pet me” you defied
“I was planning too”

She stroked you and because you only objected to being called a cat you did nothing to stop her. She continued her affection and you felt like she was rewarding you for your performance which she had made out to be rather ample.

“We don’t get many of your kind on this Moon” she said
“There are much of us on Oricima” you replied
“Oricima huh? I do not wish to visit, too barren”
“I frankly don’t see me ever returning there again”
“Good for you but she informed me you will be leaving for a long time”
“So i feel like it's best not to get too serious”

After that you didn’t talk much and you began to fall into slumber. Soon you were off dreaming and you felt the touch of the strange pink girl as she embraced you. You felt like doing to her what you did to Ine so you did and as you did you fell into waking motions.

And you were awake, with little light except for the faint glow of the stars. You felt like unmoving motion held you in place; mesmer even as you stared at the sky. How you got here was unknown to you but you noticed the flicker of the stars as they enchanted you into discontent. You were anxious and you felt the world swirl back around you as you saw things in the distance.

Then it all collapsed.








You felt the roil of the once again Immaterial real surround you as you noticed the accompanying flicker of Ine and Retoki, you were new to her green colour but it was inconsequential. Then it all disappeared and you once again felt the joy and singing of your pink friend who was standing over you as if some mistress exotique.

“Speak to me” she said

“Okay” you replied
“Tell me your name” she singed with soft voice
“Tell me now” in harsh cacophony
“Senia” you said
“That’s my name” she replied








You felt as if your souls just fused. Or your soul was mended in a way.

In your last moments of waking unreal you felt the haze of flickering pink lights entouch your senses. Then you awaked fully to dimness and shadow as you felt the two bodies of the girls beside you. They were still asleep so you tried not to disturb them as you hopped out of bed.

You remembered Nami once told you about a bath in the basement so you headed down there turning on the lights as you entered the room. You began to run a bath feeling the tempered water roll over you and inviting you into a state of bliss. You thought of your pink twin-soul as the heat continued to emanate and you thought of your continuing destiny within this world; galaxy. You had never heard of the Empire before except in conversations you had with the people of your desert Satellites city. Now of course you felt like you were part of some grand plot, the piece to a puzzle as Aia would say. But of course enough about destiny had already been felt or said and you tried to enjoy the warm archipelago of your bath.








You felt at peace and hadn’t felt anything but hot water for a while but now your pink friend was dancing in front of your mind. What did she mean? The thought suddenly occurred to you as Nami had told you everything in this realm had a meaning. You settled on a meaning for now she was you at least that’s what you thought. You felt unusual; out of sense; propped up into erotic fixation as this thought held your mind. And it all felt like you were unsure of yourself.

You relaxed some more before heading out, draining the bath as you were done.

You entered the upstairs room to find Nami already awake looking dazed as if she didn’t get enough sleep. In her hands she held a coffee or some other drink and you suddenly noticed you didn’t turn off the lights in the bathroom. You saw she was usually dressed in this dull light as her mouth began to move in silence. She then yawned and it felt like she hadn’t noticed you.

“I see you’ve taken to our antihedonistic friends habits”
“What we did was more exciting”
“What we did was more exciting” you replied
“I notice your smirk” she replied
“You’re smiling too”
“But enough about excitement” she said
“I dreamt of my pink companion again” you informed
“Any details?”
“She said her name was my name and then she merged with me”
“So you’re in love with your own reflection” she shimmered
“Love is the most powerful feeling in the world and it shapes the Immaterial greater than any other force”
“And you are distinctly immature”
“Do you have someone?” you replied
“I can’t grasp him if i want”
“I can touch him though”
“Is he far away?”
“Far away” she replied
“You of course need to find someone eventually but you are still young”
“Barely above a youngling i guess”
“But there are many suitable girls in the Confederacy”

It suddenly occurred to you to ask another question.

“Aia’s colour is pink right?”
“That means the one you think you will find will be just like him”

She took a sip of her coffee and headed into the kitchen. You felt like it would be a good thing for her to lead you so you followed ignoring your wayward light.

You found her making a coffee for you presumably. You supposed you shared similar tastes when you first drank it since it was remarkably suitable. She then headed down back into the bath to take advantage of the light presumably.

You found her there running her own bath and she welcomed you in presumably to talk more.

She confirmed it when she spoke “Today is lifting objects day”
“I’m not sure i want to give you the Substance”
“Fizzleleaf it’s called but it's actually synthetic”
“I’m not sure how i feel about the Substance” you said
“I’m not sure how i feel about it”
“It’s meant to be an easing tool for the Immaterial common amongst my people”
“I’ve tried it when i was an Acolyte-Witch”
“It’s effects are interesting but when you’ve had them as many times as i’ve did you start to notice patterns and repetitions”

She took a sip of her coffee and stretched herself clearly relaxing in her bath.

“I’m content here”
“And the bath’s big enough for both of us” she continued
“I won’t be hopping in i already had one”
“I know you did”
“You’re playful” you retorted
“And i wasn’t making an offer” she sterned
“Do you want me outside?”
“We don’t have anything else to talk about until the others wake up”
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Aia stared into your eyes with direct manner. He had just told you the supposed art of lifting objects; Psychically of course.

You had gotten into a certain rhythm directing the objects higher before flinging them at him. He parried with deftness and when he couldn’t he dodged them with ease and the enhancement of his own powers. But after a while he seemed to be sick of all this interaction and just stared off in some distant corner watching your practice. You continued your work for a while until Nami returned where she berated Aia for slacking on the job.

“Battle doesn’t let you slack on the job” she said angrily
“He’s a novice” he said sharply
“And you’re no master” she cut like a sharper knife through butter
“Now we will be heading inside for lunch”
“Redfruit and cheese salad”

You did as she said and she complimented your dutifulness sardonically.

“I guess a good boy wants his food”

You entered the room to find Retoki lazing on the couch though upright and of straight posture but still lazily hanging by some thread. She welcomed you to lunch and you felt good enough to compliment her in kind.

“So how’s lunch going to be” you snickered
“Hopefully light and refreshing this cheese is very milky” Nami replied
“I hope you like it; i made it” Retoki offered
“It’s assembling Redfruit, cheese and a bit of aromatic oil” Aia retorted
“And don’t forget the spices” Nami chimed
“I like you Retoki” Nami uttered
“But you pushed me”
“Compliments to the chef” Retoki replied
“Do you like me?” Aia questioned
“Of course” both replied
“I like you, very much” you jingled
“What do you like about me?” he snapped like a viper
“You just… amaze me”
“You amaze me” he spoke unseriously
“I don’t i feel I am quite simple”
“I suppose”
“Oh and hi boyfriend” Ine chattered in

You ate your Redfruit and Cheese salad in some degree of ease. You felt like there was a certain distance between you and your companions which could be pierced but you never felt like you could say the right words.

“You’ll be taking the Substance again tonight i feel like you should” Retoki chimed
“What Substance are you talking about” Ine asked
“Fizzleleaf, it helps with acolyte Psychics” Nami told
“Oh so why do you seek these powers?”
“To use them against the Empire i explained this to you when we first met” Nami rebutted
“So you’re rebels huh?”
“Rogue faction” Nami replied

You could tell she was lying about the last part but you went along with it since you didn’t feel she needed to know about your supposed grand place within the scheme of things. You didn’t speak a word and the rest of your day was rather uneventful until night time.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

I will post the first three "chapters" of a new piece of fiction i have been writing probably half of the novella. Chapter 1 just titled "eleven".
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His fur was supple and sweet you could stare at it for hours or so you hoped although you could never gaze at him for this long. His snout was perfectly shaped and his tongue which he poked at you once was adequately beautiful. You once gazed into his eyes while watching him play and he could only stare back although he made fun of you after. He lived another life and fraternised with the furless folk and his parents were well known amongst your compatriots. You didn’t think you could get close to him and he was older, 3 years your senior and more developed. Sabletongue was his name and you felt that the name distanced or represented so the distinction between you and him being of course named after an exotic furgiver which inhabited the forests of his native region your own family was born more southerly to the region you grew up in. His sister was a year older and remarkably distinct in a cruel sort of way but you liked that, you could never hope to be treated with kindness. Your parents loved you and poured all their energy into you as they had no other children but you still felt apart although it was common among your people. Your attention once again turned to his sister and how she belittled you mockingly as if she had something against you, her own parents having taken themselves above the people of the same shape. You didn’t know how they personally felt about this matter but she was very spoilt as was he and so you felt them unkind and quick to grab themselves and contort themselves into something which set them above and quick to disdain those below. You had little sources of gossip as you had no compatriots to call equal but you had still heard about how he had romanced a young girl of a different school who his parents had introduced him to. You did not know why the people up top insisted on keeping each kith and kin in separate schools so you had never seen a furless folk or one of her own shape except in passing. You would do well to meet one of them yet you could never muster the words. Your principal was also one of the furless yet you had never spoken to him personally as you were well behaved.
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Your parents weren’t sure about your tentative being yet you felt so whole. When your mother first held you in her arms after you had come home crying she questioned you and when you had done it some more she called you defective. Yet you felt complete and totally personable. You cried until you were off your current age and then you stopped. You felt like the self pity you had generated previously was behind you. You never spoke to others much anymore and that felt like it stopped the crying although you could never explain why. While you cried you thought you were never to feel happiness and yet after you had toughened up the tears you felt like your harder exterior kept you in a certain shape which begetted happiness at least in form. Your parents felt you were deeply troubled but as you were no longer crying they felt like there was not much to worry about.
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Today was beautiful with its glittering play of the sun on water, a lake which you had often visited and had returned to as it was only a short walk from your school. Sabletongue was there: alone as he often was although today you had not followed him. You felt like the peculiar beauty of the lake matched his own refinement he of course felt like the most beautiful member of the male species to you, It was only moments later when you were startled by a “Hello, you look like you need someone to talk too” from his own voice which you noted already sounded deeper like your father said your own voice would sound. You turned around to notice the speaker was a girl who introduced herself as “Silverthyme, friend of Sabletongue and hopefully you”. You exchanged pleasantries and she then began to cry saying she should not have spoken to you when her friend moved in to comfort her. He looked into your eyes and somehow judged you innocent “She’s a bit temperamental” but he noted you should not be speaking to her. She quickly rose to your defence “He’s just a bit awkward is all” and in that moment had you not assumed your required shape you would have begun to cry once again. You were perfectly good you felt but she was judging you with the kind of harsh temper you felt unreserved. You then steeled yourself again and told yourself you were used to this which was followed by a “Do you speak much?” from the girl. “My name is Steppingduck” you replied “And i don’t have anyone to speak too” was an elucidated follow up.

“Well my parents are going to be in attendance of a dinner party so they have invited her kids to dear Sabletongue’s parent’s house”, she spoke. “You can come of course but i would have never invited you personally” your beautiful affectionee replied. He stood on his toes making sure you knew he was a good deal taller than you and then brushed the locks of your furry hair. Silvermyrtle then kissed his ear and nudged at yours. You stared at their beautiful fur for a moment before asking them where the house was exactly. They told you they would pick you up on Friday (the next day). You were grateful; it seemed to save a lot of fuss that way.
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You rummaged through your drawers for a gift which you felt necessary recompose for your dinner party when you found a ring which had presumably been hiding in your drawer from an earlier time when your parents had guests in your room. It felt heavy to touch relative to its size and was only silver although it never occurred to you rings could be any other way or even that it was rather valuable even with its diminished architecture. You would not tell your parents about this.
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It was another beautiful day although you never saw the waters of the lake as you were too busy thinking about your trip to Sabletongue’s house. It was at school's end when you were picked up by your newfound speakees and you made sure to be on good terms in some sort of pleasant way by exchangement of such and such. Possibly Silverthyme could have cried but held back her tears but you did not sense any sense of betrayed emotion on her face. She smiled very lightly which you took to be sincere as you usually did. She was lovely of course in a peculiar sort of way and you noted her shapely ears were prickly in feeling as you watched beside her as you walked. You could imagine her nicer than the other female you had thought about in these past few weeks (Sabletongue’s sister) but you were not sure how that made you feel. Different you supposed.

When you arrived at his house you noted it was one of the more beautiful ones which you had seen before although all buildings were at least nicely furnished with gardens in this part of the world. Inside was decidedly ornate in its plain style which you concluded was from the good sense of the architect (and the door you entered from was very large). “Hello son and who is this?” you heard a lighter voice speak although you were almost certain it was a man. “A friend” (you were an invitee you felt). “We thought he would like to come with us” you heard Silverthyme speak. “He better behave” the voice became sterner. “He is of excellent behaviour, very noble” Sabletongue offered in your defence. You turned ahead to two older and taller girls standing next to an adult man, one of which you could tell was Sabletongue’s sister. Her presumed friend was however beautiful in a way she was not and was also taller and of better standing gait and shared in you with soft blue eyes. “Hello” you said addressing the girl “My name is Steppingduck” and then you gave a bright smile. “You do not need to know my name” his father replied and you felt unsure at why he had responded. The girl looked at you with disappointment before whisking away without her friend. “You are very small for your age” his father continued which you responded to with “I’m eleven”. “I suppose you are a bit bigger then but i thought you were older” was his only response. “You’re that young?” Silverthyme replied “I suppose you can play with my younger brother then he is a bit closer to yours in age” was Sabletongue’s offer. You turned around to note the others you had met were leaving before you were guided to another room by your speakees.

You found the room to be quite brightly coloured suitable for someone who wasn’t you. Inside was the boy and two girls, the older of which was showing Sabletongue’s brother how to draw. You noted her technique was excellent and so asked her about how she became so good. “I do not know, only that it is probably a mixture of talent and some degree of effort as my mother used to say” she replied. “My name is Rabbitfoot, what can I elucidate is yours?”, you replied with “Just Steppingduck”. She was very good to talk too “I do hope you liked my dear Lynxhop, she is gifted in the art of drawing like me but is more mysterious even her technique seems to say that” “It’s about the usage of perspective, a different one of that can contribute to an artist's personal stamp” “My mother taught me everything i know and i do make sure to make everything i do good although i am primarily a painter working on a canvas”. When you and she were done you kissed; not on the cheek of course but afterwards the spark was just enough you forgot you had never talked to the other two children in the room.
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Dinner was some soup followed by four! other delicate courses alarmingly (you didn’t know richer people had that) although you did note that there were no deserts only another course of fresh fruit at the end. Supper was delicious although you did not talk a single word during it while others who took a bit longer to finish were eager to talk in between mostly things about business. When dinner (and fruits!) was done you and the other kids were ushered of into separate rooms by what you knew to be the butler. You spent your time playing with Sabletongue and your new speakee into the night before you were ushered of into bed.
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You awoke to morning light streaming down from the left side of your window as was typical in summer. Today was the solstice which is something your parents always celebrated and you wondered why you were so quick to miss them. Then you remembered you had not told them you would be away which might have disappointed them.
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“I can not explain how but lunch was delicious as was breakfast” you said to Rabbitfoot. She replied “The sear on some of the salmon imparts it with smoky flavour which compliments the raw one which goes well with the bitterroot and lemonfruit”. “You do note its flavours perhaps?” “I do”. “You are very beautiful, you know that?” she offered. “I’ve never been called beautiful or anything much before”, you replied. She then went back to drawing sketching a building which you found to be breathed in with a life of its own not that buildings (or drawings) could have that. She was of the more flatterfaced furred folk, a related kin you felt perhaps. Her own eyes were yellow like lamps in the night or when it was just a bit too dark (or in a cave). And her tail was beautiful and bushy; you felt like you couldn’t touch it.
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She began to show you how to sketch and you to some degree picked it up although it felt like stumbling over seemliness although you were “as quick as her ''. You marveled at her skill and wondered what her paintings were like and whether she would “really like what you would eventually produce”. Her friend Lynxhop also offered you some advice when she came in to check on her and you praised her form as excellent like “art”. She didn’t blush at that but you felt like she was warming up to you. The day after you finally produced something which with some degree of her help she deemed competent (more help on her part then anything else of course but she liked the way you portrayed Lynxhop’s cheekbones). It was for this that she gave you a light kiss; on the lips this time which felt distinctly in your mind of something you did not know.
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When it was in the later halves of the next day you found the time to present your gift to Sabletongue. He was accepting of your offer but upon closer examination he found something wrong. “This is a silver ring right?” he offered “I do not know” “Well if it is you shouldn’t have given it to me” “Why?” “If you had it you would know why” “I had never seen it before until i had found it in my bedroom drawer” you replied. He paused for a moment and said you are basically a thief. In that moment you took the impetus to kiss him (as your mother had told you she did to your father sometimes to shut him up). You could feel him smile as he closed his eyes at the push of your lips on his tongue but he then came to his senses and backed away. “What do you think you are doing?” he contorted and twisted. “Sabletongue, I did nothing wrong” “It’s just don’t let anyone know about this” he replied; you were not sure why.
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School tomorrow was a headache as your parents interrogated you on where you had been even getting some of the local police (of which your dad was a member) in on it. They told you they were happy you were making friends which Sabletongue affirmed the actual relationship was so you supposed you should start mentally referring to him as such. You did not tell your parents of your relationship with Rabbitfoot but did tell her you were meeting a different person and older girl at the end of the week. They also expressed regret at you not being here for the solstice so they already set you a “you have to be here for it next year”.
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On a day of the same week blanketed by moaning (dripping) clouds which hung like mist in the morning you told him about how Rabbitfoot kissed you by the lake to which he replied “It is common for the people my grandparents came from to not take one partner” “But not so appropriate in these lands”. You felt like rain would surely come soon so on your advice you headed back to the covered areas of the school grounds (good advice). You also confessed you were practicing drawing and hoped to draw him when you were fully done.
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When you were done with school on Friday you headed back to Sabletongue’s house to find Rabbitfoot inviting you to her own place as she had told you she would. The trip took you past your parent’s place which she noted was quite near to where she lived. When you were inside she began instructing you on drawing technique as she promised and she would do that through the rest of the weekend (all three days) and also through much of the four days of the week you spent time practicing how to draw. Over the days your skill got better and better and you soon delivered your promise one day on a holiday celebrated by the furless folk. He complimented you on your skill and rendering of his features and that night you asked to kiss him again but he said it would be too impudent.
Last edited by foxcatdog on Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

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On your twelfth birthday your father had begun to teach you archery. The technique to the bow was at first confusing but once you picked it up he was enthusiastic as he said you were really much better than he was at your age. Over the weeks you began to have steadier aim landing many clean shots at the targets you were offered. Your father confessed he now felt like you were growing up into a man he (and you) could be proud of and insisted you join the army like he did a term which upon asking about you found out to refer to something which could be altogether sinister and one which Sabletongue insisted you could rise above “despite your poor background”. You felt like you saw Sabletongue only to kiss him and he even jokingly said in another life he would offer you to impregnate his wife. Your relationship with Rabbitfoot was growing closer although when around her father he noted “You don’t have the slightest clue what to do with her do you?”. You didn’t know what he meant.
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One day Rabbitfoot was showing you the technique of painting when you asked what Lynxhop’s technique was like when painting. “It has developed over the years into something approximating a mirage like a bunch of faded colours with a discernible shape and characteristic to them”, she replied. When you replied in kind that you imagined your technique would begin to fade over time she said it might end up midway between she and hers. You couldn’t count how many times you had kissed now but this one felt as always like you were very suited for each other.

Over the course of the next few months you gradually began to nail your painting style although she said it would definitely change as you grew older. You had gained a penchant for whites on hazier backgrounds which contrasted with the cream coloured furs (like your own) which Rabbitfoot and Lynxhop liked to draw.

When you showed your parents it they felt it was disappointing however to see someone who had made such a good shot with the bow take to something so “boyish”. You told him you were told by Sabletongue not to go into the army but your father insisted you would do good there. When you remarked on this to Sabletongue he said your father was definitely a problem which he relayed to his sister who only told you down for it. You supposed she was right as your father told you it would be a harder life as an artist. His sister however offered you one piece which didn’t give you any more hope “You would do well to break out as this country which gives you the tools to make such art as it looks down on us”.
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You were rather good with the bow you felt so at least and these suspicions were confirmed when your dad had policemen from his work over who complimented you on your excellent aim. “Strapping young lad, you do well for yourself” he commented over dinner “You would make a fine policeman although you are not the age to be taught tackling as you are still a little lad”. You felt patronised so you responded by inserting someone else into the person’s mind “Sabletongue is tall would he make a good police officer?”. “I’ve never seen anyone like that” he replied; your dad was quick to cut in “He’s a richer friend of our son and seems to be quite the influence”. “Rich folk leave that kind of stuff to the poorer folk, but of course a furless folk couldn’t overpower one of our kind so you don’t see any of them doing these kinds of jobs in cities like ours either”. “Your mum makes dresses and is a fine woman. I hope to see you with someone like her” he replied. “I’m not as interested as girls as I am in what they teach me” you replied. “Now your father and mother as well see you as a little far from the nest” “And you seem like a fine young lad just a little boyish for your age” “Painting is a nice hobby to have but i don’t see many people making a living out of it”. Your father told you to “be a man” once before and told you it again many times after it. You certainly thought Sabletongue was growing into one but you didn’t think your father would approve of him either.
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Lynxhop was very tall for a woman and you supposed that made her beautiful, something to which Sabletongue approved of stating it was like that in the minds of his native people. She was Rabbitfoot’s friend (and not a friend of Sabletongue’s Sister) and they kept each other busy sometimes discussing things as older children did (although both were seventeen lunar years but you supposed adults did that too). One time you saw her posing for an artist (acquired by Rabbitfoot’s mother although he was not a friend he wanted to do it anyway) and you marveled at her, sharp face, perky breasts, elegant (and wide) shoulders, flat stomach, amiable hips and pretty vagina. That was the first time you thought about women having corresponding genitals which fit your own. It had never occured to you as such until now. Still in a way you still saw her as some kind of stranger, alien, distant and unapproachable and you did the same with any other woman (except for perhaps Rabbitfoot).
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Over at school (overhung by clouds (oh clouds! You were sure others like to paint them) as of late but it was common weather everywhere you thought) you were warming up to your speakee Silverthyme who had grown to tease you like others did “you’re just a bit awkward” even Rabbitfoot would say. The lake was pretty as ever and there you could be alone or at least not surrounded by others. When you were younger you used to skip stones in the general vicinity of the ducks but you stopped when you nearly hit one. Perhaps it meant something to you that it did.
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Sabletongue had friends who came and went at his house but you were certain most of them would be called mere speakees if you were the one speciefying them. One of the most persistent (of course!) was his older brother Tigerfeather who his father took as an understudy and his natural successor (his even older sister was deemed unsuitable by custom of the furless folk). He liked to boss you around but seemed to be more amiable to you then say his other sister (although his older sister was quite open to you). You were not sure if you just wanted to view him that way and when you asked Sabletongue why he did that to you he responded he was merely “practicing” (to be a manager?). He also bossed his other siblings around (except for his older sister of course) and his father saw his behaviour quite fit although his mother sometimes scolded him.

You were eating a pastry (baked by Sabletongue’s mother; this she did not leave to servants) when he asked you if you would like to clean up a mess in his study which he told you a friend of his made. You snacked on the last of the pastry (delicate layers and strawberry plus some creamy custard which was very appropriate for this nation according to the maker) when you did as he obliged (of course!). Sabletongue told you this sort of behaviour was very appropriate amongst the furless folk but he told you (and your own family was run) his own people had more egalitarian manners. Sabletongue told you whatever he ended up doing in life he felt like he wanted to avoid this sort of behaviour but you were not sure if you were entirely opposed to being bossed around. When girls did it to you (at school) you felt different (except for your mother you were loath to do what your mother said which was why your father seemed to ask her to get you to do things while she asked him to get you to do things).

When things were dark and you were alone in Sabletongue’s room you snuck a kiss while groping his body before you gave out a small awkward adulation of him. “You’re precious but i am embarrassed at what you just said” “You’ve got a great form” you replied “Oh and you are so tall which makes me feel special” “Surely you will develop into something more mature” “I never want to not be with you” “Lynxhop is very nice”.

You weren’t as interested in her as you were in him.

But you were interested.
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Rabbitfoot’s siblings consisted of her brother Ashcolour and the even younger sister Dawnchirp. You had found through him that Lynxhop was an only child like you which you supposed made you like her more (though not to the degree you like Rabbitfoot). He was very thorough in his analysis of you and your suitability but found you lacking compared to her boyfriend (Sabletongue). He told you his mother had never been able to make it in the art world except under the patronage of Sabletongue’s family. Despite this she worked mainly as a teacher in a school of the furless folk. You noticed she was very tall which she had imparted on him the most and you lamented that you seemed to have not grown an inch since eleven (although you had actually grown just not in relative size). She of course told you it made the children like her although they were also fascinated by another teacher who was of her own kin but shorter (but taller than any furless folk) and an unusually short furless folk teacher.

Ashcolour often played with you although he was the same age as Sabletongue. He had been on good terms with him when you met but lately they had seemed to fall apart although it was nothing either insisted “couldn’t be fixed by a few months”’. When he found out you had kissed him a couple of times he became more forward with you and told you he often blushed at the sight of Sabletongue too and that you “would make a good couple in another life”. Your feelings about him were slowly meshing with your feelings about Rabbitfoot and when you commented on that to him he said “you don’t have the spark yet”. He called you very unusual some times while complimenting you on your eyes “orange like peaches, oh and the sunset, exquisite in form like the capture of the stars”. His mother asked to paint you in these next few weeks and you struck many poses before she decided on the one she liked the rest of which were supposedly “subsumed into the background”. It took another two weeks for the painting to be complete when she invited your parents to dinner over the solstice which you also “had to attend '' as you had not attended the last one same as the one you had not attended two furless years earlier than that.
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The day of the Solstice was beautiful on the forest (where you were holding a picnic at lunchtime). The trees seemed to glow with a strange light which “only happened in the outer forests normally”. You catched wisps of thread and glowing points of light through the forest, something you had never seen with your own eyes before. After lunchtime you had wandered with Rabbitfoot and her siblings deeper into the forest and after playing for hours you found the sun still hanging at the same time it did when you had entered the forest. When Dawnchirp noticed this she began to get scared and after traveling back didn’t get you back to where you were supposed to be she began to cry. As her tears pooled onto the floor of the forest you were surrounded by a stranger light which took the form of butterflies and ambience in addition to the threads and points you had seen before. You were memserised and felt like you had entered a dream although you could sense the familiarity of it all, you could recall seeing this before in some earlier time hidden away you felt. You began to dance just like the two older siblings and in a few moments Dawnchirp was at ease. When you were on the climax of your dance you caught a vision of your own self kissing a much shorter girl although it could not be Rabbitfoot as it wasn’t of her shape but rather of your own kin.

You didn’t even remember sleeping or any sort of drifting off but you awoke refreshed and in the company of the adults. Your father looked excited and told you these kind of things had happened to him one solstice when he was young “In the plains of my birth”. Rabbitfoot’s father and mother told you these things happened to the furred folk in the upper parts of the mountains where her ancestors lived although only their grandparents had witnessed them. “Where the spirits haunt” was the translation of the place in her people’s tongue. She told you they came from different tribes each of their parents which “were the kind of kin which were born in this country”. They then laughed and took all of you inside where your parents gazed upon her painting of you. They told her they would have brought it if they could afford it and complemented how you seemed “So beautiful” and how they were glad to have raised you (You would later note this didn’t change their attitude to you becoming a painter yourself). Your father began to cry at the thought of you eventually growing up and your mother comforted him brushing away the tears which strolled down his now distinct face. They also noted you had grown taller during your “outing”.
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You painted a young man crying tears of exuberance later that week although it took you a couple of tries as you felt like you didn’t capture the right poses. Your attention then turned to more boys of an age comparable to Sabletongue and you rendered his brown fur and blue eyes spectacularly. According to your friends it would be good to exhibit at the young people’s art gala which was happening in a month and you thanked all of them for telling you about it.

When the day arrived you found that an elderly furless woman would like to purchase it for her granddaughter who was dating a man “who looked like him”. She complimented the beauty and the distinct haziness of the style and found it “dripped into euphoria and took the shape of a dashing young man” to which you noted that the person depicted here was supposed to be younger in age which she replied telling you she couldn’t tell. She remarked how you looked and acted “mature for your age” and you once again felt like your shape emotionally was very seemly and distinctly upright (you would have called it happiness earlier but you now felt like something lingered in a dragging sense every moment you visualised your ego). She only heard “good”.
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Winter solstice passed and in those moments you grew to be thirteen. Your parents never dared to let you leave their side during this day. You only managed to invite Lynxhop and she blushed at your sight during your transformation. You felt kind of like a bird in its nest. You perhaps were a nest hugging a bird in a content shape. Yet you were at peace at least for today.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

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Sabletongue and your relationship was complicated as was the friendship triangle between you and his girlfriend. You had felt as you got to know him better he had been dragged down to her level in the thoughts which inhabited your mind. You couldn’t call him boyfriend as he wouldn’t insist on that but you were happy with the status of friend. You began to paint pictures of his quite lean body focusing on his strong shoulders and delicate penis (your own was a bit bigger). Another one you painted of his backside which looked just as good as the front facing one. After it was done he complimented you and gave you another kiss, this one peckish before holding your hands for a moment. You felt like the quality of your relationship had deteriorated as you continued to deidealise and realise him as something more than what you could hope for.

On one dinner party (held at his place) you decided to sketch Lynxhop’s beauty which you felt idyllic like a grassy field and when you showed the results to Sabletongue’s father he complimented that you had “grown suitable, i can definitely see the spark in how you draw”. You lingered over that picture for hours thinking of her who’s work you noted moved with a strange beauty. You preferred Rabbitfoot’s style and wondered how you had ended up so similar to Lynxhop
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One solstice later you found yourself lazing around at Rabbitfoot’s house when she offered something “Turn around and I shall sketch you” “I’m already facing you” “I want to sketch your back” she said blushing. You made sure to hold absolutely still like you were a piece of wood and you occupied your mind with that same thought although it quickly turned to imagining how you would sketch yourself given the opportunity. When she was done which took about 20 minutes she offered you the sketch which you couldn’t see any resemblance in. “Is my butt really that big?” you replied. “Just a bit smaller,” she replied.

“Perhaps i shall sketch myself from you and Lynxhop’s sketches” you thought (out loud) “You wouldn’t be seeing it in the natural way then just through the eyes of a tutored sketch” “I want you to see what you draw through your own eyes'' she instructed. You responded by sketching her own face which you edged in bold detail which came out “almost mushy” according to her “and not suitable for anything or anyone”.

You lingered on the shape of your body which was rapidly developing (you were almost the height of Sabletongue just missing two or three centimeters) into something more distinctly manly which your father told you women liked. You began to think about how you would acquire a woman of your own and when you told Rabbitfoot about it she blushed while Lynxhop offered the advice to “Be as you are as you had taken the shape of a man prized among my ancestral peoples” (the ones which lived out east like Sabletongue’s).
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You had seen another solstice (winter) when you painted something which Rabbitfoot liked again a painting of the face of another girl mushed into illusory strokes which suggested beauty but hid at it “she looks destroyed, perhaps emotionally” “I like the browns it reminds me of some people i have seen at school although i no longer go” and “This really feels like something Lynxhop would do but i have never seen her do what you did”. “You are a very good friend” were her last words.

You moved closer to her and muttered “Sami” “What do you mean?” “It means sister” she then moved over and said “Mú, Kakï sa ní kä́nÿäti”*1 before kissing you on the cheek. She then slipped over and began poking her tongue over your lip before biting into a kiss. You opened your mouth as she poked her tongue inside. You recoiled for a second but she insisted on going deeper. When she was done she cried off a tear and you held her in your arms brushing her delicate back fur which unseamed in your touch.

The next portrait you painted was of a kiss which faded nicely with its white’s and browns as well as the blue of the eyes. It looked exactly like something Lynxhop would paint but you didn’t think about that when you presented it to her. She complimented on its technique which she called distinct. She on the other hand had taken to painting landscapes of a fiery and ashey colour which she said was a rendition of the “deserts''' of a place in the center of the world. When you presented it to Rabbitfoot she noted “You painted just like Lynxhop'' and that she felt sentimental when you insisted you still felt like a brother*2 to her.

*1 “No, Lover you are beautiful”
*2 “Kemu”
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You kissed her passionately again on another night as she moved through the motions of your body laid bare. She had a sort of power to her and this thing also held a sort of power over you. “Imagine spinning together like two pieces of cloth destined to be enjoined” she remarked. “Or perhaps I speak too soon” she replied as you did with your silence.

After that she painted Sabletongue once again, from memory this time and you noted a certain quality to it which set it apart from your work although it meshed and muddled more than anything else she had done. She told you she was rather proud of this painting and when she exhibited it she got handsomely paid for her effort but not before she had made a cheap copy of your own body which she “kept for private use”.

Sabletongue was pleased with her efforts and you noted when they were together he doted on her a bit more. By this time they had moved out into a nearby apartment brought by his father and had become more rowdy in their activities. She still kept tabs on you and your instructions with her became further and further into the realms which existed within the recesses of your mind. You were painting what you wanted to see now, not just what you could paint.
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It was during these spring days you found out what you could do with your penis, extract a white liquid from it while feeling pleasure. For some reason you chose to do it in front of a picture of one of the women you drew now mature in their shape. When Rabbitfoot found out she remarked “impressive, the quality is amazing” before cleaning it up. You continued to engage in this sort of behaviour on and off over time and didn’t see why you would stop in your future. One time she commented “You started in spring and continue in summer because we do not engage in things the same way as animals”

Gradually your thoughts during these times became intertwined with your feelings about women who you thought to be pleasurable creatures. Rabbitfoots brother said “you are getting there now” once because “she had told him about it”. You felt like any woman could satisfy you now. Rabbitfoot however still hung over your mind.
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The painted waters of the lake, larked by ducks and such and ever vivid in your mind served as the next vehicle for your painterly interests. When you were done your friend complimented you on it and told you that its “surreal image” would hopefully dazzle those at the young people’s painting festival again.

“My pieces are getting more attention, yet they are so alike to my mother’s who never did” she replied one day. “I suppose it is hard to get so much attention,” you replied. She then ranted on about her paintings for a while “Oh but the perfectness of our form and the beauty of it” “I can’t stand to sketch in the style of my mother and be gifted with more notoriety” “And you are definitely heading into the same abstractions as you showed these years before”.

She was very insistent on her mother’s skill and you had to agree with her as you did enjoy the many paintings of hers at Sabletongue’s old place. You could see Rabbitfoot’s own style in her pieces in the way she made fur and carved out the shape of a body. She lacked paintings of the furless folk unlike her mother and you wondered how she would dictate them to canvas. In these times you began to be tutored under her mother who was a bit more technical and knowledgeable as she had gone to an art school. As such your own paintings improved minorly in the way they were shaded and in a few areas. You went over some of your old paintings in these months and freshened them up in a few areas.
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School was boring and now Sabletongue was no longer in it due to having finished last year. So you had no one to talk to except for others who you did not have a good relationship with. You were being teased (lightly!) by a younger boy one day when you asked him what he planned to do for a living. He didn’t reply with an answer but only by echoing the question and you replied simply “I hope to be a painter”. You hoped of course you were not sure how the dice would fall (or the feathers as your mother used to say you were sure there was some kind of metaphor in here about feathers always falling softly probably to do with the inevitability of fate). You then hummed a tune in response and he (and another who had come to lark at you) started to laugh.
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Your awkwardness was not without commentary by others like Sabletongue or Rabbitfoot and sometimes you slurred your speech as the things didn’t fall through in the proper way or you took too long to respond. Lynxhop however felt you and her were similar although she never did any of that and instead seemed distant. One time you were huddling up to Sabletongue when he replied “I’m not sure where this relationship is going” “It’s also giving me a lingering feeling of a lack of intimacy i am more intimate with Rabbitfoot” “This is intimate” was your reply “You’re strange”. “I don’t think i could do this with anyone else they don’t seem to be into it” “And the privacy is so i don’t incur the disappointment of my father who expects me to act in the manners of the furless folk”
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“I like your work” Sabletongue complimented you as usual. It was a nice painting of a grassy scene besped by bushes with flowers on the ground and in the trees. Summer sun shined in a peculiar mesh of non-rays but coloured illusion and the sound of birdsong could possibly be evoked for some in this scene. “I hope you are very proud of yourself” Rabbitfoot said before kissing Sabletongue on his cheek. “This will be a fine exhibition at the festival”

You were eager to exhibit your work and you hoped you would get the same attention as you did last year. The feeling of someone else liking your work was one which filled you with a certain sense of calm dignation. Oh and of course euphoria. You were in shapely forms mentally stiff like wood. But in moments like being praised you felt like your own form muddled into something so distinct but indistinct. You painted something very in line with your thinkings over the next week, a portrait no one could guess if it was a boy or a girl due to the haze of form only intersped by striking blue eyes (your own eyes would have blended too easily). The mottled patterns of creams and browns and some streaks of white suggested a calicoised form of a peculiar breed of furred folk whether flat in face like a cat or a weasel or snouted like a dog or a wolf. When you showed it to Rabbitfoot she didn’t know what to make of it but when you showed it to Lynxhop she replied “I love this” as well as “I’m beginning to have more distinct feelings about you”. You were sure no one knew what she meant except for her (or perhaps not even her).
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Your mother gave you your eyes (your father’s were blue but of a lighter shade) which were a golden colour like the rings on Sabletongue’s parent’s fingers. He commented that your eyes were probably worth as much as such rings and you poked out your tongue back at him “How much is this worth?” “A lot”. Your mother was of a distinct compassion which sternly stricted you of much debasement (which is how she would put it). You hadn’t taken to smoking which she said would ruin your health and youth and she made sure you got as good of a meal as you could get on her budget and you thought meals provided elsewhere were possibly unhealthy because of her enumerations.
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Sabletongue smiled, capturing his beauty which had grown more distinctly mature. You were in a park one of some plain form which beget decent aesthetics and you took it in for dull inspiration (none of which was to be found). There were butterflies here as were there trees and bushes and small white flowers and oh so yellow ones. Today marked Sabletongue’s fathers birthday but you were not celebrating it due to a recent illness which he ordered you to get out of his house so you didn’t catch it. You were sure this memory would not stick vividly in your mind but looking back on it the plain park did for some reason. Perhaps you were entranced by how it highlighted Sabletongues spectacular beauty (and Rabbitfoot’s plain but wonderful beauty).
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The youth painter’s festival passed by and you were delighted that all your paintings were purchased as were Rabbitfoot’s and Lynxhop’s. You wondered if some of them had taken pity on you but they all seemed enthusiastic to some degree about each of your paintings (most of which had consisted of your usual portraits). One man had even purchased two more paintings (one of yours and one of Rabbitfoot’s) quite like the one previously purchased from Rabbitfoot (and the style of your one was definitely more like hers).

When you showed your earnings to your parents they said it was more than they made in half a furless year but they refused for you to give them half. You did not know what to do with your earnings other than purchase more supplies for painting (due to your upbringing you were not too kind on excess). You wondered why they would refuse the help of you; a little hurt in a way even but you were sure now that they had made up their mind they would not listen.
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Rabbitfoot and Lynxhop’s relationship was surely a strange one. One time you caught them kissing and Rabbitfoot invited you in to kiss with them. But otherwise they were very amiable and on good terms and they always seemed to show each other new ways of showing their affection mainly in the form of new paintings. You felt like you were privy to some sort of romance. Sabletongue exclaimed that Rabbitfoot was closer to Lynxhop (and you too!) than she was to him but you were unsure of what he meant. You felt that in each other’s closeness some of the distance between you and Lynxhop was subsumed (or pulled into undertow or beaten out of the tree branch if you were to use wild metaphors). Lynxhop told you she was a beauty of the style of her ancestral people while Rabbitfoot was between one of her own people and that of the furless folk. You were not sure if this was meant to put down the furless folk who seemed less in tune with the ways of the world (at least that is what you thought). You felt strange when talking to them with their non-seasonal holidays and managerial culture. Sabletongue once commented “Their wealth comes from farming yet it is aristocrats who get rich off of it while the farmers stay poor”. You had seen a few signs for more “Landowning farmers” to exist but one man of mannerisms who felt like the urban poor told you that they were “Petty nobility, those landowning farmers”.
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You continued your studies of Archery with your father who had taken to training you a bit at the police station which had a training barrack which you were told was not fully styled on the pens they used in the military (one officer told you police work was only as physical and military work and in some ways less than that). The police chief called you a “Strapping young lad with natural talent”. An investigator who you noted was female and very short called you “Excellent talent we could really use you at this place” but when you responded with “I’m not so sure i will come here as i have other aspirations” she said “That’s fine” (but your father scolded you for it and in public too). You felt like a growing rift was present and your mother who took to the wishes of your father oh so easily said you were still too “boyish”. You didn’t want to cry because of your parents but you felt like you should. Something about shape hung through your mind as you held yourself up in your room (which you had fled to with no response from either parent).
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When once again the solstice of your birthday came it was an eclipse something your parents noted happened during the birth of a hero of your people (who you were almost certain was mythic). As you danced in the mask of it you found you could stare into the sun which was masked by her brother (or at least that’s how your parents told it Sabletongue told you these people called the sun and moon husband and wife). One time at the peak you felt your whole life flash before your eyes.

So you began to cry in a way as if the weight of your previous years had just come down on you. For a moment you continued but then as you saw yourself in the present you shaped into something which was once again unphased. Tears caught in your fur as you beheld your mother caressing you and telling you it's okay. When your father congratulated you on your archery it finally all felt okay.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

I of course demand writing have a certain "flow" to it and i think my own writing does but i am curious if anyone has any comments on it.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

A rewrite of the first chapter of Stardust.
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The Clocks weren’t working. The air was too cool for them to be: cold as the night which you awoke to.

You moved over to check on them as the thoughts raced through your head, sharp and quick as the fresh air of a night a few hours before dawn. And with them not working there would be no water and of course no way to beat the midday heat which laid its hand over this world every day. Oricima was a cruel mistress your father thought to tell your mother once and now if you didn’t act quickly you would encounter it.

So you hurried around the quiet hut taking all your things of some value: coin, herbs, wares, Hides and Mini-Clocks and took them to your Riding-Bird placing them upon her back sack while she stood idly in her coop. You had no dear things to take except your trusty rifle and your Riding-Bird, not that you wanted anything else. But there was one last thing to do, you thought, so you trekked out to a stone marker which only read “May Starmaker guide them on into the Next Sky”: your parent’s grave. After a minute of silence you said farewell only thinking of your journey ahead across a stretch of desert. Heading off you hanged on the memory as you passed through the dunes.

You had lived here since you were young: your parents had to take you away from the city fearing the persecution this Satellite’s people would give you for being a Psychic. They never explained to you why they didn’t like your kind and you did not know the reason for their hatred, only that you had to keep quiet about your abilities. Sometimes even out here it had been hard nights with no sleep and visions of Daemons and Shadows hunting you, a world unknown and one you did not want to know. You felt the cloth of shaking motions and fear in those moments and you did not like to dwell on them, but it still hanged. So you trekked on.

Your kind lived dangerous lives due to your mental energies, your parents told you that and you felt it in those moments. Still it had been the spin of many Lamps since you had used your abilities better to get on with just your rifle and instincts then to rely on headspace. It hadn’t served you well although you still remember the times when you told your parents how you could move objects with your mind. Now you didn’t feel like you could do it again.

As your Riding-Bird moved across the rolling dunes of the desert guided only by the light of the stars your mind wandered over them imagining what lay beyond if only for it to be more dunes. The lay of sand made calmness on your mind as your dear Chicken moved across them. She was a fine young bird your parents had gotten you when you had turned the appropriate age to learn to ride. You remembered to stroke her head and she paused for but a moment as you did before she continued on the familiar path she knew to take and one which you subtly guided her on.

It was less than three hours over the dunes not far for the small Satellite when you arrived at the Cool Zones extending off from the city where the foreigners as well as some of the natives dwelt. You suddenly remembered you had forgotten your System-Clock, it jolted in your mind: so there would be nothing to repair only to sell. A casual mistake and a dear one and your bird could hold more. You would never return to the hut where you were raised and so felt a sudden hollowness, knowing you would never return to your parent’s grave again. You were going from where your parents had raised you never to return. Now you would set out from this world you thought as it was inhospitable for your kin and had little to offer. You would continue your life as a Hidehunter but somewhere else now. Alexandria this Satellite’s Moon was waiting, fertile forests abound with valuable creatures, the bounty of a rich world so close yet so far and with no previous memories. The hunting was good there you heard and someone as skilled as you could make quite a living there. Or so you thought.

“Chicken you did good” you said to your bird

You did not know what that word meant, only that it was a word from long ago. You found that you were staring into the face of native, his lizard face staring back into you coldly while they enjoyed the coolness of the Zones. Even their Kin did not like the heat of this Satellite and you often caught them basking in the air of the cities: just enjoying these relaxing moments. You asked them if he had ever been to the Moon this world orbited and they said no: you didn’t think they would have been. Maybe in a few days or a week you would be there and this desert long behind you and not to be missed. You then asked if they had anything to sell or if they would buy anything but they declined. Back to the city and even deeper into the Cool Zones where the faint blue to white glow of the Light would be stronger. Your parents had regularly come to the city to barter items for coin and now you found yourself a prostitute to its whims and desperate for the cash to get of this world: one where your Kin could not so easily survive. Alendria awaited its fertility hanging in your mind and only an easy trip away. A world perfect for you now that your System-Clock was slowly beginning its trek to fry in the heat of this desert. It felt slightly satisfying knowing you would be gone from here soon

After half an hour of walking you spotted the outer parts of the city and the familiar market which your parents had sometimes taken you too, especially as you got older. You now remembered you had forgotten to take food so you would be lighter on what you could keep. It was early so there were barely any people here especially the natives but it gradually filled up with people as you sold and traded in more and more of your things each for coin and more. The people were friendly but uninterested in helping you as you seemed independent enough and were headed on to what you described as better things. After the lay of hours passed you were left with but your rifle, a Communicator, some food, dutiful Chicken and a token of your parents appreciation which helped calm you during Psychic outbursts. The weave of nearly dusk now clouded the sky: late afternoon, a perfect time for what you were about to do. So you headed into the inner city, snacking on a Longfruit, the entertainment district in your mind. So you passed the white walls into the inner city where these places were. Your parents had avoided going there with you so you went into the first lounge you spotted. Nearly dusk, the perfect hour for it even. You booked your tickets for an overnight stay before tying up Chicken in the coop, bidding her goodbye.

You headed into the door making out the sign “Tonight: The Prince performing” you were not sure why someone would name themselves after royalty yet do something so humble or perhaps humility was not a trait of entertainers. The Shine on this building glowed blue like the city itself which was awash with the ambient Light of the Cooling Zones. You headed in just as the entertainers were announced and he hopped on stage completely shirtless with his charming face covered with yellow and orange fur and his pink eyes alluring you into staring into them shining with some sort of curious spark, you did not know what. When music began to enter the stage he began to hum his melody sweet and entertaining. Meanwhile you went to the bar to order a drink, you would get what your father and mother got: The Buzz, a mix of Sweetcitrus and Sour Substances wafting in some heavy Smoke from another patron. After that taste you thought you would like to get some too.

You ordered your Buzz and heard his song.

“Oh the desert world belongs to the brave, the vast ocean”
“The Moons of Aria the Lamp are all barren except for the peoples”
“You like the cities, the Cool Zones and the natives like them too”
“Come and enjoy the Moons of Aria, the Lamp is to close for good”
“Confined to a small sunspin, you can’t beat the heat”
“Oh the deserts of dear Aria she is my Devi my Devi”
“My Devi she is bright with light and the clocks are the only thing that keeps us safe”
“My Devi, Oh my Devi”
“She shines with glare and the glow of the Clocks”

For the spin of hours this continued, while you gradually took in more and more drinks and smoke: intoxicating: drifting into a haze that your father oh so favoured. Drink and Smoke dulled your senses and feelings as you were enchanted by the singer as he danced, a pretty blonde boy who was as young as you but a head taller. You gazed fondly into his pink eyes and admired the locks of his hair like fresh wheatfields roughly shaped into a shaggy cut. He was in shape with decent musculature under his fur and he moved with careless motions which would make your mother probably squeal in excitement and you noticed several women admiring him even ones you had never seen imbibe a Drink. He was accompanied by no one which slightly disappointed you as you would have liked to see a girl play with him. After a while you stopped drinking and started Smoking more heavily even taking in some Shimmer-Substances a young girl offered you. She asked you to come to her room with a shrill voice but you declined as you were too Hazed to do anything. The music and the Substances gradually lulled you into a sleep, so not knowing the time you passed into its clutches.

“Mistress” was the last word that you heard.

You dreamt of the music melding into the deserts and lush jungles described as you felt even more enchanted by your entertainer. He was backed by a chorus of female voices this time and the clarity of his voice was still ringing in your ears. He began to sing about icy tundra and each song he sang moved your mind and his words meshed with the dreams and you could have sworn you had spent that night always hearing his voice.
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You awoke some time in the middle of the night, finding yourself next to a foreign girl not of your Kin. She hanged over you with her tall body with her snout just touching your forehead. You noticed a distinct reddish colour to her fur as her eyes danced with the light of deep blue like a brilliant sky or deep ocean.

“Can we be a bit more discreet? Is this much to ask?”
“Okay” was your only reply, you were not sure what you were getting into

She huddled you off into a corner far from other people, not that you noticed them as anything other than blurs on a canvas of dimmed lights. She then zapped you with some sort of Zap-Clock injecting sparks into your system. She then hung over you for a few more moments as you began to see the world more clearly noticing her voice and its sweetness.

“This is a Dehazer, it cures all sorts of Substance induced effects”
“A Clock? I mean a Zap-Clock?” you replied
“Sure whatever you think it is”

She then huddled over to whisper into your ear.

“Now you are a Psychic right?”

You didn’t speak: afraid to answer

“I am too, and this is important”
“Your parents would have taken you into the wilderness of this world and you would have now returned because of something broken which you can no longer repair”

You had just noticed how soft and quiet her voice was as she stared into you with her blue eyes, set in her face like some sort of creature you saw in documentaries. Foxes! That’s the name you were looking for and you could see it in her shape, at least her head. You were not sure if she had a tail since you never paid any attention to her lower half. She was intimidating: slightly at least as she hanged over you waiting for an answer you may or may not give.

“Yes” you answered

But your parents had died. She seemed curious and you didn’t know how she asked all these right questions, the ones which pushed your buttons or even why she was doing this. You supposed you were still a bit Drunk. But your mind seemed so clear at least compared to how you previously felt as you were of distinct confusement.

“Good enough for me”
“But one more question”
“Are you an only child?”
“Yes” you replied
“Right answer”

She lured you upstairs over a dark brown staircase taking you into what you presumed was her room. As you entered you noticed a still shirtless figure of the singer now relaxing on a bed. He was expecting you, you thought. And her.

“Hello friend, nice to meet you” he said

You stared into his eyes bright like Starmaker’s gifts.

“Your eyes are Indigo, that’s important, she would have known to ask you because they are”
“Don’t be intimidated by me or her”
“I wasn’t” you huddled
“Your body language says otherwise” she replied

You turned around to see her beautiful dark orange fur with its fluff and gloss. She stood with lithe and functional pose and her eyes sparkled with their blue. The thought that one of these people could pick up on these things and oust you as a Psychic unnerved you. She then headed beside her friend who stood up revealing they were about the same height.

He is really a prince of course, not that it matters much more besides for the prophecy and of course he has friendly relations with his family”
“A fallen price, a young refugee and a witch that is the team of legends”
“And don’t forget the exile” he spoke
“It’s not part of the first stanza” she replied
“You believe in prophecy?” he then asked
“You believe in prophecy?” you rhetoricalised
“Well regardless it’s our best chance at stopping the empire with a Psychic like you” she said
“Your parents were rebels against the empire right?” she further queried
“I don’t know and they died a few Lamps ago leaving me on my own to hunt for hides and gather herbs”
“Good enough for me” he replied
“Good enough” she chimed
“We will be heading for Alendria tomorrow and given your situation you will be following us” she said
“After staying their and training your psychic powers for an amount of time we will be heading to the Head-Moon and Gateworld of this system, Rhenia to get out of the system”
“Then we will head of to a life of adventure in fulfillment of the prophecy of my people”
“And what if I don’t agree to this?”
“You will” he spoke again
”You will” she responded
“Or otherwise you aren’t the person the prophecy described and i hope you are” he answered
“You will meet are pilot; the Exile tomorrow”
“Now to sleep” the strange girl ushered

You were asleep within minutes, You wondered how they took so much stock in something as strange as Prophecy. But now that they knew so much about you you felt like you should follow them at least out of a sense of comfort. Still you were not sure why you accepted all this information so easily.

You dreamt of the sweet and oh so near country of Alendria and its beautiful and rich forests surrounding you. Your parents had expressed kind words about this place and you had longed for this place in passing moments. Hunting for Hides was your action, fixation: and you felt the trust of your rifle by your hand. It was so vivid as to be real at least almost and at least in your head. You trekked in silent step along a river when you heard the brustle of a Deerkin moving in bush. You gazed: a follow of your eyes along bushes until you spotted it and in one shot you took it down. You went over to it and prepared to harvest its liver for some reason you did not know why. As you cleaned out its liver and other valuables you felt the acid touch of its meat which you presumed poisonous or knew so possibly. As you stared into the glowing eyes along their liver they transformed in sudden motion into the deep blue eyes of the stranger girl you had met this night and were taken aback. You felt yourself in a delirium as she beckoned you into a new world.

“Follow me” she spoke and you obliged. Deeper you sunk as you followed until it was all black and the nothingness of sleep without the canvas of dreams enveloped you.
More: show
You awoke to the pre-dawn of this desert world, the girl rubbing on your shoulders. She was brisk in her step and in silence she awoke you before her waking speech carried over to you: despite her lack of sleep you noted she seemed fully awake unlike how you felt. She urged you into wakedness and gave you what you could only presume was some sort of waking Substance given your condition. You rised to note the Prince now clothed in a shirt of white and the soft tunics which let your lower regions breather waiting next to a rifle which you deduced was of his ownership.

“My name is Aia by the way” he spoke
“And my name is Nami” she chorused
“Senia” you replied in soft tones
“Senia huh?” Aia replied
“It’s my name”
“A good one at that” Nami replied
“Very good” Aia replied

You headed out to grab your things and head to the spaceport feeling the Substance invigorate your veins with alertness you felt to be supernatural: it was clearly more than a waking tablet. The Light of the city was mixing with the glow of its night-lamps and you could see Alendria in the distance rising above your satellite with its green glow. You imagined it would be perfect for you.

“How does a Satellite so close to such a fertile world get so barren anyways?” you asked
“Poor soil for growth, lack of water and a different atmosphere” she answered
“You have a riding bird a biological creature engineered to be perfect for all environments by our forerunners, you will do good with it”

Nami was clearly knowledgeable about at least some things, possibly more which you deduced by her manner of speech as she and her companion hopped onto their own riding birds.

“Can I take Chicken on our trip?”
“Of course, that’s also a wonderful name” Aia replied
“Now come on” he said
“You don’t wanna be late”

You headed across the empty streets of the city noticing the Shine of some dens were still on and the entrances still open. You felt this might be why your parents never let you stay for long in these places. Your entertainment which had seemed so vibrant as you entered now seemed seedy fitting for you to leave it all behind oh so soon after taking part in it for the first time in your life. You headed through the city along and along and further and further through its white walled buildings kept bright.

The Spaceport was relatively small not that you had been to any other Spaceports fitting for a small city such as yours however it did receive some degree of traffic as it was the best way between cities on this world which lacked any sort of Riding-Vehicles and which was separated by deserts you did not want to travel between. It stood with brown and black hues dashed by white and you could see a few passenger jets sitting idly. There Nami beckoned you to a smaller ship painted white and red and insigned with the markings of a birds's talons and wings. It was currently being attended by another Fox girl, her face stern and sharp and her eyes glasslike like green gems, before moving to life with her motions. She was even taller than Nami and Aia and she carried herself with peculiar strength and confident movement. You liked something about her already.

“You’re here already sister and i thought you would be days” she spoke with sharpness and strength to her voice which you felt unbecoming
“Time is essential here and we don’t want to perform Psyching on this planet” Nami responded
“But finding one who fulfills the prophecy oh so quickly” the pilot replied
“Things happen” he answered
“Our prince wanted to experience a desert world and its beenLamps of trekking across this part of the galaxy” Nami replied
“Amen to that and i liked performing in the bar”
“The newcomer is hopefully eager to fly” the pilot teased

You had never been in a spaceship before. It slightly freaked you out.

“I’m sure he will be cool with it” the prince responded
“Don’t be judgemental through he will have to do a lot of flying” Nami chirped
“This things finest class with four System-Clocks instead of two” the pilot assured
“Hopefully i can get another pilot so i don’t have to fly so much”
“It can even take of from any place and land anywhere”
“And it’s got combat effectiveness with Shields, Phasers and Cloaks”
“I feel protected” you stumbled in speech
“Now hop on newbie” the pilot assured her tone calming your nerves
“My name is Retoki by the way”
“I like your name” you replied
“Most people do” she invoked

She opened the ship’s doors and you accepted her offer heading into the warm atmosphere of the ship. You could feel the dim glow of the Light embracing you as you approached, even accepting you with its heat. Your group headed into this room trailing behind Retoki so you followed them. The boxes clued you into this place being meant for storage. The next room was smaller than the first but was clearly a living room. It was here Nami ushered your Riding Birds back into storage before closing the door with a push of a red button on her way back in greeting you with some gestures.

“This is the lounge where you will be staying” Retoki greeted before heading of into another room which was to near to be the pilots
“So how is it going?” Nami invited

You noticed how pleasant her voice was now. You thought it previously to be the result of your Haze but now it ringed in your ears true and without confusion. She ringed with the birds they kept in cages in the city and when speaking loudly she chimed like some kind of music sweet. You stared into her eyes for a moment seeing the familiar Blue within her and in that moment you felt her overwhelming presence: that of a terrible sorceress: of a Witch as she called herself of knowledge and power. As you gazed away the feeling left, which made you feel more comfortable. As you stared back at her she stared into you in a manner dressed with some sense of pride as if your response suited her. You probably did make her feel powerful.

“Now it’s about time i informed you” she spoke
“This galaxy runs on Stardust, it’s rare in this system but more common on the Gateworld which i have spoken about to you before”
“It cures illness, powers fabled technology and even enhances experience and psychic powers”
“The Empire runs a stranglehold on the most Stardust rich systems in the previous Star Confederacy and it is from their they have grown”
“First they promised power to the peoples of the world and then enslaved them; as much as they could at least”
“They now seek dominion over the galaxy or at least the former Confederate worlds”
“If the prophecy is correct your parents fled after fighting them on their homeworld”
“And you do look the part”
“You have the catlike features of the Necoma race just like him through your hair is a bit darker and your eyes indigo instead of pink”
“You will do well to accompany me” the prince spoke
“I am not as skilled in Psychics as our friend here but i am skilled of word, sword and sorcery” he said in his bright tone
“He is so very eager, now i can’t promise you Stardust on this world that we are going to but i can promise you we will have some when we get out of this system” she spoke
“All good in here?” Retoki queried, she had just returned
“All good” Nami responded
“We will be taking off soon, you know this ship even has two engines for backup?”
“Now i will leave you three to your conversation”
“You’re a dear sister” Aia responded
She left and you filled Nami ringing to fill the void “I don’t say this would be easy”
“I have no choice” you replied
“Or i do but i’m not sure”
“I would have been off this Satellite later today heading to Alendria anyways had you not gotten messed up in my business”
“But i wouldn’t have used my powers i do not trust them”
“I would have just hunted for Hides in the woods of that world”
“It’s okay if you have doubts” she said
“Doubts are in fact normal” he chimed
“But if you are the Psychic of prophecy i do have quite the future in store for myself”
“Another prophecy or part of it says the companion of a hero will become ruler of the Star Confederacy”
“And i am determined to reclaim my lineage”
“Now i’m headed off you two can play a game here”

He unpacked a set of Ciari from the shelf of a brown cupboard, placing it on the table in front of you before heading off. You had played this game before with both your father and mother and had found it inviting. You were certainly not obsessed with it however and wondered if you would provide a worthy challenge.

“To a good game” she said as she placed her pieces

You placed yours when you felt the ship begin takeoff. Within minutes and with a few more pieces placed you were heading off the world. So long old life, you almost felt like it was all a mistake but as the pieces moved it rang truer. You were finally departing.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

And a rewrite of Chapter 2
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You had already lost a game before you had headed out of space, that had been quick you thought but you would not fall for her strategy again. By the next game end you had already passed into space but despite it being much longer you still lost. By third game you thought you would never beat her but it did have some high points. By fourth game you had accepted the fact as she had countered your new strategy. So you began to head into the room where Aia was waiting, passing a few cupboarded corridors and other rooms on your way: the ship was rather liveable you thought.

When you got in there you found him undressed next to a small clock and you noticed his naked body staring gently at the ceiling with a glamour which you definitely thought should have been private. He seemed rather calm but had clearly noticed you. He looked up at you giving an expression of some bemusement. He didn’t seem disturbed at all.

“I guess you don’t knock?”
“The door was open”
“You can still knock”

He however didn’t move to get dressed and you gazed away to avoid looking at his penis anymore but you did take note of it being a bit larger than yours at least in its unerect form. He then rolled over to fidget with a small Clock which you presumed was his entertainment but it turned out to be an alarm. Suddenly it began its ringing noise and he got up and began to get dressed humming a tune as he did. His movements were deft and with certain graces as he placed on hit pants and before long a shirt bright green which contrasted with his colour of cloud bottoms. You thought him rather strange to be only wearing that but in quick motions he put on a rather lovely cloak: palely brown with pastel colour and a sash of white around it. He then beckoned you to go outside and you obliged, taking note of his vibrant posture as he and you headed out.

“You’re a tease” he said while heading out

You didn’t know how to respond to that: or have anything to say at all really. He sort of vexed you in those moments. You headed again through the corridors as you pondered on the briefness of your meetings when he greeted Nami in his manners on the way out of them.

“I wanna check on the birds, to see Tukutu” he said
He paused for a second and then continued “You are welcome to join me”
“Are we?” Nami questioned

The look on the face he gave you told you he was slightly offended by her exchange.

When he was away you turned to Nami and said “You know I saw him naked?”
“He’s like that”
“A charmer” you provoked
“A charmer” she responded

So you headed out to find Tukutu, Chicken and the other Birds resting in the den. Your bird chirped with its usual light tones upon seeing you while Aia moved closer to his Tukutu. He stroked his bird affectionately leading into moments of him caressing it for minutes on end: playing with its brown feathers and its great vestigial wings. After those moments he began to nudge you before speaking in graver tones.

“He’s middle aged now I got him from my cousin”
“So he is a bit weaker i will be replacing him when i get to the allied system since he will not be as suitable for our dangerous mission”

You had never felt danger mentioned before and there were no terrors of the desert to fear. You felt a grip of doubt from what was said to be real danger. You didn’t want to be seen as scared by your companions.

“I sense your concern” the witch spoke in her voice

It was deeper: her tone and filled with the Seance of a ghost whisperer.

“You’re only a youngling, younger than me and Aia”
“I sense his troubles too” Aia spoke

Chicken cooed in her bird tone not easing but lifting your troubles. You were not sure how they sensed your feelings, something to do with being a Psychic of course but it crowded your mind with even more doubts. Perhaps it was all just a mistake and you didn’t take much stock in Prophecy. Starmaker only weaved the stars.

“I do confess i feel doubts, about this mission”
“And i don’t believe in destiny so i fear for my safety”
“But i have no one to run home to and no one who will miss me”
“So i will do as i must”
“Cast the die and act as fate dictates” she spoke in gentler rhythms
“The journey will be long i can promise you that but you have us by your side” Aia comforted
“Skyreacher placed our fate in heaven, among the stars” Nami spoke
“And so we do as we must” Aia provided

He turned around a stroked Nami’s bird before speaking in indirectness “I do confess i have only seen battle once and her twice”
“We are not seasoned veterans”
“But our pilot is one through her bones do weaken as she is no longer young”
“We have been on this mission ever since we were of age”
“Our Big Sister coursed from stars to stars, moons to moons, satellites to satellites in search of bounties always staying one step ahead of the Empire”
“Though she did confess to accidentally co-operating with them once and gave them a valuable artifact”
“The jewel isn’t the most important however and i feel we can seek better ones”
“The Crown of Heavens is of course ultimately what we seek”
“It lies on the world of Avarath former Irea and it only offers its power to those who are worthy of ruling great parts of the galaxy”
“They pretend to have control over it but are spies have confirmed it lies where it was last placed in the Rift of the Galaxy since it finds the empire unworthy”
“They cannot seize it not without fundamentally altering the nature of the Crown”
“Attempts have been made by us to seize it but it is to heavily guarded so it will not work without an all out invasion which the Nariye are hesitant to do without stock of prophecy”
“Personally i believe in prophecy because it suits me”

He did strike you as careless. A free spirit but you hoped he had more concern and sense.

“Aia here was struck out of a comfortable life when his eldest brother and sister were killed by the Empire and his parents fled with him and their younger ones”
“He wasn’t destined to inherit but he is now prince in exile and his other two brothers refuse to travel the galaxy with any Sorceresses like me”

“You did not wish ill on your older siblings?” you queried
“Of course not but now that the opportunity has presented itself i will seize it”
“Oh i forgot to tell you this if you don’t already know due to the lack of a thin veil of consciousness Psyching doesn’t work in outer space except on very large ships although barely even then, when you an encounter a Wanderer it’s a bit different though but they tend to be rarely encountered” Nami interrupted
“It also usually doesn’t affect Bots which the Empire makes extensive use of the other key to their success”
“What’s a Wanderer?”
“You will see them when you can see the Immaterial”
“They wander between areas of low Psychic activity which is caused by any conscious race or even just lesser animals and sometimes even plants”
“Psychics like us just make use of these energies to help us accomplish our goals”
“You will find them useful when the time comes but be careful Psyching can damage ships”
“So it is helpful that you cannot normally Psych in space”
“Psyching is like an art and Psychics like artists” Aia chimed
“Oh and also if you get rare breeds of riding birds they can also enhance your Psyching”
“Like Nami’s of course, his name is Ama”
“And Retoki’s is named Ori, she is a very fierce girl”
“I know about Psyching being based on the consciousness of others” you replied
“You did practice before, right?” Nami queried
“On such a sparse desert world you must have some degree of power to get of what would be easier on a more populated one” she continued
“I did feel powerful back when i Psyched”
“I guess you are potent”
“I don’t think the prophecy hints at you being more skilled or possibly even powerful than me” she replied
“Right” Aia continued

Nami beckoned you back into the room and hours passed without event or even much speech. Your aura lowered in those moments as your doubts lingered
More: show
You had lost your sixth match of Ciari against Aia by the time the ship stopped. You were not at Alendria yet and you wondered why it had stopped until Nami informed you that you were at a Spaceport which provided resting points for traveling ship’s captains. It was coloured like your ship with whites and reds and it stared off into the stars surrounding you. You headed inside into the small port getting a bite to eat: Fried Octopus with a few sauces green, red and yellow. You were eager to drink and smoke again at a bar but Nami stopped you saying it would be better to get to your destination as soon as possible so she ushered you, Aia and Retoki off to sleep in some provided beds which were white and blue and certainly comfortable. You stayed awake for a while thinking how you would surely never see your parents grave again now as well as hanging on the thoughts about how you had one last opportunity to be a simple Hidehunter merely searching for Deerlikes amongst the planet's forests. It was some degree of coincidence that you were going there: your destination. Visions of your life as a Hidehunter and Herbgatherer flashed over your mind playing tricks until you slept and even then continued into your sleep. You felt at peace in these moments but then remembered how your parents had said to you they had lost so much to the Empire as you were lulled into a sense of stagnation and uselessness. Your parents had told you about the Empire before! And it was for them that you felt the reason to oppose them. A faint ring around your tongue and slivers and Shadows bemused your mind in your moments before waking and as your dreams dissipated you were confronted by Aia as he woke you. Your current life was present and you felt more determined to act to its rhythms.

“We will be back in space in 10 minutes so get out”
“And I don't understand why we couldn’t just sleep in the ship, policy of the station or something.
“I dreamt of Shadows again, in the last few moments and just a sliver of them”
“You are preparing to use your Psychic powers, that happens when you are becoming ready”
“You have great potential, Nami sees it in you”
“And i see it for me”
“But you do dread it” he put the words in your mind which underlaid your previous feelings

You headed off from the Spaceport back into your familiar ship and as predicted by the harlequin you were oof. Retoki seemed herself as usual and she even called you Brother in affectionate tongue. Back to the doldrums of traveling you supposed as Retoki headed off to captain the ship. You confessed privately at least that you had never traveled so long in your life only from your parent’s hut into the city. It already felt like an adventure and you were expecting something next to happen. You chatted casually with Nami for a few moments before heading into Aia’s room where you once again found him naked showing his beautiful body and charismatic face.

You were happy to see him at least but you wondered if he could change his tempo, certainly you did not want to see him like this again at least for now.

“I do enjoy this” he said
“Me not so much” you replied
“Well you did come in”

You were mesmerised by his tone. The shimmering speech act. You felt like staying even and stared into his eyes like Lamps sparkling with his gaze.

“You know i could put on a performance”
“Just for you two”

He got up and got dressed as usual this time wearing a cloak of deep argentine blue. He had a thing for plain colours you thought. And dull ones which attracted attention but didn’t stand out. After placing his cloak he put on a pair of dull brown pants in odd order. He showed off his bits one last time and you averted your gaze.

You were not sure if this was intentional or not.

You and him then headed out into the room where Nami greeted you with gesture moving with catlike motions and suitable calmness. She seemed prepared for something which was hinted at next by her speech.

“You are going to perform for us I see”
“Yes darling” he spoke

He got into the center of the room and began to shake his body in alluring rhythms to an unknown beat. In chorus and response he began his singing.

“This galaxy belongs to the brave”
“And the straight, and the powerful”
“Heroes and Rogues move with motion”
“This duel is destiny, this fate is ours”
“And we watch or participate”
“Each of our whims and ways”
“It all falls into place, in motion”
“Oh the motion never ends”
“So we triumph or lament”
“The way of the Warrior”
“The way of the Scoundrel”
“It is our destiny, this duel of fates”

He paused and did a spin unfurling his cloak as he did.

“It all falls into place, in weave”
“The fabric is in motion”
“Destiny, oh dance of fates”
“This galaxy is for outlaws”
“And princes, fallen princes”
“And princesses too”
“We each dance according to motion”
“In ways we move, to our whims”
“And fate is always there”
“Destiny behind us”
“And in front the goal”
“Triumph or defeat”

He did another twirl and kissed his lips at Nami, blowing it with his hands.

“This galaxy belongs to the brave”
“And the straight, and the powerful”
“Heroes and Rogues move with motion”
“This duel is destiny, this fate is ours”
“And we watch or participate”
“Each of our whims and ways”
“It all falls into place, in motion”
“Oh the motion never ends”
“So we triumph or lament”
“The way of the Warrior”
“The way of the Scoundrel”
“It is our destiny, this duel of fates”
“And oh do we dance”
“And oh do the motions fall”

He got down and in silence put back on his cloak before standing back up and quoting anew.

“The original line was And Princes, Rogueish Princes”
“It is a folk song of my people which i specialise in”
“It was said to be created in the last period of chaos even further back than a millennium”
“From that period the First Empire rose to power in tyranny”
“This short ballad was composed by a princess in exile who hoped to defeat it”

“I’m without lover, no one to touch my hand”
“I need a hero, a dashing hero”
“Rogue of seven starseas, pilot of a ship”
“Master of the sword and the word”
“Moves in motion, in fate he falls into place”
“I need oh great, oh so greatness”
“I need the silver quickness”
“The golden strength”
“I need someone to take me by the hand”
“Pilot my ship, there will of course be no other man”
“I need a hero”
“And that hero is me”

“She of course defeated the First Empire or did her part at least. She found a Diadem of great power the kind that could rival whole planets and used it quite successfully against that Empire”
“Before the period of chaos of course we know little of my peoples history”
“All records from before that period were lost except for some long forgotten planets and even then only in fragments”
“We know of the rise of great empires of my people and Nami’s as well as of a dozen other races”
“And off the forerunners who left us the architecture of the galaxy and of course the now lost Passages of the Immaterial but also of the Gates between systems which were repaired long ago”
“They were said to be the first to make a dent on the Immaterial creating it from ashes”
“They are also believed to be connected to the Daemons as fragments of it mention it being clean except for ones own doubts”
“Perhaps they were lost to us by the Daemons”
“They were too intimately connected too it it seems and they no longer exist except in some rumoured apelike relicits who are not as sensitive to the ways of the Immaterial they created”
“And before that Starmaker created the stars: long ago”
“Now to more song and dance”

He took off his cloak with his hands and began to shake his lower body in earthly rhythms.

“So we move with the fates of people”
“Our minds of many minds”
“We dance in motion, in our consciousness”
“It seeps into us, your energies”
“We are the Witches of the world”
“With blade attuned to Immaterial”
“With our minds we make things”
“And destroy, we can destroy”
“We wield the Immaterial”
“Fear us, oh fear us, our Immaterial”
“In essence we fall right into place”
“Our work is essential”
“We gather the dust of the great space”
“We are the Witches of the world”
“Sorcerers and Sorceresses”
“Binders and Weavers”
“Sing song into bone, oh bone”
“Our ancestors we cherish them”
“And preserve them in our homes”
“Death does not come to us because of our work”
“We make and we take, oh we do”
“We go as we must, stay as we please”
“It is by our hand and heart”
“By hand and heart”
“That we live as we sense”
“Ancestral preserve”
“And dust gathered”
“Oh witches”

“That is only the first part and if you couldn’t guess by the foreign terminology is a translated song of Arie two of which currently inhabit this ship”
“They of course make a Psychically conductive material known as Spiritbone which conducts the Immaterial’s energies”
“There ancestors are also stored in items most commonly Soulgems for a hundred to a thousand years depending on how much they want to linger”
“Those of the Amari are stored forever it seems since we have some preserved from the oldest memories of their people”

He then continued onto another song. The rest of the trip being spent in merriment and Aia and Nami even kissed. As friends he told you it was customary of both their peoples to do so. You felt like you had gotten to know them better.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

I rewrote the first chapter again this time including even more thoughts, feelings and emotions. You can guess which author i read in the meantime.
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The Clocks weren’t working. The air was too cool for them to be: cold as the grip of the night you had awoken into: a usual hour to rise. The beat of their rhythm was still there as you approached but you knew they didn’t tick as they should.

You moved with motions to check on them as the thoughts of pace raced in your head, quickly and with stiffness and fluidity as nothing material had but alike the fresh air of the night a few hours before dawn. And with them not working there would be no water and of course no way to beat the midday heat which lay across this world every time the sun rose over the sky, a day in the desert. Oricima was a cruel mistress your father thought to tell your mother once and now you would experience it if you didn’t take the proper action.

So you hurried around the quiet like the time hut taking all your things of some value: coin, herbs, wares, Hides and Mini-Clocks and too them to your Riding-Bird placing them upon her sack earth coloured like some dusty soil and portioned onto her back ends. You had no dear things to take except your trusty rifle, one which had served you well over your years and had given you great pride in some of the kills you had scored with it. You remembered your first kill which you had shared with your mother as well as the first one with your father and the first one you finally had alone without them it all seemed just in the back of your mind looking at it. You were also taking your dear Riding-Bird who you had named after your mother’s although it was archaic on your own speech and you thought the one she spoke on her homeworld, a place you did not know where it lay amongst the stars only it was a Moon like Alendria but more plains covered and embedded in something which made it no longer suitable for your parents. You knew not even if your father came from the same world although it was likely as the descriptions seemed to match.

There was one last thing to do, it ached in your bones and stirred in your heart. Just a short trek and you were at a stone marker, grey unlike the desert but not so sharply that it contrasted too much with the subtle sand colour of the grains of dust which served as the ground of this world. It only read “May Starmaker guide them into the Next Stars” followed by an obituary “Look to the Sky to find them”: your parent’s grave. You felt unburdened as you became slightly sadder. After a minute of unspoken words and uncalled thoughts. The memory only hanging in the back: silent was the desert as only the breeze of near twilight sounded. Faint like the Light of your own System-Clock and much dimmer than the stars which spun and brought their light into the sky. After that you spoke farewell as to part now only thinking of your journey ahead across a stretch of the desert. So the memory was put away onto a shelf to be unbrought and unseen as you passed through the dunes. Sometimes you doubted why your parents had come to this world but they had never given a reason they came here.

You had lived here since you were young, a youth spent alone and without siblings. Sometimes you had wondered if you were an only child or whether your parents had given up another to just raise you. The desert hut: big enough and spacious enough only for three had been your home when you were on the brink of coming to maturity: your parents had taken you there as they feared you would be persecuted by this Satellite’s people for you being a Psychic. The place which birthed you the city which lay just ahead became a place you would not visit again for years until you got your powers under control. Your parents never mentioned it to anyone of what you were, at least not anyone who you knew. Sometimes in the desert it had been hard nights with no sleep and visions of Daemons and Shadows hunting you, a world unknown and one you did not want to know. You felt the cloth of shaking motions and fear in those moments and you did not like to dwell on them, but it still hanged. So you trekked on.

Your kind lived dangerous lives due to your mental energies: your powers, your parents told you that and you sometimes felt it. Still it had been the spin and unfold of many Lamps since you had used your abilities, better to get on with just your rifle and instincts then to rely on headspace. It had served you well although you still remember the times when you told your parents how you could move objects with your mind. Now you didn’t feel like you could do it again. But maybe someday if needed. Something in the back of your mind told you that someday was guaranteed, probably logic.

As your Riding-Bird moved across the roll of the desert guided only by the light of the stars shining bright your mind wandered over them imagining what lay beyond in their embrace more dunes perhaps but other worlds like Alendria or even Rhenia and some unlike either. The lay of pale sand made calmness on your mind as your dear Bird moved across them. She was a fine young bird your parents had gotten you when you had turned appropriate age, not hatched from the egg but in her bright youth you wondered if your parents had a bright youth, either of them surely someone like you had one. You remembered to stroke her head and she paused for but a moment as you did before she continued on the familiar path she knew to take and one which you subtly guided her one.

Less than three passages of hours over the sands not far for the small Satellite which only had ten cities was when you arrived at the Cool Zones extending off from the city where the foreigners as well as some of the natives or much you were not sure and the relevancey had never been put to mind. You suddenly remembered you had forgotten your System-Clock, it sprung to your mind then: so it would be there would be nothing to repair only to sell. A casual mistake but also a dear one and your bird could hold more. You would never return to the hut where you were raised and you felt like suddenly something had become empty. You of course would never return to the marker of your parent’s memory again as you remembered the fur on your mother’s face blonde unlike your brown which you had inherited from your father. You had gone never to return.

Now you thought it would do you well to set out from this world one so inhospitable to your kin and one that had little to offer. You would continue your life as a Hidehunter somewhere else now. Alendria probably. The Moon which this satellite spun around was waiting, a fertile world abound with forests which homed creatures more valuable than most of the ones on this world, the bounty of a rich Moon so close yet so far and with no memories except the ones you would make on it. Perhaps new friends as you never had any besides the inalienable possession of your parents. The hunting was always good there every one here commented on and someone as skilled as you could make quite a living there. Or so it could be set in the stars, if only.

“Chicken you did good” you said to your bird

You did not know what that word meant, only that it was a word from long ago. You found that you were staring into the face of native, their lizard face staring back into you with the cold expression of their kind while they enjoyed the coolness of the Zones. Even their Kind did not like the heat oh so grave of this Satellite and you often caught them just basking and taking in the air of the cities: just in mirth and relaxment in moments without any burdens. You asked them if they had ever been to the Moon this world orbited and they said no: you didn’t think they would have been. Maybe in a few days or a week you would be there and this desert long behind you and hopefully not to be missed as a theater, only the acts and histrios mattered. You then asked if they had anything to sell or wanted to buy anything but they declined your offer. Back to the city and even deeper into the Cool Zones where the faint blue to white glow of the Light would be even stronger you had already picked up on the near-Ultraviolet glim. Your parents had regularly come to the city to barter items for coin and now you found yourself a prostitute to its whims, a market which you did not know how to spin in your favour and one which you found you needed its cash as well as the Pass for a trip of this world. The Moon awaited its lush forests on the cusp in your thoughts and an easy in fact the easiest trip away,. A world perfect now that your System-Clock was slowly beginning its motions into frying in the desert heat. It felt slightly satisfying knowing you would be gone from here soon.

After half an hour of walking you spotted the outer parts of the city, the familiar market which your parents had sometimes taken you too, especially as you got older. The hang of its coloured oh so many canopies and the bustle of a few people as dawn turned into afterdawn as the sun began its trek into the day. You bartered for things like food and for much coin with the few people here but gradually as it filled up you gave more and more away and were rewarded with more and more coin. You needed nothing but food. The people were friendly but uninterested in helping you as you seemed independent enough and were headed on to what they and you described as better things. After the lay of hours passed you were left with but your rifle, a Communicator. Some food. Dutiful Chicken and a token of your parent’s appreciation which helped calm your Psychic outbursts. You glazed over it with your hands feeling its shapestrength diamond exterior and ice-azure gem contained within trimmed by goldcolour electrum as your mother described its trim. The sun hanged at the moment as it weaved nearly dusk now a cloud over the sky: later afternoon, a perfect time for what you were about to do. So you headed into the city, snacking on a Longfruit, the entertainment district in your mind. So you passed the white dropped with a subtle yellow mix where these places were. Your parents had avoided going there with you so you went into the first lounge you spotted. Nearly dusk, the perfect hour for it even. You booked your tickets for an overnight say before tying up Chicken in the proviced coop, bidding her goodbye.

You heard into the door making out the sign “Tonight: The Prince performing” you were not sure why someone would take the name of royalty yet do something so humble or perhaps humility was not the trait of entertainers. The Shine of this building glowed blue just unlike the city itself which was awash with the ambient Light of its Cooling Clocks. You headed in just as the entertainers were announced and he hopped on stage completely shirtless with his charming face covered with yellow and orange fur: pink eyes set alluringly as if to compel you into staring into them shining with some sort of curious spark, you did not know what. When music began to enter the stage he began to hum his melodics sweet and entertaining. Meanwhile you went to the bar to order a drink. You would get what your father and mother got: The Buzz, a mix of Sweetcitrus and Sour Substances wafting in some heavy Smoke from another patron. After that you taste you thought you would like to get some too.

You ordered you Buzz and heard his song

“Oh the desert world belongs to the brave, the vast ocean”
“The Moons of Aria the Lamp are all barren except for the peoples”
“You like the cities, the Cool Zones and the natives like them too”
“Come and enjoy the Moons of Aria, the Lamp is to close for good”
“Confined to a small sunspin, you can’t beat the heat”
“Oh the deserts of dear Aria she is my Devi my Devi”
“My Devi she is bright with light and the clocks are the only thing that keeps us safe”
“My Devi, Oh my Devi”
“She shines with glare and the glow of the Clocks”

For the spin of hours this continued, while you gradually took in more and more drinks and smoke: intoxicating: drifting into a Haze that your father oh so favoured. Drink and Smoke dulled your senses, sensations and feelings as you were enchanted by the skilled call of your singer as he danced, his hair pretty and blond and his face still of boyish youth as young and younger but a head taller. You gazed mesmer into his pink eyes, rose coloured as the ones your mother used to tend with her mother and sister on her homeworld. She told you her native city was named after flowers as your father’s dwelt on the sky overhead. His hair was fresh like wheatfields locks of it shaped rough into a shaggy cut like carpet with good shape too his body and athletic musculature under his fur and he moved with careless seemed motions but planned: your mother would probably woo in excitement and you noticed several women admiring him even ones you had never seen imbibe a Drink. He was accompanied by no one which slightly disappointed you as you would have liked to see a girl play with him. After a while you stopped drinking and started Smoking more heavily even taking in some Shimmer-Substances a young girl offered you: dancing lights and the spin of distorted time was resulted. She asked you to come to her room with a shrill voice but you declined as you were too Hazed to do anything. The music and the substances gradually lulled you into a sleep: covered mind. So not knowing the mind you passed into its clutches.

“Mistress, oh you guide me” were the last words that you heard.

You dreamt of the music melding into the deserts and lush jungles described as you felt even more vexed by your entertainer. He was backed by a chorus of female voices this time but the clarity of this voice was still in your ears. He began to move to icy tundra and each poetics he sang moved your mind and his words meshed with your dreams and you could have sworn you had spent that night always hearing his voice.
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You awoke some time in what you deduced was the middle night, finding yourself next to a foreign girl not of your Kin. She hanged over you with her taller body with her snout just a fraction away from touching your forehead as it hanged at a lowered angle. You noticed a distinct reddish colour to her fur as her eyes danced with the light of a deep blue like a brilliant sky or a deep ocean: or even one of the most beautiful stars you had ever seen at least in its Technical photograph.

“Can we be a bit more discreet? Is this much to ask?”
“Okay” was your only reply, you were not sure what you were getting into

She huddled you off into a corner far from other people, not that you noticed them as anything other than blurs on a canvas of dimmed green lights. She then zapped you with some sort of Zap-Clock injecting sparks into your system, at least that was what you felt. She then hung over you for a few more moments as you began to see and hear the world more clearly, noticing her voice and its sweetness as the cacophony and urgency faded from it.

She huddled you off into a corner far from other people, not that you noticed them as anything other than blurs on a canvas of dimmed lights. She then zapped you with some sort of Zap-Clock injecting sparks into your system. She then hung over you for a few more moments as you began to see the world more clearly noticing her voice and its sweetness.

“This is a Dehazer, it cures all sorts of Substance induced effects”
“A Clock? I mean a Zap-Clock?” you replied
“Sure whatever you think it is”

She then huddled over to whisper into your ear.

“Now you are a Psychic right?”

You didn’t speak: afraid to answer

“I am too, and this is important”
“Your parents would have taken you into the wilderness of this world and you would have now returned because of something broken which you can no longer repair”

You had just noticed how softened and quiet her voice was as she stared into you with her sapphire eyes, set in her face like that of some sort of creature you saw in documentaries. Foxes! That’s the name you were looking for and you could see it in her shape, at least her head but also in the tall and nimble of her body. You were not sure if she had a tail since you never paid any attention to her lower half. She was intimidating: slightly at least as she hanged over you, waiting for an answer you may or may not give.

“Yes” you answered

But your parents had passed. She seemed curious and you didn’t know how she spun her words into all these particular questions that she asked, the ones which elucidated the right answers or even why she was doing this. You supposed you were still a little bit Drunk and Hazed. But your mind seemed so clear at least compared to how you previously felt as you were of distinct confusement. She only intimidated you but not overwhelmed you.

“Good enough for me”
“But one more question”
“Are you an only child?”
“Yes” you replied
“Right answer”

She lured you over a brown like wood not that it was made of it staircase taking you upstairs and to what you presumed was her room. You entered and as you did you noticed the still shirtless figure of the singer now relaxing on a bed. He was expecting you, you thought. And she and you detected he was glad to see her.

“Hello friend, nice to meet you” he said

You stared into his eyes bright like Starmaker’s gifts.

“Your eyes are Indigo, that’s important, she would have known to ask you because they are”
“Don’t be intimidated by me or her”
“I wasn’t” you huddled
“Your body language says otherwise” she replied

You turned around to see her beautiful dark orange fur with its fluff and gloss. She stood with lithe and functional pose and she sparkled with her blue. The thought that one of these people could pick up on these things and oust you as a Psychic unnerved you. She then headed beside her friend as he stood up his head just meeting the same height as hers did.

“He is really a prince of course, not that it matters much more besides for the prophecy and of course he has friendly relations with his family”
“A fallen price, a young refugee and a witch that is the team of legends”
“And don’t forget the exile” he spoke
“It’s not part of the first stanza” she replied
“You believe in prophecy?” he then asked
“You believe in prophecy?” you rhetoricalised
“Well regardless it’s our best chance at stopping the empire with a Psychic like you” she said
“Your parents were rebels against the empire right?” she further queried
“I don’t know and they died a few Lamps ago leaving me on my own to hunt for hides and gather herbs”
“Good enough for me” he replied
“Good enough” she chimed
“We will be heading for Alendria tomorrow and given your situation you will be following us” she said
“After staying their and training your psychic powers for an amount of time we will be heading to the Head-Moon and Gateworld of this system, Rhenia to get out of the system”
“Then we will head of to a life of adventure in fulfillment of the prophecy of my people”
“And what if I don’t agree to this?”
“You will” he spoke again
”You will” she responded
“Or otherwise you aren’t the person the prophecy described and i hope you are” he answered
“You will meet are pilot; the Exile tomorrow”
“Now to sleep” the strange girl ushered

You were asleep within minutes, you wondered how they took so much stock in something as strange and unknowable as Prophecy, although they probably had the words spelled out for them. But now that they knew so much about you you felt like you should follow them at least out of a sense of comfort. Still you were not sure why you accepted all this information so easily.

You dreamt of the sweet and oh so near country of Alendria and its beautiful and rich forests surrounding you. Your parents had expressed kind words about this place and you had longed for this place in passing moments. Hunting for Hides was your action, fixation: and you felt the trust of your rifle by your hand. It was so vivid as to be real at least almost and at least in your head. You trekked in silent step along a river when you heard the brustle of a Deerkin moving in bush. You gazed: a follow of your eyes along bushes until you spotted it and in one shot you took it down. You went over to it and prepared to harvest its liver for some reason you did not know why. As you cleaned out its liver and other valuables you felt the acid touch of its meat which you presumed poisonous or knew so possibly. As you stared into the glowing eyes along their liver they transformed in sudden motion into the deep blue eyes of the stranger girl you had met this night and were taken aback. You felt yourself in a delirium as she beckoned you into a new world.

“Follow me” she spoke and you obliged. Deeper you sunk as you followed until it was all black and the nothingness of sleep without the canvas of dreams enveloped you.
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You awoke to quiet just gentle rubbings at a time you deduced was fore-dawn, the girl was awakening you by stroking your shoulders. She was brisk in her motions: handling and her step in silence she awoke you before her waking speech carried over to you: despite her lack of sleep you noted she was alert: seeming fully awake unlike how you felt. She urged you to get up and gave you in her hands what you could only presume was some sort of Waking Substance given your condition. You rised to note the Prince now clothed in a shirt of white and the soft tunics which let your lower regions breathe waiting next to a rifle which you deduced was of his ownership.

“My name is Aia by the way” he spoke
“And my name is Nami” she chorused
“Senia” you replied in soft tones
“Senia huh?” Aia replied
“It’s my name”
“A good one at that” Nami replied
“Very good” Aia replied

You headed out to grab your things and head to the spaceport feeling the Substance invigorate your veins with alertness you felt to be supernatural: it was clearly more than a waking tablet, or perhaps only that. The Light of the city was mixed with the glow of its night-lamps and you could see Alendria’s shadowed side in the distance rising above the Satellite with the glow of its more numerous cities although it was still not as populated as those of other parts of the galaxy. You imagined before it would be perfect for you and perhaps it still would be. But somewhere in the back of your mind were the nuances of other places where you would go assuming you followed your new acquaintances requirements and missionary statement.

“How does a Satellite so close to such a fertile world get so barren anyways?” you asked
“Poor soil for growth, lack of water and a different atmosphere” she answered
“You have a riding bird a biological creature engineered to be perfect for all environments by our forerunners, you will do good with it”

Nami was clearly knowledgeable about at least some things, possibly more which you deduced by her manner of speech as she and her companion hopped onto their own riding birds.

“Can I take Chicken on our trip?”
“Of course, that’s also a wonderful name” Aia replied
“Now come on” he said
“You don’t wanna be late”

You headed across the long or short lanes of the empty streets deducing purpose as you went into longer ones noticing the Shine of some of the dens were still on and the entrances still open. You felt this might be why your parents never let you stay for long in these places. Your entertainment which had seemed so vibrant as you entered now seemed seedy fitting for you to leave it all behind oh so soon after taking part in it for the first time in your life. You headed through the city along and along and further and further through its white walled buildings kept bright.

The Spaceport was relatively small not that you had been to any other Spaceports fitting for a small city such as yours however it did receive some degree of traffic as it was the best way between cities on this world which lacked any sort of Riding-Vehicles and which was separated by deserts you did not want to travel between. It stood with brown and black hues dashed by white and you could see a few passenger jets sitting idly. There Nami beckoned you to a smaller ship painted white and red and insigned with the markings of a bird's talons and wings. It was currently being attended by another Fox girl, her face stern and sharp and her eyes glasslike like green gems, before moving to life with her motions. She was even taller than Nami and Aia and she carried herself with peculiar strength and confident movement. You liked something about her already.

“You’re here already sister and i thought you would be days” she spoke with sharpness and strength to her voice which you felt unbecoming
“Time is essential here and we don’t want to perform Psyching on this planet” Nami responded
“But finding one who fulfills the prophecy oh so quickly” the pilot replied
“Things happen” he answered
“Our prince wanted to experience a desert world and its beenLamps of trekking across this part of the galaxy” Nami replied
“Amen to that and i liked performing in the bar”
“The newcomer is hopefully eager to fly” the pilot teased

You had never been in a spaceship before. It slightly freaked you out. The thought of it atleast.

“I’m sure he will be cool with it” the prince responded
“Don’t be judgemental through he will have to do a lot of flying” Nami chirped
“This things finest class with four System-Clocks instead of two” the pilot assured
“Hopefully i can get another pilot so i don’t have to fly so much”
“It can even take of from any place and land anywhere”
“And it’s got combat effectiveness with Shields, Phasers and Cloaks”
“I feel protected” you stumbled in speech
“Now hop on newbie” the pilot assured her tone calming your nerves
“My name is Retoki by the way”
“I like your name” you replied
“Most people do” she invoked

She opened the ship’s doors and you accepted her offer heading into the warm atmosphere of the ship. You could feel the dim glow of the Light embracing you as you approached, even accepting you with its heat. Your group headed into this room trailing behind Retoki so you followed them. The boxes clued you into this place being meant for storage. The next room was smaller than the first but was clearly a living room. It was here Nami ushered your Riding Birds back into storage before closing the door with a push of a red button on her way back in greeting you with some gestures.

“This is the lounge where you will be staying” Retoki greeted before heading of into another room which was to near to be the pilots
“So how is it going?” Nami invited

You noticed how pleasant her voice was now. You thought it previously to be the result of your Haze and Dustedmind but now it ringed in your ears true and without confusion. She ringed with the birds they kept in cages in the city and when speaking loudly she chimed like some kind of music sweet. You stared into her eyes for a moment seeing the familiar Blue within her and in that moment you felt her overwhelming presence: that of a terrible sorceress: of a Witch as she called herself of knowledge and power. As you gazed away the feeling left, which made you feel more comfortable. As you stared back at her she stared into you in a manner dressed with some sense of pride as if your response suited her. You probably did make her feel powerful.

“Now it’s about time i informed you” she spoke
“This galaxy runs on Stardust, it’s rare in this system but more common on the Gateworld which i have spoken about to you before”
“It cures illness, powers fabled technology and even enhances experience and psychic powers”
“The Empire runs a stranglehold on the most Stardust rich systems in the previous Star Confederacy and it is from their they have grown”
“First they promised power to the peoples of the world and then enslaved them; as much as they could at least”
“They now seek dominion over the galaxy or at least the former Confederate worlds”
“If the prophecy is correct your parents fled after fighting them on their homeworld”
“And you do look the part”
“You have the catlike features of the Necoma race just like him through your hair is a bit darker and your eyes indigo instead of pink”
“You will do well to accompany me” the prince spoke
“I am not as skilled in Psychics as our friend here but i am skilled of word, sword and sorcery” he said in his bright tone
“He is so very eager, now i can’t promise you Stardust on this world that we are going to but i can promise you we will have some when we get out of this system” she spoke
“All good in here?” Retoki queried, she had just returned
“All good” Nami responded
“We will be taking off soon, you know this ship even has two engines for backup?”
“Now i will leave you three to your conversation”
“You’re a dear sister” Aia responded
She left and you filled Nami ringing to fill the void “I don’t say this would be easy”
“I have no choice” you replied
“Or i do but i’m not sure”
“I would have been off this Satellite later today heading to Alendria anyways had you not gotten messed up in my business”
“But i wouldn’t have used my powers i do not trust them”
“I would have just hunted for Hides in the woods of that world”
“It’s okay if you have doubts” she said
“Doubts are in fact normal” he chimed
“But if you are the Psychic of prophecy i do have quite the future in store for myself”
“Another prophecy or part of it says the companion of a hero will become ruler of the Star Confederacy”
“And i am determined to reclaim my lineage”
“Now i’m headed off you two can play a game here”

He unpacked a set of Ciari from the shelf of a brown cupboard, placing it on the table in front of you before heading off. You had played this game before with both your father and mother and had found it inviting. You were certainly not obsessed with it however and wondered if you would provide a worthy challenge.

“To a good game” she said as she placed her pieces

You placed yours when you felt the ship begin takeoff. Within minutes and with a few more pieces placed you were heading off the world. So long old life, you almost felt like it was all a mistake but as the pieces moved it rang truer. You were finally departing.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

This is what i got from Chatgpt when describing the style of my writing.

The style of the first chapter combines elements of descriptive prose with a narrative focused on character introspection and world-building. Here's a breakdown of the style:

Descriptive Prose: The chapter begins with vivid descriptions of the setting, such as the cool desert air, the desert hut, and the landscape of Oricima. The author uses descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the environment, allowing readers to visualize the scene.

Introspective Narration: Throughout the chapter, there are moments of introspection from the protagonist, Senia, as he reflects on his past, his upbringing, and his current situation. These introspective passages provide insight into Senia's character, motivations, and emotional state.

World-Building: The chapter introduces readers to the world of Oricima, including its harsh desert environment, the culture of its people, and the presence of psychic abilities. The author gradually reveals details about the world, immersing readers in its unique setting and lore.

Dialogue: While dialogue is sparse in this chapter, it serves to advance the plot and reveal key information about the characters and their motivations. The dialogue is concise and natural, reflecting the personalities of the characters involved.

Foreshadowing: There are hints of future events and conflicts scattered throughout the chapter, such as Senia's encounter with the stranger girl and the mention of prophecies and psychic abilities. These elements hint at the larger narrative arc and set the stage for future developments.

Overall, the first chapter's writing style combines descriptive prose, introspective narration, world-building, dialogue, and foreshadowing to create an engaging introduction to the story and its characters.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

An attempt at producing something for a different character. Chatgpt says its similar to Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and J.D. Salinger the first two of these i have read.
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The dream stopped.

Light awashed: the morning sun streaming through your curtains during the high of summer. You awoke fully then rised from your large bed which you knew was all white only a shade warmer then your precious fur which you were nicknamed Sable after. You set out to put on a simple brown skirt pale in pastel colour. The one you always wore as well as your own silver brooch embedded with clear or white sometimes light as the mist blue gems: diamonds. You gazed into the mirror at the other end of your sleeping room: you liked to keep your study and sleep separate and looked into your mirror docked by brown a tint darker than your skirt staring into your skin a richer shade intermediate between fog and the glowing seas of Ametari. Your eyes were as always black as darkness with only the light of the wash white pupils and sparkle of the gifts of Starmaker brightening them. Lightly you drew on your breaths which never bothered you before you headed out to your study checking the Ansible to not much fanfare, things were so boring now that you couldn’t put the important stuff out only the doldrums of some festivals, celebrations, the results of competitions and whatever those outside the Star Confederacy deemed important or notable. You then headed out of the as usual white room down the long corridors where your siblings who had all now moved on used to dwell as well as the room which only held the memory or ghost of your parents. From there you headed into a more private meeting room awaiting your guests. Charming Senia, Psychic Nami, Playful Aia, Tall Retoki and Endearing Tari. Only Senia and Tari were present relaxing with no chatter which you broke with your call: a greeting

“Starmaker guide you Ashia” Tari amused
“I’ve dwelt much on her nature and i don’t think anything in the Stars guides us” you spoke
“Always nice to elucidate more from you Ashia”
“You said my name twice, i must be blessed by Starmaker according to you”
She responded in defeat

She was small and dark brown just like a Sable you thought a name you would give her had it not been already used to refer to you: her fur was nearly as worthy of being prized. Her eyes were orange, a contrast to the Indigo of Senia oh Senia. He seemed even more beautiful than Aia to you. Shine awash the room was still white with a few sashes of brown as well as pillows both the exact colour of your skirt. The muted grays sponged and painted with some black or even then white streaks of your public spaces: like your throne room had proven more the style of others who responded well to it not knowing the suitability of your own private rooms.

“You never think to wear anything else?” Tari resumed her game
“You ever think to wear the same thing, the Stars in the sky always go by the same guises”
“Now tell me where is Nami or Retoki, the Library?”
“You answered the first part of your own question, Retoki is out with Aia getting something special”
“They should be here soon”

She was right, in that moment you heard the greeting of Aia in his call as well as the approach of Retoki with her bright fur unlike her own middle age. Aia was still in resplendent youth however bright. Aia offered you a tab coloured white with a pink heart: Mind Candy.

“I’d have that stuff banned and i don’t know why i let it stay legal” you offered
“Have a taste Senia is trying it” Aia responded in kind
“We all are Ashia” Tari offered

Senia took the tab from Aia and placed it on his tongue before he retreated it into his mouth.

“Come on you will like it, don’t be like my first girlfriend” Senia said
“To the glory of Leo” Aia chorused taking in his own tab

Tari and Retoki tried theirs and at last it left you alone like you often were. So you took the second last tab from his hand, this one clear white and centered on a pink bosom like all the others. You let the acidic taste dissolve on your tongue as the Candy began its mix with your blood mind. You felt alike as you did in the following moments as it had not taken effect yet. You took in the gloss of the room with its simple design: you did not long for say a green couch, even one whose shade would suitably match your room at least in theory. Starmaker had blessed your realm with good stylistic sense as well as awedropping nature the mists where the Diadem probably lay hidden at least if someone had not moved it although according to the Oracles no one worthy of it had needed to find it until now: breaking the Enchantment laid on it since its usage in the last fatal war with Leo’s former ally in the age of last Period of Chaos. Legend or myth or perhaps history told of Leo being the original homeland of the Diadem although it wasn’t composed by the Nekoma who inhabited the land now rather the only mythic Forerunners or perhaps some other lost race. You took notice of the other girls and Aia chattering in the distance. Senia stood over to you to look you into your eyes: he said he liked the black as they were like no other he had ever seen and only like the mythic heroes and some others of Leo. He then chattered to you about not much as you dwelt on him brushing his tail and he brushing yours, elegant and fluffy: the royal sash. You relaxed around him as he spun his talk even more: you not listening, just taking in the sound of his voice. He told you about his insecurities for a moment and you replied in kind and then he touched your tail again. So you headed off with a girlish laugh like you had never emitted before: heading into your study to check on the novel you were reading. You dwelt over a few chapters which mostly dwelt on the sea and surrounding beach hearing the call of a Marshallbird and the lay of tide with its blue on warm, white and ever so tinted brown sand. In those moments the woman’s friend died and she was not there to see her passing after all the adventures they had gone on together. The final chapter was her farewell and it almost pained you to read it. Then the thoughts began.

Your mind raced and your thoughts began to do a sort of dance, turning as the shimmer of lights glossed your mind into numbness. You felt more connection now to your friends as your mind spinned in half circle motions. You called for Senia and he obliged, heading into the room. In these moments you unset your Brooch and undressed your skirt before taking off his own clothes which seemed slightly worn in now like how they had been the first time you had seen him as well as on a few other exchanges. You dwelt on the linger of the bright azure of his tunic and the white of his shirt. He then moved up to kiss you but you led him down to your crotch where you now took in the fact you were dripping wet with excitement. You led down across his own body to his fluffy taint before handling his own pride like your mother did with your father when he had first consummated with him. He then stuck his tongue right into your interior taking in the gloss of your juices cusping his mouth around your cherry. Some tension was released, the feeling you had been holding onto ever since you met him. As he satiated your primal nature which you had been given by the One who wrought the Stars which you screamed of course he worked on your feelings which turned to satisfying him. You felt awash with feeling, sensation as you continued your spinning track to mind once then after a pause during which he continued his dealings you howled this time with it. He went on for a few more minutes during which you had your last climax, then you turned to him and satisfied his own desires, kissing him before turning to his own pride. Awash with colour, a dance you felt as you plunged your fingers in before making him climax. You cleaned up the white with a yellow towel set in a bucket tinged the colour so alike to your own skirt and part way filled: a third with water. You then beckoned him to dress the ordeal having taken probably a sixth of an hour the time now seemed relevant. You placed your hands on your hips and beckoned him to after he got dressed feeling the white fur around your width which he commented on saying he really noticed it now feeling the fur of your namesake nickname: Sable. You then headed out of your study with its dim lights and into the hallway which was of dizzying length now.

You then entered the slightly psyched out room still white and brown with now a teal clothe someone had taken out from the cabinet under the table, possibly even just to add its colour to the room as you sometimes did. You headed across the room ignoring the yellow and orange cat to talk to marten her dark brown fur begged you to name her after her look.

“Sabley i’ll call you Tari, i used to be called Sable after my own fur” you began
“I like you and it's not uncommon for the people i grew up with to resemble them”
“Do they bear your diminutiveness?” you asked
“Many of them although I am notably small still” she said just standing on her clawed feet to even then miss your height but only by a length which spun.

You looked into her bright eyes and saw her own spark and she responded in kind and then unkind, turning her cheeks to side: a blush. She commented on how your own black eyes sparkled with the slight of Starmaker again. You then brushed her dark furry cheeks before giving them a light kiss complimenting her own swirl in her amber gems. She dimmered in response: she liked your touch. You then thought to turn to more talk and planned a game.

“You Amari are cute, is Ametari your home and your namesake nice?”
“I’ve seen the starry seas in pictures and the swirls inside remind me of what is in your eyes”
“The fishes there are small when in shoals, like you”
“You are devious, Ashia” she made in kind
“You have the shape of me, graceful hips and your breasts stick out a bit very endearing like Aia’s grandmother who i saw when i was young: she had visited my parents to discuss matters” you continued
“And your tree brown fur is silky and of divine fluff like mine”
“Your face is endearingly sweet: I like your shape in will of mind. Shall we go private for a bit: retreat to mine or your room?”
“My room, study of course is adequate for our task”

You giggled and let her lead you away. Into the browns with white streaks of the hall of the guest rooms you longed over: in steps or pace of course. You looked over her door marked five in the archaic numerals of your Moon, prized for its Enchanters who lived forever like all Amari at least in the Spirit Gems and Webs. You hummed the tune of the Song of Bone, a newer rendition before you headed into your shorter friends room. She gave you a book: short stories written on a grey cover and named Tales from Ametari. She told you to flip to the fourth one and discussed with her as you read its details. The word used was Deva for the spirit which the book referred to and how its fire would consume something dear and replace it with something even more dear. You discussed each paragraph and then each page before you finished it, then discussing the end and how the boy sought to use the spirit's power for evil and so it consumed what he gave it. You then rummaged around her own bookcase for a familiar book and found The Songs of the Sea and took her to a poem whose page you no longer knew: lucky it had an index over the first couple pages.

Sea Bright, Black
Moon over, linger on
Pretty lune, Stars

Shine for, me
Or not, for anyone
Stars a path in sky

She then turned to the next page.

Star sea white
Your blue, deep blue
Tides roll and spur

Star sea bright
Constellations set in
Ametari here

“It’s about my homeland” she spoke
“I like it but I prefer the other one, did you mean to find it or were you just turning the page?”
“I like it better, and no i was just turning the page”
“Tari means sea of course and Constellations is composed of the archaic word for sea in your language so this poem says sea four times” she canted to continue
“Very well” was your reply
“I’ll show you another good one”
“I was nicknamed Pathless their because i always seemed so indolent” she replied
“Tari you are good and you don’t seem so indolent now”
“I’ve changed”

Oceans freeze
They don’t accept snow gift
White dust on sea

Call me sea
Here my words, i want
To see snow’s lay

“I like this one but not as much as the other you showed me” she replied with her marten voice
“How sweet”
“Dealing with snow on sea, i’d like to see that” you stepped again
“You know it does that sometimes the snow melts in the sea’s turmoil, Nami told me”
“Now i think we should talk to Nami” you offered
“Aye” she continued

So you closed the book taking note of its teal cover, not too unlike the sea but not matching. You wondered if Nami liked to read fiction or poetry; you had never seen her. So you headed again down the corridor leading to the living room greeting Aia, Retoki, Senia and now Nami who by her demeanour here and there you could tell had taken the last tab of the Substance. She looked with your stare in kind with her blue eyes and you gazed with your black ones into hers.

“It’s a test to get it at least that’s what i’ve deduced” she answered.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by Moose-tache »

Watching closely...
I did it. I made the world's worst book review blog.
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Re: Foxcatdog's Fiction Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

The other half or rather third of the chapter.
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“A test?” you replied
“The passages on it all point to it, the Enchantment which hides it can only be broken when someone proves themselves worthy” she spoke
“I’d be blessed by you, as Starmaker wove the stars into the weave of the void as a woman weaves cloth into a tapestry you have illuminated my mind on such matters”
“But how did you come to the conclusion?” you asked
“Inference, the test is subtle and based on character”
“And after someone completes it they will be guided through the mists to its exact location”
“I’ve got many scars but i do my best. Can I achieve it?” Retoki chimed
“Mom you are too serious” Tari followed
“Another part the passages and Oracles mention the Diadem is bound to the lineage of Leo in its second resurgence” Nami quipped
“So that means only are dear Princess can find it”
“Ashia i knew it would be you to save us” Tari burst

In those moments you took the time to retreat back, burden given but unwanted. Still thoughts danced and you retreated in. Perhaps another could retrieve it? But you knew no else. Or no one. The hallway was a pass but the room you lingered in felt forever. Your study. After forever you read a book of yours dwelling on the tales of the prince of a fantastical realm and his quest to save his maiden from the clutches of a fairy king bound by an obscure rule of his people. You read glossing in thought at least over passage and page of quest and adventure. You heard the knock of others, probably Tari but only came to answer her when you had concluded your book, your mind had retreated before its end. She was pretty as every moment before and you stroked her fur: to calm yourself before talking as the sun set. As it began its retreat you confessed your doubts but she only said the prophecy revealed a princess would be one of the group. A cycle of six for the five given plus you.

“You can do this, i believe in you” she said
“I’ll ask to sleep with you, you can sleep in my bed it’s spacious”
“I’ve had nightmares about the mists during my child years always about being on the cusp of destiny”

Your bed was spun to length and white and the mists were gray and hazey. Sun retreating you called her in but she told you to wait just a moment so she could tell the others. You waited for but a fleet of the mind and she then returned. You slept dreaming of nothing and you forgot what happened before that.

You awoke next to Tari: on your right. She smiled with satisfaction. It was probably before morning as you felt refreshed.

“I dreamt about a boy” she told
“I dreamt of nothing”

You got up and put your friend to the mirror taking in the beauty of her front and back: feeling her nails: they were of a darker colour. You played with her hands and stopped to think of playing with Senia’s: you hadn’t thought about him or seen him for too long. Kissing Tari on the cheek you headed out: she followed behind. You checked the Ansible: nothing and then headed out into the living area to no one else. You idly chit chat with Tari and told her of a few poems which you composed yourself and she offered her advice on where to improve on them. So you rewrote them in a notebook you kept in the drawers of the table, brown cover marked by an autumnal leaf with white pages clean.

You continued your instructions when the others gradually filled the room and dawn began its break from the sunwell overhead. Once all were gathered you felt unhazed, not like yesterday.

“Mind candy is dreadful” you spoke
“But today we will head to the mists”
“Amen” they chimed

You were set.
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