Dream sharing thread

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

zyxw59 wrote: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:29 pm I was getting hired by a hotel to do security. I showed them how easy it was to get into the building, without ever passing a security guard, or even passing thru the lobby. There was a staff entrance about 20 feet down the street from the main entrance, and it was unlocked, at least during business hours. I went to show the person who would be hiring me, and I had to tell her to stand far enough away so that her badge wouldn't trigger the wifi-operated lock. I showed her that even when she wasn't standing nearby, the door was unlocked. Then I showed her how one could go directly to the stairwell, without coming in view of the front desk in the lobby. I also pointed out that just as easy would be to walk into the lobby, and blend in with the crowd of legitimate hotel guests.
I had a similar situation in real life once. My first day on the job at a laptop repair depot, I noticed the door was unlocked and many of the laptops were just sitting in the front room. I pointed out the vulnerability while also admitting that my noticing that a few minutes into my first day made me look like the kind of person who might think about doing it. I've been told I have a criminal mind and that this isn't a bad thing because people need to predict crimes in order to stop crimes.

I was walking along a long bridge , made very slippery from the ice cover. it was still snowing. i saw some road signs facing the other way that seemed to say "ROMP AROUND" but i reasoned with myself that they actually said "RAMP AROUND" since that would make more sense. Then a bit further down, there was a sign facing away from the road and away from me (i.e. on the left edge of the road, and facing to my left) that told us that a film studio was recording themselves asking people questions, and that this would cause "QUEJE". the word QUEJE was written in all caps, larger than the others, but with no translation. in this dream, queje was the Spanish word for confusion (I didnt know about the real https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/queje ). I wondered aloud why Spanish was on a road sign that was otherwise in english.

But it turned out that Queje was a dark movie about a woman who believed in a religion where God had died ~2000 years ago and although I dont remember the details there seemed to be a lot of violence involved. Then it made me think about how paganism wasnt always hostile to Christianity, and that some of the Vikings had considered themselves Christopagans. I remember saying to my mother "Vikings believed in Jesus ..... but prayed to Thor .... because Thor was the god of war." (lines separated by ellipses because it was windy out and difficult to speak continuously). I might have said "worshipped" instead of "prayed to".

Jan 20

A long but very simple dream. I was working in a retail store, and twice during the dream was interrupted by an announcement that a two-man team of shoplifters had entered the store's warehouse from outside and were robbing us of merchandise. We couldn't arrest them, but only stand still and watch in the hopes that they would give up and go home. The second announcement contained the name "DK"; this was an abbreviation of something from the first announcement, but I'm not sure if it was the name of the two man team or if it was a retail code.

I dont remember much else from the dream, but I'm pretty sure that it was a long dream because I remember the second shoplifting event taking place quite a long time after the first.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I dreamed that I was carefully brushing my teeth. Then I woke up and felt kind of disappointed to discover that they weren't freshly brushed.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I don't remember much of last night's dreams, but I do remember that part of it involved trying to get something done in a spreadsheet. Looks like all the word I've done with wordlists in spreadsheets recently is starting to seep into my dreams.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

Last night's dreams, at one point, involved books that looked like aged books from the early- or mid twentieth century, but the books were about recent historical and political events.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Salmoneus »

Most of my dreams are ordinary - at least for me (note: compared to this thread, apparently they're not?).

But I had one that stayed with me recently, not for its primary content, but for its stinger.

Blah blah, normal dream things were happened - fairly mundane, odd but made sense - and they mostly came to end. Cue sudden camera cut to reveal me (for some reason temporarily a young blonde woman) in a strange prison cell that also looked like the stern of a longboat, upside down. The cell door was an organic pattern of what looked like bone, and kind of reminded me of the cells on Farscape. At which point it was revealed that I'd been charged with some crime or other on another planet, and I was being extradited via space ship. End dream.

Not as in 'and then a sound woke me up before I found out what happened next'. As in 'and that was the conclusion of the dream'. Otherwise of course alien extradition would be pretty normal for a dream... but it just irritated me that my subconscious had decided to stick that on as a twist, a pre-credits stinger, with almost no explanation and absolutely no resolution, after a seemingly unrelated dream [there was enough linking material, who I was and who some other prisoners were, that it was clearly the ending to the preceding dream, but the entire aliens-and-legal-jeopardy aspects came out of nowhere.]
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by akam chinjir »

Possibly the most pedestrian dream I've ever remembered: something (don't remember what) made me late, and everything was already closed, and wouldn't be opening for at least another week, because of Chinese New Year (that's Taiwan for you). The dream ended with me wondering what I was going to do for food.

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

Last night, I was in some sort of airborne fortress, apparently created by the British army. Indeed, apart from me, most people were English: there was the actor Hugh Laurie, and also Salmoneus was here (I don't even know what he looks like, but that was him). Björk was also here, though she spent her time caring for her flower pots instead of helping us fight. Because we were under attack from a plane squadron, over a harbor. Oh, and apparently some of those planes were actually on our side but pretending to be our enemies, and one even docked on our fortress so that one member of our team could board it and become a spy. But we took some heavy fire, lost altitude, and had to do an emergency water landing. It ended in a complete psychedelic vision where Björk turned into a flower and began to sing, with her flower pots suddenly becoming alive and doing backing vocals.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

The other night, I was playing a very dangerous game, which involved playing volleyball (or was it tennis?) with explosives, in the middle of a science museum. Among the participants were Richard Gere, Rick Moranis, Emmett Brown and Marty McFly, and several characters from The Godfather. There was also a plot involving Beethoven's autograph manuscripts.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I was rehired to my old job selling cellphones in the mall. The store was still in the same place as it was five years ago, but there was very little work to do, and we mostly sat around chatting. I recognized two of the other employees from when I had worked here before. Despite this, I quit after the first day because I realized I was going to be spending so many hours there that I'd have to pay taxes on the income, and I didn't really need the money anyway. Even so, I decided to complete the second day ... a Sunday .... before I formally resigned. I think I was being driven to and from work by the man who had hired me, who I had worked with five years ago.

Sunday was just as lazy as the previous day had been. In fact, by 7pm, we closed the glass doors and pulled the curtains, and I think some of the other employees put on a movie. We were getting paid for all of this and it was just normal, apparently, for us to piddle around like this. Most of us had taken off our shoes to be more comfortable as we sat back and relaxed. I noticed I had two winter jackets now, apparently because I had mistakenly taken someone else's which looked the same as mine. I thought I had remembered marking mine with my initials, but neither of the two jackets had any markings on them so I wasnt sure which was mine and which was someone else's.

But I heard someone at the door and we decided to let them in. It turned out to be a toddler looking to buy herself a new phone. Children in my dreams tend to be in control of their own affairs, so this was nothing remarkable at all and we treated her like any other customer. In fact, I actually thought that the girl was an employee at first, because we seemed to gain and lose employees like the wind at our store, none of us were doing any real work, and a 3-year-old working a full time job would make perfect sense in my dreams. I think we also sold toys in our store, and it seemed that the girl was interested in some of them, but quickly moved on to talking about her ideal new phone.

But even though the girl may well have been the only customer we saw all day long, we decided to try to talk her out of buying a phone from us. She needed a phone that would have service in Mississippi and Alabama, and our carrier was so weak in that area that we actually outsourced it to a roaming partner who also provided service in Libya. I remember looking at a splotchy map with another employee (named Steve) while a female employee sat down with the girl and talked about the details of the phone contract. We decided that we would send the girl to a different phone store in the mall, which was in fact the store where the female employee used to work. This was no big deal either, because none of us were really concerned about whether we got any sales. That store specialized in phones for the elderly, and for some reason we thought that they might also be good at selling phones to young children, but the primary reason we sent her there was because that carrier had better service in the areas of the South where the girl was going to be traveling.

After the day ended and we went home, I was trying to look up "calculate labor week" on my own cellphone, and having a lot of trouble with the Google search interface, which kept adding semicolons and seemed to be designed for typing programming code rather than ordinary searches. In fact what came up was totally unrelated ... a list of Twelve Days of Christmas parody songs. I was worried about taxes and kept trying to search even though I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere because the interface wouldn't cooperate.

--- skipped a bunch...
Mar 29
Work in CVS bldg, but now selling foam alphabet toys by the letter. Helvetica font, mostly yellow. Boss was Ed & he was carrying thin toilet paper which he said was for coloring with crayons so kids won't color outside the lines. I spit on a door right before his daughter touched it.

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

I have a weird tendency to "break the fourth wall" during my dreams... I don't remember much about last night, apart from the ending. I was standing in front of a large house, and something was burning in front of the garage. I remember telling someone:
"Well, we'll have to find another house."
"Why? Hopefully the fire brigade will arrive on time, and stop the fire before it spreads."
"In normal times, I'd agree. But this is the last episode of the season (???), so there's a 90% chance that the whole house burns down."
"Yeah, you're probably right."

I was also talking about Franz Xaver Mozart, Wolfgang's second surviving son. Apparently (I know nothing about him apart from reading his Wikipedia page), he was a well-respected pianist, conductor and music teacher, but his composing work was unremarkable, and he mostly ended up conducting his father's works.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

i dont usually post this type of dream since there arent any real new elements but its been a while so...

I was in school expecting a math test, but when I went into the classroom, I didnt recognize the students and came to realize I was in the wrong class and that my test was tomorrow. Thus, I realized, I didnt need to be at school at all, so I left and prepared to walk home. This was at least four floors up ... i turned right and entered the elementary part of the school, and kept walking a ways until I reached an area where the walls ended and I saw bright sunshine above me. With some kids around me, I said something like "Hmm, I might just jump..." but a small boy behind me urged me to instead grab the flagpole and slide down to the ground. So I did.

Walking home, I turned right again and entered an area near the state's largest shopping mall, which was about 40 miles from home. I was walking towards school buses but knew that this was the fastest way home. I remember some construction work going on and a dumpster. I seemed to have a superhuman ability to walk very quickly, and in the context of the dream this was normal and I didn't think twice about it, and didn't think that walking 40 miles to get home would be a problem.

I was walking home from the mall, and it was a long journey, so I had to walk on my hands. I could move faster this way by pressing down hard and holding my legs parallel to the ground. There were five boys near me that I think were also walking to the same general area as me. That is, we all had the same 40-mile journey. But they weren't walking as a group and neither was I part of any group. Still, we followed the same basic path and at one point ended up in a trap where we would have to climb high to get out.

note: i actually had dream 1b) before 1a), but the two fit together so perfectly that I reordered them. I suspect the two were originally unrelated but my brain made a subconscious connection towards the end of 1a.

why these dreams stand out to me is that a few weeks ago, i was at the shopping mall and instead of walking along the long, hilly road between the shopping center with Target and the one that housed the main part of the mall, i jumped the fence and then crossed through a swampy area, then an empty parking lot (for an unrelated business that only opened on weekdays), then a road, then another swampy area, and then another road. I probably didnt save much time,* but it was fun and it's the sort of thing I tend to do. I was sure I was going to end up dreaming about it because something about swamps seems to stick in my mind when I dream. But instead, I dreamt specifically about the second road.

*nope, looked it up just now and that road is over a mile long. I made the right choice.
A video game fight similar to this but with a male fighter instead of a woman, who did poorly and ended up in the boss's hand. The boss squeezed the man until he was down to 10 HP, whereupon the fight was over and the man was moved to "Naugh, New York", a small district outside NYC that had been around a very long time but resisted incorporation. Here, he was put into the care of a priest named Naugh. Only then did I see the man up close ... he was tall and looked part black, and I thought that he might be Brazilian.

Similar to 1, but I was instead walking *between* two schools, which I think my brain soon interpreted as two bldgs on a college campus, because that's where I was. I took a shortcut out the 2nd floor just like last time, but this time it landed me in an unexpected area. I reversed direction and was still unfamiliar. I remembered seeing a diner named "Eagle Brady" that I'd been to long ago when I'd don't know how it cook ...someone named Bernie had worked there (this was in vermont) and someone named Tim.

Due to a magnetic storm of some sort, it was 11:30am and still dark. The sun was in the sky, but it wasn't making the sky bright like it usually does. It was a sort of dark gray, almost black, and the stars were visible even though clouds also were visible. Then, a short while later, the sky was bright blue but it was raining even though there were no clouds near us.

There was more to this dream ... I remember a Japanese man at our house, but wasnt clear if he lived there or was visiting. He was "hardy" and seemed comfortable with the magnetic storm as if he'd seen it all before.

Ive had at least four dreams about these bath toys lately, some very detailed ... e.g. last night I dreamt I was at a store where they sold only the numbers, not the letters ... and they were individual, thinner than normal, and came in as many different colors as paints in a paint store. (They also had letters but they were much smaller and not really the same toy.)


May 1, 2019
Well, it's been a good run, but I'm facing eviction again just like I was 3 1/2 years ago, ....I recognize this emotion, and I'm pretty sure that my happy playful dreams where I get to do anything I want and people pamper me like i was 5 years old are going to stop immediately. These paradise dreams began suddenly in August 2016 right after I found a new place to live where things went unexpectedly in my favor. When I hadnt yet found a place to live, I had had a series of helplessness dreams where I was faced with impossible hurdles and had no way to get out. Now that my future is once again in question, my dreams may flip back over and become helplessness dreams, in which I'll probably be too embarrassed to post them. If not, I'll just get mundane dreams that I don't care much for.

Dreaming about baby toys and then sharing the dreams might seem to others to be the most awkward and embarrassing thing imaginable, but those dreams gave me comfort. It was fun while it lasted.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

My dreams are totally different now .... but theyre not really like the unpleasant dreams I had in 2015 and was expecting to have again. I just wanted to post one fragment of a dream I had last night ....

I wasreading an Archie comic book, i think a fullsize 11x8 magazine. Near the end was a story with Archie & Mr Weatherbee where Archie keeps annoying the Bee. At the end of the story, a strange man in a car runs over Mr Weatherbee just as Weatherbee was about to enter the school, but Mr Weatherbee blames this on Archie as well, because apparently Archie kept the doors open and that made the man in the car assume that it was OK to drive inside the school and run over the principal. The absurdity of the plot didnt hit me until just now .... I keep laughing as I think of the final panel where the principal is under the car with his broken bones screaming "ARCHIEEEEE!"
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I think I recently dreamed I was watching two people disagree on the ZBB. I think it were Zompist and Salmoneus. I don't remember what the disagreement was about, though.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I dreamed that I was in Geneva for some kind of climate-related thing.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

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Last night I dreamt I was talking online and said something critical of Google. Within a few seconds, a drone flew through my apartment window and started attacking me as though it were an animal. It was easy to fend off the drone but seemingly impossible to injure it. I remember even in the dream saying that it was a coincidence and that it was more likely just a boy playing with his new toy.

Ive decided to try integrating my dreams into my conworld. Since I mostly dream about mundane things, a lot of them can be transformed into writing material. Not everything goes, of course .... but even odd details like which color is missing from a set of letters and numbers can be used to add details to a story.

even so .... Pizza Hut dream:

I went to a Pizza Hut restaurant ("on campus") on the day of a major promotion for a meal that was $5, and was $6.99 with extras and a drink. But when I got there there was a sign saying that the restaurant had just moved "DOWNSTAIRS : (" without giving a reason. so i went down two flights of stairs and it was just a woman, her 2 kids, and a few other people in a single room. there was a TV but no menu. i was able to order but the woman seemed disoriented and tried to look at the place on the wall where the menu should have been.

This dream was likely caused by me going to a restaurant where the woman's son with Down's syndrome was in the room and believed that he was taking the customers' orders. Her other son had been in the restaurant too but he wasnt there this time.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

might as well add one more ...

There was a Chinese man named Warner .... he belonged to a sect of Christianity whose members always took Western names, and therefore that was his only legal name .... and he was involved in Western politics, and frequently made controversial posts on Twitter that drove off his own supporters. I remember thinking that he was like Elon Musk. Even so, he still had a lot of supporters. His name may or may not have been a pun, since e.g. he was warning us that Trump would lose in 2020 because white turnout would be only 17%.

I think in this same dream I was living at Bayside Village, an apartment complex in Portland ME where I lived a few years ago. I was talking to a family, though I think just the husband and a newborn baby were with me at the time. Their rent was going to be a bit over $2000 per month.

Probably a separate dream.... I was at "my house", but it was enormous, several stories tall and hundreds of feet across. It was a sunny day, but we knew rain was coming soon, and around 2pm, I heard the first clap of thunder. The sky quickly grew dark and I raced around the house trying to shut all the windows. As I went down to the lowest level, suddenly hundreds of tiny frogs invaded the house. They jumped in such a regular pattern that they actually stayed in single file even as they jumped. I remember thinking that I no longer needed to clean my room since my room was no longer the messiest part of the house.

I managed to close all but two of the windows. Those two were actually located indoors, forming part of a large glass playground structure that had been built for the then-six-year-old son of the original architect. The playground was sized such that an adult could not get into it in order to play, so it had been sitting there in the house the entire time I'd lived there without me being able to use it. The bulk of the structure was contained inside a glass dome that could only be entered from above, which was about 15 to 20 feet high, but I was much too big to fit through the slot that led to the interior. ( I remember having tried to climb on the dome the first day we moved in, and although I was able to roam around the edges of the glass dome by gripping handholds, these were spaced too close together since they had been intended for use only by small children. )

There were many children sitting in a row outside the playground, and the boy on the far end was talking about growing a goatee someday and I said that if he did, I would too.

Now I decided to try to enter the glass dome again, but this time I entered the structure through a narrow tunnel at the lower left edge. I crawled through the tunnel and reached the area where it intersected the main glass structure, but the ceiling there was much too low for me, so I wouldnt have been able to stand up even if i were able to push through. It seemed that this tunnel was only an exit, anyway, and that the glass dome could indeed only be entered from the top. So I crawled back out, noticing the tunnel was very compact now and I had no room to spare. The end of the tunnel was no where in sight no matter how much I crawled. I then woke up from the fear of suffocation.
Last edited by Pabappa on Wed Sep 11, 2019 6:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by TomHChappell »

Tunnel dreams are supposed to be about birth.

Or, you know.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I think honestly that dream is my brain's way of saying I can't go back .... not to childhood (which is obvious), ....but to the place I lived a few years ago which I came to associate with children and childhood. Where I live now is much less nice than where I lived before, and my dreams have been radically different since I moved out.

I went to a store that I believed was closing down. This was inside a school, and finding the store was quite an endeavor because buildings in my dreams are usually enormous and this was no exception. There was also a very large cafeteria in the school, and I believe that I went there but didn't eat anything because I would have had to pay individually for each item instead of just grabbing a ready-made meal. There were lots of gyms as well, which seems to happen a lot in my dreams because gyms are wide open rooms with lots of ways in and out. However, there were not many people at the school.

At one point I was staring at a sign telling me where to go, but for some reason I either didnt believe it or just didnt feel like it, because I started going the other way. A young boy who had been watching me the whole time patiently told me to follow the sign, as if he thought I hadn't seen it, but I looked at him and said something like "no thanks, I don't take advice from .... nevermind". I dont know why I was seemingly in a bad mood.

When I got to the store, which i believed was affiliated with Dollar Tree, I saw that in fact the store had not closed down, and that it was now affiliated with Walgreens. Thus all the prices were normal. Feminine hygiene products took up much of the store, and I'm pretty sure that this store was meant to serve the general public despite being inside a school.

I spent the rest of the dream slowly walking the aisles and looking at items individually, eventually spending most of the time in the book section, where I found several interesting books, such as an encyclopedia, a book of pre-WW2 history, and a poetry book in which one of the pages was covered mostly with /p/ and /b/ words and it seemed that the author had done that as much for visual effect as for its sound. One poem switched to a conlang (or perhaps just gibberish) in the middle of the poem and the previous line told the reader to skip 10 lines if they couldnt understand it, even though the poem was only eight lines long. In this book, there were somehow integrated movie clips that I could turn on and off with the press of a button, each of which was confined to its individual page. The book cost only $8.00, and I was preparing to buy it when I woke up.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

Raphael wrote: Fri Jul 26, 2019 11:43 pm I dreamed that I was in Geneva for some kind of climate-related thing.
I think my dream was climate-related, too: last night, I dreamt I was eating in a restaurant with my girlfriend here in Saint-Denis, and then I went into an organic shop where someone was crushing spices and, when I came out, the whole city was ablaze.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

new page coming soon ...

I was at a warehouse job, in a long narrow building with a bathroom at each end. At one end, there was an enormous pool of green, polluted water, and it's possible that the building was in fact a ship but it never played a part in the dream. With two coworkers, I went to one end of the ship and prepared to unload a large amount of trash. But as a prank, they pushed me into the polluted water. They laughed and one of them made fun of me for earlier saying that the water was very dangerous. Even so, they made it up to me by doing the job themselves instead of having me help.

So I needed to take a shower. I went to my room (again, this makes more sense if it's a ship), took off my clothes and wrapped myself in a bath towel. Then I went to the nearest bathroom, which I think was on the same end as where we were dumping the trash. A few seconds after I entered the bathroom, another man ("García") also entered the bathroom, or he may have stopped just before entering as he saw me get there first. He wanted to shower too. I pressed my head against the inside of the door and closed my eyes, thinking that I really would be OK with letting him shower first, since I had only brought my towel, and didnt have soap or a second towel to dry off with. I think I had initially just entered the bathroom to see if it was free. I thus had no reason at all for standing by the door instead of letting him in. But just as I didnt want to move, neither did he seem interested in going to the other bathroom.

I just remembered that there was a female boss in this job, and she was incompetent, and relied on us men for sympathy. I remember explaining to her that I had been in retail for 15 years and that's why I knew so many things that she didn't.

separate dream:

walking home from my traditional warehouse job, we had had a conversation involving why Osama bin Laden fled to Afghanistan after 9/11 even though he wasnt from there. It was night and there was a very tall sign across the parking lot, i think for a restaurant. i took a wrong turn on the way home, though, and ended up walking by a water treatment plant, which seemed to spray water into the air from time to time, which I was afraid to even breathe. Despite the dream starting out in the middle of the night, it was daytime by this point.

Right in the middle of the area with the sprays was a store that took up the whole width of the road, so i had to walk through it. The boy running the store was very polite, but I wasnt in the mood and I kept insulting him as his explanation for why his company had rebranded itself so many times didnt convince me. i remember saying something like "So, you have 40 different other brand names, but this is the real one?" Still, even I admitted I was being rude towards the end and apologized partially even as I prepared to move on without buying anything.

This dream consists mostly of elements from my last two dreams, with very little content of its own. The water even smelled the same in both dreams.

Ive now posted three dreams in a row where I meet someone very polite and return the favor by treating them like trash. And two of these were young boys. I want you all to realize that this is just my brain's way of telling me that my own behavior hasn't been up to par lately, and I've run out of other people to blame for it.
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