The Contradictory Feelings Thread

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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

I don't have any unemployment benefit (I'm technically on unpaid leave), so the point is moot.

Besides, would you be required to take the first offer if it's 500 km away from your current home??
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Travis B. »

Ryusenshi wrote: Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:51 pm Besides, would you be required to take the first offer if it's 500 km away from your current home??
I don't recall there being any such exception. (Of course the way to get around it is to not respond to any job postings for jobs far away and turning down phone calls for such jobs, so one never gets any offers for them in the first place.)

I once did move more than twice that distance because I was out of a job and desperately needed a new one since money was running low.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

So does mine, but I'm in a Catch 22 here: how can I relocate without money? Anyway, I've sent the dossier. I doubt I will hear from them again before January, so I'll see then.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by doctor shark »

Yay for holiday contradictory feelings!
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(1) Being at home does feel nice, especially my first trip back to the US in about a year (and my first trip back as Dr. Vampireshark). I like spending time with my mother, and the new kittens are little bundles of joy and evil.
However, my brother has surprisingly quickly gotten on my nerves, and it took... what, about a week and a half? And it's not just one thing, but a confluence of things: driving behavior, his general behavior at card events (including major slow play), his propensity to stay up and play loud videos until very early in the morning... to be honest, it all didn't seem like that much of an issue when he visited me in October, so IDK why it's grating on my nerves. But it certainly is.
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(2) I got some Christmas gifts from relatives. I did get some money from my aunt as a congratulations for my doctorate, which I really do appreciate (seeing as how she's not the most stable financially). I also got a LOT of money from my father... with whom I have a complicated relationship. The latter really is setting off alarm bells, and while I'm grateful for the gift, I don't know why, but I'm fearing ulterior motives and something underfoot. And I definitely shouldn't feel this way, but after how he treated me like shit last year, that's part of why I'm feeling a bit uneasy.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

Does your brother not have headphones? When does he wake up?

I used to play too fast when I played chess, go etc frequently.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by doctor shark »

MacAnDàil wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:09 am Does your brother not have headphones? When does he wake up?
He does, but he chooses not to use them. Especially if I ask. And he normally wakes up... well, noon is quite early for him. Normally about 1 or 2 in the afternoon.
MacAnDàil wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2019 5:09 am I used to play too fast when I played chess, go etc frequently.
I think for me that I'm used to playing quickly, but normally people taking their time when they play is never an issue for me. The issue is when they stall and appear to intentionally stall, and this is the case here.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by MacAnDàil »

Wow. That's annoying. Unfortunately some people do this on the bus. How could at least play the same videos quieter.
But what does he do to wake up so late? Does he work night shift?

Ah, it seems like playing the clock, then? Or is there not even any clock, it's just for some kind of kicks?
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Vijay »

I used to wake up about that late years ago when my dad shut off the Internet every night and I was trying to stay awake until it came back because I knew he was trying to make me go to sleep earlier. :P
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

OK, so I've heard again about the job offer in Nantes, and it's serious. Like, "they have an employment contract ready" serious. They're giving me 2 days to make a decision. I was thinking about signing...

...except I've just been contacted again by another company for a possible job in Toulouse (which would be much more convenient, and possibly more interesting). I explained the situation. They're ready to advance the planning a bit, for a final round of interviews next Thursday.

Aaand now I have to make a tough decision again. Should I ask the first company for a delay?? Or follow the old proverb that "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush", and sign right away??
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

OK, so I've asked the Nantes guys if I could have two more days to make a decision. It seems like a fairly reasonable request, right? (It's annoying: they say "we'll contact you later", I don't hear anything from them for a month, then a few phone calls, then nothing again for three weeks... and then suddenly it's "you have two days to decide".)

If the Toulouse company makes me a serious offer on Thursday, I'll sign it. On the other hand, if they still give me a vague "we'll contact you later", I'll drop them and sign with the Nantes company.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

Aaaand of course they refused my request for an extension, and I have to make a decision by tomorrow. Ugh.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ares Land »

Ryusenshi wrote: Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:37 am OK, so I've asked the Nantes guys if I could have two more days to make a decision. It seems like a fairly reasonable request, right? (It's annoying: they say "we'll contact you later", I don't hear anything from them for a month, then a few phone calls, then nothing again for three weeks... and then suddenly it's "you have two days to decide".)
Typical. I think it's part 'we signed that contract and we need someone right now!!!!' and part trying to pressure you into signing without negotiating too much.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

I saw the people from Toulouse on Thursday, and they were still saying "we're interested in you, but we can't hire you until we have some actual contracts". No, thanks, I'm tired of waiting. So, I've signed for Nantes.

Good news: I officially have a job! :D
Bad news: I'll have to find a place on a short notice. Oh well. At least the housing market isn't as bad as in the Paris region.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Ares Land »

Good news! Besides, Nantes is a very nice place. Well, except for the weather.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Travis B. »

Good news: I got booting with the multitasker in place for zeptoforth working!

Bad news: The system crashes if I try to start the execution of a task other than the main task. It works fine if I create another task without starting it, but breaks once I start it.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Raphael »

Corona has arrived within a few kilometers of where I live. Of course I've known for a while that that would happen, but I'm still not sure what I feel about this.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by malloc »

Given that I have long identified with the far left, I really ought to rooting for Bernie Sanders and angry that he has lost so badly over the past week. Yet mostly I just feel burnt out regarding politics and cannot seem to summon much enthusiasm for the primary now that Biden seems inevitable.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Linguoboy »

Raphael wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:07 pmCorona has arrived within a few kilometers of where I live. Of course I've known for a while that that would happen, but I'm still not sure what I feel about this.
I'm feeling a certain amount of anxiety about this. Chicago (or, rather, the near suburbs of Chicago) actually had two of the first reported cases in the USA, but there was a clear link to Wuhan and they immediately self-isolated. Now clusters are popping up in areas of the city and events are being cancelled left and right, including this weekend's St Patrick's Day Parade. My employer sent out a couple of e-mails yesterday summarising some of the precautions under discussion, including cancelling an entire quarter of classes.

So it's coming home in a very concrete way and I realise I'm not ready for my life to be majorly disrupted for an open-ended period of time. I'll most likely be fine, but I know a lot of more vulnerable people who I fear won't be.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Travis B. »

Well, more good and bad on the zeptoforth multitasker front - the good is that it now multitasks - the bad is that it scrambles input when more than one task is active, and if a task exits it crashes. I tried a redesign of the IO architecture when the multitasker is in place, in hopes that it will fix some of the input issues, but we will see how well th at works.
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Re: The Contradictory Feelings Thread

Post by Travis B. »

Well... I have been talked into writing a disassembler for Thumb-2 code for zeptoforth. Apparently this is an essential, must-have feature, so the user can decompile compiled Forth words. Thing is that A) this is going to be a lot of work and B) this is going to take up a lot of flash space. The latter is only acceptable because the Cortex-M4 processors I am targeting have a full meg of flash. I could shrink it by writing it in assembly, but I do not feel up to writing a disassembler in assembly as opposed to in Forth.
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