Because I used my hand sanitizer.
Pom pwas, pampasavombo, mažžap popifabo pampos. Šažios, fampos plampumpampabampi.
but now-GEN, feeding-disease-GEN-see-1P-LOC-1P, soap-ACC find.a.large.amount-TR-1P struggle.1P.GEN. today-GEN, diverge-1P-GEN root- wine-bottled-3P-POLITE.INCH.POSS-1P.PAST
But now, the plague has made soap hard to find. So today I bought vodka instead.
Yes, it's really happening. Hand sanitizer is hard to find and I heard people with corner stores are selling it at high prices, but the price of hard liquor is set by the state law at least here, so it can't be price-gouged, not legally anyway.
I'm not panicked about the virus just yet .... I use hand sanitizer for everyday use ... but I'm stocking up on things I suspect will be in short supply for a long time.
Plampumpampaba is the word I used for vodka; the inflections ("polite translative possessive 3rd person to 1st person past") are all packed into the
-ampi at the end, and the two /a/'s merge.
Pabampavo, džappo ... piššelwopi pabwapas piti ... pom peppapios šiva.
silly-surprise-see-1P, honest-1P ... buy-1P<CAUS>.1P.PAST warning.letter-GEN close.eyes-REFL-1P.PAST ... but problem-C-1P-GEN different.3P
I feel a bit silly to be honest ... buying it despite the warning .... but I've got other things on my mind.