Dream sharing thread

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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

A much shorter dream this time .... I am only posting it because it's conlang related. First, a background ... last night I spent 3 hours watching people I recognize from Instagram, one of whom I know better than the others, participate in a 20-round drinking game in which they each have to draw a picture from a description and then post their interpretation to the group, where the ones who are judged to have the worst entries must take another drink as punishment. I think the drinking was voluntary. I tuned in a bit late but I got to see the last fifteen rounds or so.

In the dream, though, the game continued into a truth-or-dare session, which at some point led to one of the group participants deriving a new noun suffix for Icecap Moonshine (one of my conlangs), and that suffix was an alternative nominative suffix to describe how great the participants felt, meaning it turned any noun it attached to into a term of praise. That suffix had several forms, I believe, depending on the noun it attached to, but the one I remember is -us.

This is suspiciously similar to Latin, of course, and may be a memory of my early sketch of Moonshine in which by chance I ended up deriving /-us/ as a secondary nominative suffix, i.e. for a 2nd "declension", which was entirely optional ... e.g. any noun could take the -us or not take it, depending on the speaker's whim .... though I never ended up using it.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

Last night, I was hanging out in a flat with a few Marvel characters, including Black Panther (I don't remember the rest), and also one Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (I forgot which one). An alarm system said someone was coming: they gathered around the door, ready to attack if necessary. It was actually Finn from Star Wars: no need to panic.

Later, President Donald Trump came to the apartment. :!: I received him coldly yet politely (I can't stand him but he is a President). To my surprise, he spoke fluent French, and declined my suggestions to switch to English. He had a proposition to make, and I thought I'd listen to it at least. At one point, he handed me a bottle of water, in case I was thirsty. I was suspicious, and instead of drinking it, I splashed it on his face, aiming for the mouth. Sure enough, after unwittingly ingesting a bit of the liquid, he started screaming in agony, aged very quickly, and died.

Not knowing what to do, I went to another room, and saw my brother vomiting in a bucket, visibly sick. I asked him to come see the corpse in the other room. Then I woke up.


Another one I had last week. I found a old magazine, which talked about a film... starring my parents. They had played the lead roles in a film in the late Seventies or early Eighties! I asked them why they never told me about this. It was a love story, somewhat based on their actual lives, in which a guy (the article speculates that he might be Jewish) met a "pretty brunette", they fell in love, but the woman got pregnant and the guy, who's a bit of a slacker, had to find a job (for the record, my father isn't Jewish, and they waited to have stable jobs before marrying and having kids).

I decided I had to find a copy of this film, which proved difficult (it was quite obscure). My brothers and I went looking for it in lots of video stores, and pawn shops. We were driven around by my grandfather, which did surprise me: he seemed perfectly able to drive, and I thought he was no longer able to because of Alzheimer's (the most surprising fact should be that he was alive at all: he actually died one year ago).
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

My coworker Paul, who is a man in his 50s from New Jersey, had started a cult (a strange new sect of Buddhism, where everyone wore orange robes). I had joined the cult, and was a community organizer, trying to set up cult community events. However, Paul was trying to make a very large rhubarb tart and utterly fucking it up, including at one point filling the pie crust with sour cream. He was so frustrated with this that I said "ugh, fine, I'll do it" and took over making the tart. I spent much of the dream preparing this two-foot-wide rhubarb tart while he sat there in his gilt embroidered robes in the lotus position with his back to me and told me what to do.

Finally, the tart was finished, and it now fell upon me to deliver the tart to our rival cult. It wasn't poisoned or anything—simply a "gesture of good will." So I got on the train to go deliver it, but as soon as the train started moving I looked down and realized I had boarded the wrong train, and was now indeed standing atop a moving freight train. I began fretting about how this train wouldn't stop at my station and I'd have to transfer and be late for my meeting with the rival cult leader, and I woke up (my alarm went off).

All day my brain has been randomly playing the image of me standing on top of a freight train, robes billowing behind me, holding a giant rhubarb tart.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

Apparently there is such a thing as a rhubarb pie incorporating sour cream...
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Ryusenshi »

Ever dreamed about being in school naked? Well, I had the 2020 equivalent: I dreamed I was in the middle of a store without a mask.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

I dreamed that my manager (who I have an awful crush on, fml) told me that his two hobbies are 1) playing knockoff versions of Tetris, and 2) "darting," which is jargon for licking poison dart frogs.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

Ive had no shareworthy dreams since June 15, and my activity was somewhat in decline even before that. I've recently stopped drinking *and* cut back on my sleeping pills, and that may be related, since my most recent standout dream, from May 21, happened right after I drank a lot of wine.

I dream a lot about school, and in particular, I dream about having a test in a class I havent studied for, or even for a class I hadnt been attending. This is a very common dream for a lot of people. But for me, these dreams are often pleasant, as I realize early on that I didnt need to take the test, or that it was very easy. For example one dream started with me realizing I was in the wrong math class and ended with me walking 40 miles home in bright sunshine, happy and full of superhuman energy.

Ive never dreamt about being naked in public, either as a dream by itself or as a scene within another dream. Ive had a few dreams in which I am underclothed, but I see them as metaphors for helplessness rather than embarrassment, and these scenes never co-occur with the school dreams, likely because my school dreams typically take place in a high school or a combined elementary/middle/high school and my brain always keeps scenes with children family friendly.

The coronavirus has affected my dreams very little. Ive had only one dream that explicitly involved exposure to the virus .... where a coworker (but in the dream, she was a classmate) sat down right next to me and told me she was infected. One other dream involved the virus very tangentially ... basically, i was in a bank and took note of the fact that the lobby was open, unlike most other banks. A third dream involved me handling these toys, which Ive been using as decorations for years, but not wanting to touch two of the "2"'s because I had touched them just after touching a door handle that I hadnt sanitized.

EDIT: i *did* dream i was naked in public, just two months ago. In fact I dreamt I was naked at 32F. however, i was in the woods and was able to hide from people while still communicating with them. I wasnt embarrassed, just a bit annoyed, and this detail didnt really contribute much to the plot of the dream.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

Okay I had a dream I was playing a sport resembling basketball, but we were only allowed to touch the ball with one hand at a time, meaning the optimal strategy was to form into inward-facing groups each contributing one hand in order to keep a good grip on it. The ball was too large for one person to hold, but there was no rule enforcing dribbling, etc so once we had a grasp on it we could walk around as best we could in that awkward huddled position. Physical violence was allowed, and I dont think there was any concept of "foul", but I was part of the winning team and we didnt get tackled at all during the dream.

In the dream, use of either hand was allowed, just not both at once. If this were to be a real sport, it might be necessary to force players to put on some type of glove that prevents them from using that hand, since it would be difficult to see what's going on in a crowd of people all facing away from the camera.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Risla »

My coworker kept throwing away butter knives in the break room trash can. I was like "what are you doing? You know you can reuse those, right?" but she kept doing it every time she came in.

But then, a student gave me a small pound cake, accompanied by six butter knives. "What am I supposed to do with these?" I thought, and my coworker pointed at the trash can. "Ohhhh, now I understand!" I responded, and threw my own butter knives away.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

I couldn't help but read coworker as cow-orker.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Linguoboy »

Travis B. wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:18 amI couldn't help but read coworker as cow-orker.
I remember folks saying things like "someone I ork the cow with" and even "orqueador de vacas" on alt.usage.english back in 199mumble.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

Risla wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:40 am My coworker kept throwing away butter knives in the break room trash can. I was like "what are you doing? You know you can reuse those, right?" but she kept doing it every time she came in.

But then, a student gave me a small pound cake, accompanied by six butter knives. "What am I supposed to do with these?" I thought, and my coworker pointed at the trash can. "Ohhhh, now I understand!" I responded, and threw my own butter knives away.
Were these metal butter knives or plastic ones?
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

Linguoboy wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:57 am
Travis B. wrote: Mon Aug 17, 2020 10:18 amI couldn't help but read coworker as cow-orker.
I remember folks saying things like "someone I ork the cow with" and even "orqueador de vacas" on alt.usage.english back in 199mumble.
Somehow I question the legality of orking cows. I don't know what cow-orking is, but it just sounds wrong.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by sasasha »

Someone chucked three crisp, green €20 notes on my sleeping body on the train in the bright early morning, as a thank you for assassinating Trump.

I turned them down groggily, but instantly regretted it.

I returned to my elite medieval-tech school for semi-magical assassins. My cohort greeted me in the yard with gruff recognition; up till then I had been an outcast. I still looked like a weakling, and I was late for drill, but I had an excuse for my lateness that no one could ignore.

Our captain, a stacked woman with a grim wry grin and spiky blonde hair, pointed me to the daubing table. "You'll find what you need on the blank slate." The slate held a pair of leather gloves and a red chalk inside a small iron pen. I knew that the gloves were there to tempt me; reaching for them would risk expulsion. I saw my cohort all had pinkish symbols drawn on their arms; it was so cold I had mistaken them for flushed skin.

The symbols varied widely. I didn't know what to draw. A topless, also blonde young woman with small, lumpy, cold-blanched breasts approached me. "Don't you want to know what my marks mean?" she said. Hers resembled wild lacerations covering both arms. "You heard of my rampage earlier, I suppose. These marks honour my victims."

She gestured to me to draw, as if I should now know what shape to form. Oddly, I found that I did. In the weather the chalk was abrasive against my skin and the colour didn't take well. I drew a cup, or half a coin, where a watch should go: a straight line just below my wrist-bones, and a curve towards my elbow, coloured in as best I could.

The young woman stared at me. "Do you know what this sign means?"

I shook my head.

"It means you will not die when you should. And don't take comfort. You will endure pain and long for death, and when your death finally comes, it will be ignoble."

I stared at my wrist, thinking that such a banal symbol should not have so unpleasant a meaning.

"Of course, it's just a story. But the others will treat you differently because of it. Stories are important. Sometimes they write us themselves."


A half-awake interpolation included the detail that I already had a tiny tattoo of a red bird where the symbol was supposed to go, so I ended up with a red bird in my pink cup, drawing attention from the sages.
Last edited by sasasha on Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:40 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by sasasha »

Ryusenshi wrote: Wed Jun 17, 2020 2:37 am Later, President Donald Trump came to the apartment. :!: I received him coldly yet politely (I can't stand him but he is a President). To my surprise, he spoke fluent French, and declined my suggestions to switch to English. He had a proposition to make, and I thought I'd listen to it at least. At one point, he handed me a bottle of water, in case I was thirsty. I was suspicious, and instead of drinking it, I splashed it on his face, aiming for the mouth. Sure enough, after unwittingly ingesting a bit of the liquid, he started screaming in agony, aged very quickly, and died.
Seems I'm not the only one. Phew.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

My dreaming has started back up lately, averaging almost one dream per night, but I've been less interested in writing them down lately, so some of the more abstract dreams are effectively lost to my memory now. I'll stick to only posting conlang-related dreams .... this morning I had a dream that was mostly about candy, and my finding small colorful plastic toys in various shapes such as road signs, but they were made of candy, and all colors except the yellow ones were edible. Only at the very end of the dream I started to think about "Lollipop Moonshine", a version of Moonshine without the dental lateral /ḷ/, but with a shift of /r/ > /l/ in the coda, making /l/ very common. It had 22 consonants and 4 vowels. I will probably eliminate /ḷ/ (and indeed i was thinking about doing so before the dream) but save the other shift for potential daughter languages.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Raphael »

I just had one of the weirdest nightmares of my life. I was trying to type something on a computer, but it had some kind of autocorrect and always corrected what I wrote to something I didn't want to write. I couldn't find out where to change the settings to end that. And I had to do stuff in a hurry - for some reason, the computer was connected to some old-school VCRs, and I had to start recording something in a few minutes.

The twenty-first century, together with memories of the 1990s, produces weird nightmares.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Pabappa »

I get dreams like that from time to time .... though usually my frustration dreams are about typing on mobile phones rather than traditional PCs, and the technology is "too new for me" rather than too old. When I do get a frustration dream involving a normal PC, at least in the cases I can remember offhand it was due to being infected with a virus ("Helping Hand" or a virus that messed with search results). But even dreams with events like these dont trigger the emotions that I would need to call them nightmares .... my dreams all in all are pleasant experiences.

Just now I had a dream that we had a foot of snow here and I had to shovel the snow both at my own place and at my parents' place, and my parents were not really appreciative of it, and kept trying to trick me into saying that I was unhappy at the new apartment, using their bad hearing ability to misinterpret what I said on purpose. But yet I still wouldnt call it a bad dream, and I at least remember shoveling the snow at my own place without feeling exhausted or angry.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

I had a very NSFW dream involving the Simpsons, and it did not involve a windmill in a miniature golf course. That's all I'm going to say.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
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Re: Dream sharing thread

Post by Travis B. »

I was moving into an apartment tower in Madison for a job I got there but I didn"t know what the rent was or what floor I lived on, and neither did it seem that my parents, who were helping me move, knew either. We did know that it was some Indian girl who lived in the apartment before me from the name on all the mail she left behind.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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