Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

This is my the conlang I’m currently working on (working name: /ˈweːɰiˌzaŋkəŋ/). It shouldn’t be terribly difficult to romanise, but I’m interested to see what everyone comes up with.


The underlying (=morphophonemic) consonant inventory is as follows:

|m n ŋ|
|p t s k|
|β ɹ z ɰ|
|r j w|

Phonemically there are several other consonants, but they can be analysed as arising from the application of phonological rules:
  • The retroflex consonants /ʈ ɳʈ ʂ/ can be straightforwardly analysed as clusters /tr ntr sr/.
  • The palatals /ɲ c ɲc ɕ/ are in complementary distribution with the alveolars and velars after /i j/. It appears that all palatals can be analysed as either an alveolar or velar consonant which has been palatalised by a preceding /i/ or /j/. (But it may have disappeared on the surface: e.g. |kəeintəna| /ˈkeːɲcəna/, though this is uncommon.)
  • You could analyse nasal+stop consonants as prenasalised on the basis that /ɳ/ occurs only in the cluster /ɳʈ/. I don’t see this as a particularly compelling analysis, but I’ll use it nonetheless.
Thus the phonemic consonant inventory is:

/m n ɲ ŋ/
/p t ʈ c k/
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/
/s ʂ ɕ/
/β z ɹ ɰ/
/r j w/


There are seven short vowels and five long vowels:

/a e i o u ə ɨ/
/aː eː iː oː uː/

Phonotactics and stress

Maximal underlying syllable structure is ((C₁)C₂(r))V(C₃). All consonants but /ŋ/ are allowed in the onset; the coda can be either a nasal or a stop. In onset clusters, C₂ can be a stop or /s ɰ/; if it is a stop, C₁ may be a homorganic nasal.

Primary and secondary stress are predictable from morphophonemic representation but become unpredictable if given only the surface form. In stressed syllables (of either type), the nucleus may only be a long vowel or one of /a i/. You need not represent stress in a romanisation.


/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

/m n ɲ ŋ/ < m n gn ng >
/p t ʈ c k/ < p t d ch k >
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ < mp nt nd nch ngk >
/s ʂ ɕ/ < s sz sch >
/β z ɹ ɰ/ < b z wr v >
/r j w/ < r y w >

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ < a e i o u ŏ ĭ >
/aː eː iː oː uː/ < â ê î ô û >


/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/
Nandâmŏnûrŏnâit wabewêyem. Sitnî arŏêwerûwramkang arŏêrarurâm. Nîm yêrasawrêwat, worû, pangksiyâ, sĭmpiriyam, zawrê rŏwêwêbâvabâvĭ, wrêvepkĭ. Waberêranignêm. Sitni 44 yêjatnu szâvignatkângwram. Nâkabâvŏng wîreângkrŏm. Wawrangkeng tayŏsabinêwananîchŏwrâm. Wîmatki îwingkrawra vîzŏm wêreritîsho.

(Why is 44 not given a phonetic value?)
Last edited by Rounin Ryuuji on Fri Jul 09, 2021 5:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Karch »

/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n ny ng>
/p t ʈ c k/ <p t tr tj k>
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ <mb nd ndr nj nk>
/s ʂ ɕ/ <s sr sh>
/β z ɹ ɰ/ <v z l q>
/r j w/ <r y w>

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ <a é i o u e ï>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <aa ee ii oo uu>

Non-initial primary stress on short vowels is written with an acute accent.

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

Nandraamenuulenaait wavéweeyém. Sitnii are'eewéruulamkang are'eerarulam. Niim yeerasaleewat, woluu, panksiyaa, sïmbíliyam, zalee reweewévaaqawaaqï, leeqépkï. Wavéreeraninyeem. Sitni 44 yeeyatnusraaqiinyatkaanglam. Naa kavaaqeng wiiréaankrem. Qalángkeng tayesavineewananiitjeraam. Wiimatki iiwinkralaqiizem weeréritiisho.
Zpaf kkuñb ñvneahttiñ wqxirftvn meof ñfañhsit.
Kkuñb ñvzxirf kvtañb kkuñf ñtmeaq sfañkqeanth.
Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq. Yvnmuq.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

/m n ɲ ŋ/ <m n n ñ>
/p t ʈ c k/ <p t tr t k>
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ <mp nt ntr nt nk>
/s ʂ ɕ/ <s sr s>
/β z ɹ ɰ/ <f d dr g>
/r j w/ <r j b>


There are seven short vowels and five long vowels:

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ <a e i c u v z>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <q y l o w>

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/
Nantrqmvnwdrvnqit bafebyjem. Sitnl arvyberwdramkañ arvyrarudrqm. Nlm jyrasadrybat, bodrw, panksijq, szmpidrijam, dadry rv bybefqgafqgz, drygepkz. Baferyraninym. Sitni 44 jyjatnusrqglnatkqñddram. Nq kafqgvñ blreqnkrvm. Gadrankvñ tajvsafinybananltvdrqm. Blmatki lbinkradragldvm byreritlso.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
Travis B.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Travis B. »

/m n ɲ ŋ/ ⟨m n ń ñ⟩
/p t ʈ c k/ ⟨p t tr c k⟩
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ ⟨b d dr j g⟩
/s ʂ ɕ/ ⟨s sr ś⟩
/β z ɹ ɰ/ ⟨v z x l⟩
/r j w/ ⟨r y w⟩

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ ⟨a e i o u ë ï>, /a i/ ⟨à ì⟩ when stressed
/aː eː iː oː uː/ ⟨â ê î ô û>, ⟨á é í ó ú⟩ when stressed

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

Nadrámënûxënâit wàvewêyem. Sitní àrëêwerûřamkañ àrëêraruxâm. Ním yérasaxêwat wořú pàgsiyâ sïbìxiyâ zaxé rëwéwevâlavâlï xélepkï. Wàverêranińêm. Sìtni 44 yéyatnusrâlîńatkâñxam. Ná kaválëñ wíreâgrëm. Laxàgëñ tàyësavinêwananîcaxãm. Wímatki íwigraxalîzëm wéreritîśo.
Last edited by Travis B. on Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:55 pm /a e i o u ə ɨ/ <a e i c u v z>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <q y l o w>
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 4:40 pm (Why is 44 not given a phonetic value?)
Um… because it means I don’t need to make up words for numbers? (Yes, I’m very lazy.)
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:15 pm
Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:55 pm /a e i o u ə ɨ/ <a e i c u v z>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <q y l o w>
Because that’s just what Nortaneous does. I’m not sure there is any ‘why’ beyond that.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

bradrn wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:18 pm
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:15 pm
Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 6:55 pm /a e i o u ə ɨ/ <a e i c u v z>
/aː eː iː oː uː/ <q y l o w>
Because that’s just what Nortaneous does. I’m not sure there is any ‘why’ beyond that.
I meant it more as an expression of surprise and perplexity. This feels like a new level of confusing (except "w" for /uː/, I guess), even for him, but I haven't been around here that long, I guess.
Travis B.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Travis B. »

I think that Nort's style originated in some of the Latin-script orthographies for (South) East Asian languages, and then got more and more bizarre over time, being done not for legitimate reasons like tone letters or ⟨v⟩ alone for schwa or like but rather just for its own sake
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

I don't like switching keyboard layouts
Travis B. wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:19 pm I think that Nort's style originated in some of the Latin-script orthographies for (South) East Asian languages, and then got more and more bizarre over time, being done not for legitimate reasons like tone letters or ⟨v⟩ alone for schwa or like but rather just for its own sake
<c q v> follow naturally from swamp conventions, at which point you only need a few more vowel letters and may as well

(the swamp inventory of vowel characters follows Natqgu, but the assignments are different; <q> is /ɔ/ rather than /ʉ/ because someone here made an X-SAMPA joke once)
Last edited by Nortaneous on Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
Travis B.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Travis B. »

Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:24 pm I don't like switching keyboard layouts
But even if diacritics are not an option, most people do things like double letters for long vowels or consonants and use digraphs (and occasionally trigraphs).
Last edited by Travis B. on Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Nortaneous »

Travis B. wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:27 pm
Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:24 pm I don't like switching keyboard layouts
But even if diacritics are not an option, most people do things like double letters for long vowels or consonants and use digraphs (as occasionally trigraphs).
that's more typing. I don't like typing either
Duaj teibohnggoe kyoe' quaqtoeq lucj lhaj k'yoejdej noeyn tucj.
K'yoejdaq fohm q'ujdoe duaj teibohnggoen dlehq lucj.
Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq. Teijp'vq.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

The genesis of the oddness is interesting to know.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Nortaneous wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:24 pm I don't like switching keyboard layouts
Neither do I. This is why I made a single keyboard layout which has every symbol I could possibly need, and is also suitable for normal typing. (I’m using it right now.)
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:28 pm The genesis of the oddness is interesting to know.
It is indeed.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

An alternative romanization for /ˈweːɰiˌzaŋkəŋ/ ⟨Weegizankvŋ⟩:

/m n ɲ ŋ/ ⟨m n in ŋ⟩
/p t ʈ c k/ ⟨p t tr it~ik k⟩
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ ⟨mp nt ntr int~ink nk⟩
/s ʂ ɕ/ ⟨s sr is⟩
/β z ɹ ɰ/ ⟨b z d g⟩
/r j w/ ⟨r j w⟩

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ ⟨a e i o u v y⟩
/aː eː iː oː uː/ ⟨aa ee ii oo uu⟩

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

Nantraamvnuudvnaait wabeweejem. Sitnii arveeweruudamkaŋ arveerarudaam. Niim jeerasadeewat: woduu, Panksijaa, Sympidijam, zadee rvweewebaagabaagy, deegepky. Wabereeranineem. Sitni 44 jeejatnusraagiinatkaaŋdam. Naa kabaagvŋ wiireaankrvm. Gadankvŋ tajvsabineewananiikvdaam. Wiimatki iiwinkradagiizvm weereritiiso.

Compare to current romanisation:

/m n ɲ ŋ/ ⟨m n ɲ ŋ⟩
/p t ʈ c k/ ⟨p t tr c k⟩
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ ⟨mp nt ntr ɲc ŋk⟩
/s ʂ ɕ/ ⟨s sr sh⟩
/β z ɹ ɰ/ ⟨ꞵ z th ch⟩
/r j w/ ⟨r y w⟩

(The voiced approximant series makes more sense when you realise they mostly arise from lenition of stops.)

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ ⟨a e i o u ə ɨ⟩
/aː eː iː oː uː/ ⟨ā ē ī ō ū⟩

Nantrāmənūthənāit waꞵewēyem. Sitnī arəēwerūthamkaŋ arəēraruthām. Nīm yērasathēwat: wothū, Paŋksiyā, Sɨmpithiyam, zathē rəwēweꞵāchaꞵāchɨ, thēchepkɨ. Waꞵerēraniɲēm. Sitni 44 yēyatnusrāchīɲatkāŋtham. Nā kaꞵāchəŋ wīreāŋkrem. Chathaŋkəŋ tayəsaꞵinēwananīcəthām. Wīmatki īwiŋkrathachīzəm wēreritīsho.

A compromise orthography:

/m n ɲ ŋ/ ⟨m n ɲ ŋ⟩
/p t ʈ c k/ ⟨p t tr c k⟩
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/ ⟨mp nt ntr ɲc ŋk⟩
/s ʂ ɕ/ ⟨s sr sh⟩
/β z ɹ ɰ/ ⟨b z ð g⟩
/r j w/ ⟨r j w⟩

/a e i o u ə ɨ/ ⟨a e i o u ë y⟩
/aː eː iː oː uː/ ⟨aa ee ii oo uu⟩

Nantraamënuuðënaait wabeweejem. Sitnii arëeeweruuðamkaŋ arëeeraruðaam. Niim jeerasaðeewat: woðuu, Paŋksijaa, Sympiðijam, zaðee rëweewebaagabaagy, ðeegepky. Wabereeraniɲeem. Sitni 44 jeejatnusraagiiɲatkaaŋðam. Naa kabaagëŋ wiireaaŋkrëm. Gaðaŋkëŋ tajësabineewananiicëðaam. Wiimatki iiwiŋkraðagiizëm weereritiisho.
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Starbeam »

or Weegizangkn

I've removed the retroflex and palatal series from the listing, and i'll treat them like allophones of the consonant beside /r/ or /i~j/, respectively.

/m n ŋ/ m n ñ/g
/p t k/ p t k
/mp nt ŋk/ mp nt ñk
/s z/ s z
/β ɹ ɰ/ v l g
/r j w/ r j w
/a e i o u ə ɨ/ a e i o u _/' y
/aː eː iː oː uː/ ā/aa ē/ee ī/ii ō/oo ū/uu

I couldn't figure out the stress pattern. Shwa is not written except around another vowel or in initial syllables between consonants that would form acceptable clusters.

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

Nantrāmnūlnāit wavewējem. Sitnī ar'ēwerūlamkañ ar'ērarulām. Nīm jērasalēwat, wolū, pañksiyā, sympilijam, zarē rwēwevāgavāgy, lēgepky. Waverēraninēm. Sitni 44 jējatnusrāgīnatkāñlam. Nā kavāgeñ wīreāñkrm. Galañkñ taj'savinēwananīklām. Wīmatki īwiñkralagīzm wēreritīso.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
Current avatar: rainbow star item from Super Mario Brothers (Japanese game franchize).
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Neonnaut »

Is it just me, or is Bradrn's conlang a future English pidgin thing? and the transcription is about living in Waverley Sydney (sitni) for 44 years? It feels slightly like casual English speech, but only slightly.


/m n ɲ ŋ/<m n n g>
/p t ʈ c k/<p t tr c k>
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/<mp nt ntr nc gk>
/s ʂ ɕ/<s sr sy>
/β z ɹ ɰ/<b z r x>
/r j w/<r y w>

/a e i o u ə ɨ/<a é i o u e ë>
/aː eː iː oː uː/<ah éh ih oh uh>

a b c e é ë g h i k m n o p r s t u w x y z

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

<nantrahmenuhrenahit wabehyém sitnih areéhwéreramkag areéhrarurahm nihm yéhrasaréhwat woruh pagksiyah sëmpiriyam zaréh rewéhwébaxabaxë réhxepkë wabereraninehm sitni 44 yéhyatnusrahxihnatkahgram nah kabahxeg wihréahgkrem xaragkeg tayesabi>

Nope. But I'll keep what I got, let's try for the vowels:
/a e i o u ə ɨ/<a é i o u e ë>
/aː eː iː oː uː/<ā ē ī ō ū>

<nantrāmenūrenāit wabēyém sitnī areēwéreramkag areērarurām nīm yērasarēwat worū pagksiyā sëmpiriyam zarē rewēwébaxabaxë rēxepkë wabereraninēm sitni 44 yēyatnusrāxīnatkāgram nā kabāxeg wīréāgkrem xaragkeg tayesabi>
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by bradrn »

Starbeam wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:03 am Wēgizañkn
or Weegizangkn

I've removed the retroflex and palatal series from the listing, and i'll treat them like allophones of the consonant beside /r/ or /i~j/, respectively. … I couldn't figure out the stress pattern. Shwa is not written except around another vowel or in initial syllables between consonants that would form acceptable clusters.
I admire your creativity, but I’m not sure how well this would work. For one thing, not all palatals are next to /i/ (e.g. /ˈkeːɲcəna/), and not all consonants next to /i/ are palatals (e.g. /ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/, though admittedly all the other examples in the text are typos for /ic/). Also, schwa isn’t epenthetic — it’s very much a full vowel, though only in unstressed syllables (a property it shares with /ɨ/). And I’m not surprised you couldn’t figure out the stress pattern: it’s what you get when you run underlying iambic stress through five subsequent phonetic rules, one of which does syncope and another of which does epenthesis.
Neonnaut wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:30 am Is it just me, or is Bradrn's conlang a future English pidgin thing? and the transcription is about living in Waverley Sydney (sitni) for 44 years? It feels slightly like casual English speech, but only slightly.
…how do you get that? The sample text is just some of my recent posts to the Conlang Fluency Thread. The language isn’t a pidgin at all — I suspect any English-like feel comes from the stress pattern, the long vowels and /ɹ/. You’re right about Sydney though.
Conlangs: Scratchpad | Texts | antilanguage
Software: See
Other: Ergativity for Novices

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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Starbeam »

bradrn wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:59 am
Starbeam wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:03 am Wēgizañkn
or Weegizangkn

I've removed the retroflex and palatal series from the listing, and i'll treat them like allophones of the consonant beside /r/ or /i~j/, respectively. … I couldn't figure out the stress pattern. Shwa is not written except around another vowel or in initial syllables between consonants that would form acceptable clusters.
I admire your creativity, but I’m not sure how well this would work. For one thing, not all palatals are next to /i/ (e.g. /ˈkeːɲcəna/), and not all consonants next to /i/ are palatals (e.g. /ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/, though admittedly all the other examples in the text are typos for /ic/). Also, schwa isn’t epenthetic — it’s very much a full vowel, though only in unstressed syllables (a property it shares with /ɨ/). And I’m not surprised you couldn’t figure out the stress pattern: it’s what you get when you run underlying iambic stress through five subsequent phonetic rules, one of which does syncope and another of which does epenthesis.
Admittedly, a bit more about a language's phonology should be explained in these things besides the inventory and some phonotactics; but I am willing to admit i screwed up. I knew shwa wasn't epithentic, but I treated it as such because it occurred all the time and typing out ë everywhere would get tedious. I also found it kind of weird /u/ didn't occur in stressed syllables like /a i/? Is there a thing about that? And overall, the language reminded me of Hindi with lenition of voiced plosives.
They or she pronouns. I just know English, have made no conlangs (yet).
Current avatar: rainbow star item from Super Mario Brothers (Japanese game franchize).
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Re: Romanization Challenge Thread v2.0

Post by Neonnaut »

bradrn wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:59 am It’s what you get when you run underlying iambic stress through five subsequent phonetic rules, one of which does syncope and another of which does epenthesis.
So would there be any minimal pairs?
bradrn wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 9:59 am …how do you get that? The sample text is just some of my recent posts to the Conlang Fluency Thread. The language isn’t a pidgin at all — I suspect any English-like feel comes from the stress pattern, the long vowels and /ɹ/. You’re right about Sydney though.
I think you answered your own question. That, and some of the w words look like clitisized we, we're, were; and /sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam/ looks suspicious. Just my mind playing tricks on me.

/m n ɲ ŋ/<m n nj g>
/p t ʈ c k/<p t tr ky k>
/mp nt ɳʈ ɲc ŋk/<mp nt ntr nky gk>
/s ʂ ɕ/<s sr sh>
/β z ɹ ɰ/<b z r x>
/r j w/<r y w>

/a e i o u ə ɨ/<a e i o u h y>
/aː eː iː oː uː/<aa ee ii oo uu>

a b e g h i j k m n o p r s t u w x y z

/naˈɳʈaːməˌnuːɹəˌnaː.it ˈwaβeˌweːjem ‖ sitˈniː ˈarəˌeːweˌruːɹamˌkaŋ ˈarəˌeːraruˌɹaːm ‖ niːm ˈjeːrasaˌɹeːwat | woˈɹuː | ˈpaŋk.siˌjaː | sɨˈmpiɹiˌjam | zaˈɹeː rəˈweːweˌβaːɰaˌβaːɰɨ | ˈɹeːɰep.kɨ ‖ ˈwaβeˌreːraniˌɲeːm ‖ ˈsitni 44 ˈjeːjatnuˌʂaːɰiːɲatˌkaːŋɹam ‖ naː kaˈβaːɰəŋ ˈwiːreˌaːŋkrəm ‖ ɰaˈɹaŋkəŋ ˈtajəˌsaβiˌneːwanaˌniːcəɹaːm ‖ ˈwiːmatˌki ˈiːwiˌŋkraɹaˌɰiːzəm ˈweːreriˌtiːɕo/

<Nantraamhnuurhnaait wabeejem sitnii arheewerhramkag arheeraruraam. Niim jeerasareewat, woruu, pagksijaa, sympirijam, zaree rhweewebaxabaxy, reexhpky. Wabhrhraninjeem. Sitni 44 jeejatnusraaxiinjatkaagram. Naa kabaaxhg wiireaagkrhm xaragkhg tajhsabi neewananiikjhraam. wiimatki iiwigkraraxiizhm weereritisho>
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