Phrase evolution game
- aliensdrinktea
- Posts: 19
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Re: Phrase evolution game
Coda /n/ > nasalization
[ɪ̃ ˈnã:ˈtĩ ˈsɪksti e:t ˈstudə̃t ˈpro:ˌtɛsts ˌɪˈrʌptɪd ɔl əˈkrɔs ðə ˈwɛstə̃r wɜrld. ðe: wɜr ˈspɪrˌhɛdɪd ba: jʌŋ ˈpipəl hu rɪˈbɛld əˈgɛ̃st ðɛr ˈpɛrə̃ts ˌʤɛnəˈre:ʃə̃]
[ɪ̃ ˈnã:ˈtĩ ˈsɪksti e:t ˈstudə̃t ˈpro:ˌtɛsts ˌɪˈrʌptɪd ɔl əˈkrɔs ðə ˈwɛstə̃r wɜrld. ðe: wɜr ˈspɪrˌhɛdɪd ba: jʌŋ ˈpipəl hu rɪˈbɛld əˈgɛ̃st ðɛr ˈpɛrə̃ts ˌʤɛnəˈre:ʃə̃]
- Posts: 525
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Re: Phrase evolution game
In 1968 student protest erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelt against their parents generation
[ɪ̃ ˈnã:ˈtĩ ˈsɪksti e:t ˈstudə̃t ˈpro:ˌtɛsts ˌɪˈrʌptɪd ɔl əˈkrɔs və ˈwɛstə̃r wɜrld. Ve: wɜr ˈspɪrˌhɛdɪd ba: jʌŋ ˈpipəl hu rɪˈbɛld əˈgɛ̃st vɛr ˈpɛrə̃ts ˌʤɛnəˈre:ʃə̃]
[ɪ̃ ˈnã:ˈtĩ ˈsɪksti e:t ˈstudə̃t ˈpro:ˌtɛsts ˌɪˈrʌptɪd ɔl əˈkrɔs və ˈwɛstə̃r wɜrld. Ve: wɜr ˈspɪrˌhɛdɪd ba: jʌŋ ˈpipəl hu rɪˈbɛld əˈgɛ̃st vɛr ˈpɛrə̃ts ˌʤɛnəˈre:ʃə̃]
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Loss of terminal voiceless stops, stop + [s] > [sː];
- Terminal nasal vowels eject a coda [m];
- Coda [p b l] > [w]
- Glottalisation of medial and final [d t] when not the initial of a stressed syllable or in contact with another consonant;
- Those rebellious students begin to use an informal spelling that drops some of the now-silent consonants, and regularises a few others:
In 1968 student protest erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents generation.
Im nineteem sis'ty eigh' studen' protes's erupted oll across the wessern world. They wer spearhedded by yung peple who rebeld agens' their parens' generashem.
[ɪ̃m ˈnã:ˈtĩm ˈsɪs.sti e: ˈstu.ʔə̃m ˈpro:ˌtɛsː ˌɪˈrʌwtɪʔ ɔl əˈkrɔs və ˈwɛs.sə̃r wɜrld || ve: wɜr ˈspɪrˌhɛ.ʔɪʔ ba: jʌŋ ˈpipəw hu rɪˈbɛwʔ əˈgɛ̃sː vɛr ˈpɛrə̃sː ˌʤɛnəˈre:ʃə̃m]
Re: Phrase evolution game
- rn {lː,rl} → ɲ ʎ
- ʤ v w h j → t͡ʃ f ʋ k h
- u(:) o(:) ʌ(:) ɔ(:) → ɯ(:) u(:) ɤ(:) o(:)
In 1968 student protest erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents generation.
Im nineteem sis'ty eigh' studen' protes's erupted oll across the wessern world. They wer spearhedded by yung peple who rebeld agens' their parens' generashem.
[ɪ̃m ˈnã:ˈtĩm ˈsɪs.sti e: ˈstɯ.ʔə̃m ˈpru:ˌtɛsː ˌɪˈrɤʋtɪʔ ol əˈkros fə ˈʋɛs.sə̃r ʋɜʎd || fe: ʋɜr ˈspɪrˌkɛ.ʔɪʔ ba: hɤŋ ˈpipəʋ kɯ rɪˈbɛʋʔ əˈgɛ̃sː fɛr ˈpɛrə̃sː ˌt͡ʃɛnəˈre:ʃə̃m]
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Loss of nasalisation of vowels not immediately preceding nasal consonants;
- [aː eː uː] > [əɑ iəɛ əʉ]
- Loss of intervocalic and terminal glottal stops, in the latter case with compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel; vowels in hiatus may develop excrescent [j w];
- Loss of terminal, and some medial, schwa, with compensatory lengthening of preceding vowels;
- Loss of gemination;
- [ɤʋ əʋ] merge with [əʉ]
- Remaining [ə] > [ɐ] except where nasalised or in diphthongs;
- [f] > [h]
- The informal orthography develops further, taking some influences from Dutch and German, in solidarity with similar protests in Europe (also a few analogical spellings are introduced).
In 1968 student protest erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents generation.
Im naantiem sistie eich stuem protess irotid oll akross tha wessarn world. They wer spierhedded by jung piepo whu rebeeld agens theer parens tjeenreichschem.
[ɪ̃m ˈnəɑˈtĩm ˈsɪs.ti iəɛ ˈstɯ.wə̃m ˈprəʉˌtɛs ˌɪˈrəʉtɪː ol ɐˈkros hɐ ˈʋɛs.sɐr ʋɜʎd || hiəɛ ʋɜr ˈspɪrˌkɛ.jɪː bəɑ hɤŋ ˈpipəʉ kɯ rɪˈbɛːʋ ɐˈgɛsː hɛr ˈpɛːrs ˌt͡ʃɛːnˈriəɛ.ʃə̃m]
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Hiatus resolution with compensatory lengthening, mainly with [ə] dropping out.
- Coda nasals drop out after nasalised vowels.
- ʎd > ʎɟ
- Protests are past news, so orthography mostly reverts back to the original one.
In 1968 student protests erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents generation.
In naanteen sixty eigh stuent protests iruted oll across the Western world. They wer speerhedded by young peeple who rebeeld agens there parents cheenreeshn.
[ɪ̃ ˈnɑːˌtĩ ˈsɪs.ti jɛː ˈstɯ.wə̃ ˈprʉːˌtɛs ˌɪˈrʉːtɪː ol ɐˈkros hɐ ˈʋɛs.sɐr ʋɜʎɟ || hjɛː ʋɜr ˈspɪrˌkɛ.jɪː bɑː hɤŋ ˈpipʉː kɯ rɪˈbɛːʋ ɐˈgɛːs hɛr ˈpɛːrs ˌt͡ʃɛːnˈrjɛː.ʃə̃]
/j/ <j>
Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Denasalisation of nasal vowels;
- Diphthongation of long vowels: [ɑː ɛː jɛː ʉː ɪː] > [ɑɯ iɛ iɛi ʉɯ ɛi]
- Coda [ʎ l ŋ ʋ] > [i ɯ ɯ]
- [ie ɜi ɤɯ] > [iɛ ɛi ʉɯ]
- [ɜ ə] > [ɐ]
- [ɛ] > [iæ] before [r]
- [t t͡ʃ h k g] > [c͡ɕ c͡ɕ ç c ɟ] before [i j]
- Internet culture begins to emerge, and with it a set of informal spellings (somewhat based on the rebellious old ones) begins to enter use; the tendency to replace words with single letters, however, does not occur in this timeline.
In nineteen sixty-eight, student protests erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents' generation.
I nautie sistie eigh stuwa protess iruwted oi across the Wessar weild. They war speerhedded bau yuw peeple who rebiewd agienss hier piers tienrieischn.
[ɪ ˈnɑɯˌc͡ɕi ˈsɪs.c͡ɕi jɛi ˈstɯ.wɐ ˈprʉɯˌtɛs ˌɪˈrʉɯtɛi oi ɐˈkros hɐ ˈʋɛs.sɐr ʋɛiɟ || çjɛi ʋɐr ˈspɪrˌkɛ.jɛi bɑɯ hʉɯ ˈpipʉɯ kɯ rɪˈbiɛɯ ɐˈɟiɛs çiær ˈpiærs ˌc͡ɕiɛnˈrjɛ.ʃə]
Re: Phrase evolution game
- h c͡ɕ → x t͡ʃ
- ç x → x ʃ
- s → t͡s / #_V, _i, _ɪ
- ə æ ɛ ɑ → ɐ ɛ e ɔ
- V1V2 > V1ː / except where V1 is /i/ or /ɪ/.
- ei ʉː ʉ ɯ(ː) → iː yː ø u(ː)
- p → b
In nineteen sixty-eight, student protests erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents' generation.
I nautie sistie eigh stuwa protess iruwted oi across the Wessar weild. They war speerhedded bau yuw peeple who rebiewd agienss hier piers tienrieischn.
[ɪ ˈnɔːˌt͡ʃi ˈt͡sɪs.t͡ʃi jiː ˈstu.wɐ ˈbryːˌtes ˌɪˈryːtiː oi ɐˈkros ʃɐ ˈʋes.sɐr ʋiːɟ || xjiː ʋɐr ˈsbɪrˌke.jiː bɔː ʃyː ˈbibyː ku rɪˈbieː ɐˈɟies xiɛr ˈbiɛrs ˌt͡ʃienˈrje.ʃɐ]
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Long vowel breaking — [ɔː iː yː eː ieː] > [uɛ ai yi iɛ iɛi]
- [j ɟ xj rj] > [ʑ ʑ ɕ j], except directly after consonants
- [r] > [j] after consonants; > [ɥ] in labial environments
- [yi] > [iː] after [ɥ]
- [x t͡ʃ b] > [ɕ c͡ɕ ɸᶣ] before [i y j]
- A Sinitic adstratum provides a few new loanwords in colloquial language (but which are not accepted by authorities).
In nineteen sixty-eight, student protests erupted all across the Western world. They were spearheaded by young people who rebelled against their parents' generation.
[ɪ ˈnuɛˌc͡ɕi ˈt͡sɪs.c͡ɕi ʑai stu.wɐ ˈɸᶣɥiːˌtes ˌɪˈryitai oi ɐˈkros ʃɐ ˈʋes.sɐr ʋaiʑ || ɕai ʋɐr ˈsbɪrˌke.ʑai buɛ ɕyi ˈɸᶣiɸᶣyi ku rɪˈbiɛi ɐˈʑies ɕiɛr ˈɸᶣiɛrs ˌc͡ɕienˈje.ʃɐ]
I nautie sistie eigh xusheng protess iruwted oi across the Wessar weild. They war speerhedded bau qinianren who rebiewd agienss hier piers tienrieischn.
[ɪ ˈnuɛˌc͡ɕi ˈt͡sɪs.c͡ɕi ʑai ˈɕy.ʃɐ ˈɸᶣɥiːˌtes ˌɪˈryitai oi ɐˈkros ʃɐ ˈʋes.sɐr ʋaiʑ || ɕai ʋɐr ˈsbɪrˌke.ʑai buɛ c͡ɕi.niɛ.rɐ ku rɪˈbiɛi ɐˈʑies ɕiɛr ˈɸᶣiɛrs ˌc͡ɕienˈje.ʃɐ]
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Re: Phrase evolution game
Enough xD
What next.
What next.
Re: Phrase evolution game
There's a sample of Dothraki with IPA on Wikipedia:
[ˈnevaxi ˈvexa ha maˈan ˈrekːe ˈmaɾesakea ˈnoɾeθi ˈfitːe]
<Nevakhi vekha ha maan: Rekke, m'aresakea norethi fitte.>
seat.gen exist.3sg.pres for 3sg.all there.acc hair.gen short
There is a place for him: There, with the short-haired cowards.
[ˈnevaxi ˈvexa ha maˈan ˈrekːe ˈmaɾesakea ˈnoɾeθi ˈfitːe]
<Nevakhi vekha ha maan: Rekke, m'aresakea norethi fitte.>
seat.gen exist.3sg.pres for 3sg.all there.acc hair.gen short
There is a place for him: There, with the short-haired cowards.
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
Why not?
[ˈne.waː ˈviː ha moːn ˈ ˈmaɾeskiː ˈnoɾeːθ ˈfit.te]
seat.gen exist.3sg.pres for 3sg.all there.acc hair.gen short
"There is a place for him: There, with the short-haired cowards."
- [a.a] > [ɑː ] > [oː]
- Loss of medial [x]
- Resulting [ai ea] > [æː eː] > [aː iː]
- Loss of unstressed short vowels preceding long vowels;
- Loss of short vowels more than one syllable away from the stress, with compensatory lengthening of preceding vowels;
- Intervocalic [v] > [w]
[ˈne.waː ˈviː ha moːn ˈ ˈmaɾeskiː ˈnoɾeːθ ˈfit.te]
seat.gen exist.3sg.pres for 3sg.all there.acc hair.gen short
"There is a place for him: There, with the short-haired cowards."
- Posts: 525
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:09 pm
- Location: Poland
Re: Phrase evolution game
Unstressed final vowels turn into schwa
Newā vî ha môn: Rekke m'areskī norēth fitte.
[ˈne.wɘː ˈviː hɘ moːn ˈrek.kɘ ˈmaɾeskiː ˈnoɾeːθ ˈfit.tɘ]
Newā vî ha môn: Rekke m'areskī norēth fitte.
[ˈne.wɘː ˈviː hɘ moːn ˈrek.kɘ ˈmaɾeskiː ˈnoɾeːθ ˈfit.tɘ]
- WarpedWartWars
- Posts: 198
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- Location: tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts
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Re: Phrase evolution game
Has anyone done an Almean language yet?
(BTW I'd love to see how Dothraki turns out.)
(BTW I'd love to see how Dothraki turns out.)
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death
tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death
tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Loss of schwa
- After stressed open syllables, with compensatory lengthening of the preceding vowel;
- In unstressed structure words, attaching the consonant of that structure word to the beginning of the next word;
- After a geminate, with loss of gemination, but no compensatory lengthening;
- [eː iː oː] > [je ei ue]
- [hm] > [m̥]
- [nj rj] > [ɲ ʎ]
- [f] > [ç] before [i]
[ˈɲewː ˈvei m̥uen ˈrek ˈmaɾeskei ˈnoʎeθ ˈçit]
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- Location: Poland
Re: Phrase evolution game
Who is able to provide a Sanskrit sentence or two with a gloss?
- Posts: 525
- Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2021 4:09 pm
- Location: Poland
Re: Phrase evolution game
Who might be able to provide a sample with a gloss for the next round? It might be in a conlang
- WarpedWartWars
- Posts: 198
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- Location: tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts
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Re: Phrase evolution game
Aren't we on Dothraki right now? Also, for the next one, perhapsOtto Kretschmer wrote: ↑Wed Jan 12, 2022 2:25 pm Who might be able to provide a sample with a gloss for the next round? It might be in a conlang
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death
tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death
tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
- StrangerCoug
- Posts: 168
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Re: Phrase evolution game
Let's do Verdurian:
/ˈpi.ɾo ɛˈsjɛ ɛ fa.skoˈtɛ.nɛ ˈwɛ.stu ‖ ɛ so ˈ buˈjɛ.lɛj | im ˈda.lwan vɛɾˈdu.ɾjɛ ‖ ɛˈlwa | mun ɾa.konˈtɾɛ.tu | ɛɾ ˈlɛ tal fa.skoˈtɛ.nɛ ɛ/
My father is a busy man. He is the lord of Buyel, in the kingdom of Verduria. Here, I will tell you, and you will see how busy he is.
From there:
Piro esë e fascotene uestu. E so sanno Buyelei, im dáluan Verdúrë. Eluá, mun racontretu, er lelmo tal fascotene e.
- Piro
- father-nom
- esë
- I-gen
- e
- be-pres.3s
- fascotene
- busy-m.nom
- uestu.
- man-nom
- E
- be-pres.3s
- so
- the-m.s
- sanno
- lord-nom
- Buyelei,
- Buyel-gen
- im
- in
- dáluan
- kingdom-dat
- Verdúrë.
- Verduria-gen
- Eluá,
- behold!
- mun
- you-pl.dat
- racontretu,
- tell-fut-1s
- er
- and
- lelmo
- see-fut-1s
- tal
- so
- fascotene
- busy-m.nom
- e.
- be-pres.3s
/ˈpi.ɾo ɛˈsjɛ ɛ fa.skoˈtɛ.nɛ ˈwɛ.stu ‖ ɛ so ˈ buˈjɛ.lɛj | im ˈda.lwan vɛɾˈdu.ɾjɛ ‖ ɛˈlwa | mun ɾa.konˈtɾɛ.tu | ɛɾ ˈlɛ tal fa.skoˈtɛ.nɛ ɛ/
My father is a busy man. He is the lord of Buyel, in the kingdom of Verduria. Here, I will tell you, and you will see how busy he is.
From there:
- Stressed /ɛ/ tenses to /e/.
- Unstressed monophthongal /i o u/ lax to /ɪ ɔ ʊ/.
- Word-final /ɛ ɔ/ merge with /ɪ ʊ/.
- Word-initial and intervocalic /j w/ become /ʒ v/.
- /sj/ coalesces into /ʃ/.
Piro esë e fascotene uestu. E so sanno Buyelei, im dáluan Verdúrë. Eluá, mun racontretu, er lelmo tal fascotene e.
- Rounin Ryuuji
- Posts: 2994
- Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2020 6:47 pm
Re: Phrase evolution game
- Sequences of [s] + stop shift so that [s] is the coda of the preceding syllable;
- Vowels in open stressed syllables are lengthened;
- Vowel mutations triggered by the following vowels;
- Terminal unstressed vowels reduce to schwa; after long vowels in open syllables in words of more than three syllables are lost; [ij] > [jə].
Pühre escheh e föscötihn vöste. E se sonne büzhihlye, em dahluan Vördührye. Aluah, mun röcöntröht, er lölme tal föscötihn e.