Phrase evolution game

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /p b t d k l/ > /t͡ɕ d͡ʑ ɬ z h ɲ/ before front vowels.
  • Post-tonic /ə/ lost; then any resulting final post-consonantal /j/ > /i/
  • Rounding harmony within a word, with preference towards rounding
  • Final /m n nn/ > /mp nt ŋ/
  • Post-vocalic /l ɾ/ > /o̯ a̯/
[ˈt͡ɕyːa̯ eˈʃeː ə føs.høˈɬyːnt ˈvøst ‖ ə sə ˈsɔŋ d͡ʑyˈʒyː.ɲy | əmp ˈdaː.lɰant vøa̯ˈzyː.ɾy ‖ aˈlɰaː | mʊnt ɾø.hønˈtɾøːt | ɛɾ ˈløo̯mp tao̯ føs.høˈɬyːnt ə]
Cühre escheh e föshötlihnt vöste. E se sonne jüzhühnüe, emp dahluant Vörzührüe. Aluah, munt röhöntröht, er lölme tal föshötlihnt e.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by bradrn »

  1. lɰ → ɫ
  2. ɬ → l
  3. Rounding harmony becomes associated with backness: front rounded vowels back, consonants organise into palatalised/rounded pairs (particularly note [s~ʃ z~ʒ l~ɫ c~kʷ h~ʍ])
  4. fʷ vʷ → ʍ w
  5. uːa̯ oa̯ ao̯ → uwa owa awo
  6. Cʍ → C
  7. final stops → ∅
  8. Conservative orthographic reform [represented using Latin letters, since I don’t have a Verdurian font]
[ˈkʷuwa eˈʃeː ə ʍosoˈɫuːn ˈwos ‖ ə sə ˈsɔŋʷ ɡʷuˈzuːŋʷu | əm ˈdaːɫan wowaˈzuːɾu ‖ aˈɫaː | mʷʊn ɾoʍonˈtɾoːt | ɛɾ ˈɫoːmʷ tawo ʍosoˈɫuːn ə]
Cuo eše e fosolune ues. E so sanno Guyune, im dáluan Vordure. Aluá, mun rofontrot, er lom tao fosolune e.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • <so> the-m.s attaches to noun
  • ə → ∅ / Stop[-voice]_#
  • ə → ɐ /_#
  • ə → e / else
  • s → ʃ / _k
  • lw l ʃ ʒ tɾ dɾ → ll j ʂ ʐ ʈ ɖ
  • ɾ → ʐ / _#
  • ɾ → l
  • lj ll → ʎ → ʒ → z
  • eː → ɛː
  • yː y øː ø a aː → œy œ ɔː o ɑ ɑː
[ˈpœy.l eˈʂɛː ɐ fos.koˈtiːn ˈvos.t ‖ ɐ seˈsɔn.nɐ bœˈʐiː.jːɐ | em ˈdɑː.zɑn volˈdœy.zɐ ‖ ɑˈzɑː | mʊn lo.konˈʈɔːt | ɛʐ ˈjojm tɑj fo.ʂkoˈtiːn ɐ]
Pööle eshee e foscotiin vost. E sessonne bözhiiyye, em daazan Voldööze. Azaa, mun loconthoot, ezh yoym tay foshcotiin e.

Oops, I must have copied this over from the previous page, guess I made a sister language tho.
Last edited by Neonnaut on Sun Jan 16, 2022 6:27 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Delabialisation, [kʷ ɡʷ ŋʷ ʍ mʷ] > [k g ŋ x m]
  • [uwa owa oxo awo] collapse to [oː]
  • Long vowel breaking:
    • [oː] > [uo] (open), [uɛ] > [ɥɛ] (closed), [ou] after [w]
    • [eː] > [ia] (open);
    • [uː] > [ou] (open), [ui] > [ɥi] (closed);
    • [aː] > [au] (open),
  • Loss of final [n]
  • Final [m ŋ] > [u], resulting [ɔu] merges with [ou]
[ˈkuo eˈʃia ə xosoˈɫɥi ˈwos ‖ ə sə ˈsou ɡuˈzou.ŋu | əm ˈdau.ɫa wouˈzouɾu ‖ aˈɫau | mʊn ɾunˈtɾɥɛt | ɛɾ ˈɫɥɛu tuo xosoˈɫɥi ə]
Cuo eše e fosolune ues. E so sanno Guyune, im dáluan Vordure. Aluá, mun rofontrot, er lom tao fosolune e.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Daughterlang 1 (based on Rounin Ryuuji's most recent post):
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  1. /ou/ smooths to /oː/. (/ei/ would also smooth to /eː/ were it in the sample.)
  2. /i u/ becomes /j w/ when adjacent to another vowel.
  3. Stressed vowels in open syllables lengthen; syllables ending in /j ɥ w/ are considered closed syllables for the purposes of this change.
  4. The spelling is reformed. The romanization mostly stays faithful to zompist's conventions, but the acute is now repurposed to represent a long vowel and not just any stressed vowel; stress on short vowels is no longer marked. /ə/ is exempt from the spelling reform.
/ˈkwoː eˈʃjaː ə xosoˈɫɥiː ˈwos ‖ ə sə ˈsoː ɡuˈzoː.ŋu | əm ˈdaw.ɫa woːˈzoːɾu ‖ aˈɫaw | mʊn ɾunˈtɾɥɛt | ɛɾ ˈɫɥɛw two xosoˈɫɥiː ə/
Cuó ešiá e khosolüí uos. E so só Guzóngu, im daula Uozóru. Alau, mun runtrüet, er lüeu tuo khosolüí e.
Daughterlang 2 (based on Neonnaut's post):
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  1. Edit: Retroactively capitalized a proper noun that was lowercased.
  2. Some minor syllabification changes.
  3. /œy oj/ smooth to /œː øː/.
  4. /ʈ/ affricates to /ʈ͡ʂ/.
  5. Syllable-final /l/ vocalizes to /w/.
  6. Silent letters elide from the spelling.

    /ˈpœːw eˈʂɛː ɐ fos.koˈtiːn ˈvost ‖ ɐ seˈsɔn.nɐ bœˈʐiːj.jɐ | em ˈdɑː.zɑn vowˈdœː.zɐ ‖ ɑˈzɑː | mʊn lo.konˈʈ͡ʂɔːt | ɛʐ ˈjøːm tɑj fo.ʂkoˈtiːn ɐ/
    Pööl eshee e foscotiin vost. E sesonne Bözhiiyye, em daazan Voldööze. Azaa, mun loconthoot, ezh yoym tay foshcotiin e.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Language 1:
  • Second round umlaut — vowels directly preceding [i j ɥ[/i] are raised and/or fronted, with fronting continuing as many as the same vowel are adjacent;
    [*][ə a] merge to [ɐ];
    [*][ɐw] merges with [oː]; [ɛw] > [øː] after [ɥ];
    [*]Loss of terminal [m n] with compensatory lengthening of preceding vowel; resulting [ɐː ʊː] > [aː uː];
    [*]Laxing of remaining short vowels [i ø o u] > [ɪ œ ɒ ʊ];
    [*]Loss of terminal unstressed short vowels following long vowels;
    [*]Loss of unstressed pretonic short vowels in words of three syllables or more;
    [*]A few spelling changes occur.]
/ˈkwoː ɪˈʃjaː ɐ xœsˈɫɥiː ˈwɒs ‖ ɐ sɐ ˈsoː ɡʊˈzoːŋ | aː ˈdoː.ɫɐ woːˈzoːɾ ‖ ɐˈɫoː | muː ɾyːˈtɾɥɛt | ɛɾ ˈɫɥøː twɒ xœsˈɫɥiː ɐ/
Cuo išia a heusliuí uos. A sa só Guzóng. Á daula Uózór. Alau, mú riútriuet, er liéu tuo heusliuí a.

Language 2:
  • Long vowel breaking in stressed closed syllables: [œː iː ɔː øː] > [jo ai wo ɥe];
  • Long vowels become falling diphthongs in open syllables [ɛː ɑː œː] > [ɛj ɑw øj];
  • [s ʂ] > [ʃ] before voiceless stops and front vowels;
  • Unstressed pretonic and posttonic short vowels reduce to schwa except if the coda is [j] or [w]
  • Stressed short [ʊ ɔ] > [wo we]
  • Debuccalisation of [f] > [h]
  • Spelling changes.
/ˈpjow əˈʃɛj ɐ hoʃ.kəˈtain ˈvoʃt ‖ ɐ ʃəˈswen.nɐ bəˈʐaij.jə | em ˈdɑw.zən vowˈdøj.zə ‖ əˈzɑw | mwon lo.kənˈʈ͡ʂwot | ɛʐ ˈjɥem tɑj ho.ʃkəˈtain ɐ/
Piol ešei a hošketain vošt. A šeswenna Bežaiyye, em dauzen Voldöize. Azau, muon, lokenčuot, ež iuem tai hošketain e.

Huh, two related languages. That's nice.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /iː yː uː øː oː aː/ > /æɪ̯ ɔɪ̯ ɑʊ̯ œʏ̯ ɒʏ̯ ɑɛ̯/
  • /ɫɥ/ > /ʎ/, /ɫ/ > /ʁ/
  • /tw kw/ > /t͡sw k͡xw/ > /sʷ ʍ/
  • coda /s/ lost, /ɾ/ > /ʔ/
/ˈʍɒʏ̯ ɪˈʃjɑɛ̯ ɐ xœˈʎæɪ̯ ˈwɒ ‖ ɐ sɐ ˈsɒʏ̯ ɡʊˈzɒʏ̯ŋ | ɑɛ̯ ˈdɒʏ̯.ʁɐ wɒʏ̯ˈzɒʏ̯ʔ ‖ ɐˈʁɒʏ̯ | mɑʊ̯ ɾɔɪ̯ˈtɾɥɛt | ɛ ˈʎœʏ̯ sʷɒ xœˈʎæɪ̯ ɐ/
Cuo išia a heusliuí uos. A sa só Guzóng. Á daula Uózór. Alau, mú riútriuet, er liéu tuo heusliuí a.
  • /pj sw mw ʈ͡ʂw jɥ jn/ > /pɕ ɕw mɣ t͡ɕw d͡ʑw ɲ/
  • /ʃk ʃt/ > /ɕt͡ɕ/
  • /k/ > /ɣ/ /V_V
  • Geminate fortition; /nn jj/ > /nd d͡ʑ/
  • /ən/ > /n̩/; /ə/ lost where possible
  • /ɐ/ > /ɒ/
/ˈpɕow ˈʃɛj ɒ hoɕt͡ɕˈtaɲ ˈvoɕt͡ɕ ‖ ɒ ʃəˈɕwen.dɒ ˈbʐad͡ʑ | em ˈdɑw.zn̩ vowˈdøʑ ‖ ˈzɑw | mɣon lo.ɣn̩ˈt͡ɕwot | ɛʐ ˈd͡ʑem tɑj hoɕt͡ɕˈtaɲ ɒ/
Pśol ešei å hośćtain vość. A šeśwendå Bžaǵ, em dauzn Voudöź. Zau, muon, lokenćuot, ež ǵem tai hośćtań å.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Daughterlang 1:
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  1. Retroactively fix capitalization and punctuation.
  2. Word-initial /ʍ w/ fortite to /xʍ ɣw/.
  3. Word-final plosives debuccalize to /ʔ/.
  4. Front rounded vowels unround this time; with /ɥ/ becoming /j/ as part of the same change.
  5. Resulting /ɒɪ̯/ is confused with both /ɑɛ̯/ and /æɪ̯/ and all three collapse to /ɑɪ̯/.
  6. /j/ elides after /ʃ/.
/ˈxʍɑɪ̯ ɪˈʃɑɪ̯ ɐ xɛˈʎɑɪ̯ ˈɣwɒ ‖ ɐ sɐ ˈsɑɪ̯ ɡʊˈzɑɪ̯ŋ | ɑɪ̯ ˈdɑɪ̯.ʁɐ ɣwɑɪ̯ˈzɑɪ̯ʔ ‖ ɐˈʁɑɪ̯ | mɑʊ̯ ɾɔɪ̯ˈtɾɥɛʔ | ɛ ˈʎɛɪ̯ sʷɒ xɛˈʎɑɪ̯ ɐ/
Cuo išia a heusliuí uos. A sa só Guzóng, á daula Uózór. Alau, mú riútriuet, er liéu tuo heusliuí a.
Daughterlang 2:
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  1. Contrastive stress is lost.
  2. Syllables starting with voiced consonants except semivowels gain low tone, with the other syllables pronounced in "high" (transcribed here as mid) tone; contrastive voicing is then lost.
  3. /pʂ ʃ pɕ/ > /ʈ͡ʂ ɕ t͡ɕ/
/t͡ɕow˧ ɕɛj˧ ɒ˧ hoɕt͡ɕ˧taɲ˧ foɕt͡ɕ˩ ‖ ɒ˧ ɕə˧ɕwen˧tɒ˩ ʈ͡ʂat͡ɕ˩ | em˧ tɑw˩sn̩˩ fow˩tøɕ˩ ‖ sɑw˩ | mxon˩ lo˩xn̩˩t͡ɕwot˧ | ɛʂ˧ t͡ɕem˩ tɑj˧ hoɕt͡ɕ˧taɲ˧ ɒ˧/
Pśol ešei å hośćtain vość. A šeśwendå Bžaǵ, em dauzn Voudöź. Zau, muon, lokenćuot, ež ǵem tai hośćtań å.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • Verschärfung; /ɪ̯/ > /k~ɡ/, then /ɑ/ merges with /a/
  • /ɒ/ > /ɔ/
  • /xw ɣw sw/ > /kw ɡw t͡sw/
  • /ɥɛ/ > /i/
  • /x ʎ/ > /h ɲ/
  • /ɐ/ > /ɨ/
/ˈkʍak ɪˈʃak ɨ hɛˈɲak ˈɡwɔ ‖ ɨ sɨ ˈsak ɡʊˈzaɡŋ | ak ˈdaɡ.ʁɨ ɡwaɡˈzakʔ ‖ ɨˈʁak | maʊ̯ ɾɔkˈtɾiʔ | ɛ ˈɲɛk t͡swɔ hɛˈɲak ɨ/
Cuo išia a heusliuí uos. A sa só Guzóng, á daula Uózór. Alau, mú riútriuet, er liéu tuo heusliuí a.

  • Coda /w j ɲ m n/ > /u̯ i̯ i̯ŋ ŋ ŋ/
  • /n̩/ > /ŋ̩/
  • /mx/ > /ŋ̩˧x/
  • Coda fricatives > /h/, stops > /ʔ/ (/ɕt͡ɕ/ > /ʔ/)
  • Codas /h/ > breathy voice, /ʔ/ > creaky voice, /Vŋ Vi̯ŋ/ > /ŋ̩/
  • Orthographic changes
/t͡ɕou̯˧ ɕɛi̯˧ ɒ˧ ho̰˧tŋ̩˧ fo̰˩ ‖ ɒ˧ ɕə˧ɕwŋ̩˧tɒ˩ ʈ͡ʂa̰˩ | ŋ̩˧ tɑu̯˩sŋ̩˩ fou̯˩tø̤˩ ‖ sɑu̯˩ | ŋ̩˧xŋ̩˩ lo˩xŋ̩˩t͡ɕwo̰˧ | ɛ̤˧ t͡ɕŋ̩˩ tɑi̯˧ ho̰˧tŋ̩˧ ɒ˧/
Ćol śei å hottn vot. A śeśwndå žat, n dauzn Voudös. Zau, nĝn, loĝnćuot, es ǵn tai hottn å.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Maybe Catalan or Korean next?
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Northern Catalan (apparently)

[ˈtudz‿əlz‿ˈe̞səz‿uˈmanz ˈne̞ʃən ˈʎiwɾəz‿iːˈgwalz‿ən diŋniˈtat‿j‿ən ˈdɾe̞ts
sun dutats də rəˈu i də kunˈsjensjə, j‿an də kumpurˈtasə fɾətərnalˈme̞n‿əlz‿ˈunz‿əmb‿əlz‿altɾəs]

<Tots els éssers humans neixen/naixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets.
Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres.>
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  1. The spelling of "neixen/naixen" standardizes to "neixen" since "naixen" is Valencian.
  2. /ts dz/ come to be perceived as affricates.
  3. Vowels nasalize before a nasal consonant; postvocalic nasal consonants then elide unless the next word starts with a vowel and there is no intervening pausa.
  4. /iw/ > /ju/; resulting /lj nj/ would coalesce and merge with /ʎ ɲ/ were they in the sample.
  5. /t d s z/ palatalize to /t͡ʃ d͡ʒ ʃ ʒ/ before front vowels and /j/; /j/ then elides after postalveolars and other palatals.
  6. Intervocalic /b d ɡ/ lenite to /β̞ ð̞ ɣ̞/, even next to a word boundary (but not when a pausa intervenes).
Tots els éssers humans neixen lliures i iguals en dignitat i en drets. Són dotats de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternalment els uns amb els altres.
/ˈtud͡z‿əlz‿ˈe̞səz‿ũˈmãz ˈne̞ʃə̃ ˈʎuɾəz‿iːˈgwalz‿ə̃ d͡ʒĩniˈtat‿j‿ə̃ ˈdɾe̞t͡s ‖ sũ ð̞utat͡s də rəˈu i ð̞ə kũˈʃẽʃə | j‿ã ð̞ə kũpurˈtasə fɾətərnalˈmẽ̞n‿əlz‿ˈũz‿ə̃b‿əlz‿altɾəs/
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • /t͡s d͡z/ > /θ ð/, /ð̞/ > /ð/
  • Vowels lengthened it stressed syllables followed by a resonant or word-finally, and when nasalised; then /iː uː eː əː oː aː/ > /ɐi̯ ɐu̯ eɪ̯ əɨ̯ oʊ̯ æɔ̯/
  • Unstressed /i u/ > /ɨ/, /e o/ > /ɐ/, /a/ > /ɐ/
  • Coda /l/ > /ʎ/
Toz ells éssers humans neixen lliures i igualls en dignitat i en drez. Són dotaz de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternallment ells uns amb ells alltres.
/ˈtuð‿əʎz‿ˈe̞səz‿ɐ̃ũ̯ˈmæ̃ɔ̯̃z ˈne̞ʃə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈʎɐu̯ɾəz‿ɐi̯ˈgwæɔ̯ʎz‿ə̃ɨ̯̃ d͡ʒɐ̃ĩ̯nɨˈtat‿j‿ə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈdɾe̞θ ‖ sɐ̃ũ̯ ðɨˈtaθ də rəˈɐu̯ ɨ ðə kɐ̃ũ̯ˈʃẽɪ̯̃ʃə | j‿æ̃ɔ̯̃ ðə kɐ̃ũ̯pɨrˈtasə fɾətərnɐʎˈmẽɪ̯̃n‿əʎz‿ˈɐ̯̃ũz‿ə̃ɨ̯̃b‿əʎz‿ˈæɔ̯ʎtɾəs/
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

  1. /e̞/ merges with /e/.
  2. /p t k/ aspirate when at the beginning of a word or stressed syllable.
  3. Contrastive voicing is lost; liaison is now only transcribed between the word i and the following word.
  4. Word-final /ə/ elides unless it is the only vowel in the word.
Toz ells éssers humans neixen lliures i igualls en dignitat i en drez. Són dotaz de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternallment ells uns amb ells alltres.
/ˈtʰuθ əʎs ˈesəs ɐ̃ũ̯ˈmæ̃ɔ̯̃s ˈneʃə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈʎɐu̯ɾəs ɐi̯ˈkwæɔ̯ʎs ə̃ɨ̯̃ t͡ʃɐ̃ĩ̯nɨˈtʰat j‿ə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈtɾeθ ‖ sɐ̃ũ̯ θɨˈtʰaθ tə rəˈɐu̯ ɨ θə kʰɐ̃ũ̯ˈʃẽɪ̯̃ʃ | j‿æ̃ɔ̯̃ θə kʰɐ̃ũ̯pɨrˈtʰas fɾətərnɐʎˈmẽɪ̯̃n əʎs ˈɐ̯̃ũs ə̃ɨ̯̃p əʎs ˈæɔ̯ʎtɾəs/
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Travis B. »

  1. pʰ tʰ kʰ > ɸ θ x
  2. All coda consonants are elided
  3. All inter-sonorant obstruents are voiced
Toz ells éssers humans neixen lliures i igualls en dignitat i en drez. Són dotaz de raó i de consciència, i han de comportar-se fraternallment ells uns amb ells alltres.
/ˈθu ə ˈezə ɐ̃ũ̯ˈmæ̃ɔ̯̃ ˈneʒə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈʎɐu̯ɾə ɐi̯ˈgwæɔ̯ ə̃ɨ̯̃ t͡ʃɐ̃ĩ̯nɨˈða j‿ə̃ɨ̯̃ ˈtɾe ‖ sɐ̃ũ̯ θɨˈða tə rəˈɐu̯ ɨ θə xɐ̃ũ̯ˈʒẽɪ̯̃ | j‿æ̃ɔ̯̃ θə xɐ̃ũ̯bɨrˈða fɾədərnɐʎˈmẽɪ̯̃ ə ˈɐ̯̃ũ ə̃ɨ̯̃p ə ˈæɔ̯ʎdɾə/
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [θ s ʃ] > [s̪ ʃ ç], except terminally in unstressed syllalbles after another [s] > [ʃ] has already occurred, where [s] merges into [s̪] instead]
  • Coda [ʎ] > [j]; resultant [əj ɐi̯~ɐj] > [eː], also [ɐu̯] > [oː]
  • Loss of [w]
  • [æɔ̯] > [ɔ̯æ] > [wɑː]
  • Nasal vowels and diphthongs denasalise;
  • [oː eː] > [uː iː]; loss of [j] after long vowels, and schwa before;
  • [ɐu̯ æɔ̯ əɨ̯ eɪ̯] > [oː joː eː jeː], [j] is lost before [ç]
  • [ɨ ə] > [i o]
  • Spelling reform, "z" and "soft c" become a common spellings of [s̪], "s" of [ʃ], and "x" and "soft sc" of [ç]; the vowels are reformed to match their usual Romance vowels with a circumflex indicating length; etymological nasal consonants are often retained after single terminal long vowels, but dropped elsewhere; many other etymological coda consonants are retained:
Tuz îlls esos hômiôs nexên lliûrôs i iqualls en degnitat i en drez. Sôn citaz do rû i zo côsciêsc, i hiôn zo côpirtars frotornîllmiên îlls ôs êb îlls uâlltros.
[ˈtʰus̪ iːʃ ˈeʃos̪ oːˈmjoːʃ ˈneçeː ˈʎuːɾoʃ iːˈkwɑːʃ eː t͡ʃeniˈtʰat j‿eː ˈtɾes̪ ‖ ʃoː s̪iˈtʰas̪ to ruː i s̪o kʰoːˈçjeːç | i joː s̪o kʰoːpirˈtʰaʃ fɾo.tor'niːˈmjeːn iːʃ ˈoːʃ eːp iːʃ ˈwɑːtɾoʃ]

Edit: Looks like we've ended up with two daugher-languages again...
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Darren »

  • Nasal diphthongs precipitate their nasality as a consonant; homorganic before a consonant and /æ̃ɔ̯̃ ə̃ɨ̯̃ ɐ̃ũ̯ ẽɪ̯̃/ > /æŋ əŋ ɐm eɲ/ otherwise.
  • /i e æ/ > /ɨ i e/; /æɔ̯/ > /eɔ̯/ > /eu̯/
  • Coda /ʎ/ > /u̯/, otherwise coda approximants lost
  • /θ ð x/ > /f v f/
/ˈfu ə ˈizə ɐmˈmeŋ ˈniʒəŋ ˈʎɐu̯ɾə ɐi̯ˈgweu̯ əŋ t͡ʃɐnnɨˈva j‿əŋ ˈtɾi ‖ sɐm fɨˈva tə rəˈɐu̯ ɨ fə fɐnˈʒiɲ | j‿eŋ fə fɐmbɨˈva fɾədənɐu̯ˈmiɲ ə ˈɐm əmp ə ˈeu̯dɾə/
Fo es esses umans neixen lliures i-’guals en diniva i-en dres. Som fovas de raó i-fe fonscien, i-an fe fampova-s fraternalmen es ums amb es altres.

  • short /i u e o a/ > /ɪ ʊ ɛ ɔ a/, long /iː uː eː oː aː ɑː/ > /i u e o a ɑ/
  • Unstressed /ɪ e ɛ/ > /i/, /ʊ o ɔ/ > /u/
  • /ɪ ʊ/ > /e o/, /ɛ ɔ/ > /æ ɑ/
  • /ç(j)/ > /h/
  • CʰVC > CVhC > CVCː
  • Short coda sibilants merge to /ʃ/
[ˈtos̪ː iʃ ˈæʃuʃ uˈmjoʃ ˈnæhi ˈʎuɾuʃ iˈkwɑʃ i t͡ʃiniˈtatː j‿i ˈtɾæʃ ‖ ʃu s̪iˈtas̪ː tu ˈru i s̪u kuhˈheh | i ju s̪u kuppirˈtaʃː fɾu.turniˈmjen iʃ ˈoʃ ip iʃ ˈwɑtɾuʃ]
Tuzz îlls esos hômiôs nehên lliûrôs i iquas en degnitat i en dres. Sôn citaz do rû i zo côhêh, i hiôn zo côpirtas frotornîllmiên îs ôs êb îs uâtros.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by StrangerCoug »

Daughterlang 1:
More: show
  1. Definite articles (just es in this sample) are elided.
  2. /ɐi̯ ɐu̯/ monopthongize to /ɛː ɔː/; remaining /u̯/ fortites to /v/.
  3. Complex codas simplify.
  4. The spelling undergoes another modest reform.
/ˈfu ˈizə ɐmˈmeŋ ˈniʒəŋ ˈʎɔːɾə ɛːˈgwev əŋ t͡ʃɐnnɨˈva j‿əŋ ˈtɾi ‖ sɐm fɨˈva tə rəˈɔː ɨ fə fɐnˈʒiɲ | j‿eŋ fə fɐmbɨˈva fɾədənɔːˈmiɲ ə ˈɐm əm ˈevdɾə/
Fo esses umans neixen lliures i-’guevs en diniva i-en dres. Som fovas de raó i-fe fonscien, i-an fe fampova-s fraternalmen ums am evtres.
Daughterlang 2:
More: show
  1. Final geminates degeminate.
  2. The back vowels undergo a chain shift: /ɑ/ > /o/ > /u/ > /y/.
  3. /æ/ slightly lowers and backs to /a/ to fill in the gap left by /ɑ/.
/ˈtus̪ iʃ ˈaʃyʃ yˈmjuʃ ˈnahi ˈʎyɾyʃ iˈkwoʃ i t͡ʃiniˈtat j‿i ˈtɾaʃ ‖ ʃy s̪iˈtas̪ ty ˈry i s̪y kyhˈheh | i jy s̪y kyppirˈtaʃ fɾy.tyrniˈmjen iʃ ˈuʃ ip iʃ ˈwotɾyʃ/
Tuzz îlls esos hômiôs nehên lliûrôs i iquas en degnitat i en dres. Sôn citaz do rû i zo côhêh, i hiôn zo côpirtas frotornîllmiên îs ôs êb îs uâtros.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Daughterlang 1:
More: show
  1. ə → ɐ / _#, _ŋ
  2. e → i / #_
  3. e → ɛ
  4. t͡ʃ → t͡s
  5. ə → e
  6. ʒ → ʃ / Except as the onset of a stressed syllable
  7. ʎ → ʒ
/ˈfu ˈizɐ ɐmˈmɛŋ ˈniʃɐŋ ˈʒɔːɾɐ ɛːˈgwɛv ɐŋ t͡sɐnnɨˈva j‿ɐŋ ˈtɾi ‖ sɐm fɨˈva tɐ reˈɔː ɨ fɐ fɐnˈʒiɲ | j‿ɛŋ fɐ fɐmbɨˈva fɾedenɔːˈmiɲ ɐ ˈɐm em ˈivdɾɐ/
Fo esses umans neixen lliures i-’guevs en diniva i-en dres. Som fovas de raó i-fe fonscien, i-an fe fampova-s fraternalmen ums am evtres.
Daughterlang 2:
More: show
  1. h → x / V_V
  2. f → xʷ
  3. p kw → kʷ / V_V, V_#
  4. ju y → y ø
  5. Vs̪# Vʃ# → Vː# Vs̪#
  6. jV → Vː
/ˈtuː is̪ ˈaʃøs̪ øˈmuːs̪ ˈnaxi ˈʎøɾøs̪ iˈkʷos̪ i t͡ʃiniˈtat j‿i ˈtɾas̪ ‖ ʃø s̪iˈtaː tø ˈrø i s̪ø køxˈxeh | i jø s̪ø køppirˈtas̪ xʷɾø.tørniˈmeːn is̪ ˈus̪ ikʷ is̪ ˈwotɾøs̪/
Tuzz îlls esos hômiôs nehên lliûrôs i iquas en degnitat i en dres. Sôn citaz do rû i zo côhêh, i hiôn zo côpirtas frotornîllmiên îs ôs êb îs uâtros.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

[ŋaːlʔ tjaːʔ qloːŋ djeʔ qliɡ ɢʷrɯbs zlɯːs hljaŋ ɢʷaŋ kun mlruts tuŋ tjans toːʔ pleːwɢ ʔsaŋ kun]
"My father was a general who fought in the army of the King of Shang"

[ŋaːlʔ ɢʷal tjɯw ɢʷaŋ njɯ tjans]
"I fight for the King of Zhou"

Every syllabe has a meaning and no can be deleted.
Last edited by Otto Kretschmer on Thu Jan 20, 2022 1:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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