Phrase evolution game

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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

  • j → h
  • l → ʎ → j /_i
  • o i → u e /_#
Nêcan (ipsas) ûni uemmeni lêbiri î iquêli in dignitêsi î dedîto. San (ipsas) dotêti de razoni î ienemma î debian agiere iasiar se commo frêtri.
[ˈnɛ:.ka (ipsa:s) ˈuː.je ˈwɛm.mɛ.je ˈlɛ iː ͜ hiˈkɛ ɪn d͡ʒɛ.hɛˈtɛ iː d͡ʒeˈʒi:.tu || sa (ipsa:s) doˈtɛ:.t͡ʃe d͡ʒe raˈt͡ʃ ͜ he ͜ hɛˈlɛ i: d͡ʒɛˈwha aˈʒɛ haˈshaː ʃɛˈ ˈfrɛ:.tri]
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »


@Rounin Ryuuji where are you?
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Retroactively removing "ipsas";
  • Diphthongisation of long vowels, [ɛ: uː iː aː] > [ɪɐ ɛʊ ɛɪ ɐʊ]
  • Postconsonantal [r] > [j]; [sh wh] > [ʃ f]; [tj fj] > [tʃ ç]
  • [e je o u] > [i i u y], or nonsyllabic [ɪ] following a syllabic vowel; some excrescences may occur; [wi wɛ] > [jy jɔ];
  • Except Before [i j y], [t͡ʃ d͡ʒ ʃ ʒ] > [t͡s d͡z s z]; befoe [i j y], [t d s] merge with surviving [t͡ʃ d͡ʒ ʃ].
  • [h] produced by excrescence returns to [j]
  • Competing forms of the conjunction [ɛɪ~çi] are lost, [ɛɪ] prevails;
  • Minor scribal changes — final [ɪ] after vowels is often now spelled il, a few of the vowels are emmended; ou u are used for [u y]. Many silent nasal consonants are left untouched;
Nêcan ûni uemmeni lêbiri î iquêil eil degnetêsi eil desîtu. San doutêti di razoni eil ienemma eil defan asere hasau se coummou frêtri.
[ˈnɪɐ.ka ˈɛʊ.wɪ ˈjɔm.mɛɪ ˈlɪɐ.jy.ri ɛɪ ͜ jiˈkɪɐɪ ɪn d͡zɛ.hɛˈtɪɐ.ʃi ɛɪ d͡ʒiˈzɛɪ.t͡ʃy || sa duˈtɪɐ.t͡ʃi d͡ʒi raˈt͡suɪ ͜ ɛɪ ͜ jɛˈlɛ ɛɪ d͡zɛˈfa aˈzɛr.ri haˈsɐʊ sɛˈ ˈçɪɐ.tʃi]
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Neonnaut »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:56 am [h] produced by excrescence returns to [j]
Fuck you
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

What about having English go full round from analytic to agglutinative to fusional?

As usual you can take it phonologically, gramatically or vocabulary wise in any direction, a less typical/more creative one would be even more appreciated

The North wind and the sun were disputing when a traveller came along, wrapped in a warm cloak.
[ðə ˈnɔɹθ ˌwɪnd ən ə ˈsʌn wɚ dɪsˈpjuɾɪŋ ˈwɪtʃ wəz ðə ˈstɹɑŋɡɚ, wɛn ə ˈtɹævlɚ ˌkem əˈlɑŋ ˈɹæpt ɪn ə ˈwɔɹm ˈklok.]

They argued that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other
[ðe əˈɡɹid ðət ðə ˈwʌn hu ˈfɚst səkˈsidəd ɪn ˈmekɪŋ ðə ˈtɹævlɚ ˈtek ɪz ˈklok ˌɑf ʃʊd bi kənˈsɪdɚd ˈstɹɑŋɡɚ ðən ðɪ ˈʌðɚ.]

The Akkadian passage on wiki is nice but it's long and hard to bring here with a gloss without at least 2h of work. Passages in English or in conlangs made by forum members are easier
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Neonnaut wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 10:12 am
Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Sat Jan 29, 2022 9:56 am [h] produced by excrescence returns to [j]
Fuck you
I find this a bizarrely dramatic reaction to a fairly probable occurrence.
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [wʌ] > [wʊ], other occurrences of [ʌ] > [ɐ];
  • [ɑ] > [ɐ] except before [ɹ]; [ɚ] merges with [ɑɹ];
  • [ə] > [ʊ];
  • [w ɹ z l] > [ɫ ʊ̯ ɾ ʎ]; [kl] > [cʎ]
  • Coda [t k] > [ʔ], terminal stops devoice:
The North wind and the sun were disputing when a traveller came along, wrapped in a warm cloak.
[ðʊ ˈnɔʊ̯θ ˌɫɪnt ʊn ðʊ ˈsɐn ɫɑʊ̯ dɪsˈpjuɾɪŋ ˈɫɪtʃ ɫʊɾ ðʊ ˈstʊ̯ɐŋɡɑʊ̯, ɫɛn ʊ ˈtʊ̯ævʊʎɑʊ̯ ˌkeɪm ʊˈʎɐŋ ˈʊ̯æpʔ ɪn ʊ ˈɫɔʊ̯m ˈcʎoʊʔ]

They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take off his cloak should be considered stronger than the other
[ðe ʊˈɡɹiɪt ðʊt ðʊ ˈɫʊn huʊ ˈfɑʊ̯sʔ sʊkˈsiɪdʊt ɪn ˈmeɪkɪŋ ðʊ ˈtʊ̯ævʎɑʊ̯ ˈteɪʔ ɐf ɪɾ ˈcʎoʊʔ ʃʊt bi kʊnˈsɪdɑʊ̯t ˈstʊ̯ɐŋɡɑʊ̯ ðʊn ðɪ ˈɐðɑʊ̯.]
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

- Th stopping
The North wind and the sun were disputing when a traveller came along, wrapped in a warm cloak.
[Dʊ ˈnɔʊ̯t ˌɫɪnt ʊn dʊ ˈsɐn ɫɑʊ̯ dɪsˈpjuɾɪŋ ˈɫɪtʃ ɫʊɾ dʊ ˈstʊ̯ɐŋɡɑʊ̯, ɫɛn ʊ ˈtʊ̯ævʊʎɑʊ̯ ˌkeɪm ʊˈʎɐŋ ˈʊ̯æpʔ ɪn ʊ ˈɫɔʊ̯m ˈcʎoʊʔ]

They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take off his cloak should be considered stronger than the other
[de ʊˈɡɹiɪt dʊt dʊ ˈɫʊn huʊ ˈfɑʊ̯sʔ sʊkˈsiɪdʊt ɪn ˈmeɪkɪŋ dʊ ˈtʊ̯ævʎɑʊ̯ ˈteɪʔ ɐf ɪɾ ˈcʎoʊʔ ʃʊt bi kʊnˈsɪdɑʊ̯t ˈstʊ̯ɐŋɡɑʊ̯ dʊn dɪ ˈɐdɑʊ̯.]
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • The "main-mine-mean" merger — [eɪ aɪ iɪ] > [ɛɪ̯];
  • The "who-how-her" merger — [uʊ aʊ ɑʊ] > [ɛʊ̯];
  • The "hoe-hoar" merger — [oʊ ɔʊ̯] > [ʊ̯ɛʊ̯]
  • Initial [ɫ] develops a prosthetic initial [w]; initial [ʊ̯] > [w] with compensatory lengthening of the following vowel; [w] is lost after [ɫ ʎ]
  • Vowels lengthen immediately preceding voiced consonants, regardless of stress;
  • Homorganic tensing — [ɪː ɐː] > [iː æː] before a homorganic coda cluster or coda homorganic with the next conosnant;
  • A new orthography begins to emerge among authors attempting to create a new literature for their new Anglic language, while still paying respects to Classical orthography where possible:
    • The vowels [ɛ ɛɪ e i ɪ ʊ ɐ æ] are usually spelled e, ee, ei~ai, ie, i, u, a, aa, except that [ʊ] as the closing element of a diphthong is frequently etymologically spelled r, and that [ɛ(ː)ʊ̯] may be given the spelling aar if it had the classical spelling ar; [ju(ː)] is ordinarily spelled iew, from the classical spelling of words such as view;
    • The initial cluster [wɫ] is spelled wl; in clusters [w] is still often etymologically spelled with r;
    • Etymological doubled consonants and terminal silent e are usually retained;
    • Glottalised terminal consonants are usually spelled t regardless of etymology;
    • In demonstratives and a few other common words, [d] is still spelled th.
Classical: The North wind and the sun were disputing when a traveller came along, wrapped in a warm cloak.
New: Thu Nuert Wlient un thu San wler dispiewring wlich wlur thu straanger wlen u traavuller came ulong wraapt in u wlaarm cluerte.
[Dʊ ˈnʊ̯ɛʊ̯t ˌwɫiːnt ʊn dʊ ˈsɐn wɫɛʊ̯ dɪsˈpjuːɾɪŋ ˈwɫɪtʃ wɫʊːɾ dʊ ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯, wɫɛːn ʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˌkɛːɪ̯m ʊˈʎɐŋ ˈwæːpʔ ɪn ʊ ˈwɫɛːʊ̯m ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ]

Classical: They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take off his cloak should be considered stronger than the other
New: Thei ugreed thut thu wlun wher faarst succeedud in maiking thu traavuller taite af ir clerte shud bie cunsiderd straanger thun thi ather.
[de ʊːˈɡɹɛɪt dʊt dʊ ˈwɫʊːn hɛʊ̯ ˈfɛʊ̯sʔ sʊkˈsɛːɪdʊt ɪn ˈmɛɪkɪːŋ dʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˈtɛɪʔ ɐf ɪːɾ ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ ʃʊt bi kʊːnˈsɪːdɛʊ̯t ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯ dʊːn dɪ ˈɐː.dɛʊ̯.]
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

1. Final -t disappears
2. Classical orthography falls out from use.

Thu Nuert Wlient un thu San wler dispiewring wlich wlur thu straanger wlen u traavuller came ulong wraapt in u wlaarm cluerte.
[Dʊ ˈnʊ̯ɛʊ̯ ˌwɫiːn ʊn dʊ ˈsɐn wɫɛʊ̯ dɪsˈpjuːɾɪŋ ˈwɫɪtʃ wɫʊːɾ dʊ ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯, wɫɛːn ʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˌkɛːɪ̯m ʊˈʎɐŋ ˈwæːpʔ ɪn ʊ ˈwɫɛːʊ̯m ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ]
Thei ugreed thut thu wlun wher faarst succeedud in maiking thu traavuller taite af ir clerte shud bie cunsiderd straanger thun thi ather.
[de ʊːˈɡɹɛɪ dʊ dʊ ˈwɫʊːn hɛʊ̯ ˈfɛʊ̯sʔ sʊkˈsɛːɪdʊ ɪn ˈmɛɪkɪːŋ dʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˈtɛɪʔ ɐf ɪːɾ ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ ʃʊ bi kkʊːnˈsɪːdɛʊ̯ ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯ dʊːn dɪ ˈɐː.dɛʊ̯.]
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Zju »

Otto Kretschmer wrote: Fri Feb 04, 2022 12:22 pm 1. Final -t disappears
2. Classical orthography falls out from use.

Thu Nuert Wlient un thu San wler dispiewring wlich wlur thu straanger wlen u traavuller came ulong wraapt in u wlaarm cluerte.
[Dʊ ˈnʊ̯ɛʊ̯ ˌwɫiːn ʊn dʊ ˈsɐn wɫɛʊ̯ dɪsˈpjuːɾɪŋ ˈwɫɪtʃ wɫʊːɾ dʊ ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯, wɫɛːn ʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˌkɛːɪ̯m ʊˈʎɐŋ ˈwæːpʔ ɪn ʊ ˈwɫɛːʊ̯m ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ]
Thei ugreed thut thu wlun wher faarst succeedud in maiking thu traavuller taite af ir clerte shud bie cunsiderd straanger thun thi ather.
[de ʊːˈɡɹɛɪ dʊ dʊ ˈwɫʊːn hɛʊ̯ ˈfɛʊ̯sʔ sʊkˈsɛːɪdʊ ɪn ˈmɛɪkɪːŋ dʊ ˈtwæːvʊːʎɛʊ̯ ˈtɛɪʔ ɐf ɪːɾ ˈcʎɛːʊ̯ʔ ʃʊ bi kkʊːnˈsɪːdɛʊ̯ ˈstwæːŋɡɛʊ̯ dʊːn dɪ ˈɐː.dɛʊ̯.]
1. ʊ̯ and w fortite to ɫ, Vɪ and Vj fortite to ʎ
2. w > ∅ / #_ɫ
3. ɐ ɐː æː ɛː > a aː ae̯ ɛɪ̯

Thu Nuert Wlient un thu San wler dispiewring wlich wlur thu straanger wlen u traavuller came ulong wraapt in u wlaarm cluerte.
[Dʊ ˈnɫɛɫ ˌɫiːn ʊn dʊ ˈsan ɫɛɫ dɪsˈpjuːɾɪŋ ˈɫɪtʃ ɫʊːɾ dʊ ˈstwae̯ŋɡɛɫ, ɫɛɪ̯n ʊ ˈtɫae̯vʊːʎɛɫ ˌkɛɪ̯ʎm ʊˈʎaŋ ˈɫae̯pʔ ɪn ʊ ˈɫɛɪ̯ɫm ˈcʎɛɪ̯ɫʔ]
Thei ugreed thut thu wlun wher faarst succeedud in maiking thu traavuller taite af ir clerte shud bie cunsiderd straanger thun thi ather.
[de ʊːˈɡɹɛʎ dʊ dʊ ˈɫʊːn hɛɫ ˈfɛɫsʔ sʊkˈsɛɪ̯ʎdʊ ɪn ˈmɛʎkɪːŋ dʊ ˈtɫae̯vʊːʎɛɫ ˈtɛʎʔ af ɪːɾ ˈcʎɛɪ̯ɫʔ ʃʊ bi kkʊːnˈsɪːdɛɫ ˈstɫae̯ŋɡɛɫ dʊːn dɪ ˈaː.dɛɫ.]
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • [stɫ tɫ nɫ] > [ʃtɬ tɬ ndɮ];
  • Vowel lengthening before voiced consonants remains productive;
  • [ʊ ʊː uː ɪː ɛː ae̯ aːe̯] > [ʏ yː yː iː eː ɛː aː]
  • [cʎ pj] > [tɕ]
  • [s] > [ʃ]; Assibliation of [d t] > [s z] before front vowels; [k g f h] > [tɕ dʑ ç ç] under the same circumstances;
  • Inherited [tʃ ʃ s] > [tɕ ɕ ɕ] in contact with high front vowels, [tɬ ɬ] elsewhere;
  • Loss of second elements in diphthongs before lateral fortifications;
  • Edit: Minor orthographic changes — ee replaces aa to spell [eː]; a few silent e are "corrected" in, analogously with Classical English, indicating vowels to be long; some terminal [ʎ] are indicated with l.
Thu Nuert Wlient une thu Sane wlere dispiewrieng wlich wlure thu straangere wlene u traavurrere ceelme ulaang wreept in u wleerm clueerte.
[zʏ ˈndɮɛːɫ ˌɫiːn yːn zʏ ˈɬaːn ɫeːɫ zɪsˈtɕyːɾiːŋ ˈɫɪtɕ ɫyːɾ zʏ ˈɬtɬaːŋdʑeːɫ, ɫeːʎn ʊ ˈtɬaːvyːʎeːɫ ˌtɕeːʎm yːˈʎaːŋ ˈɫɛːpʔ iːn ʊ ˈɫeːɫm ˈtɕeːɫʔ]
Thei ugreeld thut thu wlune where feerst succeeldud in meelcieng thu traavurrer teerte af ir clueerte shut bie ciunsiideert straangere thun thi athere.
[ze yːˈɡɹeːʎ zʏ zʏ ˈɫyːn çeːɫ ˈçeːɫsʔ ɕʏkˈɕeːʎzʏ iːn ˈmeːʎtɕiːŋ zʏ ˈtɬaːvyːʎɛːɫ ˈseːʎʔ af iːɾ ˈtɕeːɫʔ ɕʏ bi tɕyːnˈɕiːzeːɫ ˈʃtɬaːŋdʑeːɫ zyːn zɪ ˈaː.zeːɫ.]

What sort of bizarro English is this?
Last edited by Rounin Ryuuji on Fri Feb 04, 2022 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »


Do 10 rounds more!
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Let me copypaste your conlang, Rounin.

俺れ 現日 玉子やを 食。
いみよれ けぶ たわしやを かぶ。

Imyôre kyobu tōshō kabu.
[ì.mᶣi̯ó̞ᵝː.ɾ̪è̞ c͡çʰó̞ᵝˑ.bʉ̀ᵝ t̪ʰó̞ᵝː.ɕʰò̞ᵝː kʰɐ̞́ˑ.bʉ̀ᵝ]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."


Asaka, niyadôl myō.
[ɐ̞̀.s̪ɐ̞́ˑ.kʰɐ̞̀ | ɲí.jɐ̞̀.d̪ô̞ᵝːɫ mᶣi̯ò̞ᵝː]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Zju »

Let's give it a go...

mᶣ > ŋᶣ
c͡çʰ kʰ tʰ pʰ ɕʰ > ç x θ ɸ ɕ
b d > ɓ ɗ
oᵝː ʉᵝ> ou̯ ɨ

俺れ 現日 玉子やを 食。
いみよれ けぶ たわしやを かぶ。

Imyôre kyobu tōshō kabu.
[ì.ŋᶣi̯óu̯.ɾ̪è̞ çó̞u̯.ɓɨ̀ θó̞u̯.ɕò̞u̯ xɐ̞́ˑ.ɓɨ̀]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."


Asaka, niyadôl myō.
[ɐ̞̀.s̪ɐ̞́ˑ.xɐ̞̀ | ɲí.jɐ̞̀.ɗô̞u̯ɫ ŋᶣi̯ò̞u̯]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

Zju wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:02 pm Let's give it a go...
Oh, my, how unstable! What to do with a language with no voiceless stops?
  • [ŋ ɲ] > [g ɟ]; initial [g ɟ] > [k c] > [kʰ cʰ] (aspiration of voiceless consonants is an areal feature); [kʰ g] > [cʰ ɟ] when palatalised or labiopalatalised (areal surface filter)
  • [θ s̪] > [t̪ʰ] initially, [θ] medially
  • Suppression of short vowels between voiceless consonants, sometimes affecting the pitch cadence of the word;
  • Fortition of [x] > [kʰ] after fricatives
  • [j] fortifies to [ç]
  • Low-pitch [ɨ̀] is lost, lengthening the preceding vowel;
  • Insertion of glottal stops in place of null initials:
俺れ 現日 玉子やを 食。
いみよれ けぶ たわしやを かぶ。

Igwyoure hyôub toushou hâb.
[ʔì.ɟᶣi̯óu̯.ɾ̪è̞ çó̞ːu̯ɓ t̪ʰó̞u̯.ɕò̞u̯ xɐ̞́ːɓ]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."


Athka, niyadoul kwyō.
[ʔɐ̞́θ.kʰɐ̞̀ | cʰí.çɐ̞̀.ɗô̞u̯ɫ cᶣi̯ò̞u̯]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
Posts: 879
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Zju »

Rounin Ryuuji wrote: Tue Feb 08, 2022 9:25 am
Zju wrote: Mon Feb 07, 2022 2:02 pm Let's give it a go...
Oh, my, how unstable! What to do with a language with no voiceless stops?
I - uuughh - basic oversight.

L vocalisation:
ɫ > o / V_{C #}

俺れ 現日 玉子やを 食。
いみよれ けぶ たわしやを かぶ。
Igwyoure hyôub toushou hâb.
[ʔì.ɟᶣi̯óu̯.ɾ̪è̞ çó̞ːu̯ɓ t̪ʰó̞u̯.ɕò̞u̯ xɐ̞́ːɓ]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."

Athka, niyadoul kwyō.
[ʔɐ̞́θ.kʰɐ̞̀ | cʰí.çɐ̞̀.ɗô̞u̯ô̞ cᶣi̯ò̞u̯]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
/j/ <j>

Ɂaləɂahina asəkipaɂə ileku omkiroro salka.
Loɂ ɂerleku asəɂulŋusikraɂə seləɂahina əɂətlahɂun əiŋɂiɂŋa.
Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ. Hərlaɂ.
Otto Kretschmer
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

The conlang fluency thread is a good future source of phrases. :idea:
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Rounin Ryuuji
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Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Rounin Ryuuji »

  • Loss of low-pitched vowels following open syllables with high-pitched long vowels or diphthongs;
  • Collapse of [ou] > [uː], but to [oː] before rhotics, [oːu] > [ou]
  • Surface filters shift [u(ː)] > [y(ː)] in certain environments; presence of [y] following a palatal shifts it to a labiopalatal; labiopalatals become plain palatals elsewhere;
  • Areally common compression spreads to rounded vowels;
  • Tesséki spelling is adjusted to match the conventions of the standard language.
俺れ 現日 玉子ゆふ 食。
いぐゐよれ ひよふぼ つをうしゆふ はぼ。
Igyôr hyoub tûshyû hâb.
[ʔì.ɟi̯óᵝːɾ̪ çóᵝu̯ɓ t̪ʰúᵝː.ɕỳᵝː xɐ̞́ːɓ]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."

Athka, niyadouo kyû.
[ʔɐ̞́θ.kʰɐ̞̀ | cʰí.çɐ̞̀.ɗóᵝu̯òᵝ cᶣŷː]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
Otto Kretschmer
Posts: 525
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Location: Poland

Re: Phrase evolution game

Post by Otto Kretschmer »

Glottal stops disappear

俺れ 現日 玉子ゆふ 食。
いぐゐよれ ひよふぼ つをうしゆふ はぼ。
Igyôr hyoub tûshyû hâb.
[ì.ɟi̯óᵝːɾ̪ çóᵝu̯ɓ t̪ʰúᵝː.ɕỳᵝː xɐ̞́ːɓ]
"Today, I shall eat eggs."

Athka, niyadouo kyû.
[ɐ̞́θ.kʰɐ̞̀ | cʰí.çɐ̞̀.ɗóᵝu̯òᵝ cᶣŷː]
tomorrow garden.fowl(=chicken) also.ACCUSATIVE
"Tomorrow, chicken."
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