ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by Moose-tache »

The blobs that occasionally look like subduction arcs lead me to assume they are mountains, but you're right; we don't know. The main reason I ask is because I can make a plausible tectonic and geologic map, with a few hundred million years of history, if I can slightly rework some of those mountains. I didn't know if I was dealing with a placeholder, or someone's precious baby, so I thought I would check first.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by bradrn »

Moose-tache wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 5:38 am The blobs that occasionally look like subduction arcs
Hearing this, I can only praise your imaginative powers as being of the highest order…
I didn't know if I was dealing with a placeholder, or someone's precious baby, so I thought I would check first.
Having worked with foxcatdog before, I suspect it’s probably more like ‘very precious baby’.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by Moose-tache »

In all sincerity, I am open to any alternative idea of what the orange blobs could possibly be.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by Torco »

how about... lava ? it'd be pretty D&D
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Magic. The world is formed by magic.
Edit: Actually the orange blobs are mountains in case you got confused
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by Torco »

Scale? Legend? I'm still trying to figure out where's the chartreuse.

but subversively, why not say it means dominant alignment of the native population? blue is lawful good, dark green is neutral good, sandy-green or whatever the dominant colour of the equator is be chaotic good, pinkish central be lawful evil (i.e. accountants) and the nude-orange-extremely light pink be true neutral.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Chartreuse is Windswept hills a magical biome charecterised by certain species of plants.
Pink is flower fields/forest which have lots of flowers and illusory capacities
Green is temperate
Cyan is tropical jungle
Yellow is desert
Dark green is taiga
Icey blue is Tundra

This place covers a lot of the northern half of the world. I dunno what the scale is.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by Torco »

ah, i see what bradrn was saying. oh well.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

This world now has poetry

binru awe - koya ámi
kan o tae - me me múi - kan o
an go kaa - hina ámi

bird flourish - child+Fem royal
ABL NEG speak - music music salty - sound NEG
but 2.sg.f.resp void - silver/princess royal

“Birds flourish, royal daughter”
“From nothing a chorus, melody sweet, sound nothing”
“But you are silent, regal silver”

Specifically the last bit of the second line could more accurately be translated as "sound of everything/everywhere/everpresent" as negatives are often seen to mean all of something.

ho fue - kikúru - we tuń
kan o - kanúru - tapukú - o na o
ta wan - ta mári - taponá

so cold - sleep-CONT - oh earth
sound NEG - songbirdbird+VERB-CONT - rest+place - NEG NEG NEG
silent earth/ground - silent snow - rest+NEG-DISC

“So cold, sleeping, great earth”
“No sound, songbirds exist, resting places, nothing”
“Silent earth, silent snow, i am restless”
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

And Numerals
*ani 1 cognate *ani
*hegi 2 cognate *pási
*tasé 3 cognate *táse
*tadú 4 cognate *tanú
*wáki 5 cognate *así
*agi 6 cognate *yasi
*ei 7 cognate *yáte
*uki 8 cognate *ósi
*tai 9 cognate *tati
*uda 10 cognate *uma
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »


Here's a challenge. Can you guess what these logograms mean?
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by bradrn »

foxcatdog wrote: Wed Jun 14, 2023 6:17 pm Here's a challenge. Can you guess what these logograms mean?
No. I can’t read minds, and most (if not all) of those shapes are far too abstracted to me to guess at their meaning. Of course, if you could give us more information on semantic field etc., I might be able to have a stab at it.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

The gods of this world are divided into four realms based on portfolio. The division is based on chosen habit and also nature for example the sun most lies in the upper spirit realm as it resides in the sky while gods of the depths and the earth are in the lower spirit realm which is more connected with the underworld. Celestial deities focus on abstraction and ever since the war in heaven are divided into good and evil realms through the evil gods hold seperate realms within the abyss as to not intrude on each other.

The Celestial Sea: Home to good celestial deities as well as beings such as angels with many noble beasts such as pegasi and gryphons being able to trace their ancestry back to this realm. In addition a few evil deities mainly of the sky and chaos or nature reside in this realm.

The Upper Spirit Realm: Home to solar and lunar as well as sky deities as well as deities of life and fey deities including gods of the elves and kitsune. Its a vibrant realm with constant music and thoughts being spoken through telepathy and as such few secrets being kept. The higher up you go the thinner the boundaries between this realm and the other realms are but you can also enter this realm through portals in forests. During solstices and equinoxes this and the lower spirit realm also merge with the mortal world to a greater degree

The Lower Spirit Realm: Home to gods of earth and sea as well as shadow. In general gods here are not exactly evil but any secrets kept here linger here forever and emotions are generally not shown as such its a dull realm. The word for ancestry from this realm is Nilven and some beings such as Navari do claim some ancestry from this realm. In addition to this some crafty beings such as dwarves also reside in this realm.

The Abyss: Home of various evil gods ever since the war in heaven when they were banished as well as several lost beings descended from titans as well as various spirits banished from this world. It's not a nice place.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by keenir »

foxcatdog wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:43 am A thread for a fantasy conworld meant to be collaborative. Meant to be used for DND due to me finding difficulty coming up with a setting which doesn't basically require an alternate ruleset. Ideas which just occured to me include the material realm as a whole being split into 2 planets one inhabited by mammalian folk and the other inhabited by reptilian and amphibious folk. Also seen are two distinct spirit realms one upper and one lower which have nearly merged with the material realm on the second planet. But the world is in its formative stages now so you can post anything really.
You seem to be doing really well in building a setting, which is good, Do you still want this to be a collab?
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

That's the idea.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Thinking about it i don't like the shape of the map. I think it would be better to shape it into a more west vs east kinda map with our worshippers of the evil god being somewhere in the east.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by keenir »

keenir wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:49 pm
foxcatdog wrote: Mon Jun 05, 2023 1:43 am A thread for a fantasy conworld meant to be collaborative. Meant to be used for DND due to me finding difficulty coming up with a setting which doesn't basically require an alternate ruleset. Ideas which just occured to me include the material realm as a whole being split into 2 planets one inhabited by mammalian folk and the other inhabited by reptilian and amphibious folk. Also seen are two distinct spirit realms one upper and one lower which have nearly merged with the material realm on the second planet. But the world is in its formative stages now so you can post anything really.
You seem to be doing really well in building a setting, which is good, Do you still want this to be a collab?
foxcatdog wrote: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:51 pmThat's the idea.
In that case, maybe lay out boundaries...what things are going to be decided by all the participants, and what is going to be unilateral by you? Stating such things, might reassure those who, like me, are uncertain.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by bradrn »

keenir wrote: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:00 am In that case, maybe lay out boundaries...what things are going to be decided by all the participants, and what is going to be unilateral by you? Stating such things, might reassure those who, like me, are uncertain.
I second this request. At the moment, it feels like foxcatdog has certain very strong opinions about how this world should work and what it should look like, and those need to be made clearer before I can decide if I’m interested in spending time on this or not.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

The nine (now expanded) gods of the golden people probably called the Belari.

Belsar, God of Heroism: The primary god associated with well heroism as well as light. His totem animal is the Bear and he is noted to appear occasionally amongst his disciples in drinks and feasts where he appears as a blonde man with golden eyes. He defeated the ancient evil god in the War of the East of our so called enemy peoples in ancient times and he sent his priestess from among the Talarians when he felt like he needed a people in the Eastern Continent.
Domains: War, Trickery, Light Alignment: CG

Nasaria, Goddess of Fire: Daughter of the primal dragon goddess from whom also descends the goddess of storms and the goddess of the open sky and stars as well as numerous others. She allied with Belsar during the War of the East and is represented by an everliving flame as well as the Red Dragon who are generally not evil in this world.
Domains: Light, Fire, Knowledge, Sorcery Alignment: NG

Nadari, Goddess of Knowledge: Symbolised by the wolf and snow as well as the owl. She is a god of sorcerers and has taken many disciples. She is also worshipped amonst the people of the north for abating winter.
Domains: Knowledge, Tempest, Ice, Nature Alignment: NG

Frelia, Goddess of Fertiliy: Wife of Belsar and god of things that grow as well as love and motherhood. Symbolised by the Lark and the Wren and particularly fond of music.
Domains: Life, Light Alignment: NG

Alar, God of Nature: Symbolised by the stag as well as the bear. He is god of natural places and is also worshipped by wood elves and dryads.
Domains: Nature, Knowledge Alignment: NG

Tyras, God of War: God of war and thunder symbolised by twin axes and a thunderbolt. Chosen because the pantheon needed another war deity befitting the people. Of all the gods here he is the only one who also has some degree of reverance from our evil people.
Domains: War, Tempest, Metal Alignment: CN

Andurie, God of Sorcery: God of wizards and sorcercers symbolised by a golden tree. It was his quarrel with our evil god which started the War of the East.
Domains: Knowledge, Sky, Sorcery Alignment: LN

Newer Gods
Thel, God of Death: Normally just called The Watcher, he presides over shuffling mortals of into the realm of death as well as offering peace for relatives. He also presides over reincarnation and holds the keys to immortality.
Domains: Death, Knowledge Alignment: N

Priestess of Belsar: Originally and Priestess of Nasaria she presides over unknown domains determined by the players.
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Re: ZBB Collaborative Fantasy Conworld Thread

Post by foxcatdog »

Why don't you both suggest ideas and i will tell you if they are compatible or not. Also i have less attachment to this world then others i have created.
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