The consensus seems to be that in the 1800s, aspiration was present in America and Ireland but absent from England. When did linguists first start describing English English as having aspiration?
Dictionary of the Hok-Këèn Dialect of the Chinese Language (1832) by Walter Henry Medhurst (born 1796 in England): English lacks aspiration, but German and Dutch have aspiration. (Modern Dutch does not have aspiration.)

A Grammar of Colloquial Chinese, as Exhibited in the Shanghai Dialect (1868, second edition) by Joseph Edkins (born 1823 in England): English English and Scottish English lack aspiration, but American English and Irish English do have aspiration.

Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873) by Carstairs Douglas (born 1830 in Scotland): English generally lacks aspiration, but Irish English and Scottish Highland English have aspiration.

Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar [Colloquial] (1884) by William Ashmore (born 1821 in America): English has aspiration, but it's weaker than Chinese aspiration.

A Progressive Course Designed to Assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as Spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department (1886, second edition) by Thomas Francis Wade (born 1818 in England) and Walter Hillier (born 1849 in Hong Kong): English generally lacks aspiration, but Irish English has aspiration.

First Lessons in Chinese (1893) revised edition by John Alfred Silsby (born 1858 in America): English generally lacks aspiration, but American English and Irish English do have aspiration.

Hangkow Syllabary (1899) by James Addison Ingle (born 1867 in America): English does have aspiration.

A Course of Mandarin Lessons, Based on Idiom (1900 revised edition) by Calvin Wilson Mateer (born 1836 in America): British English has very weak aspiration. American English has stronger aspiration, but not as strong as Chinese. Irish English has the same level of aspiration as Chinese.