Minecraft Conscript

Conworlds and conlangs
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Minecraft Conscript

Post by WarpedWartWars »

It uses slabs, stairs, blocks, and fences. (for what I call fence notation)

Eight-dot braille helps with writing it in text. Thus, all eight-dot braille characters for all block pairs except fence-on-bottom ones:

The bottom square is the consonant or consonant modifier, the top is the vowel or fence. For the fence, I've used a diagonal ⠊.

⣤ /p/
⣄ /t/
⠤ /c/
⢤ /k/

Consonant modifiers: (with fence)
⣊ fricative
⣎ nasal
⣮ voicing
⡮ lateral

Modifiers are applied in that order, and have some forbidden combinations:
⣊⣎ fricative + nasal
⣎⣮ nasal + voicing
⣎⡮ nasal + lateral
⣮⡮ voicing + lateral

Modifiers precede consonants, and vowels occur on top of the consonants. A consonant can be missing, as can a vowel; if a consonant is missing, no modifiers can precede.

⠒ /a/
⠓ /e/
⠋ /i/
⠛ /ə/
⠚ /ɑ/
⠙ /o/
⠉ /u/

Some sample words I made up on the fly:
"sɑkti" ⣊⣞⢤⣏
"camo" ⠶⣎⣽
"tesakɑt" ⣗⣊⣖⢾⣄
tɑ tɑ tɑ tɑ θiθɾ eɾloθ tɑ moew θerts olɑrk siθe
of of of of death abyss of moew kingdom sand witch-PLURAL
The witches of the desert of the kingdom of Moew of the Abyss of Death

tɑ toɾose koɾot tsɑx
of apple-PLURAL magic cold
cold magic of apples
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