Maraille question

Almea and the Incatena
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Maraille question

Post by Raphael »

The information on Incatena planets states that outworld visitors, while banned from the "retro" parts of Maraille, are allowed on Île de Maraille. Meanwhile, the information on Maraille itself states that a minority of Jondiles oppose the way the planet is run. Wouldn't at least some of those tell outworld visitors what is going on? And wouldn't outworld visitors be able to derive it from observing Île de Maraille anyway?
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Re: Maraille question

Post by zompist »

Yeah, complete ignorance would be hard to maintain. (There's also the fact that some high number of Maraillais end up in the Incatena at large, often in high positions.)

I think I'd put it this way: the idea of retrohabitats is well known, and it's known that Maraille is a retrohabitat and that's why travel is forbidden. The precise details and level of technology are however not generally known.

Would the dissidents want to publicize this information? Maybe, but to what end? For the usual reasons, the Incatena can't send a fleet to overthrow the Jondiles. It could send an Agent to try to do so informally, but it seems clear that the Incatena authorities are willing to tolerate the existence of Maraille. (There's also the legal wrinkle that, technically, only Île de Maraille is a member of the Incatena, so trying to change the status of the rest of the planet would not only be against the interests of a member, but intervening in non-member territory.)
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