Superstratum influences from Middle High TInasan:
- [s͎] merges back with [s̪];
- [ɺɞ] > [ɺʷ] > [ɫ] in hiatus before vowels;
- [d̪ᵝ] > [d̪͡b] > [p.p]; [k͡p] > [k.k];
- The stress accent is neutralised;
- [ə͡ɵ] > [ʷo͜oᵝ]; [ᶣɵ͡ɵ] > [y͜yᵝː]; [ɥò] > [jyᵝ], [ᶣɵ] > [ᶣyᵝ]; ]y͡ɵ] > [y͜yᵝ];
- [ʷɞ] > [ʷo]; endolabial compression on rounded vowels is reintroduced;
- [ʍ] reverts to [ɸʷ];
- Palatalisation is lost before [ɛ]; [t͡ɕɛ] > [t̪.t̪ɛ];
- Voiceless stops and affricates are aspirated.
The imperative forms would presumably change, since an ending
-lwu in the predicative would presumably push out the hortative
-lu and cause the plain imperative form (historically
-uro or
-yo) to be used generally, but this isn't represented in the sample. This was originally based on a mistake, but
ni, nitte become
nwo, nwotte. The past tense form in -tte is now too close to the sequential gerund, and is replaced by -chatte (a contraction of it with what I imagine the reflex of the past tense of the copula would be).
There is also a fad for rather extreme manners that wreaks havoc on the pronominal system; poor sensible
wôlwo is replaced with the heavily Middle High Tinasanised
Also, have some Tezeki (Hiragana), the spellings are based on conventional usage from Middle High Tinasan, rather than reflecting historical sound changes. This makes for some very amusingly long particle spellings. Also refreshed the Romanisation a bit.
在る朝、期々 意識り ぬを 復堉 ぬを 相ふうる 意芽 きゆ 悗堉りゆう にをつてい、我手方れ 起つてあつてい。
Alwâsa, twōkwóppokko ishwôyuchûri nwo twodwôryu nwo swôfūlwu ishîme chyu myuyuryû nyuotte, watagattare nîsechatte.
[àˈɫá͜á.s̪à | t̪ʰʷó͜óᵝˈkʰʷóᵝp.pʰòᵝk.kʰɞ̀ ì.ɕᶣó͜óᵝ.jỳᵝ.t͡ɕʰý͜ýᵝ.ɾ̪ʲì ˈnʷòᵝ t̪ʰʷóᵝ.d̪ʷó͜óᵝˈɾ̪ᶣỳᵝ ˈnʷòᵝ ˈs̪ʷó͜óᵝ.ɸʷʉ̀͜ʉ̀.ɫʉ̀ ì.ɕí͜í.mɛ̀ ˈt͡ɕʰᶣỳ mᶣýjỳᵝˈɾ̪ᶣý͜ỳᵝ ɲᶣót̪.t̪ʰɛ̀ | wá.tʰà.gát̪.t̪ʰà.ɾ̪ɛ̀ ɲí͜í.s̪ɛ̀t.t͡ɕʰát̪.tʰɛ̀]
- Alwâsa,
- certain.morning,
- tōkóppokkŏ
- instance~REDUP
- ishwôyuchûri
- mind.aware.INF
- nwo
- twodwôryu
- return.INF
- nwo
- swôfûlw
- accompany.ADN
- ishîme
- mind
- chyu
- moyori
- perplex.NOM
- nwotte,
- COM,
- watagattare
- nîsette
- awaken.PST
Now let's see you rebel against this hegemonic superstratum.