Crash course on Caber for ease of reference.
/m n/
/p b t d k g/
/tɕ dʑ/
/f s z ɕ ʑ x/
/w ɾ/
(/k g x/ > [tɕ dʑ ɕ] / _E)
/a ɛ i ə ɨ ɔ u/
a e i ŏ ŭ o u
/tɕ dʑ/
ć ǵ when not _E
Basic word order: SVO
Adjectives and adverbs precede their referents.
Prepositions are generally used.
Ba ip copa ba ćŏ maćŭ ba ǵunud.
- ba
- ip
- man
- copa
- into
- ba
- ćŏ
- fire
- maćŭ
- throw
- ba
- ǵunud
- fire
'the man throws the stone into the fire'
Cŏap ćupo ba cŭg otgoć ba ip.
- cŏap
- 3SG.M
- ćupo
- ba
- cŭg
- well
- otgoć
- fight.with
- ba
- ip
- man
'he fights with [the man next to the well]'
The Seven Kill Stele
Ǵoso do śe har caber ru bŭfec rŭi ćosod.
- ǵoso
- heaven
- do
- for.the.sake.of
- śe
- 3SG
- har
- nurture
- cabe
- person
- =r
- ru
- give
- bŭfec
- without
- rŭi
- count
- ćosod
- thing(s)
Caber gat ec ŭǵo not śe bŭf śe do ǵoso tama.
- cabe
- person
- =r
- gat
- have
- ec
- ŭǵo
- something
- not
- that
- śe
- 3SG
- bŭf
- with
- śe
- 3SG
- do
- for.the.sake.of
- ǵoso
- heaven
- tama
- give.back
Rin. Rin. Rin. Rin. Rin. Rin. Rin.
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
- rin
- kill
'Heaven brings forth innumerable things with which to nurture man.
Mankind has nothing good to give back to heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.'
| SG | PL |
1 | i | ace |
2 | o | ba |
3M | cŏap | ŏr |
3F | osćo | ćomŭ |
There is also a 3
SG pronoun
śe of some sort but I am not sure exactly what its specifics are.
Noun/adjective plurals:
- Final velar consonant: -a
- Final -o: -c
- Else: -oc
Perhaps unusually, adjectives referring to mass nouns take a plural suffix, while the mass noun itself does not:
wagiteca oton
- wagitec
- yellow
- -a
- PL
- oton
- pigment
'yellow ink'
irsaoc oŏ
- irsa
- sharp
- -oc
- PL
- oŏ
- air
'air after a thunderstorm'
Notes on Adjectives
Adjectives can be turned into
causative verbs using the prefix
- irsa
- sharp
- >
- >
- fŏ-
- irsa
- sharp
- nor
- dull
- >
- >
- fŏ-
- nor
- dull
comparative is an adverbial particle
te and the superlative an article
- irsa
- sharp
- >
- >
- te
- irsa
- sharp
- >
- >
- anta
- irsa
- sharp
- nor
- dull
- >
- >
- te
- nor
- dull
- >
- >
- anta
- nor
- dull
Numbers are treated as nouns, not adjectives, and take a prepositional phrase with
fe 'of' and the referent noun(s) in the singular; note how the placement of the definite article influences the meaning:
raćboć fe ćŭ
- raćboć
- four
- fe
- ćŭ
- tree
'four trees'
ba raćboć fe ćŭ
- ba
- raćboć
- four
- fe
- ćŭ
- tree
'the four trees'
raćboć fe ba ćŭ
- raćboć
- four
- fe
- ba
- ćŭ
- tree
'four of the trees'
ba raćboć fe ba ćŭ
- ba
- raćboć
- four
- fe
- ba
- ćŭ
- tree
'these four trees (specifically)'
When modifying
verbs, adverbs take the suffix
- sar 'sad' > sarbo 'sadly'
Adverbs modifying adjectives or other adverbs take the suffix
- famŏw 'light, pale' > famŏwbe 'light, pale' (as in famŏwbe mihgŏ 'light green')
Unusually for an SVO language (although there is precedent for it, namely Buduma),
adverbial subordinators in Common Caber come at the end of the clause:
o wec ba hŭ ŏ, o maz bơci fe rŭŏrcis nuas
- o
- 2SG
- wec
- cut
- ba
- hŭ
- branch
- ŏ
- if
- o
- 2SG
- maz
- gain
- bŏci
- two
- fe
- rŭŏrcis
- piece.of.wood
- nuas
- then
'if you cut the branch, you gain two pieces of wood'
cŏpa dihgor ba adis
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- dihgor
- ba
- adis
- after
'after he gives you orders', 'when/once he tells you to'
Past tense: Usually
-ce; a few verbs take
-t (
ci 'arrive, get somewhere',
iści 'mix',
me 'leave, go, go somewhere',
repću 'speak, say'; dialectally,
robe 'headbutt')
You can form a
causative by ablaut of the final (stressed) stem vowel:
a | e | i | ŏ | ŭ | o | u |
↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ | ↓ |
o | ie | ai | o | u | oa | uo |
- ǵatfum
- walk
- >
- ǵatfum
- walk
- <>
- ti-: Nonpast active participle (ti-i- > ti-)
- om-/on-: Nonpast passive participle (om- is basic, assimilates to on-; om-N- > oN-)
- ć(a)-: Past active participle
- ne-: Past passive participle (ne-e- > ne-)
- (h)a-: Nonpast active circumstantial (a-a- > ha-)
- ŏ-/ŭ-: Nonpast passive circumstantial (surfaces as ŭ- before ŏ-)
- hŭ-: Past active circumstantial
- r(a)-: Past passive circumstantial
The suffix -tŭtam
A suffix
-tŭtam would often be employed to promote a dative or prepositional argument to the direct object and the patient to the subject. I gloss it here as
EXC (for "
EXCHANGE") because it's not
quite inversion, but not quite an autobenefactive either. Usually, the replaced prepositional phrase is introduced using the preposition
tignes 'about':
comos 'teach (someone something)'
comostŭtam 'learn (something)'
i tignes ba ferŏr comos cŏap
- i
- 1SG
- tignes
- about
- ba
- ferŏr
- weather
- comos
- teach
- cŏap
- 3SG.M
'I teach him about the weather'
cŏap comostŭtam ba ferŏr
- cŏap
- 3SG.M
- comos
- teach
- -tŭtam
- ba
- ferŏr
- weather
'he learns about the weather'
opŭn 'discuss' (typically used with a prepositional phrase indicating the object of discussion)
opŭntŭtam 'be discussed, concern someone'
ŏr ba iniscip opŭn
- ŏr
- 3PL.M
- tignes
- about
- ba
- iniscip
- punishment
- opŭn
- discuss
'they discuss the punishment'
ba iniscip opŭntŭtam
- ba
- iniscip
- punishment
- opŭn
- discuss
- -tŭtam
DEF punishment discuss-EXCHANGE
'the punishment is being talked about'
Currently, I'm thinking that this will be indicated in writing by writing the character for
faw 'flip' after the verb.
There are four
existentials in Common Caber:
tac 'there is',
iec 'there is no(t)',
ŏn 'there was', and
ŭnec 'there was not'. To write
iec, one uses a combination of the negative character and the character for
tac. Existentials come at the beginning of the sentence. For the past-tense existentials, one uses the same past-tense marker one would use for verbs.
tac ŭtam ba rŭ boz
- tac
- ŭtam
- on
- ba
- rŭ
- field
- boz
- soil
'there's soil in the field'
iec ŭtam ba rŭ boz
- iec
- ŭtam
- on
- ba
- rŭ
- field
- boz
- soil
'there's no soil in the field'
ŏn ŭtam ba rŭ boz
- ŏn
- there.was
- ŭtam
- on
- ba
- rŭ
- field
- boz
- soil
'there was soil in the field'
ŭnec ŭtam ba rŭ boz
- ŭnec
- ŭtam
- on
- ba
- rŭ
- field
- boz
- soil
'there was no soil in the field'
Derivational Morphology
- -ćV: Illimitable pattern of action
- ǵatfum 'walk' + -ćV 'ILL.PATT' > ǵatfumću 'walk, route, way, journey'
- ŭmŭ 'paint, write' + -ćV 'ILL.PATT' > ŭmŭćŭ 'subject, topic'
- mafa 'cook (food)' + -ćV 'ILL.PATT' > mafaća 'recipe'
- ǵan 'sing' + -ćV 'ILL.PATT' > ǵanća 'song'
- ćo 'teach' + -ćV 'ILL.PATT' > ćoćo 'subject matter, lesson materials'
- -i: Emitted or given off
- ma 'glow' + -i 'emitted/given off' > mai 'glow'
- ŭstac 'sweat' + -i 'emitted/given off' > ŭstaci 'sweat'
- ŏć 'urinate' + -i 'emitted/given off' > ŏci 'urine'
- tŭ 'extrude sap' + -i 'emitted/given off' > tŭi 'sap, tree sap'
- ŏnŏ 'cry, weep' + -i 'emitted/given off' > ŏnŏi 'tears'
- (a)n-: Characteristic passive
- edren 'complain' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > nedren 'problem, issue'
- iscip 'punish' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > niscip 'someone who has a judgment carried out against them'
- dŏs 'drop, let go of' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > andŏs 'refuse, garbage'
- repću 'speak, say' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > anrepću 'speech, language instinct'
- ǵan 'sing' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > anǵan 'song'
- baśam 'pick a fight, instigate' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > ambaśam 'bone of contention'
- baw 'vomit' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > ambaw 'vomitus'
- fa 'blow' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > amfa 'blast'
- miśin 'hang' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > anmiśin 'clothing'
- ŭ 'suspend' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > nŭ 'plumb bob, plumb line'
- mafa 'cook (food)' + (a)n- 'CH.PASS' > anmafa 'feast'
- -(V)nme: Delocative (turns nouns referring to locations into verbs characteristic of what goes on in that location)
- ǵŭ 'shop, bazaar' + -(V)nme 'DELOC' > ǵŭnme 'bargain, haggle'
- camno 'pasture' + -(V)nme 'DELOC' > camnonme 'graze'
- aćam 'forehead' + -(V)nme 'DELOC' > aćamanme 'blink'
- nuc 'volcano' + -(V)nme 'DELOC' > nucunme 'erupt (of a volcano)'
- rŭn 'grove, stand of trees' + -(V)nme 'DELOC' > rŭnŭnme 'log, cut down trees for wood'
- -re: Locative of action
- ǵatfum 'walk' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > ǵatfumre 'route'
- ćo 'teach' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > ćore 'school'
- ościǵ 'defend' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > ościǵre 'defensive position, high ground; hometown' (which meaning developed depends on the dialect)
- mep 'stand' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > mepre 'stand, podium, dais'
- bor 'wither' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > bore 'contaminated field, diseased field'
- har 'nurture, raise' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > hare 'home'
- tama 'give back, give in return' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > tamare 'customs house'
- ota 'take' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > otare 'backpack, knapsack'
- carŏ 'join together, fix' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > carŏre 'workstation'
- rŭsacoa 'destruction' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > rŭsacoare 'destroyed town'
- ma 'glow' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > mare 'gegenschein'
- ŏ 'sit (somewhere)' + -re 'LOC.ACT' > ŏre 'seat'
- s(o)-: Characteristic nominalizer
- s- 'CHAR.NOM' + ćur 'give birth' > soćur 'woman'
- s- 'CHAR.NOM' + edren 'complain' > sedren 'malcontent'
- s- 'CHAR.NOM' + cośiǵ 'trade' > socośiǵ 'merchant, trader'
- s- 'CHAR.NOM' + oś '(do) work' > śoś laborer'
- -s(V): Resultative (sometimes used to produce gerunds from causative verbs in those dialects where the causative did not fossilize early on)
- oǵ 'know' > oǵso 'knowledge'
- ćŭr 'show something to someone' > ćŭrsŭ 'introduction, discovery, exposure'
- zoce 'throw off sparks' > zoces 'sparks'
- ǵon 'murder' > ǵonso 'murder'
- repću 'speak' > repćus 'speech, quote'
- ćo 'teach' > ćos 'instruction'
- goć 'learn' > goćso 'education, knowledge'
- otgoć 'hit, fight with' > otgoćso 'feud, bad blood'
- ŭf-: Characteristic substances of actions
- taran 'glue' + ŭf- 'CH.SBST' > ŭftaran 'glue'
- suir 'shine (up)' + ŭf- 'CH.SBST' > ŭfsuir 'lacquer'
- hŭir 'chew' + ŭf- 'CH.SBST' > ŭfhŭir 'saliva'
- achar 'burn' + ŭf- 'CH.SBST' > ŭfachar 'firewood, kindling'
e 'who? what? (subject)'
ri 'who? what? (object)'
ćam 'do what?'
(probably not a very good translation; there is no verb 'to do' in Caber, and this is used instead)
eś 'where?'
ćuŭ 'when?'
age 'why?'
ŏs 'how?'
cŏwŏ 'how far?'
ei 'how much? (quantity)'
ǵo 'how much? to what extent?'
These question words appear in the same place in the sentence as the referent normally would. Interestingly, the question particle
ćŭa, usually used for polar questions, is obligatory.
E dihgor ba ćŭa?
- e
- who.SBJ
- dihgor
- command
- ba
- ćŭa
- Q
'who commands you?'
Cŏpa bo ri ćŭa?
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- bo
- hold
- ri
- what.OBJ
- ćŭa
- Q
'what is he holding?'
Cŏpa ćam ćŭa?
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- ćam
- what
- ćŭa
- Q
'what does he do?'
Cŏpa eś margin ćŭa?
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- eś
- where
- margin
- remain
- ćŭa
- Q
'where is he staying?'
Cŏpa ćuŭ gat cŏpa ćŭa?
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- ćuŭ
- when
- gat
- have
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- ćŭa
- Q
'when will he have it?'
Age o oś ec ćŭa?
- age
- why
- o
- 2SG
- oś
- ec
- ćŭa
- Q
'why aren't you working?'
O ŏs oś ćŭa?
- o
- 2SG
- ŏs
- how
- oś
- ćŭa
- Q
'how do you work? how does one discharge their duties here?'
Ba ǵŭ cŏwŏ ćŭa?
- ba
- ǵŭ
- bazaar
- cŏwŏ
- how.far
- ćŭa
- Q
'how far (away) is the bazaar?'
Ei bosa ćŭa?
- ei
- how.much
- bosa
- water
- ćŭa
- Q
'how much water?'
Cŏpa ǵo rŭsacoa cŏpa ćŭa?
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- ǵo
- how.much
- rŭsacoa
- destroy
- cŏpa
- 3SG.M
- ćŭa
- Q
'to what extent will that destroy it?' (= 'how badly will that damage it?', 'how much will that ruin it?')
Noun-noun compounds are formed by simply attaching both nouns. Only the head noun takes any inflection.
- gatśer 'magic' + ip 'man' > gatśerip 'shaman, warlock' ("magic-man")
- gatśer 'magic' + soćur 'woman' > gatśersoćur 'witch' ("magic-woman")
- cŭfe 'shield' + ćucŏh 'chain' > cŭfećucŏh 'defensive formation' ("shield-chain")
- sućumi 'knee' + ŭćo 'eye' > sućumiŭśo 'kneecap'
- damba 'joint, bend' + sihca 'corner' > dambasihca 'switchback, point in a road where it doubles back toward itself'
Adjective-noun compounds are also permitted:
- sar 'sad' + śuśur 'grass' > sarśuśur 'type of grass'
Common Caber also permits verb-verb compounds. The verb
ŭtua 'consider' is a good example of this.
- iasci 'read' + ŭtua 'consider' > iasciŭtua 'consider reading, think about reading, intend to read'
- mu 'swap, switch' + ŭtua 'consider' > muŭtua 'consider switching, think about switching, intend to switch'
- miep 'prop up' + ŭtua 'consider' > miepŭtua 'consider propping up, think about propping up, intend to prop up'
- hŭr 'speak, say' + ŭtua 'consider' > hŭrŭtua 'consider speaking/saying, think about speaking/saying, intend to speak/say'
- bes 'choose' + ŭtua 'consider' > besŭtua 'consider choosing, think about choosing, intend to choose'
Compounding is not limited to this verb, though the results are often somewhat idiomatic:
- edren 'complain' + oś '(do) work' > edrenoś 'acquiesce'
- ma 'glow' + cŏpaw 'explode' > macŏpaw 'explode in a fireball; explode (of fireworks)'
- macśi 'hunt' + camnon 'compel, force' > macśicamnon 'force to hunt, compel to hunt, make someone hunt'
- oś '(do) work' + ŭś 'hinder' > ośŭś 'interrupt (someone doing something), break someone's concentration'
- hŭr 'speak, say' + ŭś 'hinder' > hŭrŭś 'interrupt, shout down'
Some compounds have their own dedicated characters (
gatśerip 'shaman, warlock' and
gatśersoćur 'witch' come to mind here), but many are written using both of their respective characters in sequence.